clarkscottroger | the Wakefield Doctrine - Part 43 clarkscottroger | the Wakefield Doctrine - Part 43

thursday quickie the Wakefield Doctrine (‘…the Alder King is close by our side’)

Welcome to the Wakefield Doctrine (the theory of clarks, scotts and rogers)


Quick Post today. Two things,  no maybe three. whatever.

Congratulations, you’re welcome, fuck you  to everyone participating in the Contest/vote this week. no, I’m serious  one of these is what your would expect to hear.   (By The Frickin Way), the election and voting was fun, but you guys still need to go and congratulate the winners!  Copy and paste: Congratulations on your win!  Go Wakefield Doctrine!!  in a Post in their blogs…here:  zoe and Sandy.

reprint Post today (well, actually it’s a portion of a Post)… no, I don’t think I’ve run out of things to say. there are Posts from a couple of years ago that explain the Wakefield Doctrine in a more …accessible manner. In any event, good message and you gotta admit that clarkscottroger fella’s pretty damn sharp

It’s because we have such exceptional people participating in the discussion of this here Doctrine here, two things are possible: people find ways to apply the Doctrine in their everyday lives and share their experiences, and by doing so, the rest of us see new ways this thing can be useful.  and, …and!!  clarks have a peer group, totally not a pack and definitely not a herd…we (clarks) are  not stopping with the Outsider thing, rather we’re changing how it feels to be the Outsider….in teeny tiny ways, maybe only once or twice a month but still …it’s different now.  (you clarks know what I mean, everyone else… well, you can ask, if you really want to know).

Before we do the ‘reprint’  anyone up for a semi-quick  vid chat this Friday?  (I got a couple of questions and maybe half a potential insight that I’d like to run past someone who knows about the Doctrine, it would really help.) Everyone else?  you’re welcome to join us, of course!  This vid chat is a great way to learn about the Doctrine, but you should know that it’s not the only thing that we talk about during these live posts…hell no!  we talk about: bosses that need training, friends that are a pain in the ass, people we know that we wish we could change, what to do about that guy that wants to be rewarded for acting like a jerk, how to get that girl to come across, how long will it take to stop feeling awful, what good is it to know the answer, when will they ever understand us and finally…how cool it is to be able to talk to people we know who know how we feel and they don’t preach or condescend…. just like any normal family dinner hour, right?

tomorrow 12.20.13 7pm


Today we will ‘talk’ a little about how you can use the Wakefield Doctrine to improve your day today! Yes, you read that correctly! We did just make the claim that what you read here today will allow you to do things differently, react in a way other than how you normally react and learn more about the people in your life….today!

First off:  you are either a clark or a scott or a roger. (No, you don’t have to read the “about Page’ or stop what you are doing, just stay with us… you can do this, we have yet to hear from anyone who said, “Hey I couldn’t understand this, it didn’t work’)

Which of the following statements sound most right:

  1. “…screw this…other than the Title and maybe the pictures, this is too boring!”
  2. “…no, I won’t answer your question, you have no right to ask questions like that, if I want you to know what I think maybe I would tell you but only if you tell me more about someone else that we both know.”
  3. “interesting…this all sounds somehow  familiar, but lets see how you get away with the claim of us knowing which of the 3 we are…”

Good work!

Group 1  you’re scotts and you should feel proud of yourself for making it this far, stay with us just a little longer and we will show how you can get way more out of the day today, and have a lot more fun doing it

Group 2  hello roger  (yes, this applies to men and woman and boys and girls) and yes there are, in fact, more of you people in the world than the other two and no, you’re absolutely correct, we don’t really know your inner most thoughts and we obviously totally under-estimate your subtle intelligence…but… you know how a good Ken Burns movie includes, like the actual letters and things that people said, how it paints the complete picture of the life of the dead people that he is spending 120 minutes of black and white film on?  You can know that much about the people that you meet today. Guaranteed. Just stay with us and we’ll show you how.

