clarkscottroger | the Wakefield Doctrine - Part 3 clarkscottroger | the Wakefield Doctrine - Part 3

Six Sentence Story -the Wakefield Doctrine- Part 2 [a Café Six]

Welcome to the Wakefield Doctrine (the theory of clarks, scotts and rogers)

This is the Wakefield Doctrine’s contribution to the Six Sentence Story bloghop.

Hosted by Denise it has but one rule: make it Six Sentences, binyons

This being a Six Sentence Café & Bistro story, it is most likely there will be other writers contributing views, perspectives and parallel (as well as intersecting) storylines. For example, our host, Denise’s first Six is set in the Café later on the same New Year’s Eve.

Prompt word:


The tall, thin man, holding open the inner door, allowed himself to be caught in the riptide of cigarette smoke, Viktor & Rolfe and good, old-fashioned pheromones as Rosetta Storm swept into the Six Sentence Café & Bistro.

He spotted, in the fairly crowded club, his fellow Proprietors in their usual places; the Gatekeeper stood outside at the top of the three stairs leading down from the sidewalk to the Café, Charon didn’t have nothin’ on him; Chris, who, at times aka’d the scene as Raconteuse, was at her table just beyond the small stage, bathed in the halo of colors streaming from the laptop that served as anchor while she jaunted through worlds both fictional and real; Tom, visible in the kitchen by way of the porthole windows of the swinging doors, a ghost with a cleaver, he could be heard speaking to someone out of sight, “Well, faith ‘n begorra, I know it’s not ye style, why don’cha tell her off now …me head’s chocka, life’s too short lass.”

Walking towards their table, the tall, thin man heard friendly greetings and well-wishes from new customers and regulars, yet was enchanted by the glittering cascade of sequins that claimed to be his young companion’s evening dress, giving truth to the fact that magic spells draw the majority of their power from the soul of the target rather than the mind of the sorcerer.

Rosetta stopped at a table occupied by two couples and stood, an ever-so-slight cantilever to her left hip; there was a dip in the temperature of the air to make an 18th Century ghost hunter wail in envy; with barely a nod to the hapless group, Rosetta tossed her Birken clutch onto the table as the hapless foursome gathered their personal property and sought the social balm of being indistinguishable among the crowd of celebrants surrounding them.

The tall, thin man stepped behind the young woman at the now empty table; her smile was deflected by his grin as he contimued to scan the bar for one or both the remaining Proprietors, Mimi and the Bartender.

As carnal ransom, (or profane obeisance), Rosetta pressed back against the Proprietor’s hands as he held her chair, exceedingly confident of herself as well as her couture, and recalled her dresser’s shy comment earlier in the evening, “If the eyes are the mirror to one’s soul, this dress is a reflection of the Underworld.”



-the Wakefield Doctrine- ‘a short-little Xmas post’ [a bonus Café Six]

Welcome to the Wakefield Doctrine (the theory of clarks, scotts and rogers)

This is an early (by a day) Six Sentence Story.

Holiday post tomorrow am. Then this and perhaps another Six.

The tall, thin man sat behind the Office Supply Depot grey-metal desk, frothy Christmas music breaking against the office door, waves of cultural merriment relentless, but neutered.

The other Proprietors were in the public areas of the Six Sentence Café and Bistro, their voices, like tastefully-applied tinsel, effective as a group, yet each individually distinctive.

The voice of the Bartender moved lightly, easily determined if not constant location, in no small measure due to Tom‘s voice creating the slightest of reverb to her combination of hospitality and non-directive hostility

Chris‘s voice was a pool of quiet, rather evocative of her homeland, a life giving oasis in an otherwise predator-heavy environment; her laptop open on the small round table near the small stage, it’s display a wonder of multiple streams of stories, each independent yet linked in a way to include much more than a single narrative. Nearest the street-side door, now bedecked with a magic marker’d sign; Κλειστό για τα Χριστούγεννα Nick sat beneath a cumulus congestus bank of cigar smoke, smiling as Hūnga made his rounds, his species being the only true manifestation of the ubiquitous wandering figure of good will.

Mimi, sitting at the end of the long bar, turned her head ever-so-slightly towards the dark hallway and smiled, “Admission”.



TToT -the Wakefield Doctrine-

Welcome to the Wakefield Doctrine (the theory of clarks, scotts and rogers)

This is the Doctrine’s season-appropriate contribution to the Ten Things of Thankful (TToT) bloghop. On this occasion of the 837th installment of the grat blog that no-less esteemed an virtual literary publication than “Bloggers On The Move” (1957 ed) said of the TToT: ‘Not only has the Founder (referred to as the Founderette for reason uncertain), this bloghop maintains an advisory board of hostinae (‘again with the spurious disregard for convention or Reason), that ranges in number from a high of Ten (10) and a low of six or five or something.

In any event on the evening of Summer, we offer our list of the people, places and things that have inspired, incited and otherwise not-leave-us-the-hell-alone state of grataciousness.

1) Phyllis

2) Una

3) the Wakefield Doctrine

4) the Unicorn Challenge.  Pick of the Week:

5) the Six Sentence Story  Pick of the Week:

6) Hey! Summer is but days away! By the time you read this (and/or we actually complete and publish it) Summer arrives! *

7) * (new TT0T Readers/Participants: hey, we may lack something by way of logic and sensible narratives, but we’re very not new to the Grat Game. Hence the extra Grat Item to explain what you should already know: The essences of Summer is daylight. This weekend the days’ supply of said light begins to increase rather than decrease, (Certe hoc longe credibilius sonat1)

8) driveway markers in the ground this week.  good ole’ fashioned New England Winter juju

9) something, something

10) Secret Rule 1.3


  1. And indeed we prefer to adhere to their opinion. (Hieronymus or some cool, but long-deceased guy in a bedsheet suit)







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Tuesday -the Wakefield Doctrine’ “…of clickbait and insights… some assembly required’

Welcome to the Wakefield Doctrine (the theory of clarks, scotts and rogers)

remind us to remember not to forget to discuss the concept of ‘lashing out’ as manifested in the rogerian worldview. it, the understanding of it’s nature, mechanism and effect is a singular value among the insights afforded us for all the effort that has gone into this here blog here.

hey! thanks!

Where were we?

oh yeah, the totally unexpected discoveries of the Doctrine

but first, lets go to a comment from Mimi:

“Of course, there’s that whole avoiding scrutiny thing…”

The whole ‘scrutiny thing’ indeed!

Worst fear*

Heretofore…lol logical progression of ideas in an order building one atop the other? hah! we fricken clarks** we don’ need no rational structure to an essay!

anyway… the idea of ‘worst’ fear as pertaining to clarks, as opposed to: ‘elimination of any semblance of consistency (of) day-to-day reality or, shunning for the scotts and rogers respectively. We have an opportunity to gain an insight into the personal reality of the Outsider that is too far interior to be accessible by extrapolation on a list of characteristics.

Which is where the original jumping off point was to have been, i.e. ‘the discovery and identification of the ‘lashing out’ behavior that is exclusive to the Herd Member.

Look at the time!! gotta go!

(thanks, Mimi)

* who said that? Excellent ‘get’. The distinction implied in the use of the adjeverb1 ‘worst’ provides us with a rather interesting insight into the world of the Outsider. And seeing how insight, (into the personal realities of the three personality types of the Wakefield Doctrine), is the theme today, what say we continue back up above at ‘And Heretofore’

** New Readers? While everyone’s favorite alternative personality theory is for everyone, the harsh reality is that only one of the three immediately take to it. That said, if’n you’re a roger or a scott, you’ll do fine, provided…. you have a significant secondary clarklike aspect. Speaking of which, did you know there are only three occupations in the world?

Yep! Sure are.

What are they?

teacher, salesman, machine operator.

(yep! ideal candidate being one of the three predominant worldviews, clark (Outsider), scott (Predator) and roger (Herd Member). ) go ahead! Give it a shot

1) not a ‘real’ grammatical word… but if you’re still reading, we bet you figured it out (and, more telling, didn’t get mad and click away)




Monday -the Wakefield Doctrine- “Not a creature was stirring, not even a mouse the Hereford”

Welcome to the Wakefield Doctrine (the theory of clarks, scotts and rogers)

The Wakefield Doctrine is a(n) additional perspective on the world around us and the people who make it up. Comprised of three personality types: clarks (Outsiders), scotts (Predators) and rogers (Herd Members) it affords us of the opportunity to know more about the other person than they know about themselves.

(OK, we promise we have that (the photo above) out of our system.)

The Wakefield Doctrine is both tool and toy. Amusement and insight. An approach to self-improvement second to none.

(For our non-western-Oceania Readers, we are, of course, in the beginning of the week of one of the Big Three Holidays (as celebrated by everyone’s favorite personality theory)

The core tenet of the Doctrine being: we all are born with the potential to relate to the world from three perspectives, the aforementioned clark, scott and roger. For reasons not fully understood, we lock into one, (and only one), of these. Being very young at the time, we grow up, mature and develop our strategies/styles of social interaction against the context of these three personal realities.

The Wakefield Doctrine is gender, age, culture (and pretty much all other bio-psycho-social overlays) free. It’s all about the relationship we establish with life and such.

(But serially, of all the calendared occasions, nothing illustrates the predominant worldview, (aka personality type), of our Herd Member brethren better than Thanksgiving.

(Hell! What doesn’t it have? Prescribed menus, specific social diversions, decorations, hypocrisy, and… (surely there is one thing that manifests our crowdphilic friends most stark-(albeit music)-ly and that’s (…on one two three…) parades!)

With the perspective of an understanding of the nature and character of these three relationships, we are in a position to better be able to see the world as the other person is experiencing it.

New Readers: no, you  don’t get to say. “Hate to tell you this, but I’m, somehow all three.” We all have one predominant worldview. That said, some have a significant secondary and/or tertiary aspect. (Like those neon colored socks that you save for special occasions, or the big push at the end of an otherwise lackluster First Date.)

The Wakefield Doctrine is inherently selective for a certain level and quality of… the word ‘intelligence’ is almost what we mean. But not quite. Here, try this: we all have a friend (or plural) who appears successful. Smart, competent, knowledgeable. Until, that is the issue of perspective arises. For Doctrine purposes ‘perspective’ comes down to ‘imagine if the world is different from how you know it to be.’)

…they are simply unable to get past the “Yeah, sure. But reality is real. Those other people are either lying to themselves or they’re fucking with you. There’s only one real world.”

oh well. Not everyone’s footwear is made of a gemstone. ain’t no guarantee of a clicking sound and swirly vision.

Don’t feel bad about these people. They do, after all, constitute the bulk of the population. More than likely they are quite happy.


Like the Ancients would have said, “The Wakefield Doctrine is for you, not them,”

…alright!! who’s gonna dissect the sacrificial domestic fowl?


