Personal | the Wakefield Doctrine - Part 20 Personal | the Wakefield Doctrine - Part 20

Six Sen T’en ceS tor y -the Wakefield Doctrine- (no, nothing significant, just playing with the title of the ‘hop)

Welcome to the Wakefield Doctrine (the theory of clarks, scotts and rogers)

use this one

It’s kinda late tonight, (Wednesday), to get my non-blank-page entry established, so that when I get up tomorrow, I won’t face an empty screen. I know that the word prompt this week is ‘Standard’ and so, I begin the process. I looked up (alternate) uses of the word ‘Standard’ and came across:  “…standard, i.e. either a type of flag or an inflexible but mobile image,” this is a part of the definition of the ‘standard bearer’ and may, very well, be our starting point.

Not sure, but one thing I do know, I want to write a Six Sentence Story this week that is a little, less…. metaphysical, ya know?

The couple left the church, amid a downpour of un-cooked rice, waving over their shoulders at the well-wishers who would soon be celebrating with food and drink and music. Neither spoke as the limo pulled away from the curb, bound for their hotel suite, to usher in a life of two-made-one. She chattered incessantly, inanely and constantly, hearing her own words much as fish, swimming in schools, sense the change of position of the other fishes, she talked about the world that she felt changing, unable to accept that the change was within herself. He listened to her quietly, as he found, in her sounds and words, a distraction from his own internal dialogue, a quietly-shouted stream of drives and desires, forming conflicts and amplifying each new thought until the world seemed to become, a vast, silent and thoroughly judgmental audience.

They found their way to the bridal suite, each by following the other, each by distracting themselves, there remained only physical consummation, very much a standard with two bearers.

(yeah, I know,  ‘nice try’ I can do without the sarcasm   ….lol  next week for sure!)


TToT -the Wakefield Doctrine- pןo ƃuıʇʇǝƃ ǝq ʇsnɯ ‘ǝɹoɟǝq ʞɔıɹʇ sıɥʇ uǝǝs ǝʌɐɥ noʎ ‘ɥɐǝʎ

Welcome to the Wakefield Doctrine (the theory of clarks, scotts and rogers)


If anger maintained for too long a time without resolution results in a state of exhaustion, would an excessive level of gratitude be expected to create a feeling of rapacious  avidity? It only stands to reason, not that that has anything to do with today’s odd(er) TToT Post. Apropos only of having a little too much computer-enhanced-word-generation, Lizzi and Them invite you to join this here Ten Things of Thankful bloghop. Your work will be graded. (no, not really) ((well, I have to back up my assertion of being rapaciously avid, don’t I?)) (((well, actually, I don’t! and not just because the term, ‘rapacious avidity’ is morphing into a visual that includes pirates, school marms and being kept after class.))) oh well, if this is your first stop, and are relatively new to the TToT, I might suggest going over to ‘the Coop‘ or ‘un-Charted‘ might make for a better mood establisher, ya know?

1) the technology of the current day that allows events like last night’s vidchat.

2) the internets in general, for enabling the creation of ‘the Biggest High School Cafeteria (Last Lunch on a Friday, not to put too fine a point on it) in all of History’, not just the social environment that we all experienced, but, in a marked improvement over the original, the Biggest High School Cafeteria with a Shifting Time Zone (which allows, as did the original, a time of fluid social structure… i.e. cool kids at a sub-critical density, tough kids at a variable demand time and so on and so forth…. you remember, that one day, after class, you and a friend talked to a Teacher and they (the Teacher) talked like they were regular people.

3) the Wakefield Doctrine for being both an enabler and a dependent-of-the-most-trying-type,-like-that-friend-that-you-know-doesn’t-need-to-act-so-….-but-they-don’t-listen-except-that-one-time-that-only-makes-you-all-the-more-frustrate-because-its’-clear-they-know-better

4) work and such… (there must be a comparable expression to ‘such a First World problem’ that describes the vast range of jobs and employment choices and requirements) Wait, I just remembered! the Doctrine has something to say about jobs!  “Everyone works just as hard at what they do as everyone else.” (It’s true!  Look it up!)

5) *this space reserved for Insightful and Poignant Crowd-Sourced Grat Item (click 10 to make your contribution)

6) the internet (again) for allowing us, as individuals to feel free to express ourselves in ways that we would not, in a million years consider in the Real World, without depriving us of the total head-swelling feeling that accompanies the post faux-temp-couragous moment.

7) serial novel websites, even though they are clunky to use and subject to the same Lamarckian social environment that, having somehow survived once, we find ourselves eager to through ourselfs back into  Blogdominion Chapter 8 out this Sunday  (Sister Margaret Ryan and Detective Maribeth Hartley go out for a Sunday dinner at a local Italian restaurant and discuss Life, Death, computers, Police procedure and why Sister Margaret is not going to give up on the mystery of the defaced school website.)

