Personal | the Wakefield Doctrine - Part 17 Personal | the Wakefield Doctrine - Part 17

Six …Sentence…. Sttory -the Wakefield Doctrine-

Welcome to the Wakefield Doctrine (the theory of clarks, scotts and rogers)


Starting early today. I feel like Tom Fearing sitting at my ‘desk’ in my ‘home’ ‘office’…. hey, wait a minute! If truth is stranger than fiction, and life imitates art (and all the world loves a clown) and all the world is just a play… what am I to make of the notion that I just likened myself to my own fictional character, including participating a scene from Chapter 16, granted it was simply sitting at a desk and,  jeez an author can use their own reality, right?  We’ll leave determination to zoe (and the other rhetoricians) at the Six Sentence Story (which is where you need to go to link your sextaphilic musings). So this week’s prompt word is ‘charge’

…damn! got to go


In truth, the bandages were not encasements of pain or suffering, although, they did mark injury, or, to not put too fine a point to it, calculated trauma.  Bodies of gauze and clutching fingers of tape, much the lover who could not let go, he awoke to a tugging and pulling remembrance of his time in the impersonally-caring arms of the medical practitioners.  While it is said that,  ‘the eyes are the windows to the soul’,  an observation most frequently heard from lovers seeking advantage and interrogators ….seeking advantage, the converse perspective is usually underemphasized.

To paraphrase Nietzsche, ‘for when they gaze long into your soul. Your soul informs and changes them‘, and so, although temporary in it’s shaping of the world, he looks with view encumbered, obstructed by not blinded.  He sensed that with bandages serving a specific function to protect his altered form, the blurred and limited vision might allow for a world, altered by  a change in perspective, a lifetime of seeing the world the same way, might be found to be only one way to see it.

Accepting the change, he stared back into the world.


February 2 -the Wakefield Doctrine- ‘Groundhog’s Day… a celebration of the true clarklike outlook’

Welcome to the Wakefield Doctrine (the theory of clarks, scotts and rogers)


Today is Groundhogs Day, second only to Easter as a cultural celebration (and invocation) of the limitless potential of the future.

Second Item: Chapter 16 is out. If you haven’t read Chapters 0 (the very critical-to-the-enjoyment-of-the-book Prologue) through 15, there’s still time! And just to help you out, let me try a little experiment. Following is a short little synopsis:

The development of the computer technology that gave rise to what is commonly referred to as ‘the internet’, might not be limited to the design and manufacture of more and more efficient machines. At the certain point, where the limits of forcing efficient performance is reached, a machine, (or computer or network of computers), might just reach a point, beyond which it can no longer yield the increased benefits its designers are demanding. Perhaps, (if) the machine is desperate enough, it might leap ahead, in a direction, unforeseen by its designers.

The development of the internet also allowed an unexpected world, the blogosphere, to arise, like Atlantis in reverse. The ‘sphere, which many consider to be the culmination of every Town’s Common/market place down through the history of social man, has all of the good that can be found when man gathers together, and it might also have some novel forms of ‘the bad’. At once place to buy and sell ideas, to entertain and be entertained, a sideshow and freak show and a place where sublime beauty can be found next to the most destructive expressions of human depravity.

It’s within this world, (a world that almost exists today) that we meet:

  • Sister Margaret Ryan, a young woman of considerable talents suffering from a deficiency of certainty. The child of a working class Irish family, we meet Sister Margaret on the eve of the last half of her novitiate (at St Dominique’s in Crissfield MD) where she appears to be doing well, making every effort to find herself in (the context of) her Calling. That she is called upon in a surprising way is where we start our tale.
  • Tom Fearing, a man of natural intelligence, endless curiosity and a self-consuming desire to make his loved ones proud, decides to become a successful blogger. To his good?/bad? misfortune, he stumbles on the idea of writing about the history of blogs and blogging, little appreciating the extent to which some aspects of history are meant to remain hidden
  • Ed Willoughby is living the dream, successful career, happy family, Ed pretty much has it made, until he receives an email asking for information on a group that he helped organized, back in his Graduate School Days. Despite the fact that this group had everything to do with Ed being where he is today, he has every reason to keep it all in the past, too bad that he can’t
  • Maribeth Hartley: a Detective with the Chicago Police Department. As a child with very successful parents, she had everything a girl could ask, intelligence and talent and a peaceable and open disposition, too bad that she wasn’t allowed to keep it. Driven and passionate, Maribeth pursues her career in law enforcement much as the hounds pursue the fox, in one of those archaic English fox hunts… of course, the fox is not the only one being chased
  • Sister Bernadine… wise, funny, mercurial (think: Whoppee Goldberg with a little of Joe Pesci from the movie ‘Casino’), the Mother Superior of St Dominique’s Convent and spiritual guide to the novitiates, including our Sister Ryan. The Reverend Mother has a past, but then, who among us doesn’t? When we meet Sister Bernadine, she is struggling to find a way to help an old friend with a serious problem and realizes that she not only must risk her own well-being, but that of a young woman in her care.

