Personal | the Wakefield Doctrine - Part 15 Personal | the Wakefield Doctrine - Part 15

6:35am Sentence Story -the Wakefield Doctrine-

Welcome to the Wakefield Doctrine (the theory of clarks, scotts and rogers)


The world-prompt, this week is:  duck

That’s what I get for deviating from the tried and true approach! The post, at least so far, is not the engaging, ‘what-is-our-writer-up-to-this-week’ that I hope to achieve, while ‘warming up’. (One might wonder who is being warmed up, in this pre-Six Sentence Story interludes… the writer or the Reader?)

For this week, t’s surely not me, but then, it’s early (Full Disclosure: it’s no longer early Wednesday morning. It is, 3:21 in the afternoon. Still early by Six Sentence standards, but way closer to what I normally do.)

All this warm-up and hinting to Six Sentence Stories, is, of course, my weekly effort at zoe’s very challenging and satisfying bloghop, the Six Sentence Story. (Write a story of no more than, nor no less than 6 sentences utilizing the week’s prompt).


Were you and I to walk the suburban neighborhood streets of the 1950s on a Sunday evening, we would see, leaking through window curtains (and those on-end triangular glass inserts in many a front door), a grayish-blue glow, as much the specialized lighting as found in most places of worship down through the ages, as Ed Sullivan, held countless American families in thrall at 8:00 Eastern Standard Time. On one particular Sunday night, in the mid-to-late 1950s, no longer satisfied with his Piper-like control of the minds and thoughts of countless people, from the very old to the too, too young, he decided to reach further into the lives of his audience.

Rather than settle for causing countless Monday-morning-people to hum the songs of the musical acts he presented or, attempt to re-tell co-workers the jokes of the comedians, Ed decided to invade the dreams of the young members of his audience, (let’s not kid ourselves, be it a Church with regal ceremony established over a thousand years of attendance or the wild abandon of spur-of-the-cultural-moment sect imploring divine intercession),  it’s always the young that people like Ed crave.

The 1950s, though there were no computers, (other than ridiculous, elephantine machines that communicated by ‘punch cards’, as if for a world of the blind, having only the language of Braille to share information and lives), had something every bit as compelling as the ‘World of Warcraft’, or even, the Facebook, it had the Cold War. The Cold War existed, (for all intents and emotional purposes), in the minds of the people, (especially the young), and we were all instructed how the game, (World War Three ‘Nuclear Armageddon!’) was to be played, and we all, (especially the young), played it out in our minds, our dreams and our hopes for life.

On this memorable Sunday night, Ed Sullivan, a well-respective and admired procurer of wholesome family entertainment, (not quite the foreshadow of the modern day pimp, resplendent in fashion, powerful among the powerless, but close), determined to make sure we were all in the game, immediately after a visit from Topo Gigo (‘the little Italian mouse‘), but before some dinner plate-spinning guy with a pencil mustache, Ed Sullivan presented a Civil Defense animated film, ‘Duck and Cover’ and many in his audience that night (especially the young), had nightmares for well into the early 60s.




Tuesday -the Wakefield Doctrine-

Welcome to the Wakefield Doctrine (the theory of clarks, scotts and rogers)


A short update Post.

The Final Chapter (Chapter 23) in Blogdhominion is out and ready to be read. We haven’t heard the last of this ‘Tale of Computer Life and the Search for Peace and Self-Fulfillment!’ (Working now  to compile and print a full manuscript version of the Adventures of Sister Margaret and Them. I’ll be sending a copy to some friends who have volunteered to do a beta-Reading on the story in the next two weeks. If you’d like to participate, let me know, I think it would be fun to get feedback from anyone interested in giving it.

Soon to be Appearing on Jukepop and wordpress: ‘Almira’  this will be the Serial story of one, Almira Gulch, a significant (one might even say, pivotal) character in the story, ‘The Wizard of Oz’. We all, (or those of us who have watched the 1939 MGM motion picture, which, I would hazard to say is pretty much everyone over the age of 39), know how we feel about this woman. ‘Almira’ will be the story of what brought this woman and this girl, (and that little dog), together on a very fateful day in Kansas.

The basis for the idea comes from my most recent contributions to zoe’s Six Sentence Story and a (very creative) suggestion from Kristi and a (very helpful) encouragement from Dyanne. Read the story that is the starting point of what is to follow.