8) Lizzi and her band of co-hostinae for maintaining this space over what we calculated was either 2.3 years or half of the last period of time that we mark in our heads as: ‘ok, I think I’m getting it’

9) Phyllis and her Treehouse and z and her Six and the SGV (with their well-worn, kama sutra of bloghop Rule Books: the Book of Secret Rules (aka the Secret Book of Rules)

10) 1.3

Ten Things of Thankful
<a href=” ” target=”_blank”><img src=”″ alt=”Ten Things of Thankful” style=”border:none;” /></a>

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Tuesday -the Wakefield Doctrine-

Welcome to the Wakefield Doctrine (the theory of clarks, scotts and rogers)


the Wakefield Doctrine is: a perspective1

the Wakefield Doctrine isn’t: ‘the Answer’2

the Wakefield Doctrine can help you: better understand the people in your life (and by doing that, better understand yourself)3

the Wakefield Doctrine cannot help you: change anyone, their behavior, their likes or dislikes or refusal to live the way you know is best4


1)  it’s predicated on the notion that we, all of us, experience life and the world on a personal basis. nothing mind-blowing, earth-shattering, paradigm-shifting (well, maybe this one, if you’re lucky and you work very hard). The fact of the matter is that our world is personal, and the Doctrine, when we get to the part about three personality types, will be referring to this personal part as being our ‘worldview’

2) but it is a hell of a good Question. Besides, there are, and have always been, a ton of people all to willing to provide you with ‘the Answer’. aka ‘the World According to- (spouse/friend/boss/TV personality/politician/cop/best friend/worst enemy/ pretty much every other person you meet today’s)-Name-goes-here. The Wakefield Doctrine’s position is that, since the world is personal, how could I really know what it’s like for you?

3) so, we have three personality types to go with three worldviews that everyone lives in, except we don’t really mean personality types (it’s more a matter of the way you learn to deal with the world around you, from when you were really young and trying to cope with adults, family, teachers, friends and bullies). However, we do say that you are sitting, reading this from the perspective of a person living in one of three characteristic personal realities (i.e. worldviews):

  1. the world of the Outsider(clarks): real simple, since as long as you can remember, you’ve thought about the world as being ‘out there’, as in, separate from, you. (Since that time), you’ve been quietly and, hopefully not too noticeably, looking for the Answer, the thing that everyone else around you seem to already know about belonging… not necessarily being popular, being loved or admired, not being an outlaw… belonging (as in: not being apart from)
  2. the life of the Predator (scotts): also real simple! life! live! fight/love/eat/sleep/fight/run/sleep/hurry up!! …of course, in the context of those with the ability to read this, which, btw, in no way makes you superior to your non-human scottian brethren (which you are nodding your head in acknowledgment of right at this moment), life is a bit more involved than the simple verbs listed. sort of. you know, (without having to re-understand it), that the world and life is meant to be lived and enjoyed… hey! come back!! we’re not finished yet!
  3. the reality of the Herd Member(rogers): I would say that this worldview is not simple (in contrast to the preceding two), but that would be valid, only if you are a clark… it’s not complicated for the Herd Member, life is to be lived and practiced so that living is done as it should be, as it has the potential to be, as those before you have tried to live, the world is quantifiable (which is helpful) but, life, by doing so, charges us with finding the Right Way and, to help others to find it for themselves … a fair amount of work, but worth it

4)  the Wakefield Doctrine is for you, not them


TToT -the Wakefield Doctrine- next up in ‘the Big Three (of holidays and such)’

Welcome to Wakefield Doctrine (the theory of clarks, scotts and rogers)


So here’s my concern: this is a gratitude blog hop. Everyone is invited to participate by sharing the things that they are grateful for in their lives. These things can be anything, i.e. people, places, things, events, anything. The theme is Ten Things (of Thankful), and so, all are requested to write a post that includes ten things. (yeah, this is a long way to go for a single, yet silly joke… but I’m into this thing for 89 words already, too late to give up now!) The thing of it is, and my obvious concern, is what happens this week, which contains a holiday (for those of us in the Middle of North America), that’s called Thanksgiving. I mean, damn! By my calculation either a) the mere inclusion of this past Thursday in my grat list should, (per suam sufficientiam)1 automatically fill in the other 82 or 2) consume my keyboard and monitor in, like a blackhole, (which, for some reason, sounds really terrible), of thankfulness, leaving only a smoldering and singed Hallmark Moment card on my desk….

2) hey! I’m still here! I didn’t get pulled into a frilly, pink satin-lined tesseract!3 (and yeah, I totally will be comfortable submitting that as an item of this here list here)

3) Vidchats!  yeah!  had one last night, with my ‘sphere spouse Lizzi (aka Laura4) and it was splendid! (I can use language like that with complete assurance…having a ‘sphere spouse, of course.  (Nearly) everyone was there  zoe and lisa and denise and sarah and a new chatmate kerri! very good time (got some way good input on the writing from all)

4) Graviteers! you know how in most cultures, there’s like a, well, not a defining event, more of a exemplary event…. where the best and the most (fill in your own highly valued and/or sought quality for living a better life.. like that, only cooler)gifted are on display? well, thats what Thanksgiving Week is for those who participate in the Gravity Challenge…. which, this year, 2015, was christine, val, lisa, kristi, joy and sarah…. thrill of victory, yo… the thrill of victory!

5) I had a decent enough week at work, so I can put that …here, right?

6) Six Sentences damn!  (sort of like getting on the parallel bars in high school gym… (obviously not as cool as the high bar, which saw only the mutantly strong rogers and the pre-jail-sentence scotts), and not the baby climb-the-rope-until-you-got-high-enough-to-see-over-the-divider-to-where-the-girls-were-having-easy-fun-playing volley ball)… Six Sentence is the kind of exercise that is easy to admire those who do participate and appears just barely doable enough to convince me to climb my ass up on the bars, where I’m like totally visible to the whole class and even kids in the corridor, so then, you gotta do something!   thanks zoe!

7) Una for representing the best in lifeforms

8) Phyllis and her tree house, which, I am fairly certain, is going to get like, totally Christmas decorated ….photos in the coming weeks

9) Blogdominion!   Chapter 6 is out and Chapter 7 is due Sunday evening…. read and let me know your thoughts, (given that, by definition, you’re into this ‘writing thing’, or you wouldn’t be, like writing blog posts, am I right?)  so I seek your opinion on the story. thanks

10) SR 1.3 yo, 1.3


1)’by virtue of it’s self-sufficiency’ (or something, hey, it’s Latin… what it really means is not as important as the fact that I respect your readerness enough to go to google translate and cope ‘n paste, ya know?

2) because.. SR 1.3, of course!

3) well, it’s a cube…thing with like properties  here go read  wikipedia

4) Dick Van Dyke Show (1961-1966)  (yeah, most of people weren’t even born yet!)




Ten Things of Thankful
<a href=” ” target=”_blank”><img src=”″ alt=”Ten Things of Thankful” style=”border:none;” />

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Tuesday -the Wakefield Doctrine- ‘well, now that you mention it, yes, everything is potentially a metaphor for…well, for everything!’

Welcome to the Wakefield Doctrine (the theory of clarks, scotts and rogers)



from DownSpring Lizzi:

“Balance. Something I seem to have always lacked…”

clarks are ‘the Outsiders’. So, from this alone, we are able to understand the ‘problem’ that clarks experience in the matter of having, maintaining and re-covering (their) balance. We assume that Lizzi is referring to the state of interests and efforts, relationships and life ambitions being in relative (and reasonable) proportions. (‘She does so many things! How on earth does she keep them in balance?’)

It’s not that clarks do not have the capacity to establish and maintain balance (in their lives), it’s that clarks will always seek to not maintain (their) balance. There is an old saying, ‘clarks can believe anything because clarks don’t believe in anything’  (a note: the first ‘believe‘ refers to the capacity to accept the novel, the unique, the shocking, the un-expected. the second ‘believe‘ is more akin to ‘unquestioning faith’, that quality (seen clearly and un-ambiguously in rogers and implied in scotts) that maintains that there are some things that simply are and do not permit questioning.)

So, a clark, finding a state of satisfaction (in work or school, employment or love) is inclined to ask, ‘yeah, but suppose…..’ This drive to find un-steady ground is part and parcel with living in the world of the Outsider. We’re searching for the way to become real and yet will never stop moving and questioning, because (as we understand from the Wakefield Doctrine), as long as we think we have to look, ‘out there’ in the world, we will never find the Answer.

(thanks, L)


Topic #2: Chapter 6  of Blogdominion is available!   (a Serial Novel hosted at the site allows you to vote and comment and even review! thanks in advance)

So the Story:, there’s this computer component (Unit 17) that’s part of a facility in Provo, UT that provides hosting services to bloggers (and others),  For some reason, Unit 17 becomes self-aware! Not only that, but Unit 17 finds a ‘self-publishing’ blog (up to no good!) in the system. There’s also a nun, (Sister Margaret Ryan) who, even though she’s just halfway through her novitiate, is asked by her Mother Superior, to travel to Chicago to try to help a Parish priest with a problem they’re experiencing with the school website. Arriving in Chicago only to find that the Priest has died (in fairly mysterious circumstances) Sr, Margaret meets a Chicago Police Detective by the name of Maribeth Hartley and… well, let me just say, sparks do tend to fly whenever Det. Hartley’s involved!
Oh yeah! …there’s also two computer Engineers who are gradually figuring (but missing a big piece of the puzzle) that there’s a problem with the hosting facility in Provo, a wannabe blogger who’ll do (almost) anything to be famous and successful and a precocious 10-year-old girl, who just might be the key to saving her family!  ….and two Japanese school girls.

The good news is, the story is just getting started,  so you have time to get to know everyone, before things get real crazy!  Come on down and read and send in whatever feedback you are inclined to want to send.

Topic #3: vidchat!  this Friday! if you don’t know what that means, comment us your question! We always have fun and even though we start with a plan/topic, (this week the topic is: ‘POV and flashbacks!’), people drop in and the conversation invariably veers off into parts unknown… like I said, fun!




