clarkscottroger | the Wakefield Doctrine - Part 31 clarkscottroger | the Wakefield Doctrine - Part 31

Monday-Monday -the Wakefield Doctrine-

Welcome to the Wakefield Doctrine (the theory of clarks, scotts and rogers)

Monday morning.

This Day in Doctrine posts!

…ok. I’m back… a lot of digging through old files. It took almost three years of Doctrine posts to find one written on May 3rd! But…but! what a find!

Given how, were we to continue to search for ‘This Day in Doctrine posts’ we’d totally have a bunch of them. Well, not precisely. Seeing how there remains only eight more May 3rds possible… but that’s not important now.*

What is important is that our find, our reprint today is the post that provided a new level of understanding of one of ‘the other two’ predominant worldviews.

Specifically, the rogerian worldview.

Note to New Readers: the Wakefield Doctrine is, among other things, a map of a nearly unreachable world(s). We, all of us, grow up and develop in one of three realities: that of the Outsider(clarks), the Predator(scotts) and the Herd Member(rogers). The Doctrine describes each so that we might infer how one relates themselfs to the world around them.

(And when you learn these descriptions sufficiently, life becomes much simpler…. you go to a friend’s garage workshop and you see the shadow-relief outlines of tools on a pegboard over the workbench… like victims of the Hiroshima atrocity and you suddenly realize that you friend is a roger or, standing in line at the supermarket, one person is heard above the fairly subdued background conversation and you watch as they cut ahead of the line. This is not. however, what has you smiling at the thought of ‘that weird personality theory blog’ that your odd friend insisted you read the night before. What has you smiling is the person cutting in line, he’s telling jokes, people are laughing, hell, they’re stepping out of line in the hopes that he’d stop in their section of the line. What a scott!)

Where were we…. maps! Right! The descriptions of the three worldviews are like a map. You will recognize the streets when you walk down them. You will not see inside the houses and buildings…unless, someone from the area invites you in and that is what happened to this post written on May 3rd 2012. The result of this post (the discovery is detailed in subsequent posts.**

The take-away. What this post lead to was the discovery of the principle of ‘referential authority’. It is a major dynamic in the worldview of the Herd Members. What it wasn’t was ‘visible’ from the basic descriptions of the predominant worldview of rogers.

We discovered this ‘artifact’ as most discoveries of un-seeable objects are made: by inference. When we went to the rogers in our readership at the time and asked, ‘Well what did you think of the three possible responses to the scenaria?’ And they, the rogers, were, to a woman, “My god!! They can’t do that!! It’s an insult to the owner. That job applicant should be arrested!!”

Needless to say, the ferocity of the objection by rogers for the clarklike choice in the first scenario was a total “Hey!! Look here…closer!! There’s something going on here that is specific to the rogerian worldview.

Cool, non?

Welcome to the Wakefield Doctrine (the theory of clarks, scotts and rogers)

Today we present the second in our series of Posts that  look at the process of interviewing for a job, through the lens of the Wakefield Doctrine. In each of these Posts, we will set up a  job interview scenario, each in a different business sector and  look at it from the perspective of the Wakefield Doctrine. The underlying question throughout will be,  “what insight does the Wakefield Doctrine provide that will allow us to improve the chances of success in being hired in each of these situations?”

In our First Post, “Won’t you have a seat, Mr Andrews will see you in a moment“,   we examined the strategies available to a person seeking a position in what is often referred to as ‘the corporate world’.  In that first Post, we focused on the ‘pre-Interview’ phase of the employment process. With today’s Post we will stay with this convention, as it seems that, if the first episode is any indication, most Readers find the Applicant’s efforts to deal with the appointment process entertaining and instructive. Subsequent Posts in this Series, will include  interviewing for positions in the Manufacturing Sector, Service Industries and Small Businesses.


Small Business Environment:

….a small restaurant, in a small coastal town which is also home to the State University. With only 10 tables and an open kitchen layout  the Owner, (who is also the cook), is able to greet and interact with all the patrons. It is quite clear that he enjoys what he does, is reasonably skilled and, as a result, the business has grown rapidly. The increase in business has been surprisingly rapid and the Owner is finding that the part-time help from family and relatives is insufficient,  and so the Help Wanted: Waitress ad in the local newspaper.

