Personal | the Wakefield Doctrine - Part 14 Personal | the Wakefield Doctrine - Part 14

TToT (TToT unofficial motto: ‘sharing valuable insights and remarkable conclusions for more than 13 years running!’) -the Wakefield Doctrine-

Welcome to the Wakefield Doctrine (the theory of clarks, scotts and rogers)


Writing this TToT Post way early, like Friday morning early, thinking about a combo Post or maybe a Friday Post or just getting a start on the TToT Post for the weekend. As must be abundantly clear, not really sure what, if anything I would write. Following my own personal rule, ‘it’s easier to edit than it is to write’ I’ll just do some finger-aerobics here for a short time and then head out into the world. (yeah, clark here)

1-5) Reference above video (camera, actually its a new phone): dog, car and dog, cows to harass and nice weather

6) Chapter 3 ‘Almira’ due to be released this weekend. The First Two Chapters are out on both the website and on jukepop (jukepop is a site that hosts serial stories, basic advantage is that they provide a sequential format (of the stories by the Chapter) which makes them easier to follow as the number of Chapters increases. If you have a minute, you should go there and ‘Vote’ for Almira (yeah, what the hell!, is there anything, in this culture, that’s not obsessed with competition?)

7) work, which is kinda necessary to all this typation, fortunately it remains interesting work. That being said, the fact of the matter is, the vast majority of work, at least in my own experience, is repetition of (skilled and un-skilled) acts and actions, interspersed with brief, (not seeming so, at the time), intervals of terror and/or stress. (lol) Speaking of jobs, I saw an opening for ‘forklift operator’ the other day. I was sorely tempted. Buried in my work record, are a couple of interludes during which I was a professional forklift operator. Very enjoyable work.
Back to my ‘tedium interrupted by terror’ thesis; most of the other work I’ve done in my life has conformed to that description. It is, (as always), the exceptions to that rule that prove to be interesting, in light of the topic of this Item. I’ve worked in mills, both textile and manufacturing. How cool is this reality of mine, when the experiences of the worst job(s) I’ve held are, in very real fact, the most useful and valuable thing to me today?  Damn! Working in a mill. It’s important to me today because, Almira Gulch (the at-the-moment, very silent protagonist of my Serial Story, ‘Almira‘) worked in a mill when she was young.( Lawrence, MA 1910 to 1912). While un-deniably repetitious, factory work can be very difficult work, the very same, limited number of motions, 8 hours a day (or more) 5 days a week (or more)… for the rest of your life. I’ve met people who were at the same punch press for 20, 25…30 years! Incomprehensible to my then, 19-year-old mind. I eventually learned. They did it for someone/something else. Someone, (singular or, more likely plural), else needed what working a punch press 8 hours a day, forever provided right then and there that day, that dinner, that future for others. Gotta give ’em credit.

8) grateful for the people here, (in the ‘sphere), who, by their presence, allow me to experiment with the tools I’ve found for self-developing myself. The Wakefield Doctrine is, of course, primary among these tools, however, I’m come to realize that the inherent flaw to ‘hermitized self-improvement’, is that, without feedback and reflections/suggestions from people walking in the same world as I am, I have no way of knowing if it’s ‘working’.  So thanks to those clarks  (and scotts and rogers who are possessed of a significant secondary clarklike aspect)

9) (to be completed mid day…. ) yeah, no! I’m serious, I’ll get us something un-rote for this TToT list. I have a pretty full schedule today: several houses to inspect, Chapter 3 to work on and an Open House… bound to be something in all that, small, but definitely measurable portion of my life, to include here.

10) SR 1.3  (and Our Miss Lewis and her co-hortessae,  Christine and Kristi, Lisa and Zoe, Kristi and Michelle, Sarah and Dyanne )


(yeah… should have some music…. will try to find us some)

Out in the world in the course of this day:  found a tune, will post….more from the field as it develops….  (remind me again, this gratitude thing, like even when the world is not cooperating or I’m getting too busy to stop and notice?  jeez  bar set high or what?)



Ten Things of Thankful
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Six Sentence Story -the Wakefield Doctrine- let the fun begin

Welcome to the Wakefield Doctrine (the theory of clarks, scotts and rogers)


Early, (for me), to start warming up, but, what the heck! right?

Holy smokes!  Not only did I not warm up yesterday, (afternoon, night…other than take a near-meaningless photo of my new phone and write one line), but the prompt word was not there when I went looking last night! Admittedly, I was tired and, despite my resolve to get some more words down for Chapter 3 in ‘Almira‘, I fell down in the-room-with-specially-soften-floors and slept horribly most of the night!

anyway, now it’s Thursday morning, the prompt is ‘Last’ and, as zoe demands each and every Thursday, here is my Six Sentence Story:


Heidi found her husband, Claus, sitting, his face slumped in the vee of his elbow-propped hands, at the end of the long, narrow plank bench that ran in parallel rows on either side of the wooden tables,

“Why, my husband do you wear such a sad face, Oktoberfest is for the beer-laughing, wench-pinching men of the Village to celebrate and shout and drink and eat, what is it that bothers you so?”

Claus’s usually cheerful face turned to look up at his wife’s, like an avalanche in reverse, his bushy white eyebrows raised, blue eyes regarded her with fierce affection,

“I know, I know, each year, out there among the young people I am, telling the young men to walk, so that they might get them all and, when they get too boisterous, there I stand between them and the shyer girls, at their first Oktoberfest all alone in small groups of friends.”

“But this year, I had to insist on claiming the title of ‘Münchner Kindl’ and start the festivities and even, my ego it so large, arrange the menu, course by course!!”

“And that you’ve done so well,” Heidi turned, pulling her husband in close to her, the two-now-one, facing the tent full of townspeople gathered at the tables and outside on the lawns beyond, “look, Claus, they eat and they drink and laugh and carouse.”

“That is so, and each plate of food and every stein of beer has its proper place, like a wedding procession, the bride would not be first to enter the Church, as with the heavenly choir of angels, there is a proper order to things.”

Waving his hand towards the townspeople, who, standing and sitting, laughing and whispering and, all held plates of sweetly-iced strudel, “I distinctly said, the last shall be Wurst!”


‘A Story in Six Sentences’ -the Wakefield Doctrine- ‘the rest of life should be as simple at that…’

Welcome to the Wakefield Doctrine (the theory of clarks, scotts and rogers)


You know someone’s having a stressful day, when the prospect of creating one of zoe’s weekly Six Sentence Story(s) is anticipated as an improvement on the day. (lol… no! I don’t hate Six Sentence Stories! I loves the Six Sentence Stories, I just find them remarkably challenging. Fortunately for me, I find them very rewarding, easily worth the effort, pretty much every time I’ve put electrons to phosphorus*, but that’s not important now.) Now is the time of the week that I create the Thursday Post. in preparation for Six Sentence time. I’ll ramble on, (as I have been), go find the prompt word and maybe type it in, but will not be writing the actual Six until tomorrow morning, (this being written at 5 or so, Wednesday afternoon.)

Wait, I’ll go get the prompt…hold on….

(…damn! it’s not ‘LCD’) the prompt is ‘Favor’   (there goes, “ Capt Steve Strongstar fought for control of the careening spaceship while still in the passionate embrace of Stella Fulsome….“)

Audaces fortuna iuvat‘ (Fortune favors the Bold)

“Give it here!” his newly discovered baritone voice almost sounded convincing, the slightest hint of childhood on the penultimate syllable, however, undid all the voice of command he’d hoped to convey.

“Make me,” her contralto, unintentionally mocking his efforts to assert dominance, both being too newly conscripted in opposing armies of the oldest of all battles, neither noticed the secondary/effect rise from their struggle.

Even as inexperienced as she was, she sensed that some conflicts are meant to be lost, the battle not being synonymous with the war, and looked for a second strategy. Even as inexperienced as he was, he sensed that conflict was inevitable and losing can never be preferable to victory.


“Well, since you’re being reasonable, ok!”

Ipsa quidem pretium virtue sibi‘ (Virtue is it’s own reward)

*yeah, old person reference, totally not accurate or even appropriate to today’s modern computers and their flat panel displays… damn! I’m really hoping that the prompt word this week is LCD or maybe archaic, I’ll settle for,  ‘here’s some milk and graham crackers, ‘How It’s Made’ will be on in a minute.


Tee Tea oh T -the Wakefield Doctrine- ‘…of April and brightening light’

Welcome to the Wakefield Doctrine (the theory of clarks, scotts and rogers)



(yeah, an odd Post Title, even by our standards! and the Post image is quite the odd one, two…)

But, lets have right at it, shall we? Ten Things of Thankful is a ‘gratitude blog(hop)’ created by Lizzi Lewis. It poses the challenge, ‘what might it be, in the last week, (or the last year, (or, anytime in your life, for that matter)) that engenders the emotion and/or feeling of gratitude?’ Each weekend, we write Posts reflecting this sentiment and, we also visit and read all the other blogs that have joined the weekend’s festivities. While 10 Things (of Thankful) is ostensibly the required format, creativity and ‘good intent’ totally trump strictly defined rules and such, so if you lack the (something) to complete a list of 10 Items or you have a surfeit of Thankfuls  then, have at it. (Do not, of course, forget the only other requirement, good intent and everything else will take care of itself.)

(oh yeah, almost forgot… here we have a Book of Secret Rules (aka the Secret Book of Rules) which is something none of those other grat hops got and…and we recognize hypogratitude as a valid item (consistent with ‘good intent’)

Well, aren’t I getting all Queensbury on my intro this week? Bottom line: I’m grateful for the opportunity to participate in this here bloghop here and, as to my description above about the nature and character and rules (found in this ‘hop?) grain of salt, yo, grain of salt. Come join and have yourself some ‘fun’.

Item 1: that I kept at the intro above, until the final version that you are reading. the first it was like, “damn! clark… “Coherence Next 2 Exits”

2): in the spirit of ‘living the Rules, not ruling the Living’, I’m in the mood to mix of the order the Ts and, in all likelihood, will get all SOC on this list.

Three, (just after Two, but surely well Before 14): That Mistress Lewis and my co-hostinae are all so…. liberal in their approach to this bloghop. I left the reference to ‘good intent’ in my intro (despite many other changes and deletions to the original copy) as that is the description that, for me, says it best about how this bloghop seems to be each and every week for the last 7.3 years.*

Quattro Iteemo: I am kinda hypo-gratacious that I have, in fact and deed, completed the Serial Novel, ‘Blogdominion‘ with the posting of the Epilogue last Sunday. I have much work to do in the process remaining. But I’m totally grateful for all of you who read and commented on the story.

Five!!!!!!! I always mention Phyllis and Una in my TToT list, ’cause…. well, damn  just because, ya know?

Sex: The Book of Secret Rules (aka the Secret Book of Rules) because it’s the reason I could be comfortable with the last Item, Item Five!!!!! (Item Five!!!! motto: “if you want to bring out your scottian aspect, better stock up on exclamation points, you’re gonna need!!!!!! ’em“)

Self: totally grateful for the Wakefield Doctrine. Talk about your sine qua non!

Ate:  ()  Warning: Gross (but funny)

…Pinta and Santa Maria: Coming this Week! holy smokes!  what’ve I gotten myself into? I’m continuing with my efforts to acquire writing skills. Being at the stage of the game that I am, (chronoageistically-speaking), I not have a moment to lose. Part of the process of any self-improvement is to update your own self-description and my thanks go out to zoe on this matter, at least as it applies and pertains to my writing project… she has been first among the, ‘sorry, you’ve accomplished something that disqualifies you from the ‘I am such a shlemiel with the writing and such.’ ) In any event… I’ll be posting Chapter 1 of ‘Almira‘ both on jukepop and it’s own wordpress blog.

Secret Rule (SR) One (point) Three  the best of all the Secret Rules!  (basically be sayin, “Here I am at the (nearly) end of my list, boy howdy, am I glad of that!”  cha…ching! ding an sich, binyons! ding an sich


Ten Things of Thankful
<a href=” ” target=”_blank”><img src=”″ alt=”Ten Things of Thankful” style=”border:none;” />

Your hosts

Join the Ten Things of Thankful Facebook Group


Sentence6 /Story -the Wakefield Doctrine-

Welcome to the Wakefield Doctrine (the theory of clarks, scotts and rogers)


Look at how light it is! (The photo above was taken at 6:18 pm 03/30/16), how nice is this DST? Warming up for my Six, not to give anything away, but I’m thinking a play on words might be fun! I mean, I enjoy my Sixes but I also admire the straightforward stories (sometimes fun, other times humorous) that the others write. Although naturally inclined to go the Stream of Consciousness route (I have no idea why), a direct narrative story, one that is also engaging, now that’s a worthy goal. (Author’s Note: having just completed the story let me say, ‘yeah, right!’)

Anyway,  we’ll just have to see what shows up, ya know? zoe does this bloghop, this Six Sentence Story, each Thursday and the object is to take the prompt word, this week it’s ‘floor’, and write a story involving the word of the week and using exactly Six Sentences to do so.


The world before him slowly reformed, one sense at a time, his mind re-assumed its responsibility for informing him of his current state of what-the-hell-is-going-on. Vision started the process, but clearly was not up to the task, a field of brown to his left and ‘non-brown’, brightening into too-bright, on his right. (For reasons he sensed he would not have the luxury of exploring), taste and smell joined in their part of forming his world, mostly in the smell of dog, (which triggered an inexplicable bloom of hope and simple happiness), and the taste of wool and dust, (mittens, warmth and sweaty enclosures), both linked, yet neither dependent on the present moment. Hearing returned, like the tumbling of stones under a receding ocean’s wave, a sound that conveyed a sense of huge, (despite it’s fading), seemed to contain the promise of a return that inspired childlike awe, made more bearable by the sounds of distant morning birds, like the first raindrops on the windshield of a speeding car. Touch returned last, always the most comprehensive of his senses, (its countless descriptions formed his presence in and of the world), providing only the disquieting intelligence that he was not standing and the world was receding, like the stages of a light brightening from ‘just barely visible’ to ‘all the light in the world’, the quality of ‘approaching’ or ‘receding’ was losing it’s importance.

He sensed change and felt an ember of not-fear growing somewhere in the middle of where he was.



