clarkscottroger | the Wakefield Doctrine - Part 4 clarkscottroger | the Wakefield Doctrine - Part 4

TToT -the Wakefield Doctrine-

Welcome to the Wakefield Doctrine (the theory of clarks, scotts and rogers)

This is the Wakefield Doctrine’s contribution to the Ten Things of Thankful (TToT) bloghop.

(You’ll find a blogger version of this week’s TToT over at the Group in the Facebook and, of course on  HERE.)

1) Phyllis —↓ (not Phyllis…rather your photophobic (and some might add, Unreliable) Narrator

2) Una ————————————–↑

3) the Wakefield Doctrine

4) the end of Summer1

5) (1) the comprehensiveness and implicit sophistication of a Grat Bloghop including the concept of HypoGratuity (see Grat 6 below for reference and/or further explication)

6) our resident expert Mimi will be happy to explain in a manner that, while possibly less of the smart-alec, juvenile approach, i.e. when you get a flat tire but the person who stops without prompting is really: nice/hot/cool/did-we-mention-hot? than we we are capable of… maintaining, as she does, an appreciation of the larger, less self-centered view of life and such

7) the Unicorn Challenge.  the ‘corn Pick of the Week.  ‘Untitled‘ by Tessa

8) the Six Sentence Story. ‘Hey! Ya gotta read this ‘un.  ‘Fallout at W.T.‘   Chel Owens

9) something, something

10) Secret Rule 1.3


music vids



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Short-Wednesday Post -the Wakefield Doctrine-

Welcome to the Wakefield Doctrine (the theory of clarks, scotts and rogers)

Not much time.

Fortunately the subject is the Wakefield Doctrine so…don’t need a lot.

(…damn! tried the ‘easier, shorter path’… nothin’. Guess we gotta go old school)

The Wakefield Doctrine is a way of looking at the world around us and the people who make it up. As an alternate perspective on people and our interactions with them, it is more a language than a schedule/chart of traits and behaviors.

There are three relationships, (holds the Doctrine), we might experience. It is the character of those relationship styles that determine what we do and say and respond when interacting with the world.

In one sense, the Wakefield Doctrine is a translator. By providing a glossary of experiences unique to the three individually, the determined person can not only better see the world as the other is experiencing it, they will know more about the other person than they know about themselves.

These three relationships? That of:

  • the Outsider (clarks) grew up apart from, at a certain (before the age of knowing the rules) became convinced they missed a class: “Being a Member of the family/tribe/society). Assuming the worst, the clark see the world as a treasure hunt that everyone else has one more clue than they. Being different unfortunately has a default setting of ‘un-deserving’ but the Outsider has good survival instincts and keeps it to themselves/maintains a low(ish) profile.
  • the Predator (scotts) life? You mean today? What else is there? If it’s smaller and moves: chase it. If it’s fricken’ huge and moves: run away. Sleep when tired, When awake listen to the inner shout! Live. Now.
  • the Herd Member (rogers) The world is a puzzle. Not of information. Not of standards of behavior. It is a puzzle that, while you know what you are doing is the Right Thing, the rest of Life remains insufficiently resolved. You seek the Right Way. And you rely on the attractiveness you maintain among the people around you to guide you along that Path. While you’re doing that, the increase in the number of others looking towards you is your North Star.

There ya go!

Get out there into the world today and when the other person (in an interaction) says something totally non-sensical / outrageous / mean whip out your little Doctrine translator/glossary/Michelin Guide/Berlitz cheatsheet and you will be in a position to respond on the basis of what the other actually meant as opposed to seemingly intended.


Monday -the Wakefield Doctrine-

Welcome the Wakefield Doctrine (the theory of clarks, scotts and rogers)

What a treat we have for you Readers today!

Backstory: was talking Doctrine with Denise and roger (yeah, the Progenitor roger) on this weekend’s Saturday Night Call-in and we got on the topic of translation. Meaning, of course, translation between personal realities.

Essentially, if as a clark I am asked why did the roger does something*, without the Wakefield Doctrine, my description is unavoidable inaccurate, often fatally so. If, that is, our goal in life is to see the world as the other person is experiencing it.

So, anyway, in the course of the conversation, we recalled a scene in the beginning of the movie, ‘Arrival’ that while subtle, is totally representative of a roger’s characteristic behavior.

New Readers!! This is kinda Doctrine 104 (Advanced Seminar). All of you who are scotts and rogers on your first visit? You’d be doing yourself a favor by heading over to This Page (on rogers). That’ll give you a total leg-up on today’s conversation. clarks  who’re like, ‘what the hell is the Wakefield Doctrine… wait I think I see, level of new to this blog? We had you guys at ‘Doctrine 104 (Advanced Seminar)’ lol Yeah, no way you’re gonna go back and read the Basics and Principles.