…The Interviewee:

The wife of a faculty member at the University,  after a Sabbatical from Field Work, you have been unable to find employment in your area of expertise, Paleo-sociology  (and) Urdic Languages. Rather than spend another summer in the overly large home that you and your husband share with two cats, you decide that being a Waitress wouldn’t be the worst thing you could do, at least until the market for Sociologists (fluent in farsi) improves. So you call the number in the newspaper and get an appointment to meet the Owner. Wearing your best Interview suit (a subdued brown pinstripe) and carrying your trusted iPad, you set off to the restaurant, confident that you will be able to recall your undergraduate days of work-study working in the school cafeteria.
(…. oh!  do we need to mention that you are so a roger?)

(First Interaction)

The Restaurant is quite busy for 10:30 on a weekday morning. All but 2 tables are occupied, the Owner can be seen at the grill cooking, stopping to look up and wave as you enter the restaurant. He waves a spatula in the direction of the empty table near the door and goes back to cooking. There is a woman standing at the cash register, ringing out a customer.  She looks up, frowns then smiles and says, “You must be Emily! To be honest with you, I’m really kind of busy right now, but I left an application on that table over there, if you want to get started I’ll try to get over to you in a minute. We’re really kinda swamped right now”.
Looking over to the table, you see a single sheet of paper marked Application for Employment

Do you:

  • Sit at the table (not before taking out a tissue and wiping off the table top) and begin to read the Application for Employment
  • Decide that the Owner should have paused at least for a moment, and come over to properly introduce himself and even though the woman at the cash register seems nice,  they are both being rude, so you turn around and walk out of the restaurant
  • Pick up the dishes from a recently empty table and take them to what appears to be the kitchen…

The Question: if you are a roger what is likely to be your first reaction, which is the most effective strategy for getting this job. Which of the three personality types ( clark or scott or roger) is the woman ringing out the Customers? Please submit your answer (along with the reason for your picking the personality type) in the Comments section at the bottom of this Post

(Second Interaction)

…you have been sitting at the table 15 minutes (30 minutes later than the scheduled interview). The ‘breakfast rush’ has finally quieted down and the woman at the cash register brings you coffee, asks (again!) if you would like something to eat and tells you that the Owner will be over in a minute.

Do you:

  • ask the woman questions about the restaurant, how long has it been in business, what background the Owner has in the restaurant business
  • Look annoyed and ask her if it is always this busy
  • smile, hand her the Application for Employment that you have completed (and somehow stapled your curriculum vita to the slightly grease-spotted form) and say, “Thank you so much! I am sure that I will enjoy working here!”
The Question: if you are a roger, which of the above is likely to be your initial reaction and which, (of the three actions above), should be your reaction, in order to increase your chances of being successful in this Interview?
Well that should be enough to get us started! As with the first Interview, consider not only which of the three personality types the people in our scenario are, but tell us why you think they are (clarks or scotts or rogers )… and while it is helpful to know the correct way to get this particular type of job, add what you can about what the Wakefield Doctrine gives our Interviewee, in terms of tools or aids that will allow her to get whatever the hell it is that she wants…. (yes, Molly and Claire  that is a totally leading question!)


* the whole ‘reprint thing’ is, of course, about jump-starting the wordage lobe in our brain. Today? Job done.

** what can we say, they’re all there… guess you’re gonna have to rummage through all 2300 posts


Tuesday -the Wakefield Doctrine- “…and that’s why, quality notwithstanding, we’ve written 23 hunnert of these things!”

Welcome to the Wakefield Doctrine (the theory of clarks, scotts and rogers)

Tao, a Chinese word signifying “way”, “path”, “route”, “road” or sometimes more loosely “doctrine”

As is the way of things, (the tao, if we stick to my use of the meaning of the image above1) we look to reprints to remind us of what we’ve forgotten to see.

It is central to the Wakefield Doctrine that we, all of us, have everything we need to attain/achieve/leverage/pretend-to-have/insist upon in life; it is just a matter of acceptance and will. (Each of these being way more that we have the space, time or rhetorical horsepower to devote to this morning. So, as is a time-honored tradition… when the muse is flagging, roll out a reprint!)

From December 2014:

Welcome to the Wakefield Doctrine (the theory of clarks, scotts and rogers)


Woke up this morning feeling a bit…pre-aggravated.  Looked around, nothing to write about. Sat in front of this here computer here and… still nothing. The thought then occurred to me that this situation is not all that uncommon (well, alright, not uncommon among clarks) and there is something that the Wakefield Doctrine has that would be helpful (to me).

…still nothing.

Now, I’m starting to get pissed off. (yeah, I know….progress!)  Finally I went searching the blog archives for old Posts and stumbled upon the one below. As I watched the amazing video clip/illustration of the personality types, I realized what I should have remembered as soon as I woke up: ‘I am responsible for how I feel’.
“Hey!!! but…but!”,   astute Readers are trying to yell at their computer screens, unfortunately before they’ve finished swallowing that last sip of coffee, leaving caffeine-based punctuation on what they’re reading,   ” but!!! you’re a clark!!  you’re not of the world of feelings! you are a fish behind the wheel of a large automobile“!!
When it comes to emotions and feelings and such, I am indeed, ‘a fish behind the wheel of a large automobile’, fortunately for me, I have the Wakefield Doctrine to remind me that, though I live in the world of the Outsider, all seemingly intellectual and not all feely and such, I do have, within, the potential to experience the world as do ‘the other two’.

I began to feel a little…. not better, more  ‘ok, there’s something that I can do about this‘…. which, as we all know, is my scottian aspect asserting itself. Our friend Christine is, at this moment, muttering at her computer, “damn straight, yo” , (or words to that effect.)
Of course, we all know that part of the conflict within clarks, when feeling ‘pre-aggravated’ is a result of the resistance of their scottian aspect to the notion of simply letting the world roll over us.

Hey, this has been good for me, but time to get to work. I am leaving y’all with a re-post from way long ago… it’s about scotts.  You all know a scott. (If you’re a clark, then it’s your actual best friend, if you’re a roger, then it’s your current favorite best friend… and if you’re a scott, it’s your clarklike best friend, though you won’t think that at first*)

(from November 10 2011)

The Wakefield Doctrine  has a thing about looking at people, you know, how they act and stuff?  …we guarantee that if you got the smarts to understand this, (and not everyone does),  then you will know more about that other person than they know about themselves.  Pretty frickin cool, no?  But if you’re looking for one of those,  “Six Ways to get any Boy to Like you” or  “Satisfy the Woman in your dreams!! ”  or ” How to get your Boss off your back!”  self-improvement things  then stop reading. Right now.
This Wakefield Doctrine thing is so not that kind of personality theory.  (Not saying that you won’t be able to ‘satisfy the Woman in your Dreams’ or ‘get your Boyfriend a Job’), just that what we have here takes a little more….  flexible intelligence. So.  Read already!

No, the Wakefield Doctrine is not like those other self-development books….the Wakefield Doctrine is fun and it is useful and it is fun…

Today we are going to talk about scotts!  (Want to get a quick overview of the Doctrine?  go here and read….be sure to come back!)

scotts, scotts scotts!  where to start?   … hell, it’s Thursday, lets take the easy way out just to get the ball rolling, so to speak.1

Some bullets points relating to the nature and character of the scottian personality type:

  • scotts are totally emotional but in a way so very different from rogers,  mercurial is the right word for the emotional characteristic of scotts
  • scott   in a band?  the ‘front man’ every time  (don’t believe me? go look at the photo of the progenitors, click here  those three mugs were in a band together (yeah, I know!) and can you tell me who the front man was?…hell  you know which one is the Progenitor scott without anyone telling you, don’t you?)
  • at a party scotts will  introduce themselves (… everyone)
  • when confronted with a threat or other fear-generating situation, a scott will choose to attack rather than flee
  • scottian females can be ridiculously sexy or quick witted, …hardly ever both.  (ed note: 2014  ‘ha ha’)
  • (female) scotts can be spotted because they have prominent throat tendons (go ahead….ask us why)

Seeing how the scottian population is, of late, growing here at the Doctrine, lets cater to the their totally famous short attention-spans  and use a video that shows us a scott doing what they do best!  Watch and learn, binyons!


How scottian was David Caruso’s character? how clarklike was DeNiro’s character?  and the cop that backed down to the scott?, not too rogerian !  Hell, he was the only one in the scene to have a hat on his damn head!
So lets review:

clarks think, scotts act and rogers feel.    scotts are often wrong, but never uncertain.  scotts make good leaders, (at least when decisive action is required…when long-term objectives take precedence over short-term victory…not so much).     scotts are ‘the life of the party’… scotts are the best of joke tellers and are natural mimics.  scotts will feed on rogers and enjoy the challenge of clarks… scotts will give you the shirt off his back/ the use of her boyfriend but will not tolerate being ignored… they are un-selfish and short-sighted… ingenious and stupid…  emotional and shallow… sexy and predatory… endearing and dangerous…  get the picture?


