clarkscottroger | the Wakefield Doctrine - Part 37 clarkscottroger | the Wakefield Doctrine - Part 37

Friday -the Wakefield Doctrine- of pop quizzes and bulletpoints

Welcome to the Wakefield Doctrine (the theory of clarks, scotts and rogers)


Don’t Forget! This Evening… Vidchat at Seven! (‘An Evening at George and Jane’s‘)  stop by!  it’s hosted by clarks, so that means what it lacks in social status, (“I can’t believe you missed it last Friday!! oh man! everyone was there!!!!”), is compensated by  odd conversations, funny in an interesting way and (sometimes) totally outrageous!

I trust you all know that we’ve found the Wakefield Doctrine to be useful to (any) effort to self-improve oneself.  I (further) assume that everyone recognizes that the Doctrine is ‘three things to three people’. (And) that, it’s not even necessary that you determine which of the three you are, prior to trying to using our little personality theory to help you in your efforts. Start wherever you are right now.   After all, ‘you can’t break it and, you can’t get it wrong‘.  Yep, we still maintain that assertion about the use of the Wakefield Doctrine.

You do know, don’t you, that we can tell which of the three you are, purely on the basis of which of the three you initially say you are…. lol  (Hey!  New Readers! We have a Rule about identifying one’s predominant worldview. It’s your worldview, so no one can say, ‘By Power of the (fill in something relating to your own worldview) I declare that you are a ….!’  Well, they can say it, and you can even ask them to say it, but no one has any authority to impose their opinion of your worldview (dominant, secondary or tertiary aspects).  Doesn’t mean we’re not all willing to share our understanding of the characteristics of the three worldview that are critical to understanding and identifying a person.

  • For example: one of the more difficult ‘calls’ to make: attractive male person who appears very confident, even to the point of aggressiveness,  is he a scott or a roger? You might think, ‘Very aggressive  that must mean scott!’   ok… but you want to go deeper than that*
    they’re being aggressive, fine!  …with/at/towards who?  Are they ‘playing to the room’ or are they focused on one person.
    Now… (here’s a critical question), is it about them or the person they are focused on? What happens when they are rebuffed and/or told to go jump in a lake? Do they laugh or do they seem to be taking it personally?
  • another very common situation (more often when a person seeks to determine their own predominant worldview):   you see a clark, i.e. the poor posture, the mumbling, the odd, (but interesting), fashion choices, but then this very same person, for a moment, holds the attention of the entire room…. you’re thinking, ‘maybe this is a combination type part clark and part scott‘!  You’d be right…but with the wrong conclusion.  We all have one predominant worldview, but also the potential to see the world from the perspective of ‘the other two’. For some of us, this ‘secondary aspect’ is so significant that we develop some of the behaviors and strategies and coping mechanisms of this ‘other worldview’…. and these behaviors come to the surface at times usually at times of stress or duress, ( ‘hey! I want ‘cha ta meet someone!!  these are my two cousins, Stress and Duress…. aint’ they hot?!  you ever wanna to have a wild night  lemme know!).
  • so… bottom line on identifying a person’s dominant worldview:  we’re merely trying to infer how that other person is ‘relating themselves to the world around them’.  know this and you know them

OK!  end of Post.  Don’t forget to join us tonight.

….sure!  there’s got to be something I can say that will change your life (or have an effect for even just a single moment in your weekend)….

  • clarks:  keep in mind this little fact that is shared by clarks alone…. more often than we allow, ‘it’s them, not us!  If you walk away from a surprise conflict (is there any other kind for us?) feeling bad with a tinge of  guilt that it was your fault? it’s them not you
  • scotts: yeah… your gut on this one is right and even though you almost can’t imagine how that family member can believe something so wrong about themselves…. it’s true  and….and, chances are they’re used to it, so you don’t need to do anything immediately  but, definitely know that they will appreciate whatever you try to do, even if it is ineffective
  • rogers: give yourself a break…. no, really. while finding and living ‘the Right Way’ confers to others nearly as much benefit as it does to you… they’ll survive if you take the weekend off, hell, they’ll enjoy it and you’ll have a re-energized feeling afterwards

7:00 pm




* the process of identifying a person’s dominant worldview is a lot like an optometrist eye test.  you start looking at the person through the lens of two worldviews (you always throw out the obvious ‘no way’…. in our example above where we said, ‘attractive….confident…aggressive’?  the ‘no way’ is a clark  which leaves you with scott and roger. From here, you go for more and more intrinsic characteristics and you’ll find that one of the views becomes less clear as the other becomes more and more focused.**

** this same process is used when you identify your own worldview


TT-oh-NineT -the Wakefield Doctrine- ‘of hats and heads, cows and coughs …and 1:00am’

Welcome to the Wakefield Doctrine (the theory of clarks, scotts and rogers)

Aruba 001

(sshh… it’s 1:06 am Saturday. Una and Phyllis are asleep and I have a cold. As Readers familiar with our little blog know, having a cold does not, in and of itself, per se… factotum (lol no! does not even approach appropriate use!!), it (the cold, not ‘the use’) can have elements that are interesting. Now, the coughing part…not overly fun or funny,  the convulsive shivering when the chills hit, that can be fun (fun, strictly in the sense of ‘hey! lets go on the roller coaster…it’ll be fun!’   Now, the fever… that definitely has potential. It’s not that clarks, as a people, require a lot of help to see the world-askew,  but the effects of a fever (mild, nothing that require ice baths, or worse, alcohol rubdowns!! ayyiieee! I totally remember having that happen when I was about 5 years old. 2 am and my parents decide that my temperature is getting out of hand (don’t really recall… 102 or 103 or something) anyway, it was the 1950s and everything was closed at 2:00 am! so out comes the rubbing alcohol.  An amazing combination of sensory inputs… lights too bright, both parents awake and acting a little too concerned and the smell!  is there anything that smells more like a hospital than rubbing alcohol? I survived to grow up and write about it.)
As I was saying, a fever can bring a certain sense of quiet frivolity, a lessening of the normal filters on what I might say to co-workers and clients and such. At moment, the fever seems to have abated, the cough has subsisted (rogerian expression…lol). So, up and at the Computer.)

Item 4 (this will make sense later). Friend of the Doctrine Val quite graciously sent  multiple photos of her Wakefield Doctrine hat that she took to the Tropics! How very cool. Not only that, but she sent a set of photos from Aruba and a set from ‘Anti-Aruba’, USA!  I suspect that you will be seeing more of this fine cranial fashion ware in the coming days. Thanks! Valito!

Number Five: Una who is in the photo on ‘the cover’ of today’s Post. (I believe that, if you visit through the link on a host’s page, you do not get to see ‘the secondary photo’…that’s the thumbnail that appears in the blurb  (blurb??!! what ever made people think that the word, ‘blurb’ should be used by anyone other than a 4 year or a 14 year old boy? yes, I will go find out! wait here…  ok  here’s the link

Number Six…. the damn internet!  come on! you know that link in the previous item, the one about the etymology of the term ‘blurb’?  well, not only is it interesting (most of us here have some part of our souls invested in writing Words that Others Will Read and Enjoy/Be Moved By)…. but when I look up the image of the fictitious woman from the story, I got this:



I trust you can blow it up or print it or otherwise make the thing readable… totally worth the effort.

Number Seven: I am grateful that it worked out that I could leave work early enough to take Una for a car walk.  And we went cow hunting!  (My admiration grows for you people, Christine and Kristi and the  others who do those very clear and well laid-out photos).  I even used my real camera!

Number 8: I am more grateful than you can imagine for writing Number Seven… because I mentioned using my regular camera, it made me think about how I changed the normal settings… specifically, I upped the resolution and turned off the Date/Time stamp. That’s as it should be, but… but! I just remembered that I better remember to restore the settings! Because I so rarely change the settings, I might very well have gone out today on inspections only to end the day with useless photos!! (inspection photos must be date stamped).  Damn! nice bullet dodge.

Number Nine: the cow of the Week.  omg!! we have a tie!!!





10)  wait!!  we have to do 1-3…. which is a video!!  hold on!!


(hey! it’s not even 2:00 yet!I might even be able to upload this in the morning (the real, people morning, not 200 am morning…) (well…actually it’s 2:08 time to finish this Post so I can go and lay in bed and dream of newspaper Taxis and hope to dodge the ‘fever creeps’* this time.)
(* you don’t want to know…well, fact is, you do know, but there is very little amusing about ‘fever creeps’…. so I’ll just let it go at that….)

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monday -the Wakefield Doctrine- ‘no, not weirder than some Posts… just trying to get back to the basics’

Welcome to the Wakefield Doctrine (the theory of clarks, scotts and rogers)


…you know how, on some days, (not that you notice anything when you wake up, and, certainly not something that you do deliberately), you are, for all intents and purposes  …invisible?

…have you ever found yourself getting angry at something that a co-worker has done, quietly inadvertently, they probably would not know what the fuss was about and that makes you all the more angry and yet, when you try to get something done…. no, not punishment, simply doing something so that the person making this mistake does not make it again, or, failing that, at very least, understand their error?

isn’t frustration…. frustrating?  no, we know what you mean, and it’s not something that you dwell on, except when the people who are probably the least qualified to criticize, or worse, clueless… yet manage to impose their arbitrary rules on others and you, well, there is nothing wrong with being …direct with them.  that’s reasonable, right?

the above is the Wakefield Doctrine. (In our block quote today,  done in a faux art film  Mise-en-scène sorta way, ya know?)  Of course, that’s just one of the ways that we offer the insights that warrant the effort to learn our little personality theory.  Other times, the real fun of the Wakefield Doctrine can be found when we go the ‘outrageous route’.  I don’t mean outrageous in the scottian sense… the ‘Hey!!  fuck you!!’   (no, not all scotts yell ‘fuck you’ to get attention.  sometimes they’ll make funny faces…) That’s not the point!

The point is this: the Wakefield Doctrine offers a perspective on the behavior of the people in our lives. There is ‘an internal consistency’ to the (application) of the principles that is…well, pretty frickin incredible. Long story short, a roger will exhibit rogerian attributes and behavior ‘to a depth’ that should not happen without the individual having at least scanned this here blog here (god knows, a roger would never admit to a clark that they, (the clark), have stumbled upon something remarkable).

See? right there!  that last part. That is the fun of the Wakefield Doctrine!  No of course not every roger will begrudge a clark,  just as not every scott will talk in a louder-than-totally-necessary-voice addressing everyone in the line at the supermarket,  just because someone laughed at a joke.
It is in the exaggeration that we express the insights (that) are inherent in the Doctrine.
(Having said that, you need to go over to Christine’s TToT post from the weekend. She tells of a confrontation with a …lets call them a service provider (I don’t want to talk the fun out of reading it, if you haven’t already gone there)…  go ahead  go read it.
… am I the only one who was picturing the scene as the guy using his computer as, like a chair… you know, the old lion tamer chair and whip to try and maintain the semblance of control?

(New Readers? Christine is a self-identified*  scott.  the worldview of a scott is that of the Predator  lion(ess), wolf,  any predator you might like,  ferocious when frustrated, mercurial in temperament  defender of the pack… the Wakefield Doctrine simply states: ‘the way that Christine relates herself to the world around her has the attributes of the predator’  pretty simple, isn’t it?)

Anyway, I’m rambling. Go out there today. Keep the following in mind:

  1. clarks relate themselves to the world around them as would ‘the Outsider’… ‘there but not there’, clarks shy aware from the spotlight, but will not tolerate being ignored.
  2. scotts relate themselves to the world around them as does ‘the Predator’ …. the lion, (not the invisible alien in the movie)…. scotts are a lot of things, invisible is not one of them, the men are great leaders and the women are hot
  3. rogers relate themselves to the world around them as should ‘the Herd Member’  if there is a Right Way to do things, a roger will be interested, they know that the world is quantifiable and understandable, provided it is taken seriously enough… rogers do an amazing language thing that is part humor and part aggression, we call it a rogerian expression and you’ll know it when you hear it… ex.  a blogger talking about the real estate business, ‘on the whole, I found most real estate agents to be much too self-absorbant‘  or,  upon seeing the deductions on their first paycheck at the new job, ‘oh man! look at how much they deducted for aggravated security‘  or  “I really like that movie, but I’m going to wait until they release the un-abashed edition”  yeah…like that.

* and that is the only kind there is…. self-identified  (One of my few rules around here. No one has the right or authority to decide which of the three types another person is. At least, not to the extent that the person labeled needs to feel that it is with any force or effect. That’s not to say that we can’t talk about and help and try to figure out which of the three a person is… that’s how we practice the Wakefield Doctrine!  It’s just that it’s for each of to decide that the way (we) relate ourselves to the world around us is consistent with being a clark or a scott or a roger.

New Readers?  try it out! the other thing we say about the Doctrine is, ‘you can’t break it and you can’t get it wrong!’


Mandag -the Wakefield Doctrine- take 2 (thanks to zoe for spotting problem go to her site…now! (the Link is in this Post)

Welcome to the Wakefield Doctrine (the theory of clarks, scotts and rogers)


Started the day with a bit of a quote remanent, ‘there is nothing new under the sun‘ hoping that that would limit that part of my brain that is endlessly creative with the things to worry about, but then I completed the quote* in my head and totally swapped it for some Shakespeare  ‘there are more things in heaven and earth’  because, how much worse could that be?**

A Note to scottian and rogerian Readers: yes, that is what it’s like inside our head(s) when the day starts for clarks. And, not that it needs to be stated more clearly, consider this: when a clark wakes/stops worrying/inexplicably finds herself in a light hearted mood/discovers the very bad news is only mildly disquieting/accepts the invitation to be friends with a person/reaches the bottom of the emotional abyss in fact, everything/every-time except for when we discover that we’ve fallen in love/see love coming from another, un-prompted/totally surrender…  a clark thinks   ‘I’m here and the world is out there’.
thats the difference between a clark and a scott and a roger***

*** thanks go to zoe for catching and mentioning a problem that hopefully is fix… do me a favor?  go to zoe/ivy’s site and thank her for me.***

(from a few years ago)

Yes, the Wakefield Doctrine does have a very practical value to all you Readers out there who are currently Students or may be Students or are planning to become Students!

In today’s Post we will present the Wakefield Doctrine in a form that will allow you to get the most from your experience in the classroom, no matter if it is a College-level course: Introduction to the Peloponnesian Wars or a High School ‘Health’ Class,  the Wakefield Doctrine can help. Today. Right Now!

Let’s focus on the environment found in High School, simply because this is where the Doctrine will provide the most dramatic and immediate relief and or help for Readers of that age/milieu  (big props for any of you who are in High School and are reading this here blog here.)

The Teachers:


  • if they are clarklike females then they will be found teaching the elementary grades, if male then most likely college level teaching
  • in high school the teacher that betrays the ‘Code of Teachers’ and shows a side of themselves that makes it clear that they are ‘real people’
  • if watched closely, (the clarklike Teacher) will be caught laughing at the antics of the class clown ( the scottof course) but still give him detention
  • if a scottian male, then they are the shop teacher or gym teacher (Mother of God! what are the authorities thinking!!)
  • if  a scottian female then the French Teacher… if not (attractive) …so the phys ed  teacher
  • the scottian female Teacher,  is also the mostly likely name to appear on the boy’s room wall (but who’s ‘honor’ will be vociferously defended) if anyone ( a roger ) makes a wisecrack about her
  • if a rogerian male, then the science teacher, if female then the School Nurse
  • most of the History Department ( except for the clark they let in for distraction value)
  • Health class, Personal Hygiene Civics Class and/or head of the Cafeteria staff
The Students:
  • the one who makes the ‘wisecrack’ that everyone laughs at in class but no one is sure who said it?
  • the girl that is admired by the Teachers and  the Senior Classmen (and someone said she was going out with a college kid)
  • you will, if you watch quietly from the side, see clarks everywhere, but never by themselves (if they are by themselves, you won’t see them)
  • you’re kidding, right?  if we need to tell you how to spot the scotts in your high school, then you need to… go back to grade school!  lol
  • the two guys who get into a fight, right in the middle of the cafeteria? (and are the best of friends after the fight is over)..scotts
  • the girl who is totally the center of almost everything…and if she happens to get straight As nobody seems to remember that fact?
  • most of the population, easily 45 damn percent…rogers!  they’re all over the frickin place
  • (most) of the members of every team or any sport or activity that requires the individual  to totally depend on teammates or coaches
  • the head of every frickin club except the ones that no one joins (thats where you’ll  find the ‘outgoing’ clarks)
Alright, time is up! Everyone put down your pencils but please remain in your seats until  the rogers can collect your test booklets,  do not try to leave until all the test booklets have been collected.
*  from Ecclesiastes 1:9  “What has been will be again, what has been done will be done again; there is nothing new under the sun.”   shit!
** Hamlet Act I. Scene V   yeah, sure, great line that would totally appeal to a clark, but then he goes on to say:

‘As “Well, well, we know,” or “We could an if we would,”

Or “If we list to speak,” or “There be an if they might,”’
…have I said it already?   shit!
*** no, if you have a sense of it or even sometime think that that’s the best way to approach it, then it’s your secondary aspect talking…. today we’re talking about the worldview itself, not us as individuals,  ya know?

F -the Wakefield Doctrine- ‘a 3 second tale of sadness and hope’

Welcome to the Wakefield Doctrine (the theory of clarks, scotts and rogers)


(08:11:01 am)  …a grey shape in the road ahead… not clear what, it’s grey about 6 inches longways across  there is much to do at work today… I really hope I can find a way to keep up, there’s tremendous opportunity  in keeping with what I am working 7 days a week to achieve, I know I can do it but I know that thinking as I am about the challenges bring, maybe inevitability though I am personally inclined to say deliberately is the threat of screwing up and losing more than I’m gaining… hey, it’s a dead squirrel, won’t have a problem avoiding it, the traffic is pretty light…must be windy out there, the tail is waving…

(08:11:02 am) …oh fuck, it’s moving (no need to swerve I’ll pass right over it)… the squirrel is not dead (yet) it’s moving, flexing the muscles of it’s body any way it can. (I think),  there’s no sense of terror or even pain in these movements, (no, I can’t say why I feel can make this statement with assurance, but I do), what I get from this brief impression is (that) there is  determination, everything in the movements is shouting, ‘must move’.. it has the nature of  a rippling effect along the torso, so much so, that, what I see is not a squirrel like those we all see, running up a tree …the head and the tail ‘are’ the squirrel for us on every other day, except for today… right now, what I’m witness to is a shape in grey fur, moving with a singleness of purpose to get away from where it was… my stomach hurts, in that non-medical way that clarks feel when coming into direct contact with emotion… and not a ‘memory story’, the tales that play in our heads about the past… no this emotion causes a physical response, a rolling of the stomach that made all the thoughts that I had since waking up, thoughts dealing with my day and my work and how to organize (my day and work)  how to avoid failing… all evaporated…disappeared…without a trace, because all that was in my mind was the feeling of  how awful/how sad

(08:11:03 am)  the rearview mirror shows one more movement. I can see the car behind me swerve …(god, it’s making progress across the road)  but the car after that one is too close to see and swerve and how fuckin hopelessly pointless  and how sad  and yet, I recognize that within me is this difference…maybe only a clark will identify with how, I felt about how I felt,  a sense of powerful quiet, the now-seemingly-frivolous-planning of a day… gone, replaced with this….feeling.   and from that  feeling came the hope. (now this will make no sense to most reading this), the feeling of hope was grounded in the awful feeling that possessed me, with the image of the squirrel’s single-minded effort to simply move, move away. maybe this hope is nothing more than a (momentary) silence,  a quieting of whisper and reminders of fear the fear of failure, the fear of success, the fear of not living.

(08:11:04 am) thank you, Mr or Mrs Squirrel… you have changed my day today…
