Welcome to the Wakefield Doctrine (the theory of clarks, scotts and rogers)
Being Tuesday, this needs to be short, direct and to the point.
No, really!
First goal*: Find out how we managed colored-text in the early years. We have a writing assignment this week. Ok, it’s just a Six Sentence Story submission but we can’t for the life of us figure how to create text in any color other than black. Not saying any more other than it will be the first Six of the week and it’s a return of a … thing that we tried in ‘Almira’. ‘Nuff said!
Second goal: Hey, we kinda took care of that in our asteroid at the bottom of the post! Damned efficient of us, no? Well, shit. You’re** right. We are forgetting our primary mission/target demographic, i.e. the New Reader,
Of the Days of the Week, some are favored by one predominant worldview more than others. Presenting no conflict with ‘the Everything Rule’, we offer the following. (And then we gots to go find that html)
- clarks (Outsider): Tuesday, Thursday night (at a younger, school years (1-23) stage of life), Fridays and, (later….much later in life), Sunday mornings (as opposed to Sunday evenings (which obtain only for the ‘hopeful-because-how-could-you-have-known’ years earlier.)
- scotts (Predator): any day except early in the morning, camping trips, drives across two states to see a girl/boyfriend … a special place for Saturday night (with the option on extending through whatever morning might be noted, after the fact)
- rogers (Herd Members): Monday, Wednesday and Sunday. Damn! for a complicated people, them rogers have simple tastes in days of the week.
Sorry! Forgot to copy a RePrint post.
Good news, we think we have the code for text color. Attendez vous
This is blue?
It is!
ok. ok now to look up red.
Holy shit! It works!
Kinda blah for a red, maybe pink?
well… (don’t tell anyone, but the point of all this color text is to hint at the speaker in a totally un-tagged dialogue… so lets try one more… let us know which you prefer. and remember ‘Mums the word!’
hmm! let the votation begin!
See ya at the Six!
* Tuesday, all things being equal, would be adjudged by clarks as the best day of the week. This for no other reason than it’s too early in the workweek to acquire excessive baggage in expectations and too far, (by a day), past the previous weekend, to have the events of those two ‘non-work-days’ do more than sting. Just a little.
** thx out to Mimi hey! New Readers!! She say something, you can take it to the bank as Doctrine.