clarkscottroger | the Wakefield Doctrine - Part 4 clarkscottroger | the Wakefield Doctrine - Part 4

TToT -the Wakefield Doctrine-

Welcome to the Wakefield Doctrine (the theory of clarks, scotts and rogers)

This is the Doctrine’s weekly contribution to the Ten Things of Thankful (TToT) bloghop. Once a simple list-format, grat-themed bloghop, the TToT has thrived and survived since it’s creation in late Spring 1957. (photo at top of ’57 Strat*). So, now as we end our 35th year in circulation, ww invite one and all to come, read and, heck, write yourself a list of Ten things that inspire gratitude and link that darlin’ right on up. (If you have any question just go ahead and ask! We have six co-hostinae who not only will answer your questions but will, in all likelihood inveigle upon to accept a seat on the Board of Hostinae/um.

1) Phyllis

2) Una

3) the Wakefield Doctrine

4)  the curious empowerment of a specific and consciously-created myth, aka superstition (quick example in Grat Seven ‘Hey, we went long on the referential grat thing. Head down to #8)

5) the Unicorn Challenge. pick of the Week.

6) the Six Sentence Story. pick of the Week.’Introspection‘. by Denise

7) ProTip: sometimes people be all, ‘That’s a long list, suppose I can’t come up with Ten things? What then?” Well, then you’re a failure in life and should rip up your modem cert, ya know?” Ha ha. Look at what you made us do! We got so clever with that old-school device, ‘the ProTip’ schtick, that we stepped on our original witicisa, but, what-the-heck, there’s a better than even chance you haven’t made it this far down this post.

8) anyways… had we been more disciplined, we would have mentioned, germane to the image at the top, that we have not touched a musical instrument since hitting ‘Publish’ on the first Doctrine blog post. Won’t take the chance. A long story but, better safe than sorry. Well lookie there! Grat #9

9) something, something

10) Secret Rule 1.3


* ‘ocaster not ‘ovarius (ha ha)

music vids





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Tewsosaurus Rex -the Wakefield Doctrine- “we are the metaphor we fear”

Welcome to the Wakefield Doctrine (the theory of clarks, scotts and rogers)

here. a RePrint jump-start this bad-boy

Full Disclosure (and Dispensation) and Act of Faith (in the Wakefield Doctrine): Came across the below as the oldest post returning on a search of keyword; Tuesday.

We immediately remembered the post. But a number of reactions/responses on our part ensued:

  • though, ‘hmmm that one’
  • enlarged the font display
  • found ourselfs skimming (after all we wrote it, so…)
  • caught ourselves skimming, looking around, felt embarrassed
  • laughed with an unfamiliar sense of responsibility… to the Reader? ourselves?
  • read most of it word-for-word
  • finally, the challenge: to RePrint or not RePrint?
  • (New Readers? the advent of this blog is countlessly recounted in these pages. But the over-riding theme, (of the root inspiration), is serendipity. Not only was the decision to create a blog for the Wakefield Doctrine a gift, but with this gift (the whole-cloth of the theory of clarks, scotts and rogers), we were given something of a attitude decidedly non-clarklike i.e. freedom from the fear of scrutiny. For matters relating to this here personality theory here, at any rate. We wrote because it was our job to write and explain and illustrate and allow as many people as possible to come to know and benefit from this alternate perspective on the world around us and the people who make it us. (Can we get a damn!)
  • final challenge for us this morning: To (re)Publish or to not (re)Publish. It came down to asking ourselfs: Either we are the Curator (of this place) or we are not. If the former, then there is no question…’cause, ‘hey, this is what a Curator is supposed to do, right?’ If the latter? ayiiee! To claim creator-status that’s got Monkey’s Paw tattooed all over it! No thank you!
  • so here ya go, binyons.

oh, man…what is it now?

