Welcome to the Wakefield Doctrine (the theory of clarks, scotts and rogers)
Hey, I know! What the hell are we doing here this week when we participated just last Friday?!?!
(New Reader: the Doctrine has been joining jenne and ceayr and their band of mutants on an every-other-week basis. This, today, is quite out of the ordinary. Which is a condition you, if you continue to frequent this here blog here, will see as the rule rather than the exception. In any event, here we are now…)
This is a photo prompt bloghop. Our hosts provide a different pitcha each Friday and invite people to write a story. The hook, besides the TAT-like image to start us off, is a two hundred fity (250) word limit. It’s challenging and it’s fun. So click on the Unicorn Challenge and, at very least enjoy the wonderful imagination and mad story-telling skills of the writers there. And, as long as you’re there… feel free to link your own story.
“I don’t understand why they have to be kept refrigerated. It’s not like when we put them on, the first of each month, there’s a limit to the conditions in which our new Persona will function. I mean, isn’t that the idea, having a different body to show that, deep inside, we’re all the same?”
“Well, dear, it’s a little more involved than that. When you’re older, your Persona will have additional features besides height or weight or race or ethnicity.” The woman in the doorway looked suddenly uncomfortable.
“Geez, Ma, I’m not a kid anymore, I’m in the sixth grade. We’ve a class on the Rules of Equitable Persona. The teacher told us about how, after the Down-Under Insurrection ended with the capture of Jacquier-the-Terrible, the Department of Self-Equality spent billions on the technology; the UN passed the law that each month we get a new body and can be the person they… we always wanted to be. No more racism or discrimination.”
“What?” Stepping from the shower, the boy stood at the State-mandated blue persona transference cabinet and saw the look on his mother’s face.
“About those ‘isms. When you get to seventh grade, there’ll be a special class of physical body added to the system. It’s one to deal with the first and Original ‘isms’. The law limits talking to young people about it until a certain age. But as you get older, you might hear people mention the #MeToo model Persona.”