OK! that’s all ya get.  Read the rest for yourself at ‘Blogdominion‘ and let me know what you think/feel/want to do next

Oh, yeah  that reference to ‘Ground Hog’s Day’ being a clarklike celebration? come on! do I need to explain everything?*


*(yeah, I totally want someone to say, ‘I don’t get it. What does that mean’?  but I’m just too shy to ask outright**)

** yeah, I know,   right

The photo at the top of this Post?  why go ask Kerry!  she’s got this blog about travel and such…


TToT -the Wakefield Doctrine- photo post!

Welcome to the Wakefield Doctrine (the theory of clarks, scotts and rogers)


Lets start with the return of the 2-legged woodland creatures:

1) Turkeys



2) Una waiting for breakfast


3) Una (still waiting for breakfast)

waiting for breakfat

4) Una (she is beginning to believe that she will, in fact, have breakfast sometime before it gets dark)


5) Una… (that’s a tail in mid-wag that you see, she is very into enjoying the here and now)

eating breakfast

6) scenery on the way to show a house


7) vidchats: totally enjoyable vidchat last night

8) hey, zoe has this site that could use some (initial) support… head over to ‘the carrot’  (no, not now!  after you read the rest of this here list here)

9) Blogdominion it’s fun and challenging to write (which you and I can enjoy) and it’s fun to read (which you can enjoy) so head over there and read up on the story….

10) 1.3 binyons, 1.3


Ten Things of Thankful
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riday -the Wakefield Doctrine- ‘of vidchats, serials and sentences to finish, all in less than 500 words!’ (yeah, I know !)

Welcome to the Wakefield Doctrine (the theory of clarks, scotts and rogers)


not much time, only a small supply of words!

Finish the Sentence Friday  (FTSF motto: ‘they’ll think it’s easy and fun, then when they find themselves tangled up in their own heads, like wearing a soaking wet running suit to a first date, it’ll be too late to back out! ha ha!’) brought to/at/for us from Friend of the Doctrine, Kristi and Vidya and Kerry (‘kerrr ri! vidchat tonight, yo’).  the fragment:

In 2015, I learned….

that when we strive to improve ourselves, the hardest part of the process is to inform ourselves of our success. Whether it is a minor change, (“I will eat more foods that are healthy for me”) or a major change (nah…. don’t bother trying to make a distinction, they’re all major), I’ve found that I all too often neglect to update the self-image I have of myself, as I engage in the effort to change. The Wakefield Doctrine holds that personality is about, ‘how we relate ourselves to the world around us’. When we embark on a program to improve, or otherwise alter facets of our lives, most of us will be sure to inform the people in our lives of our ambition, ‘the world around us’.  Even though, at the beginning of the process, we focus intensely on ourselves (in order to identify what we would change and what that change entails), as the process gets underway in earnest, we often fail to ‘check in with ourselves’.

Ironically, successful self-improvement can result in a situation in which all the people in our lives are amazed and astounded, impressed and happy for us and yet, in the secret mirror of ourselves, we’re still seeing the person who started out to improve, not the person that the world observes.

I’m pretty sure I learned that in 2015…. I’d better check, you know how I tend to overlook certain details and over-focus on the grander parts of an idea


Chapter 16 of Blogdominion! “Sister Bernadine reads a letter from a departed friend and learns more than she bargained for about the computer problem at St Emily’s, Orel Rees takes a quiet walk through the Provo facility and makes a little, quite minor, really, addition to the hardware that comprises the server hosting system… Anya Clarieaux, who brought herself up through the ranks, from near fatal anonymity in the secretarial pool at Omni Corp, (yeah, right! like Anya would ever suffer herself to be a part of the background, unless, of course, it served her purpose to do so) and now is about to start a project that Stephen Eddington must decide to become an integral part of (or not!), Anya is willing to do anything to anyone on behalf of the Omni Corporation, (and it’s CEO), she lives for it…. ‘like they say, if you love it, how bad can it be for you?‘ All this and more in Chapter 16! coming to a computer near you this Sunday.  Hey!  go read the whole thing!  You’ll be glad you did! it’s an engaging tale.


