clarkscottroger | the Wakefield Doctrine - Part 6 clarkscottroger | the Wakefield Doctrine - Part 6

Tuesday -the Wakefield Doctrine- ‘ten somersets he’ll undertake… on solid ground’

Welcome to the Wakefield Doctrine (the theory of clarks, scotts and rogers)

In terms of actual tools that offer genuine effect on one’s personal reality, it’s a given the Wakefield Doctrine appeals primarily to clarks*.

Why should that be?

Part koan/part: ‘Why did the chicken cross the road?’ This question has  been the source of that rarest of commodities, mutual identification/solidarity for the one personality type in a position to benefit from it.

This being a Doctrine post written by a clark (with a significant secondary scottian and weak tertiary rogerian aspect) and (it) being Tuesday** we will forego the projectile apologia to our scottian and rogerian brethren and brethrenia. Let’s give them the day off. To go chase shit and discover new sources of referential authority***.

Hey! That footnote reminds us to mention what is surely in the Top Ten benefits of the Wakefield Doctrine.

No…wait. This is our time.

ok… just this once! Then back to whatever self-help, automatic writing exercise this, (as with nearly all other posts), is today.

The heck with that! We all know that we’re doing is nothing more than our  habitual, curry-favor with the real people, just to be on the pre-emptively safe side.

Allow us to shift tenses, POV or whatever and say that it was when we identified a certain characteristic behavior of the the Herd Members that offered an insight that makes the life of the clark following this personality theory a whole lot better. We’re, of course, referring to ‘lashing out’. Will leave it at ‘it has nothing to do with you, it is all about them’. The rest, if you need it, (secondary clark- rogers and scotts out there) is contained somewhere in this blog.

We’re running short of time. Have a big day of ‘Fine. You have the Wakefield Doctrine. You must attend a social function full of strangers. Lets see if you can do something different.

…and, no, writing on your wrist:

  • clarks (the Outsider) abhors being the center of attention but will not tolerate being ignored; are smarter than they need to be but still mistake information with identification; fear scrutiny above all while assuring they will stand out in any crowd, despite taking up a position on the fringes and in the purported shadows
  • scotts (the Predator) the total life of the party, are as obvious as flashbulb in a pup tent; as with all forms of their kind, the problem with encountering scotts in public is not being noticed, but in trying to run away. the closest (in a pet lion sorta way) to being the friendly one of ‘the other two’
  • rogers (the Herd Member) if quicksand were, like an element of the atmosphere, this person is attractive and usually not so beneficial, at least when there is more than one of them. (Hint: schoolyard at lunch time after they were singled-out by the teacher for not doing their homework and… you laughed when everyone else stopped. Quit school. Join the circus.)

is not really what we’ve been striving towards the past fifteen plus years. lol

We think we said yesterday something about remembering to imagine the world/immediate situation as the other person is experiencing it. Then, and only then, do you have a shot at deliberate and effective communication.

Will report back tomorrow.


* it is almost axiomatic that for anyone else, (aka ‘the other two’ predominant worldviews), to get caught up in this most excellent alternative perspective on the world around us (and the people who make it up), one must have a significant secondary clarklike aspect

** the most clark-friendly day of the workweek. by far!

*** New Readers? this is the second-most startling and serendipitous insight afforded us when applying the principles of this here Doctrine here to learn more about ‘the other two’.



Monday -the Wakefield Doctrine-

Welcome to the Wakefield Doctrine (the theory of clarks, scotts and rogers)

It is said that the Wakefield Doctrine can be the most efficacious of tools for self-developing oneself.

This is true.

This assertion will come as no surprise to most Readers, as there are nearly as many self-improvement schema, systems, programs and secret-religions as there are personality type/typing/this-is-you.

Of course, the Wakefield Doctrine’s Kyrie Eleison is different.

The road to self-improvement is about (our) relationship with the world, not: the things-we-know, the skills-we-hone or the focal-length of our emotions.

New Readers? That, that last line? Classic Hint. (Totally gonna be on the Exam). What our writer friends might refer to as foreshadowing So, if you haven’t been doing your assigned reading, you better hope your neighbor doesn’t mind your looking over at their notes. This is about to get all bullet-pointy.

The Wakefield Doctrine maintains that if we’re out to change our lives, then it is not about learning things and facts, skills and routines. It it about changing the way we relate ourselfs to the world around us and the people who make it up.

Someone just mutter, ‘Jeez, asking much?’

Yes. Yes we are. (Well, no. No we are not.) The thing about the Doctrine is that it recognizes the nature of each of the three predominant worldviews’s relationship to the world. All without judging, criticizing and, otherwise saying, ‘Well, you know, things might go smoother for you if you just realized/did/accepted (fill in the complimentary quality from the diametrically opposed predominant worldview)

Enough for the morning.

(We’re not just the Curator of the Wakefield Doctrine, we’re also a Student* too! And, today begins Practice Number IIXVVXCCMM)

(…to be cont’d)

* …to school there.






Six Sentence Story -the Wakefield Doctrine- [a Café Six]

Welcome to the Wakefield Doctrine (the theory of clarks, scotts and rogers

This is the Doctrine’s contribution to the Six Sentence Story bloghop.

Hosted by Denise there is but one rule: our stories, (inspired by the week’s prompt word), must be exactly (and only) six sentences in length.

Prompt word:


“What do you call the frozen dairy-product desert originally created by an unknown zen monk in a monastery during the Tang Dynasty?”

The tall, thin man, walking out of the perpetually semi-dark corridor that led to the Manager’s office, stopped next to Mimi, posing the question without preamble or the slightest hint of a set-up.

The Bartender, backing through the double-swinging doors from the kitchen behind the bar, turned and placed a platter holding four stemmed crystal vases of sundaes.

In an alcove marked ‘Reserved for the Raconteuse‘  halfway along the street-side wall, opposite the small stage, a laptop computer awoke, casting a friendly blue light towards the Proprietors and Tom, who, folding his apron, stood next to the cash register.

An orphaned cell phone, on the bar end nearest the entrance to the Six Sentence Café & Bistro began to jitter on the polished-wood, a late-stage alcoholic flamenco dancer after a three-day bender; on it’s screen, a text message from the Gatekeeper: “Don’t even think about saying it.”

“An Ice Cream Koan,” the tall, thin man, like an itinerate priest offering a blessing to a congregation, smiled to himself.



TToT-the Wakefield Doctrine-

Welcome to the Wakefield Doctrine (the theory of clarks, scotts and rogers)

This is the Wakefield Doctrine’s contribution to the Ten Things of Thankful (TToT) bloghop. Founded in 1989 by (putative) step-niece of CS Lewis, the TToT continues as the preeminent, [Latin:  nominative praeeminens; to rise above, project forward, attract others by force of humility, itself a seeming contradiction, if not oxymoron.]

The idea (of this bloghop and most grat-blogs) is to look, see, accept and relate (to others) the people, places and things that incite, inspire, engender and otherwise cause a state of gratitude. (Or, maybe that’s backwards and it is the gratitude that identifies… whatever.) List. Ten. Things.

1) Phyllis (——————————————————————————————⇒)

2) Una ——————————————————————-⇑

3) the Wakefield Doctrine

4) the decision to let ground-cover be ground-cover, i.e. the Year of the Yard Meadow

5) the Unicorn Challenge bloghop  This ya gots to read: ‘Waiting‘  by ceayr

6) the Six Sentence Story bloghop  Six Pic of the Whee:  (Untitled)

7) did we mention ‘the Wakefield Doctrine’ yet? damn, we did. anyway, as you can’t avoid hearing/reading if you come to this blog more than once, the Wakefield Doctrine, besides being as fun as sitting in an airline terminal with your two best friends and making droll/scandalous/catty remarks at the human river passing you as you wait for a relative to disembark, is a tool for self-improving oneself. We submit, as supporting evidence of the beneficial effect of recognizing one’s secondary and tertiary aspects: Grat #6 (or implications thereof)

8) something, something

9) First child of the Uncertainty Principle, change and opportunity are the original double-edged sword, no?  Although never explicitly denied, (though cool as the thought-experiment, referred to as Schrödinger’s Cat remains to this day), the possibility exists that maybe there was a third outcome, whereby the cat becomes a zombie.

10) Secret Rule 1.3 (which states, in part, “…[t]he item in a List that implies there are less un-claimed Items than currently extant in (said List)’ having evoked a sense of relief (sic) at nearing completion, can be cited (ibid. op. cit.) as an Item. by Practice and Convention, placement for such supra-collation indicia Number 10. binyons.” BoSR/SBoR 1989-2024.



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Wednesday -the Wakefield Doctrine-

Welcome to the Wakefield Doctrine (the theory of clarks, scotts and rogers)

What about the any internal symmetry inherent in the three predominant worldviews of the Wakefield Doctrine?

Surely a question on ever one’s mind,

The three (predominant worldviews, aka characteristic style of relating to the world around one and the people who make it up are:

clarks (Outsiders), scotts (Predators) and rogers (Herd Members)

Reminder, yo. None of the three are bad. None of the three are good. All three represent a idealized whole person. Sorta.

Which is why looking at the an element common to all three (though manifested differently, of course) will gain us insight into our own personality type while providing hints at how to take advantage of certain qualities of ‘the other two’.

Hold on! Wait a minute! We’ve, somehow, almost forgotten a major holiday!

How major? Nothing less than: as-Thanksgiving-is-to-rogers (or) Halloween-to-clarks big, thats How….errr major.

Here in Oceania every mid-Summer we hold a celebration of… well, kinda like the Summer Solstice that every culture, (since Lilith walked out of the Garden), observes but with food and explosives. The 4th of July! (cue the fireworks, Mt. Vesuvius-backyard-charcoal-grills, strip-volley-ball-games),

anyway, we’re working on this week’s Six Sentence Story, so what say we Christmas Club this bad boy (you remember those, right?) with a RePrint (just check, this is, like totally-as-often-reprinted as the eponymous ‘Feast of St roger’s Day post’) Post!

From July 3rd 2012:

a chart providing the average shelf-life of ideas for Posts* …..the Wakefield Doctrine ( happy scottian Holiday!)

Welcome to the Wakefield Doctrine ( the personality theory that you can learn, understand and use today!! )

childhood memories involving  learning to become a better person:   …………………………… 6 hours
childhood memories involving learning bad habits and behavior:      ……………………………  3 days
childhood memories involving doing something publicly embarrassing to adults:    …………. 2 years
adolescent  fantasies   that result in being scarred for life:
(physically scarred): 3 years  (emotionally scarred): 5 years
workplace situations that result in receiving a raise:  ………………………………………………… 6 hours
workplace situations that result in being fired: ………………………………………………………..  3 months
workplace situations that result in being arrested: ……………………………………………………. 4 years
relationship maturity demonstrated in daily life:  ……………………………………………………..  1.4 hours
relationship immaturity demonstrated in public: ………………………………………………………  4 days
a Post trying to illustrate the ephemeral nature of creative ideas: ………………………………….. 75 minutes

Quick reminder about the Holiday tomorrow:  If you do not know that July 4th is one of the most scottian of holidays, then you need to write in one of the Comment boxes below 50 times

scotts love loud noises, it lets them believe they can have an effect on the world“.

Seriously, picture the coming Holiday:

  • takes place at the height of the Summer season
  • eating and drinking to excess is encouraged
  • minimal clothing allowed in virtually all public places (including churches and hospitals)
  • outdoor sports activities including chasing frisbees, being dragged behind a boat and the use of explosive devices (such explosives, that were it December instead of July,  a visit from Homeland Security would be the immediate result)
  • …minimal clothing

So for you non-scotts reading this, three July 4th Survival Tips:

  1. stay indoors
  2. keep the lights off and the glow of the TV shielded from windows and doors
  3. turn up the air conditioning and ….wear extra clothes

We hope that helps.


Una’s favorite drown-out the sounds of scottian celebration songs:
