Welcome to the Wakefield Doctrine (the theory of clarks, scotts and rogers)
Writing this TToT Post way early, like Friday morning early, thinking about a combo Post or maybe a Friday Post or just getting a start on the TToT Post for the weekend. As must be abundantly clear, not really sure what, if anything I would write. Following my own personal rule, ‘it’s easier to edit than it is to write’ I’ll just do some finger-aerobics here for a short time and then head out into the world. (yeah, clark here)
1-5) Reference above video (camera, actually its a new phone): dog, car and dog, cows to harass and nice weather
6) Chapter 3 ‘Almira’ due to be released this weekend. The First Two Chapters are out on both the website and on jukepop (jukepop is a site that hosts serial stories, basic advantage is that they provide a sequential format (of the stories by the Chapter) which makes them easier to follow as the number of Chapters increases. If you have a minute, you should go there and ‘Vote’ for Almira (yeah, what the hell!, is there anything, in this culture, that’s not obsessed with competition?)
7) work, which is kinda necessary to all this typation, fortunately it remains interesting work. That being said, the fact of the matter is, the vast majority of work, at least in my own experience, is repetition of (skilled and un-skilled) acts and actions, interspersed with brief, (not seeming so, at the time), intervals of terror and/or stress. (lol) Speaking of jobs, I saw an opening for ‘forklift operator’ the other day. I was sorely tempted. Buried in my work record, are a couple of interludes during which I was a professional forklift operator. Very enjoyable work.
Back to my ‘tedium interrupted by terror’ thesis; most of the other work I’ve done in my life has conformed to that description. It is, (as always), the exceptions to that rule that prove to be interesting, in light of the topic of this Item. I’ve worked in mills, both textile and manufacturing. How cool is this reality of mine, when the experiences of the worst job(s) I’ve held are, in very real fact, the most useful and valuable thing to me today? Damn! Working in a mill. It’s important to me today because, Almira Gulch (the at-the-moment, very silent protagonist of my Serial Story, ‘Almira‘) worked in a mill when she was young.( Lawrence, MA 1910 to 1912). While un-deniably repetitious, factory work can be very difficult work, the very same, limited number of motions, 8 hours a day (or more) 5 days a week (or more)… for the rest of your life. I’ve met people who were at the same punch press for 20, 25…30 years! Incomprehensible to my then, 19-year-old mind. I eventually learned. They did it for someone/something else. Someone, (singular or, more likely plural), else needed what working a punch press 8 hours a day, forever provided right then and there that day, that dinner, that future for others. Gotta give ’em credit.
8) grateful for the people here, (in the ‘sphere), who, by their presence, allow me to experiment with the tools I’ve found for self-developing myself. The Wakefield Doctrine is, of course, primary among these tools, however, I’m come to realize that the inherent flaw to ‘hermitized self-improvement’, is that, without feedback and reflections/suggestions from people walking in the same world as I am, I have no way of knowing if it’s ‘working’. So thanks to those clarks (and scotts and rogers who are possessed of a significant secondary clarklike aspect)
9) (to be completed mid day…. ) yeah, no! I’m serious, I’ll get us something un-rote for this TToT list. I have a pretty full schedule today: several houses to inspect, Chapter 3 to work on and an Open House… bound to be something in all that, small, but definitely measurable portion of my life, to include here.
10) SR 1.3 (and Our Miss Lewis and her co-hortessae, Christine and Kristi, Lisa and Zoe, Kristi and Michelle, Sarah and Dyanne )
(yeah… should have some music…. will try to find us some)
Out in the world in the course of this day: found a tune, will post….more from the field as it develops…. (remind me again, this gratitude thing, like even when the world is not cooperating or I’m getting too busy to stop and notice? jeez bar set high or what?)
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