Group 3 clarks…yo  hang back  watch what we do with the other two, you be alright on your own….one thing though…don’t worry about ‘getting this exactly right’ and don’t worry about maybe making a mistake….all the others reading this? they’re frickin scotts and rogers!! Like it’ll be a major miracle if they even know you write a Comment…lol

Attention Please!!

rogers: for today? today you need to be aware of the clarks in your life. They are the ones that are not taking things from you or otherwise making you feel good cause they’re telling everyone a joke and it seems to involve you (but you didn’t quite get the ‘set-up’). Anyway, when you see a clark…and they will be the ones who seem to enjoy talking to you and are offering to help you do your work, give them cover when your friends show up…the herd of other rogers…you know the people you are comfortable with but don’t really know and (for some reason you have never figured out) and don’t care to know, do something to get the clark to get away from the herd. You know that nothing good (for the clark) is gonna happen…

scotts: relax a little, when you get the small group gathered and you feel the need to crank up the volume (you know, when you tell a slightly off-color  joke and how when you see that everyone is laughing you know that you have to tell a dirty joke and if too many people are still laughing you have to tell a really dirty joke?) today…stop and ask the person in the group that is around you if they had one wish, what would it be? When you get the person who clearly is taking the question seriously….leave them alone for the rest of the day

clarks: stop thinking and do one thing that you know will make everyone think you are a jerk…do it seriously, no ‘set-up’ no mumbling just answer someone rudely or compliment a member of the opposite sex, or ask your boss for a raise (and don’t help him say no, ask and shut up)  do this once today and your life will not be the same again. We are certain of this.


OK everyone! Do this thing. You do the task we suggest and your life will improve because you will have the proof that what the Wakefield Doctrine has to offer will be useful and valuable in your own lives.
Some of you will get yourselfs confused, either on purpose (I’m looking at you, clark) or cause you don’t really believe this (roger) or you were in too much of hurry…( lol  scott!)  But here’s the thing:

We all have the qualities of all three, just one of the three is the pre-dominant, main one.
The Doctrine is all about the world that you experience, not something you need to think about, just remember what we tell you and everyone, we mean everyone you encounter will play their parts.
Have fun…you can’t get this thing wrong….you can fuck up the instructions and trip yourself up, but the main thing is that if you are a scott then the world will be a place of challenge and conflict, if you are a roger then you think you have it down and the group will back you up and  clark?  welcome you’re home.


hey…you’ve gotten this far… find the way this blog lets you follow it and sign the hell up for updates, ok?



Comments? yeah, you gotta problem with that? the Wakefield Doctrine ‘…now that you say that, I think I know what you mean’

Welcome to the Wakefield Doctrine (the theory of clarks, scotts and rogers)


You know how I’ve been saying that the progress of the Wakefield Doctrine began to accelerate when we met Cyndi and Lizzi and Michelle and (most recently) zoe? And how, because they have succeeded in ‘getting it’, they have been in a position to extrapolate beyond the current state of knowledge? This, combined with the effort (to increase our understanding and find ways to demonstrate the Doctrine’s value in real world application) being undertaken by Denise and Molly*, is creating new opportunities in ways that I really had not anticipated back even as little as a year ago.  So, lets do a Comment Post…a sampling of the questions and insights being proffered following most Posts are very cool, so lets do this thing!



pictimilitude x

Submitted on 2013/12/03 at 6:15 am

I like what Denise said: self-development, personal growth, responsibility to self. I have a dream of this reality, too. Where one day I just don’t give a shit and I do what I’m going to do without reservation. We wear our hearts on our sleeves and it’s so easy to get wounded…


Submitted on 2013/12/02 at 8:59 am

I know you put together (with the help of others) the personality test as it were, but I think the idea of finding the perfect mate would be fun…and combine it with this idea of it could happen (ie the walking into happiness stuff) maybe you could figure out some sort of a pee test like the pregnancy tests… that would turn blue for “find yourself a Clark,” green for “find yourself a Roger,” and Black for” Just try to convince a Scott to take you on if you have nothing to offer them….”

