Welcome to the Wakefield Doctrine (the theory of clarks, scotts and rogers)
It’s kinda late tonight, (Wednesday), to get my non-blank-page entry established, so that when I get up tomorrow, I won’t face an empty screen. I know that the word prompt this week is ‘Standard’ and so, I begin the process. I looked up (alternate) uses of the word ‘Standard’ and came across: “…standard, i.e. either a type of flag or an inflexible but mobile image,” this is a part of the definition of the ‘standard bearer’ and may, very well, be our starting point.
Not sure, but one thing I do know, I want to write a Six Sentence Story this week that is a little, less…. metaphysical, ya know?
The couple left the church, amid a downpour of un-cooked rice, waving over their shoulders at the well-wishers who would soon be celebrating with food and drink and music. Neither spoke as the limo pulled away from the curb, bound for their hotel suite, to usher in a life of two-made-one. She chattered incessantly, inanely and constantly, hearing her own words much as fish, swimming in schools, sense the change of position of the other fishes, she talked about the world that she felt changing, unable to accept that the change was within herself. He listened to her quietly, as he found, in her sounds and words, a distraction from his own internal dialogue, a quietly-shouted stream of drives and desires, forming conflicts and amplifying each new thought until the world seemed to become, a vast, silent and thoroughly judgmental audience.
They found their way to the bridal suite, each by following the other, each by distracting themselves, there remained only physical consummation, very much a standard with two bearers.
(yeah, I know, ‘nice try’ I can do without the sarcasm ….lol next week for sure!)