Welcome to the Wakefield Doctrine.
Sorry to dissappoint, but the Interview with the roger(Progenitor) is not complete and as such is nowhere near ready to Post. Sunday is a time when I try to get something/anything new in but was drawing a major blank until the name James Joyce flashed against my 3am brain and so we are going to walk to amateur experimental-writing land this morning. And by the way there is something weird about trying to write like this and yes I will tell you something you do not in fact know but the loss or surrender of most punctuation is really hard on the typing. Thank god for the occaisional period although I don’t know how many of them I have left but for some reason doing this Post the way I am I am mis-spelling alomst every third word I promise that I will spellcheck this thing and not put you throught that ordeal or misspelling everything in the name of an art for which I have no techniques be warned though I did look up EE Cummings before I started and at the first opportunity I know I will jam a reference to his stuff. My mother used to have an expression that went a little knowledge is a dangerous thing I think this is an example of what she meant although she died in 1979 and could not have imagined this particular form of acting without regard to justification. Although she (my mother) was a clark of the first order so I would bet that she would have no problem accepting the strangeness of this Post. We clarks are good at that we will witness the second coming and not show a reaction. But she was a clark in all the classic forms of expression you must allow for the time/culture she existed in which for my purposes and perception would be the 1950s through the 1970s. But as a clark she was the perfect selfless-to-a-fault mother and just in case there was any doubt about here type (clark, scott or roger) she has a 3rd grade school teacher. Hey no clark there. Anyway not sure how i got off on that tangent. Damd did i just lose capital letters? Oh well what can you do. so i was saying i brushed up on ee cumming because we all had the wednesday in spring 5th grade english class that started on the poetry and who did not like the phrase and the world was puddle wonderful? but the fun for me was that he did not need to use punctuation or even particularly spell things right and he certainly felt free to make up his own words. i never got much into that poetry thing then but like so much i am only now coming to appreciate things that i thought at a previous time i just did not have the time for. and maybe that is part of what this post is saying to me. while it is not uncommon to put things off, i am coming to an understand only now of how there is not a later for things to get done and as i look back i realise how much time i wasted. this is not a negative thought rather for me this realization produces in me the acceptance and will that whatever i might find of interest today i should and must invest all i have to invest in it now, not later. yeah, yeah i know kind of basic, mature adult looking at life shit. bear with me am filling up the page and can get out hopefully without a topic but no, i stayed too long. so i was talking with downspring glenn, who of course is a scott you saw his interview last week and we got on the subject of post writing and what to do when there is no topic. he is just a scott and as such is strongest in the here and now where all those people live but afterall all of us participating in this Doctrine thing are no more a pure form of our type than we are neither so as an evolved scott glenn is able and quite helpful in working on the development of the Doctrine at least as far as this current effort to bring it to the world. did I get off on a tangent? how the fuck could you tell? this stuff is probably harder to write than it is to read at least you can stop at any point an say yeah that was cute that was creative so when is there a point going to be made and maybe i will just check back in on tuesday or so. and btw i have no idea of what the appropriate music is going to be with this odd little post but if the cat smiles it will be what it needs to be. where was  i oh yeah, glenn and the discussion of topics for posts. he said hey why don’t you write about the differences between… and then a number of suggestions most sports as a vehicle for comparing clarks, scotts and rogers. i think he suggested baseball, football and golf i said sure that sounds like a good idea and then he moved on to compare the three stooges which he realized we had already done in person i think talking with downspring joanne who i want to thank for her efforts at working on the questionaire which no else is helpin on. damn i wish i still had itlaics. anyway glenns last suggestion was pick a person in the world that you really hate and tell them how much you hate them and why you hate them.  good idea. i hate glenn very much much and it is because he is so scottian at times that i don’t understand…ha ha got you going for a second huh? glenn it is strange how presentation changes everything. words are the point but how important is how they are arranged/laid out/presented/fuckin typed? apparently it makes all the difference in the world. so to complete this minor cycle in the overall arch of the post and my spelling is really going downhill, i hoep that this thing does not decide that spelloing does not matter as grammar and everything else seems to not matter. will do my best to hold on to the last shred of coherency  almost done. anyway since we always include some new information about the wakefield doctrine in every post. hey do they still do the prizes in boxes of cereal? i still remember the whole digging to the bottom of the box of frosted flakes looking for the prize that was invariably contained in some kind of white paper envelope that was sealed around the edges in a most peculiar way. the lesson? oh yeah hazel used to use that expression the oh yeah thing jeez what a not to be described yet total energy black hole that hole my hazel relationship thing was. even allowing for the first relationship effect which is cheating here because if you bring up a significant life event i don’t think you should try to control it by laying a in-retrospect i certainly understand what i …blah blah blah but it was the focal point of my existance while it was happening and for too many years after it was over. wtf where the hell am i? where are my caps, my parentheses, jeez louise it is a lot easier to get lost in this rather tedious technique than it is to get out. must find paragraph key…i now it is here somewhere none of the keys have letters anymore shit try something hit any k)y ok {? maye hit1234 nah numbers \Ah! I’m out! Thank you jesus! I am out of that, that, a lot funnier to read than to write, thing. Whew, man I thought that would never end.
Hey, plenty of white space filled in…maybe I can just tie up a few loose thoughts, find some music and put this bad boy in the category: ‘Keep one as Proptype, cancel production run”Damn, what little typing skills I had, seem a bit messed up by this little experiment. Alright loose end tying time, (in no particular order):there was a person by the name of hazel; my mother was, in fact, a 3rd grade teacher (quite a good one, but she was a clark); hey I gots italics!; golf is a clarklike sport; football is scottian and baseball is the rogerian sport.Alright. Now for some music….(man! I just ‘previewed’ this Post, jesus christ what a mess! am thinking of putting music first, be weird but that really, totally is a meaningless term at least for today.)  Nah…better put it down here, someplace for the Reader to run to:


Will not leave without a Goodnight to our friends in Slovenia…hey guys…


Holy Shit!

Someone tell me, (and we are notoriously averse to dealing in anything relating to the ‘real’ world and will continue as such) that you do not hear something…odd in this song rendition. (ok one hint: enunciation) Damn! Our memory’s been lying to us. again!


Monday (rainy Monday) -the Wakefield Doctrine-

Welcome to the Wakefield Doctrine (the theory of clarks, scotts and rogers)

So, this curious psycho-artifact, this mechanism birthed by an archaic mind, what of it?

If we were to fashion a ‘mission statement’ (as we have over the past multi-years), it would he this(ish):

The Wakefield Doctrine is a tool to help us better appreciate the world as the other person is experiencing it. And, in so doing, (as well as perforce, subject to and, everyone’s favorite, sine qua non), we will come to better know ourselves.

If a person is speaking a foreign language and you want to interact with them, you can either insist, (to yourself, them or whatever construct-of-your-soul that is charged with making sense of reality), that they are simply mispronouncing pretty much every word of your language and proceed on that estimatory basis or you can read up on their country of origin, buy, prepare and consume as much of their ethnic cuisine as possible and, finally, learn as much as possible about that country’s culture, history and people. After which,  while you may never pass for a native, whenever you need to find a bathroom in a hurry, you are not overly at risk of being arrested and put on public trial for heresy and/or espionage.

So, if’n you are so inclined, read as many posts as you need to get a sense of the world of the reality of the Outsider (clarks), the world of the Predator (scotts) or the life of the Herd Members (rogers). It’s fun and it’s beneficial.



TToT -the Wakefield Doctrine-

Welcome to the Wakefield Doctrine (the theory of clarks, scotts and rogers)

This is the Wakefield Doctrine’s contribution to the Ten Things of Thankful (TToT) bloghop. A remarkable continuation of the ‘Kill’em with Kindness’ approach to the Slings ‘n Arrows Constituency, Jack’s (C.S. Lewis to his dog) long-lost, putatively-illegitimate grand-niece, Lizzi R, has a demonstrably beneficial effect on the virtual world, even to this day.

This week, among the people, places and things we’re grateful for are the following:

1)  Phyllis

2) Una

3) the Wakefield Doctrine

4) Landscaping Update: The decision has been made to continue with the ‘Let Nature take Her course’ approach with the front and side Meadows. Slightly tempted to mow it all before the full-on Winter arrives. But no, we’re gonna stay, ‘stepped back’ and see what grows, totally unimpeded by the Efforts of Man (and Phyllis and Mia)

5) moderate weather (for the season)… as the the old, crocheted-homily reminds us, ‘There’s a bright side to every climatological tipping point!”

6) the Six Sentence Story bloghop  Six Pix of the Week: ‘The Black & The Gold‘  by Spira (aka the Gatekeeper (a Proprietor @ the Six Sentence Cafe & Bistro See Grat #9 below )

7) the Unicorn Challenge bloghop  ‘Corn Pick of the Week: ‘the Unicorn Challenge 08/11/24‘  by Pensitivity

8) something, something

9) the Six Sentence Café & Bistro (that blue? a link to our under-utilized free WP blog created for the purpose of enhancing the immanent reality of what amounts to a cooperative, socio-virtual metaphor. A place where those with the desire and good intent can go (and/or reference independently), in the virtual world/online that has: a consistent form, a varied constituency and unlimited potential (for story-telling, speculation, reflection and all the other fun aspects of ‘fiction’). Stop by sometime. (“We’re looking at you, Frank) lol (no, not a gotcha, just a friendly invite to a currently ongoing serial adventure involving the tall, thin man, Mimi, Tom, Nick, Chris, Denise and a new ‘character’ Rosetta Storme.

10) Secret Rule 1.3





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Monday -the Wakefield Doctrine-

Welcome to the Wakefield Doctrine (the theory of clarks, scotts and rogers)

Allow us too continue on the theme: Aging and It’s Effects on Secondary and Tertiary Aspects

…where were we?

(shuffling papers sound)

{Hey! Is it just us or are there days when you sit at the keyboard and get all Franz Liszt on the keyboard? Not about the content, what you’re writing, just the translation from thought-to-fingers-to-keys-to-LED-wordage. And, yet on other days, it’s “hmm… can I throw those cuticled-sausages at that plastic rectangle and make words appear?” Funny


..(BONUS).personality types, (INSERT) insights into behavior (TODAY)and a little backstory (ONLY!)for good measure! the Wakefield Doctrine

Welcome to the Wakefield Doctrine ( the theory of clarks, scotts and rogers ).In a recent Video Friday Interview, when asked what changes or additions might improve the blog, Claire Peeksuggested  providing insight into the ‘why of the Wakefield Doctrine’. (As Claire put it  “…A new Reader might find interesting how the Doctrine was born but especially why….”  )

Far be it from us to shy away from a difficult task, in this case it is not so much a matter of the (historical) record of how the Wakefield Doctrine came to be, but rather the personal side of that creation/evolution/development. That is the challenge for today.

Easy part first!  The ‘Eureka Moment of the  Wakefield Doctrine ( nee the theory of clarks, scotts and rogers ):

In the early 1980’s, Scott (the progenitor scott) worked at a music store in Pawtucket. He was the main salesman and also ran the repair department (of the store), this included not only repairing musical instruments and equipment that he sold, but any equipment that might be in need of repair, including various types of tape recorders and other similar equipment.

One day I happened to stop by the store to visit scott while he worked. While there, a customer came into the store, went to the ‘repair department where scott and I were talking and presented to scott what was known as a  ‘duel cassette recorder’  (This device had the capacity to record two cassette cartridges at once and was most often used to copy the contents of one cassette to another cassette, what we would call today, making a back up. Among the controls on this ‘dubbing recorder’ were two of all the normal tape recorder controls: volume, treble and bass. Where it was different from a single cassette recorder was that it had a Master Volume control dial, which, as the name implies controlled the overall sound output of the device.) The recorder that the customer placed on the counter appeared to be new and had no signs of damage or abuse. (As the customer approached the counter, I stepped back and Scott looked up and said, ‘What can we do for you’?   The customer said to  Scott, “this thing is brand new, it worked for a couple of days, then it stopped working entirely, I can’t figure out what is wrong”.

Scott looked at the recorder briefly, without saying a word and then reached under the counter and brought out some (black) electrical tape, and tearing off a 2 inch piece of tape, taped over the Master Volume control (after returning the dial to it’s highest setting). After completing this, scott slid the device back over towards the customer and simply said, “ There, its all right now”

The customer asked to plug in the recorder, took a cassette from his pocket, tried the recorder, ran it through it’s paces; seeing that the broken tape recorder that he brought into the store now worked like new  thanked scott and walked out of the store without another word. A totally satisfied customer.

