Welcome to the Wakefield Doctrine (the theory of clarks, scotts and rogers)
I’m playing a little semi-hooky, here in my office at 2:23 pm on Wednesday. Since I didn’t go home for lunch today, I felt that I could take a little break-lette to start this here Post here. It’s my practice to draft something/anything on Wednesday and then, first thing Thursday morning, I write the SSS. The truth is, for me, at any rate, that it’s easier to edit than create. Even if that means that nothing remains of the first draft when I hit ‘Publish’, it’s still easier, better, less stressful and more enjoyable to have a draft Post to work on, instead of staring at a blank screen.
All this is because our friend zoe/Ivy does this bloghop, called Six Sentence Stories. The Rules of participation are simple: write a Story using Six (exactly six) Sentences. This week the prompt word is ‘close’
“This is not what I had in mind for an exciting night out without the kids.”
“Bet you’ve never seen Las Vegas from this perspective!”
“You say the effect is temporary, that they’ll both be alright when they wake up?”
“Absolutely, you know, you’re a natural, the crowd loved you, now lets get back to the dressing room.”
“You know, I think they did!”
“I know they did, hey, wait! don’t forget your close!”
*our friends at Wikipedia say so, that’s who!