For those who followed along on Blogdominion, this story will unfold Chapter by Chapter. I have no idea, as of this writing, how this will come out. I do know a few things, however,

  1. Almira Gulch was her married name
  2. Almira was born in Lawrence MA, in 1893
  3. and, probably most importantly, she did not die in the F7 tornado that wiped out the small farming town of Circe KA on that fateful day

As to the ‘why?’ of all this industry? One word: ‘the-Wakefield-Doctrine-as-an-efficacious-tool-the-service-of-self-developing oneself,’ Live Demonstration….

And, of course, we’ll continue with our Six Sentence Stories on Thursdays and TToT on the weekend.

Gotta run, I’ve been late posting for the Gravity Challenge 2 mornings in a row!


TToT -the Wakefield Doctrine- March Part 2

Welcome to the Wakefield Doctrine (the theory of clarks, scotts and rogers)


Friday Night Write 2 weeks in a row! I see now, Sunday Mass never had a prayer!* Sure I start to get comfortable writing my TToT post on Friday evenings, does mean the quality or tone of our TToT changes? I don’t know the answer to that. So, unless someone out there has a thought on the topic of a-chronologic variations in the content of TToT Posts written on Fridays versus Saturday, we’ll proceed with our Post.

(The TToT is the inspired effort of Our Miss Lewis who encourages those with good intent to come to this (virtual) place each weekend and share that which gratitudistic in their lives. Those of us who do are better for it.)

1) Pretty non-eventful week. Many of our Co-hostinae and other correspondinas seem to live lives of constant change and improvement. I find it fun and interesting to gain insight into such lives, and for that opportunity I am grateful.

2) Pretty clever, that first Item, non? No, I don’t think that’s being manipulative, it’s more being opportunistic and forward-thinking!

3) Pretty good thing that last Item reminded me of something this week that I’m genuinely grateful for! (no, there’s no way I can keep up the ‘leading with the ‘pretty” for 7 more Items) but that’s not what I’m grateful for! What I am grateful for is that, because I participated in zoe’s Six Sentence Story ‘hop this week, my contribution (which) had to do with the Wizard of Oz, was that somehow, Kristi made a Comment that pointed to an idea for a story.

4) Pretty straightforward string of events, in that Kristi’s comment lead to another person, Dyanne, who further encouraged the idea… (the idea is for the next story after Blogdominion concludes which is…)

5) Pretty much at it’s final Chapter. I’ve been thinking that seeing how much fun it’s been writing Blogdominion, I should do it again!  Write another Serial, that is, aiyee but another totally seat-of-pants effort, now I may come to regret that, especially if I take on a story that I don’t have a clue as to what the plot will be. oh, well, how good can something be for me, if it’s not uncomfortable?**

6) (sorry, out of prettys as Item lead-in.) Well, we’ll have just to struggle on without them.

7) Una and Phyllis alway merit mention on my list, above is Una this evening, below are Phyllis and Una

8) The Wakefield Doctrine and it’s very positive and help contribution to my efforts to self-develop myself.

9) non-Winter weather, always a good thing

10) 1.3  (yeah, despite my intro and the theme of writing a TToT on a Friday night, I’ll be re-visiting this Post before I …er Post it.)



*old, odd reference/witticism back in the day, I believe in the 1970s the Catholic Church introduced Saturday evening Mass, as an alternative to Sunday Mass. The Times, they were a-changin

**said, like, every clark, everywhere (at multiple times in they lives)


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Six Sentence Story -the Wakefield Doctrine-

Welcome to the Wakefield Doctrine (the theory of clarks, scotts and rogers)


I really need to write something. Not just to increase the likelihood that I’ll come across and idea that will templatize* into a Six Sentence Story, but to de-something my brain. Funny thing about this writing thing. It’s as much mood, as it is thought, at least for me. Anything I write worth reading, (Six Sentence Story foreplay excepted), is written in the morning (mostly) or at night (if I have to), but rarely ever in the middle of the work day. It’s as if the person I am/become/turn into in order to function effectively in the real world doesn’t have the slightest glimmer of… whatever it is that allows or prompts or inspired the creation of fiction.

huh… go figure. Anyway, this is zoe’s bloghop  the Six Sentence Story  and every Thursday she invites those so inclined to write a little story using only 6 sentences around a single prompt word. This week’s word is Contract.

Have fun!

Dorothy Gale cried, feeling nothing but anger towards Miss Gulch.  Certainly, and Dorothy would be the first to admit, no one should live in fear of being attacked by dogs (or lions, or even monkeys). The thing was, Miss Gulch struck first, hitting Toto with a rake, so, naturally, the Law of Jungle (or Oz, or even home) exerted itself.