Would love a fri vid chat… saw you were arranging the 6th maybe… I may be able to do that … wont know til wed…. the cupcake thing is goin’ down that night


Denise Farley 
Submitted on 2013/12/01 at 3:44 pm | In reply to pictimilitude.

No laughing Cyndi. You make the statement about getting a trainor and you’d better be telling us about your fabulous Christmas gift that simply wouldn’t fit under the tree!!
I knew another clark would get that non oxymoron – “clarks in motion” but I’m serious – you are. Lizzi is too although she be crazy in motion. LOL

I really enjoyed the call last night but was a tad frustrated that I couldn’t find the proper words to describe what I have been experiencing these last weeks. Thanks to the Clark for finding satisfactory ones and speaking for me. Just had a frightening visual of me ala Edgar Bergen and Clark as my Charlie McCarthy. AAGH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


Michelle Lieu is her site  go
Submitted on 2013/12/01 at 9:14 am

I agree with Denise, we have to find that common language. Not easy with personalities that are mixed and diverse


Lizzi; Considerer
Submitted on 2013/11/04 at 1:02 pm

If only, if only our brains allowed those things to sink in and become realities. Ironically, I reckon we clarks consider ourselves absolutely the BEST at seeing the common-sense-undeniable TRUTH of brilliance in other clarks…


Well!  Given that the formatting involved in today’s Post has somehow consumed all my ‘pre-work’ writing time this morning, let me post this and I’ll return later in the day today.


(later  this day )

The intent of those behind the Wakefield Doctrine is to further understand and develop ways that the principles underlying this personality type ‘theory’ might be applied as a tool for self-improvement. Allow me to offer one definition of self-development:

to increase the level of harmony experienced in day-to-day living, decrease the degree that stress-without-return-benefit is felt and to open (the individual’s) capacity to perceive the beneficial effects of changing the ‘status quo’, commonly defined by the routines that we all experience as we attempt to eat, sleep, reproduce and/or create, nurture the family that springs out of our connecting with others…including but not limited to:  blood relatives, friends, the girl-at-the-checkout-counter, our History Teacher, the bully who lives between our house and bus stop, the girl who said, ‘no frickin’ way, it’s ain’t happening’, the scott who was our best friend except when another bigger scott showed up on the scene, the rogerian friend who gave us a sympathetic place to express our fears, the husband who we loved but no matter what we tried he wouldn’t…he couldn’t get over his own limitations, the boss at work who touches us way too much, the secretary at work who has the look of fear in her eyes, the dreams that we gave up on, the nightmares that we ran from, the appetite that draws us back in always promising satisfaction, the pastor and his belief of what we should know, the hopes of our parents, the fear of our children and the belief in ourselves that all of this is inherent in the world today.

that’s the ground, the ‘place to stand’ that we claim in our development of the Wakefield Doctrine


what?  sure  a little music


* (Molly is a pretty cool example, as she has not been in direct constant contact, nevertheless, as evidenced in a recent Comment, is demonstrating this ‘continued effort to understand the world around us’ in a unique, challenging and, frankly pretty cool way)

the photo?   I am no frickin idea!  lol  or as our resident  grammatician  would have me say… I have no ideas


Divinely Twisted MixTapes Tuesday, the Wakefield Doctrine (you read that correctly…#30!! as in nearly a year…sorta)

Welcome to the Wakefield Doctrine (the theory of clarks, scotts and rogers)


mixtape jenkehl 200


I never needed spiritual songs more than I have this week. A week ago the server on which I am hosted was under attack by a malicious hacker. SO FUN!!! My site was acting funny, then shut down all together on Wednesday. After the attack was over, my site was never the same. Long story short – there will be a why I hate hostmonster, bluehost, host gator post in the near future.

In order to fix the problem we (me and godaddy) actually had to move my site to a temporary URL until Hostmonster releases my domain, which they are taking their sweet time doing.