The Everything Rule reminds us that even something as abstract as ‘aggression and drive to control’ is found in all three predominant worldviews. The word we use when considering an interest, social fad, an occupation, avocation, and ‘well-I-gotta-earn-a-living’ us Manifest, as in ‘how does this manifest in an Outsider (clark), Predator (scott) or Herd Member (roger)? To take it one step further (Advanced Seminar 194) we can infer a person’s predominant worldview by the quality of a given manifestation. Which in turns accounts for why some occupations tend to draw one personality type over the other. For example: elementary school teacher, cop/stripper and engineer/revivalist preacher.

So, here ya go. We have the vid set up to start a few seconds before the MC exhibits the behavior that identifies her as a roger. By all means play it from the beginning. The thing that is being demonstrated is how ‘control over the world around her’ is manifested in the rogerian worldview.

No, don’t ask us why. We have complete confidence in our Reader’s grasp of the principles of our little personality theory and, far be it from us to impugn the efficacy of the aforementioned insight into human behavior. But we’ll be all, ‘correct your own tests’ tomorrow on this little lesson. (No, don’t over-think the scene. Consider the question: How would you have responded to the student’s request that the main (whatever) be tuned into the News? We know what you’re thinking, clarks! lol

rogerian insight


* totally one of the direct benefits of alternate perspective made available by the Wakefield Doctrine. The first among such insights as they pertain to clarks and rogers is a new and thoroughly beneficial appreciation of the distinctly rogerian characteristic known as ‘lashing out’. If you’re a clark, new to this blog here, you would do well to write a comment/send email to the effect ‘ok, I’ll admit to being an Outsider (don’t tell anyone) but what’s the big deal with this ‘lashing out’ thing?’ New Readers want to know.


Monday -the Wakefield Doctrine-

Welcome to the Wakefield Doctrine (the theory of clarks, scotts and rogers)

We were looking for a post that had ‘Labor Day’ in it’s title or content.

What the hell? Did not find one at all.

Who said ‘Everything Rule!!’

oh, man! New Readers You gettin’ good.

…almost too good.

yeah, invoking the ‘everyone does does everything, at one time or another’ aka the Everything Rule is a very helpful prompt. ’cause we can learn something about the three personality types of the Wakefield Doctrine and, therefore, about our ownselfs

…well, we’ll tell you.

clarks: their personal reality/the way they relate themselves to the world around them is that of the Outsider. That pretty much describes ’em. oh, more? well, here’s the thing about clarks, they know that everyone around them, from like, hey, four years old? (yeah, at that stage of life, no major influence there, right?) anyway they see that everyone apparently knows something that they can’t, for the life of them, understand. And this knowledge is manifested in this thing, a sense of belonging’ that becomes the brightest porch light to the neighborhood Insecta Lepidoptera. The young clark concludes they missed the class: ‘Growing Up Human 101’ (pre-Requisite: So, You’re Alive! Intro Social Realities 100) … Here’s the thing about Outsiders. They are painfully aware of being different. And they know that the most important thing (other than learning what they don’t know) is they need to hide it. So, clarks are precocious and intelligent and think the shit out of life. There is a curiosity driving them that is nothing like the mere, ‘
“Oh, my what a inquisitive child. This is a smart one. (better watch out, small human, we’re on to you and your pathetic disguise. Slip up once it’ll be your last. And… if you don’t, we have a little program for your kind called adolescence. We’ll get you then our little pretty.”

Damn! Used up our time this morning.


…yeah, here’s a RePrint

the Wakefield Doctrine ‘of old and new… perspective is all’

Welcome to the Wakefield Doctrine (the theory of clarks, scotts and rogers)

Today’s Post:

  1. the simplest possible form of the Wakefield Doctrine
  2. a Post from the Doctrine written in 2009
1) Suppose you knew what ‘the other person’ was thinking, would you feel good about (being able to know that) or would you not feel good? If you are the type of person who thinks that seeing things from the perspective of the other person, then the Wakefield Doctrine has much to offer. If you are a person who wants to have an edge when interacting with others in the course of a day, then you should know that the Doctrine gives a person an advantage and if you feel that knowing more about a person is better than knowing less, then despite your aversion to the novel and the outre’, the Wakefield Doctrine is something you should try to learn. The Doctrineoffers a perspective on human behavior that you will not find anywhere else. And you can’t get it wrong… if you can remember the characteristics of the 3 types and you can suspend your disbelief enough to be able to imagine that everyone is living out life in a slightly different reality… you are there.
2) as follows:

Hey Reader! Yeah, you!

Do you believe that your (personal) history defines and (pre)determines your future or what? Is there such a thing as the momentum of habit. (The ‘momentum of habit’  is the notion that what we are is simply a more elaborate form of what we have always been.) (Cheery thought, no?)