From my perspective the world shifted. For reasons not clear to this day, I not only saw what scott had seen (the nature of the equipment problem) but I saw that his solution implied a reality, a ‘context’ that was clearly different from the one that I assumed to be the same as everyone experienced.

That is the factual side of the creation of the Wakefield Doctrine. The personal side?

I had plenty of friends. Or more to the fact, I had a close circle of friends that I seemed to have acquired rather deliberately.  Sometimes, when I hear or read about people expressing anxiety about making new friends in a new school or a changed job, I will laugh to myself. I still find (in the fact of) my own comfort that this thing that real people seem to worry about, (i.e.making friends) is really so not difficult while at the same time/all the time, I feel so isolated from people in general. And the irony of this is not wasted on me! I accept now (as I did back then)  that this is just another aspect to the weird world that I inhabit.
In any event, back to the ‘personal side of the creation of the Wakefield Doctrine, I knew back then that I had two things I could count on: having a small circle of friends who ‘got me’ and living with a pervasive, never-ending sense of lacking something…  fitting in, being a part of, knowing what I was supposed to be doing in order to be like everyone else. Call it what you like, it is this certainty that ‘I am different from’ and  because ‘I am missing something’ that defines who I am and once I figure out what (or where) that missing thing is, I will no longer be different from everyone else.
I suspected then, (as I now know for certain) that the thing I needed to understand was right in front of me, but not having a clue as to what it was like, the only thing to do was try to watch everything.
Watching is not exactly synonymous with living, ( lol a joke for the clarks reading this) and so I would settle for watching as I knew that the life that I thought I was in was not really the ‘real life’ that everyone else seemed to be enjoying.
Finally, the moment described above, the scene in the music store. That I would make the leap from what I observed to what I knew, what I concluded (about reality and people) was nothing less than a total frickin gift… if I had a stronger rogerian aspect, I imagine I would go on at length about inspired insight, or serendipity but I do not have that strong a rogerian aspect. If the truth is not obvious, I have a strong (barely restrained) secondary scottian aspect. But that is a whole ‘nother Post.
So as the Lady once said, ‘that’s how it began’.

[Bonus Content!]

The Wakefield Doctrine has 3 personality type categories: clarksscotts and rogers. You are mostly one (of these 3) but you still have the other 2 in background.
…and when we say personality types? what we mean is, “What kind of world do you walk out to every morning”?  Because this Doctrine is not about your likes and dislikes, favorite colors or foods, interests, hobbies, avocation or inspiration. It is about the nature of your reality.

Yes, you read that right. Reality. Each of the three types of personality in the Wakefield Doctrine experience a different reality. Nothing weird or earth-shakingly different. No crystals or herbs or inner vibrations required either. Just this:

  • clarks exist (in the world) as the perennial outsider. They are normal in every other respect, it’s just that they know that they don’t belong, they are not like other people. But, at the same time clarks are the quiet, creative, funny (except you have to really pay attention or you’ll miss their jokes), self-deprecating, hardworking people that are there all around you all this time;
  • scotts are so in your life (and you will get this description only if you are not a scott) but they are the natural leaders, natural salespeople, natural entertainers… you getting the theme here with this personality type? natural. scotts are the people who live life by the moment without restraint, consideration, forethought, it’s a wonder they live as long as they do
  • rogers (you know who you are, and right now you are denying it) rogers are the everyday, friendly, easy to talk to people that populate every workplace and classroom and corner bar. rogers will be the person you turn to when you have a secret and rogers will be the one you turn to when you want to learn the latest gossip, they are the engineers, the lawyers, the doctors and heart and soul of every PTA and neighborhood watch program in the world.

The Doctrine is different from all the other mainstream and respectable personality and self-improvement systems out there because we insist that it is not just you, it is the world itself that accounts for your life, it’s trials and tribulations, good times, bad times (we know you’ve had your share).
What sets us apart and the reason you should spend time here, is that the Wakefield Doctrine offers everyone a set of tools that is specifically meant for not only your personality type, but (these tools) are meant to work and be useful in the world that you are living in today!

*the ‘extra’ words in the Title today were supposed to look like they were ‘drawn’ over the original Title, you know…graffiti like   whatever