But life on the prairie had rules, people respected the social contract, and Miss Gulch was, in economic, educational and all measure of social standing, as far above the Gale family, as they were above their three itinerant workers. Dorothy might as well oppose the lack of benefits and job security that Hunk, Zeke and Hickory faced in their daily lives, being disadvantaged in effective job market skills (or education, or even in the courage to stand up for their rights).

It was part of what her new teacher, (her former teacher was killed in the storm that also destroyed the school building, although most of her classmates were also killed, by happy chance, Dorothy was absent from class that day), who was also the principle would say to the handful of surviving families on the last day of school in the newly dedicated Almira Gulch High School.

*not a ‘real’ word


TToT -the Wakefield Doctrine- “…there’s a light*”

Welcome to the Wakefield Doctrine (the theory of clarks, scotts and rogers)


Welcome to the Ten Things of Thankful (TToT). (‘the bloghop that Lizzi built‘)

1) Lead off Item is the Friday Night walk, which thanks to the return of Daylight Savings Time, Una and I can afford to take a ride to the bank before our walk around the golf course.

2) Daylight Savings Time (that’s the tie-in to this week’s subtitle and music video)

3) The Book of Secret Rules (aka the Secret Book of Rules) which includes the case for items of hypogratitudeness which (are) defined, in part, as  “those aspects, occurrences, fundamental elements of every day life, that cause a reasonable person to pause and appreciate that what might be a negative, instead produces an insight into reality, thereby further enriching one’s life and such” Case in point, the following that was the subject line of an email from my cell phone provider:

“$50 Reward Cards: what are friends for?”

No! seriously, this is the actual teaser line on an email from Sprint. It did cause me to reflect briefly on the sad subtext (what someone in marketing must have convinced their boss would be an effective sales strategy). On a positive note, this brief episode made me recall an excellent Post from Friend of the Doctrine Christine, over at ‘the Coop’

4) This week’s activity included the Six Sentence Story, over at zoe’s, but not, despite my own refusal to read the instructions carefully, over at the Carrot

5) the Wakefield Doctrine …just because it’s fun and enjoyable to be in a position to know more about the people I encounter than they know about themselves.

6) Chapter 22 of Blogdominion is due to be published this weekend. For those of you not reading along, it’s the start of the climax of the story. You don’t want to miss it! (I’d normally spend some italics-time talking about what the characters are up to in the coming chapter, but I won’t this week, because, well, because this is serious stuff now! For starters Sister Bernadine’s life is in danger… and Orel, well, he knows more than he’s sharing with his young friend, Stephen and Anya, well! don’t get me started on Miz Clarieaux! But, Maribeth… you know, she really deserves more happiness, too bad she’s the person standing in her own way, but… you know, sometimes people just surprise us. Anyway, guess you’re just gonna have to read and discover for yourselfs what happens next!)

7) Phyllis for reading the Chapters (of Blogdominion) before I publish them. This is valuable and important to me, as she is a roger and her reaction to the story provides me with a check on how well I’m communicating with the majority. (Yeah, the general population is 2/3s roger and half a third clark and a half a third scott.) Yes, you’re correct, most of your commercially successful writers will be rogers. Of course, as a student of the Doctrine, you could identify any given author’s worldview simply by reading a sample of their work. rogers are very good tellers-of-tales (as opposed to story tellers, that honor goes to our scottian friends.) ‘Know the Wakefield Doctrine and know a whole bunch about total strangers‘, is the old saying.

8) shout out to the Graviteers (at the Gravity Challenge) if you have a desire to alter your weight, you owe it to yourself to come and check us out, serially! It’s an approach to losing, (or gaining, if that’s your goal). weight that, admittedly is not for everyone, but for those of us who do participate, I’m confident that none of us feel that we’ve done anything but benefit from participation!  Ask anyone! christine, val, lisa, kristi, joy or sarah…. they’ll tell you why it’s one of the cooler activities that involve minimal clothing, food and photography!

9) I know I’m forgetting something, but I’m grateful that it doesn’t bother me nearly as much as it might have at an earlier point in my life.

10) SR 1.3    and now the music. (you really should see RHPS at least once!)




**my god! this age thing! I put a simple asterix tying the subtitle reference to this very excellent song/video and let it go at that (along with RHPS in item 10) , and published this last night. I was talking to a person who enjoyed the video and is of an age to have seen it when first released (withholding identities to protect the innocent, but I can say, her name rhymes with denise)… anyway math was done and I came to the realization that probably half of the Readers were not even born when the movie (Rocky Horror Picture Show was released***). Two words: aiiyeee!
***released to the single movie theatre still has shows every Friday at midnight (lol… RHPS joke****)
**** go ask your parents!


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