1) that’s a joke for the scotts reading this


* meaning…if your back is to the wall and you’re going to have to go up against overwhelming odds, your clarklike friend is your best bet… most of the time, passive and half asleep, get them riled up and they be crazy


Hey! We’re back! In ‘real’ time. How cool is this here Doctrine here? Glad ya asked. That interaction between David Caruso and Mike Starr (‘Chivas and milk’ big guy last out of the scene…) a scott-on-scott. And, the fun thing is watch the dynamic as they do the ranking thing that all scotts do… As Bernadine told me, twenty-four years ago, in response to my question, “Do you feel bad if it turns out you’re not alpha in a pack?” Her answer: “No, you idiot!” connected to gales of good-natured laughter, (Bernadine was such a scott), “there’s nothing bad about it, it’s all about knowing where you are in the pack.”

You can totally see it in the face of the character. And, implicit in this, is it’s quite possible for the two of them to face-off in different circumstances and neither would say, “But I was alpha last time!” Here and now for our scottian friends… here and now. (As a further anchor in reality, remember back to high school, fights between two guys, they’d end up ‘buddies’ if they are scotts establishing ranking.)

1) how cool is that definition below the above logogram or, Hanzi (at least I gather from me dip into the Wikipool of Knowledge)


Monday -the Wakefield Doctrine- “…of waiting rooms, captured peoples and relating ourselfs to the world around us.”

Welcome to the Wakefield Doctrine (the theory of clarks, scotts and rogers)

Ask anyone. The fun of knowing about the Wakefield Doctrine is how much it enhances people-watching.

(Why, yes. That statement does give a clue to knowing the primary constituency of this here blog here. Good observation.)

Watcher Guide:

  1. clarks(Outsiders) they’re there… trust us. well, you’re not supposed to see them right away (or easily) (or unavoidably)
  2. scotts(Predators) lol… relax, if you make no sudden moves…or try to run away, you’ll be fine… eye contact? glad you asked… no, not ‘Avoid all eye contact’ and, not ‘Lock eyes’… somewhere in between… in the ‘boring zone’. ya know?
  3. rogers(Herd Members)… yeah, pretty much everyone you see. no it doesn’t mean they’re harmless… even though it’s made up of soft, fluffy snow, is an Alpine mountainside avalanche harmless? water is as easy to ignore as…well, water …until it’s a wall of saltwater thirty feet tall, moving towards you at sixty miles-per-hour and is studded with cement trucks and two-car detached garages… now would be a good time to blend in

Ok that should get you started…good luck and let us know how you made out

Report One: televisions on walls…out of reach…with a hand-written sign stating: Do not turn TV off.

Clearly aimed at the clarks sitting in whatever furniture provided


TToT -the Wakefield Doctrine-

Welcome to the Wakefield Doctrine (the theory of clarks, scotts and rogers)

This is the Ten Things of Thankful (TToT) bloghop.

Lizzi is the creatoress

Dyanne is hostinae

The Doctrine will, with the sincerity implicit in this writing, stand by the efficacy of the following gratitudenal stimulae. (We wouldn’t type it if we didn’t mean it.)

1) Una

2) Phyllis

3) the Wakefield Doctrine  The photo above, of Una and Phyllis? Funny thing about clarks, we do not have a love affair with mirrors. We do, however, have a decided affinity for them. New Readers? Want to know if you’re a clark or one of ‘the other two’ with a significant secondary clarklike aspect?* The answer is in your answer.

4) 20 Minute Real Estate Briefing project Hey! If you haven’t already, do a clark a solid and subscribe to the Coastal New England Real Estate Team, YouTube channel you were just at… then, if your nephew, (on your sister’s side who used to live a block away), who is doing so well with that family of his, since taking the job at the National Mississippi River Museum & Aquarium and moving to East Dubuque, IA. Doing so well, that they’re thinking about buying a house, send this and he’ll have one more resource available.

5) Lets go to work with the Wakefield Doctrine

6) Six Sentence Story.

7) Since we’re out and about, (see Grat Item #5), lets drive down to the beach.

8) Serial stories: ‘the Whitechapel Interlude‘ and ‘the Case of the Missing Fig Leaf

9) THIS SPACE AVAILABLE (OK, you’ve been back five times now…first off, that thing about being a clark if you’ve come back more than twice? Don’t tell anyone,  but that’s just meant shake the scotts and rogers who, though they don’t have a significant secondary clarklike aspect, they might be tagalongs with a predominant clarklike person…shhh, don’t laugh…you’re a clark…but you knew that, like, right away… and, in case you’re here ’cause your rogerian friend stumbled on it, here an interesting Rule** about this here Doctrine, here, no one can tell, name or otherwise designate you as any of the three types. If you haven’t come across it yet, let us be the first to say it, ‘the Wakefield Doctrine is for you, not them’.)

10) SR 1.3. (from the Book of Secret Rules (aka the Secret Book of Rules) which says, in plain language… ‘hey! you’re about to finish another one! Lizzi’d be proud’)



* it’s long been established that the followers of this blog, defined as anyone who comes back more than twice, are either clarks or scotts or rogers with significant secondary clarklike aspect. Neither of ‘the other two’ have the time or the interest to step through someone else’s mirror.

** why, yes, as a matter of fact, we did capitalize the word to get your Herd Member buddy’s attention… welcome, clark…lol



BONUS FEATURE (for making it this far…. whaddya wanna see here?  let us know, we’ll do out best to get it in second position)




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TToT -the Wakefield Doctrine-

Welcome to the Wakefield Doctrine (the theory of clarks, scotts and rogers)

Hosted by Dyanne, co-hostethered* by Mimi and Pat and Lisa. The Then Think of Thankful (TToT) bloghop is a most extraordinary exercise, not merely in gratitude, but in reflection on the nature of personal reality. (No! Really! (Well, ok, but for some of us! What?! Yeah, we could name names. We just don’t want to… protect the insolent. lol)).

Created in the late ’90s by Lizzi, this ‘hop has been listed in the Guinness Book of Records as “Most Patience for Off-the-Wall Introductions to Otherwise, Really-not-that-Bad blog posts”***

On with the post. We will, without reservation, cite the following people, places and things that incite the gratitude state.

1) Phyllis for being a person who demonstrates that life can, if faithful effort is applied, be one of increasing impeccability.

2) Una for being a life-form who demonstrates that life does not require instruction manuals or third-party advice, provided one engages each day without reservation.

3) the Wakefield Doctrine for providing a(n additional) map for life, the world and the people who make it up. Although, only in recent editions has there been a complete list of rest-stops, (rated: Five Star to ‘sure, if you really have to’), a handy little scale at the bottom right corner (Legend includes: ‘One hour= Eternity’ and ‘Remaining Exits: 1 grain of sand.’)

While not a simple, read-in-one-sitting, the Doctrine is the ultimate serial guide to life, each installment is edited up until the last possible second. And, given how much we are allowed to know about the other person, (provided we learn the principles of the Wakefield Doctrine), we need never be bored. At least if we’re sitting in an airline-or-bus terminal, doctor’s office waiting room, un-inspired teacher’s class or, the moment before the next. Try it. It’s fun.

4) the serial stories ‘the Case of the Missing Fig Leaf‘ and ‘the Whitechapel Interlude

5) the 20 Minute Real Estate Briefing. (Pretty sure I put out a previous appeal**) but, our scottian aspect, (ever the ‘here and now’ guy), be saying, “Come on! Youtube wants to see increasing subscriptions, your Readers would be upset if you didn’t even ask….ya know?” Click on below, the vid is short. Others are available, subscribe (please).

6) the Six Sentence Story. A place to read, understand and follow, (at least in faint imitation), the parables and lessons of life brevitas.

7) Books meant to be read in the cold of Winter: Ghost Story (Peter Straub), Ender’s Game (Orson Scott Card). Your favorite-enough-to-read-year-after-year, ‘Winter’s tale’?

8) THIS SPACE AVAILABLE Two sentences short of a complete thought? This week we have a special! Send in the Grat fragment and we will look in our bin of ‘you-really-should-appreciate-what-you-have’ fragments and paste ’em together, real cogent-like.

9) 21st century technology that affords me the opportunity to engage in an activity that I abhor, simultaneously with one that I adore: a)waiting in front of a vacant house for someone I can’t dismiss and 2) writing for the Wakefield Doctrine

10) Secret Rule 1.3 (’cause what kind of bloghop is it that don’t have secret rules? Lizzi built this thing for enjoyment, not simply self-improvement.)








* not a ‘real’ word but if this is not your first visit to our blog, you know what we mean

** at least to the extent possible given that my tertiary rogerian aspect is a distant third in my personality

*** ed. note: yeah, a way long way to go for a laugh…. like the taste of coffee versus the aroma

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