Well? Do you think it does?  (Don’t you dare touch that “Back” button.)
(in a fairly creepy, sudden shift to a calm tone…)  “Do me a favor, you know something about us here at the Doctrine

…look back on your life. Try to remember and recall the things you have done, the places you have lived, the people you have known, since as far back as you can.
Now: erase the names of the people, delete the addresses of the locations and take off the labels of the things you have done (a job title, your education, religious designations).
You can still remember your life, can’t you?
Even with names and labels removed/deleted/eliminated, you know that you have been alive, a life that is yours and yours alone.
You know, even without the names, that you lived in one place (or many different places), you knew a few people (or a lot of people) and you spent your days…doing this (or doing that).
Your ‘life story’ runs from the first (often vaguely recalled) times you remember as a child and continues, an un-broken line up through and right to the present moment.

Pretty goddamn ‘straight’ line isn’t it?

Look at your life in terms of how many different interests and activities and ways of investing your time that you have experienced. How different was your life when you were 7 years old compared to when you were 17 years old?(…or 27 or 77…)
(Yeah, yeah scott, I get the ‘I gots the girlfriends/boyfriends thing’ Does not matter. Lose the names, and they (still) are people you shared yourself and your time with, no different from a best friend in second grade or a spouse in middle age or the person in the bed next to yours in the nursing home.)
What I am trying to get across here is that the important thing  is not the names of the people, places and activities that comprise(s) your life.
Rather, I am asking you to consider the question, what did they (seem) to add to your life, why did you give them your time!?

I want the Reader to consider their lives without the qualification/rationalization/justification that we all impose when we reflect on our lives.

… ‘he was a great friend, even though he was an asshole’… ‘I really liked spending time with her, but I had to because she was family’ … “of course we are happy together! We have beautiful children and a nice home’… ‘I know this is a boring job, but I will stick with it, because otherwise, what will I do?…’maybe I can still pray and maybe its not too late for me…”who will take care of me if I get sick?’…

(These little quotes barely hint at the myriad of ways that we employ to make the fact that what constitutes ‘our lives’, our essential nature and character,  is the same today, (as you read this Post), as it was on your very first day at school.)

So what, what is wrong with that, at least I have a life that I can look at and say, ‘hey I’m not doing so bad’!

(You are correctscott.  and someone please tell roger to come back into the room, we have stopped talking about life as if it were totally unpredictable and un-certain. We won’t talk about interchangeability any more.)

Well, that was fun, wasn’t it?  (Yes, I am seriously getting ready to close out this Post for today.) (No, I actually don’t have a more satisfying denouement for todays Post)

(writer leaves, house lights stay off…)

If pressed, I would have to say the point of this (Post)  is that our essential natures (clarksscotts and rogers) will determine how our lives are experienced and will force a consistency throughout the years (of our lives).
Having said that, I will remind everyone that the Wakefield Doctrine is predicated on the idea that we all have the full range of potential, we are all (potentially) clarks and scotts and rogers.
And despite how this Post reads, we always have the potential to feel, act, or think in the manner of the other two personality types.

Which, in fact, really is the purpose of the Wakefield Doctrine (the theory of clarksscotts and rogers).





Monday -the Wakefield Doctrine-

Welcome to the Wakefield Doctrine (the theory of clarks, scotts and rogers)

Where were we?

oh yeah, here:

So to the three moving parts:

  1. clarks (the Outsider)
  2. scotts (the Predator)
  3. rogers (the Herd Member)

We are, all of us, born with the innate predisposition to relate to the world in one of three manners/styles/character. And these three ‘styles’ (that other ‘normal’ personality typing schemes and theories refer to as ‘personality type’) we call, ‘predominant worldviews’. Ever body’s got one. And, as a bonus, we never lose the potential of ‘the other two’. The two that did not manifest as our personality type remain a potential influence on our lifes and behavior)

Three personality types. Three ways to relate (ourselfs) to the world around us. Three (well, actually two. But we were really enjoying the anaphora…lol) instances where the secret to understanding (and being understood) lies in being fluent in two (very) foreign languages.


Congratulations! You are demonstrating certain qualities that those who have come to this blog and stayed were possessed …of errr by.


ProTip: You know how we’re always talking about how personality types are reflections of how a person relates themselves to the world? That is the same as saying the person’s personal reality is…. that of the Outsider or the Predator or the Herd Member. With us so far? cool If you’ve made it this far, the idea that we all live in a certain, kinda limited but totally real-reality that is…..personal.

The thing, (useful, enlightening, fun), about this personal reality metaphor is that it makes the business of ‘language’ simple and straight-forward. We’re a clark. We live in the (personal) reality of the Outsider. We have a certain language to allow us act and interact with the world at large. (We good so far?)

ok, staying with the clark example. We act, as does everyone, with the world described in a certain language. We communicate, to varying degrees of success, with the people in our lifes, (and world in general), employing the vocabulary of the Outsider. For the most part, we’re all in Esperanto mode. We get what you’re saying. You know we just asked you, ‘Where is the bathroom?‘ Its just that when we add, in our endearing manner, ‘ We apologize for the imposition of our presence…‘ that the difference in languages makes itself felt.

…from the perspective of clarks, scotts and rogers, of course.

Outa time!

Questions are welcome.