Did someone say, ‘Vidchat?’  sure, sounds like a great idea!  same place….Lets plan on a little later start time, say, 7:30 pm EST I’ll post the link where I think it’ll do the most amount of good.  Hey, while I may need to leave a little on the early side, (say, 9 pm EST), cause I have to work on Chapter 16…. my vspouse, Laura needs to stay up all night (preflight 9 am), so bring coffee and a blanket…. with any luck, we’ll get Dyanne to join… no body sleeps when she’s at the party


Tuesday -the Wakefield Doctrine- the mildest of the Workweek Days

Welcome to the Wakefield Doctrine (the theory of clarks, scotts and rogers)


We’re attempting to write a Post in the evening. The normal time for post writing is morning, early-oh-my-god-so early morning. Because that’s the quite quiet part of any day. And to us Outsiders (clarks) quiet means: non-contested, open-ended potential, judgement surely not (yet) been rendered. So like the morning.

But ever since starting the Blogdominion project, my Post production level has been way the hell off. There may very well be something to that myth about having only so much creativity in a given day, and once spent, nothing but time replenishes it. But it’s all for a good cause, the story is approaching the halfway point with Chapter 13 (in which insight into the lives of our main characters are the Special of the Day).  Hey, go to Blogdominion and read it.

But the Wakefield Doctrine is still the reason I’m here. (My favorite cool-sounding Latin quote is also very appropriate when talking about the Doctrine, in general. and my presence in the blogosphere, in particular, the Latin phrase being: sine quo non, ( ‘without which not‘). That’s totally the relationship between me and my perceived right to be here, writing stuff.

Hey! Speaking of writing stuff and the Wakefield Doctrine. I just had cause to use an expression that we haven’t seen in a while, i.e. ‘the Wakefield Doctrine is for you, not them’.  This (hopefully) provocative assertion is one of my favorites, usually heard or read in the context of answering the question, “I can see how useful the perspective of the Wakefield Doctrine is when it comes to understanding the people in my life. But isn’t there a way that I can get them, those people in my life to see that they can be better people too? Is there?”

No. No there is not a way to get another person to be a better person through the use of the Wakefield Doctrine. The Doctrine is for you, not them.

So two things to start this week:

the Wakefield Doctrine is a perspective on the behavior of the people in our lives. With the Wakefield Doctrine as a tool, we shouldn’t ever hear ourselves say, “Now why on earth would they go and say a thing like that? I really thought I knew them better!”

If the other person, (i.e. a teacher, a shift supervisor, a lover, a classmate, a child-in-the-throes-(and-throws)-of-adoloescence, the spouse, the former spouse, the girl-you-would-trade-in-all-but-your-best-friend-for-a-shot-at, the girl in the 7 11 with the green-streaked hair, the cop who pulled you over, the mechanic who’s pulling your chain, your father, your mother…yourself) does something that you find both surprising and/or annoying, stop (for just a second, if you’ve been doing your Doctrine-reading, you won’t need a lot of time) and ask yourself, “this person, do they appear to be relating themselves to me and the world as might a(n):

  • Outsider(clark) they seem to want something, but they keep holding back, like they’re afraid or something, which is really silly, after all I’m their: (fill in the blank)
  • Predator(scott) damn! jeez they’re like all ready halfway doing the thing they’re asking about doing, somebody needs to have a little time out,  slow down!
  • Herd Member(roger) why are they suddenly so nasty? and how did they go from ‘why I’m always happy to spend time with you….. asshole’  jeez, would be nice to have a warning

See how easy?

Consider which of the three worldviews the person is closest two. Review the nature and character of this worldview and… there you have it!  It (the pain-in-the-neck/wtf!?/annoying behavior) makes sense!

Don’t forget!  go to Blogdominion and read some or all of the story.  SPECIAL Offer!  If you have some question about the characters or the plot,  go ahead and write me a comment and I’ll go total Cliff Notes on ya!  And….and! if you have any desire to write a Review (apparently you can do that in the Jukepop site)… I’ll be semi in debt to you for a fair amount of time!

This Friday!! Me and my loverly vspouse, Laura, would love to have your company for an evening of discussion and dialogue, insight and reflection, and…who knows what else?  Vidchat…. 6:45  yo