So here we are. I am holding my breath, hoping they won’t switch it off in the middle of our Party, but it seems pretty likely that it will happen. Cause that’s my luck this week.

And so, since this week you have been guided to create a mixtape on songs that are spiritual to you. I am going to use these songs that aren’t necessarily spiritual to everyone, but are to me, to help me through.

Give Me Strength to Weather This Storm

Well, this surely will be an interesting week, MizTape-wise. Our Host(s) Jen Kehl and Kristi McNichol  have advised us to ‘think spiritual’ for this week’s MixTape.  Given that I was taught from a time before I can remember that, in polite company, ‘one simply never discusses politics and religion’, I am in a bit of a quandary. I really enjoy our tunesome Tuesdays and yet, that pesky up-bringing thing.  Well, as we say at the Wakefield Doctrine, if it walks like a nun and quacks like a minister, then it must be…  (sorry, last minute deadline pressure got the better of me. The Wakefield Doctrine does have something to say about religion, seeing as you have already brought up the topic. When it comes to matters of the soul and deities and such, then: clarks are spiritual, rogers are religious and scotts… they pretty much decide on which sect has the hottest clergy and/or offer the most opportunity to get some…enlightenment.)

Alright! That takes cares of the mandatory, ‘hey-we’re-blog writers-and-music-fans-write-something-profound-insightful-or-failing-that-weirder-than anything’  Done…Done….(and)…Done!



Caritas abundat in omnia – Hildegard von Bingen


Elected – Alice Cooper


Old Time Mix – Fred Hammond


Let the Praise Begin – Fred Hammond


Oh What a Night – Frankie Valli and the Four Seasons



TToT XX.V the Wakefield Doctrine ‘wherein we try to get a sneak peak at the future, looking through past-coloured glasses’

Welcome to the Wakefield Doctrine (the theory of clarks, scotts and rogers)


If no one minds, I will continue the ancient, venerated, near-rogerian-in-established-tradition-going-as-far-back-as-last week of doing a pre-Grat List. Maybe, I’ll moderate it a bit and give ya a 10 List of Things of Thankful (gratis) and Things of Hope & Reasonable Optimism (pre-grats). You’ll recognize my pre-grat list items, cause they’re the ones in comic sans.

and so, as we begin the week (and end the weekend) I will offer the following that I am a) grateful for or 2) hopeful about

1) the number of Comments on the Post, which is one of things about the TToT that is so cool, because we have 2 days*, most of us find a way to get to each other’s Posts and Comments and generally mix it up  threadistically-speaking

2) * that Lizzi had the inspiration/foresight to not only pick the weekend, but the courage(insane optimism) to do a 2 day ‘hop. The thing about this TToT is that while all bloghops run for, like a week (until the next one), this hop, for you new Readers is on-going for both days…some join and contribute on Sundays and others cheat by taking advantage of un-fair TimeZone assignment and send theirs in a day early

3) hey Jak! thanks for the first Chrono-Comment! (er…Christine?)  (….booyah!)

4) looking forward (not) to the beginning of the work week to resume work which, in a couple of cases, involved a problem that grew huge, was in the process of (potentially) finding a positive resolution only to have Friday end… should be an exciting day at work this week…

5) having said (#4) am grateful for the work that I do have, it is work that fits my criteria of enjoyable work, i.e. never the same, freedom of movement (through space and time**) and lets me sleep at home at night

6) ** the free use of serious grammatilogical functions like asterixeses and superscript if it weren’t for these little darlings, this list would put me to sleep

7) looking forward to continuing the experiment hinted at last week with the Post based on Cyndi’s Comment, you know the one with the Wakefield Doctrine approved strategy for dealing with workplace conflict, the one we call, ‘love your roger’

8) grateful that I was able to resist the pull of the negative side (of my own), a characteristic found in many clarks, it is not so much a deliberate decent into seeing only the dark side of life, all too often it is (for us) a ‘whiplash’ thing, where we find ourselves   ‘over-balancing’ following a time of extra (and usually, successful) effort to exceed our normal capabilities.

9) that I can imagine taking a weekend off (not really, but it’s the thought that counts)

10) looking forward to the Holiday Season (no!  calm yourself Christine!  lol) I look forward to this time of year for the Big Three and Half  Holidays (Halloween, Thanksgiving, Christmas and NEw YEars) they are so much fun from a blog writing point of view!  (especially ThanksG…. can you say rogerian holiday? 


Gotta run. Please forgive my occasional misspell and non-consistent sentence and/or grammatical structure above. (no, Dyanne I don’t think ‘hey everyone! looks like clarks alright nothing unusual here” is quite what I mean)  the Wakefield Doctrine Sunday Morning Video Brunch is about to go live…. come join us!!  (google hangout needed)

Ten Things of Thankful


 Your hosts


“hey! I was supposed to be working, but I came across someone reading this Post” the Wakefield Doctrine ? now what?

Welcome to the Wakefield Doctrine (the theory of clarks, scotts and rogers)



Hey!  here’s something I found in the metaphorical trunk… it’s from way back… don’t worry! I’m just block quoting it on top of this Post! the same great re-print Post about scotts is still here, at least for today.  (I don’t know.. just feel like it, I guess…ya know?    this is from January 10th 2910

Lets talk about COUPLES!   Yes, I’m talking about: two of a pair, walkin’ hand in hand, complete each other sentence(s)… let’s hear it for the destroyer of all (non-sexual) friendships the one, the only because we are so close we are a….can you hear it? …the world is saying it, as one, out of two….   the   Couple!

I know that (the) roger has you on CSR 101 (clarksscotts and rogers) and this is the most correct approach to learning this thing.  Get the basics of the Doctrine down, look around at the people in your life, match description of each of the three types and your world will soon be populated with clarksscotts and rogers; all acting and re-acting,  interacting and detracting…to your benefit and improvement.  …But is there more…? (Go ahead,  you know what’s behind thislink.)

Of course there is more, how can there not be more?

There are/is/am the couple, the friendship that has sexual contrast as the primary feature/dynamic.  (Hey this is the 21st-damn-Century!)  Yes, we are talking about when 2 people are linked by sexual difference.  Male-female/male-male/female-female, does not matter.  The  sexual component does.  Make(s) the difference.  All of the difference.) (All) (OF) (IT).

They are not friends…they are a Couple!  (Here is a little mood music, courtesy of Joe Jackson.  Sorry, no video).

OK, fine.  What good does that do us?

I’ll tell you.  It gives us a very, very useful (teaching) tool for the Wakefield Doctrine.  Because the best way to understand the Doctrine is to see examples of the 3 types (of people) in your life.  And, as everyone past puberty knows, being a Couple brings out the best in us! (And so, totally the worst in us).

So, let’s begin (our little lesson) with the easiest of the Couples to identify: rogerian male/scottian female.

This is the most ‘attractive’ of Couples.  They are both attractive, in every sense of the word.  Although if you want to get technical about it, she has the ‘sex appeal’ and he has the ‘socialibility skills’.
She is hot and he is charming.  They look great together.  (Now, think about what you know about each respective type: rogers are social, herd based and will identify with the group, scotts are individualistic and will hunt alone, but will focus all attention on one person at a time.)

But how do you really know that you are meeting a scottian/rogerian Couple?  The interaction, what they do with each other and to each other.  She will be the more aggressive one, he will seem to be more relaxed.  One of the ‘primary characteristics of the scottian female/rogerian male couple is how they talk about themselves.  She will talk to and about her partner in a very noticeable style.  A style that everyone that is listening wants to believe is affectionate ‘criticisms’.
“Hey! You know what roger here did the other day?”  “You should have heard roger at the party the other night”…all of these comments and remarks are presented with an overall  ‘I really love this guy’ kind of vibe.  ‘Jokingly’ critical but still on a fairly personal level.  And all for the benefit of the crowd standing around our  Couple.
(btw.  And he does give every impression of enjoying this kind of exchange, the repartee. (The rogerian male), he laughs at her as much as she appears to be laughing at him.)

There is a clear dynamic tension with this couple.  As a Couple they both make an impression, they are not to be ignored.

Just a thought…

You know that this Doctrine is ‘gender neutral’, right? (You should know it is the first item in the column to the right).  I just had a conversation with an associate (at work) about the whole clark, scott, roger thing.  And she said, “I’ll only go to the blog if you add a name for a female scott”.  To which I replied, “No”

(Wednesday October 2) man! I better get this Doctrine out on the road*! here I am, at my day job and I stop in to check who was reading what at everyone’s favorite personality theory and all-day lunchroom, and what do I see but this Post with the evocative title:
“nothing is more humblin than gettin your butt kicked”… M. Tyson
Hell, here, I’ll just copy and paste and then maybe you’ll be diverted from your gainful employment like I was! (btw ‘Sharing the misery’ is a distinctly rogerian thing, but that’s for tomorrow’s Post)

so here from 03/06/2011

Welcome to the Wakefield Doctrine (the theory of clarks, scotts and rogers )

If you think we’re going to make fun of Mr. Tyson, you are wrong. …and you are a scott.

Which is all we need to jump start this here Post here…scotts

scotts  ( sk’-ott ) ( !! )  n.

  1. the second of the three personality types comprising the Wakefield Doctrine
  2. a person born in a section of the UK ( country referred to as United Klingons)

scottian  ( sco’- shun) adj.

  1. to be aggressive, either physically or socially
  2. to be quick-tempered, mercurial
  3. to act in an impulsive, yet confident manner

the scottian personality as defined in the theory of clarks, scotts and rogers is the personality type for whom the world is a jungle, literally and/or figuratively. scotts live in a world of predator and prey,  hunter and hunted, a world in which the only meaningful social order is that of  ranking; as most pack animals do, the scottian personality is constantly challenging the others in the (social) environment to see who is dominant and who is submissive.

We kid scotts, but they are not only fierce and aggressive ( the scottian male ) and attractive and fierce ( the scottian female persons),  they are loyal and highly protective friends. Of course, the word protective is rather close to possessive, so if you are a member of a scotts‘ pack you can expect a certain degree of direction (from the pack leader).  Now it is Sunday and we really are not going into a long, technical, clarklike, boring exegesis of the scottian personality types. But then we are ‘leading the Post’ with Mike, so we would be remiss if we did not talk a little about our scottian friends. to wit:

If you have a scottian friend then you are most likely a clark; if you are the friend of a scott,  you are roger….and if you don’t know what this means, then you are a scott.

As with the other two types, our description of the scottian personality is exaggerated for purposes of illustration and identification and dramatization. Never, ever, forget that the Wakefield Doctrine is built on the fact that we all have the potential of the three personality types and it is only a predominance of one (over the other two) that makes us  clarks or scotts or rogers. Further, those of you who are still reading this have a certain…proclivity…flexibility of intelligence that makes reading these Posts fun. Most people, no matter if they are clarks or scotts or rogers can see beyond their own realities sufficiently to allow for the Doctrine to be the thing of beauty that it is for many of us.

Lets wrap this up, for now. You all probably expect a Joe Pesci or Jack Nicholson video clip to serve as illustration, but you would be totally wrong. We need to not ignore them scottian female people. Well, we can ignore them but the results would be…less than attractive…but wait a minute!  that all depends if the ‘ignorerer‘ is a clark or (another) scott or a roger. While it is beyond the scope of this Post to delve into the scottian females’ response to frustration…suffice to say it would be exciting. Simply know that scottian females are as aggressive and impulsive and confident and as stupid (at times) as are their male counter-parts. They just look better (to half the population) doing it.

So a quick clip of a scottian female:


