clarkscottroger | the Wakefield Doctrine - Part 28 clarkscottroger | the Wakefield Doctrine - Part 28

RePrint Monday -the Wakefield Doctrine- “…as random as we could make it, accepting the fact that random is an illusion.”

Welcome to the Wakefield Doctrine (the theory of clarks, scotts and rogers)

Here’s a post we found by spinning the wheel on only on Month/Year but on the posts within the selected month.

The year was 2011. The month was June. The day was Saturday.

(Because, when you get right down to it, when you go rummaging through your memory further than the current calendar year, if it ain’t Monday, it’s Saturday.)


Welcome to the Wakefield Doctrine ( the theory of clarks, scotts and rogers )

To all of the new Readers we see comin ’round the Doctrine, we want to extend a three-pronged Wakefield Welcome (better write and ask one of the DownSprings what the hell that means).
Today we will get all basic-elementary Doctrine for y’all.

The Wakefield Doctrine is a tool and (is) a toy for people with a certain outlook on Life.  If you are the kind of person who:

  • wonders if the things on the news are ever just made up (for the sake of the ratings)
  • hates it when someone who pretends to be a friend to a person when there are others around, but tends to get mean in private
  • thinks that there should be a way to make sense of the behavior of friends and family
  • has the most fun, when out with friends, starting the game of ‘people watching’
  • …is the person (at work or school) that everyone comes to to confide a secret to
  • …is the person that everyone looks to when things are getting dull and there needs to be a party
  • …the person everyone comes to when there is a complicated problem that needs un-raveling

then the Wakefield Doctrine is for you.

Not a stuffy old theory that you take a test for or have to have some one explain to you and not a ‘use once and the fun is gone, like a piece of gum’, the Doctrine is a way of looking at the world and getting something back. Our  theory of clarks, scotts and rogers will let you know that you have an advantage when you are around strangers, our Doctrine will let you have more fun with your friends, this thing that we do here will answer at least one of the questions that you have been struggling with, the question, “why on earth would he/she do something like that? I thought I knew them better than that’!

Even though we will now tell you the whole secret of the Wakefield Doctrine, we assure you that it does not mean that you can go out and use it, play with it, teach it to your friends or otherwise get everything of value, just ’cause we told you the whole secret! We know that this is true because we know 2 things that you, the new Reader, does not know:

  1. the Doctrine addresses 3 aspects of your personality, (the one that you think you are and the other two that would tell you otherwise)
  2. even though your think you understand the Doctrine right away ( we’re looking at you scott! ) and think you have it figured out ( don’t look away, clark) and you are sure this is nothing worth your time ( roger!) it is…

The thing about the Doctrine. The fun part and the exciting part. Those of us you see coming here (look to the right for that sidebar that shows locations), again and again are learning more about the use of the Doctrine every day. We are the glowing French rats, the ones that Marie thought had died, we are running through and around the sewers of Paris, glowing like hell and scaring the everyday people.
We welcome you to join us, if you have what it takes to stop being such ‘ups’ and start being cool.




Monday -the Wakefield Doctrine- “…the single most useful fact about the Wakefield Doctrine?’

Welcome to the Wakefield Doctrine (the theory of clarks, scotts and rogers)

“the Wakefield Doctrine is for you, not them.”


(Yeah, to the Reader out there who just thought, “Are they gonna leave it at that? whooa*” if we ever do docTees, bring a copy of your comment to this post and it’s yours.)


* a Bill and Ted whoa, not a Slim Pickens ‘whoa’


Monday-Reprint Monday -the Wakefield Doctrine-

Welcome to the Wakefield Doctrine (the theory of clarks, scotts and rogers)

The earliest August 1st post, from 2010

(We’d do a brief review of Doctrine highlights that were discussed in the course of the weekend, but you’ve already read them. …wait, one from Saturday, to a clark in the very early stages of contagion: “Be careful if you decide to tell your rogerian friend/spouse/co-worker about this thing of ours. Under no circumstance tell them when there are more than the two of you in the room. Further, even if you’re alone with the roger in question, do not exhibit too much un-alloyed enthusiasm. Under no circumstance open with, “There’s this personality thing, it incredibly cool and insightful and true about everyone!”)

(Follow-up to previous secret advice. You’ve succeeded in describing the Doctrine to your friend. Being a clark you’re already extrapolating the principles and seeing things in a whole new, totally fun way. Of course you suspect your friend of being a roger. If you get too ‘ain’t this fun?’ expect to have them return and say, “Sorry, I studied that blog and read all the principles and I get it. It’s pretty interesting. The only problem is that it doesn’t work. I’m either a fourth type, combination of the three and something else or I’m one of the three sometimes and the other two other times.“)

(Smile to your rogerian friend and know that there are clarks out there who you might carefully encounter and eventually, with luck, aim in the direction of this thing. They’ll take it from there. And, for being an Outsider, that will be kinda make all this well worth the effort .)

Reprint 2010

you would think this would get easier, but nooo

Welcome to the Wakefield Doctrine (the theory of clarks, scotts and rogers).
If you are new to our site, the “About” is probably the best place to start.  If you are still reading after that, you possess the qualities that mean you will no doubt enjoy the Posts.  There is no “order” to the Posts other than chronological and mood swings, but you would get that pretty much right away.  The Archives pull-down is a useful way to get a sense of what we are trying to do here.
And don’t ignore the “Pages” in the Table of Contents!  These are parts of the blog that have not received much attention from us in a while, were originaly intended to be the ‘reference resource’ for the whole thing, but all the effort seems to have gone into these Posts.  Whatever.  The information, in the form of definition and examples of the three types of personality, is all to be found in the Pages.  Includes pictures of clarks, scotts and rogers.The Wakefield Doctrine is a unique, fun and productive way to look at the behavior of others, with this “Doctrine” or “theory” you will finally understand why the people in your life behave the way that they do. (This pre-supposes that you do not know why they behave the way that they do and, further, pre-pre-supposes that you feel the need to understand why they behave the way that they do.) All of the stuff in the parentheses here, if applicable, makes you a clark.  If you neither care about understanding or just skimmed over this whole section, then you are a rogeror a scott “respectively”.Otherwise, the people who come here to read, appear to like the videos (music and otherwise) and also enjoy reading about the lives of the students at Millard Fillmore High.  You will also see reference to those we call, Friends of the Doctrine, blog writers extraordinaires.
Finally, there will be Comments, following interesting Posts that offer insight into the Doctrine as well as offering helpful perspectives on the whole thing.
Sometimes.(We also try to do a Lesson of the Day which is an illustration or application of the Doctrine that helps the Reader see the clarks, scotts and rogers in their own lives.)Well then, that should bring you up to speed.  The rest you will catch on to long before you get bored and leave.
Hat!  Damn!  Almost forgot to tell you about the hats (for your damn head).  We have Wakefield Doctrine hats (see the Fashion Center ) they are wonderful and (sometimes) we just give them away.  Most of the DownSprings have hats (for their damn heads) as do most Friends of the Doctrine.  I recommend you write a Comment and ask for one.  We probably would mail one to you for almost no cost.*

So read, listen and watch the videos and write us a Comment.  Most likely we will print the Comment.

This being Sunday (in our location, not necessarily our Marshall Island friends…) Let’s close with some Sunday music…as regular Readers know, we huge fans of modern gospel in general and Fred Hammond in particular…

Oh, yeah!  Lesson of the Day…damn near forgot…not so much a lesson as a Test. (alright a Quiz)… (if you insist, a quizlet…but a tough question)…

You just watched Fred…is Fred a clark, scott or roger?  Tell us and  you must support your answer…(you could guess and 1/3 of the time you would be right…sort of ….) but you must give your reason, support your answer…this is ‘open book’, so go look at a bunch of Fred vids…the answer is there.

The reward for a correct answer? A hat (for your damn head) of course!  But seeing that this is such a tough question, this little contestlet is open to Progenitors and DownSprings…


* there is a cost…did you really think it would be totally free? jeez what are you, a frickin clark?…anyway the “cost” of the “free” hats (for your “damn” heads) is that when you receive said hat you must take a photo of the hat in front of an identifiable landmark; proof of the hat being in whatever part of the world it was mailed to…(for the clarks)…a head underneath said hat is totally optional. We really only care about where in the world the hat is…the supporting “human”, not so much.



TToT -the Wakefield Doctrine-

Welcome to the Wakefield Doctrine (the theory of clarks, scotts and rogers)

This is the Wakefield Doctrine’s contribution to Lizzi’s Ten Things of Thankful (TToT) bloghop, now entering it’s twenty-third year in the ‘sphere. Once a week, we stop and reflect on the people, places and things that’ve startled us into a state, (however transitory it might be), of gratitude.

1) Una (enjoying a Friday walk in July)

2) Phyllis (taking a photo of Una enjoying a Friday walk in July)

3) the Wakefield Doctrine

4) serial stories ‘the Whitechapel Interlude‘, ‘the Case of the Missing Fig Leaf‘ and ‘Tales from the Six Sentence Café & Bistro

5) the Six Sentence Story bloghop

6) work Here’s a video of a property we’re overseeing the renovation of; the pace of work is fairly slow, remind us to update this when we have something interesting to show.

7) This year’s Triffid garden. Caption (in Homer Simpson voice-over: “mmmm sunflowersss”)

Prehistoric-looking plant, all spiky leaves and, somehow, 'attitude' looms over a single sunflower

8) something, something

9) Hey! Quick show of hands. Wakefield Doctrine tee shirts? Anyone?  (from our 2014 collection:)

Friend of the Doctrine Cyndi Calhoun stylin’ in a Doctrine approved DocTee

10) Secret Rule 1.3 “…’cause surely the most enjoyable Rules are the Secret Rules.”








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The Six Sentence Project -the Wakefield Doctrine-

Welcome to the Wakefield Doctrine (the theory of clarks, scotts and rogers)


This is the Doctrine’s contribution to the weekly Six Sentence Story bloghop

Hosted by Denise

This week:  ayyiieee if idle minds are the devil’s workshop then this Post has got to be considered the back seat of Cthulhu’s ’57 Chevy on a Satyrday night cruise for hootch and babes. Make that the last third of the portion of that night that the car was rolling.

The prompt word:




Forgive the uncontrollable loop. the other vids are totally random from somewhere

We will fix.


“Cut me! Nick Cut me… ” (thumbnail photo…lol)
