Welcome to the Wakefield Doctrine (the theory of clarks, scotts and rogers)
This is the Doctrine’s contribution to the Six Sentence Story bloghop.
It is hosted by Denise and has a strict Six Sentence Limit
Speaking of ‘Penny Dreadfuls’, Tom and I are writing a Serial Six Sentence Story: ‘…of Heroes and the MisUnderstood‘.
This Six below is meant to follow Tom’s most recent ‘Old Friends, New Friends‘
Prompt word:
“Moonbeam, seeing how you already made the drive up here from Shogun International Airport,” Rue DeNite stood on the sill of the open right-front passenger door of the SUV in which she and Moonbeam had arrived at Mooncross Industries, an unfortunate thirty minutes late.
Addressing the small group gathered in the parking lot, she looked first at Rocco, her erstwhile bodyguard and putative lover; then Isla, the young mercenary hired to kidnap them from their Airbnb in a posh London suburb; some guy named Alex; and finally, Moonbeam, a member of something called the Co-ordination of Supervillains and suitor wannabe.
Rue’s expression, which could be accurately, albeit poetically, described as, ‘the texture and grain of extreme exhaustion, writ in flesh’, dared them to ask what airport she was talking about, “What say we get Rocco to drive, give him something to do with his hands and I’ll sit in back and get to know our little home-invader, Isla, a little better.”
“Sounds good, Rue,” Moonbeam, sounding tired, in a PTSD sort of way, slid behind the wheel and on the final ‘thunk’ of a closing door, gravel-crunched the vehicle down the hill and onto the highway back to Reykjavik.
[GCHQ London Branch]
“Watch Supervisor Colonel Villicus, you have a call from Number 10 on Line 23.” Reflexively nodding assent to the disembodied voice, Mrs Villicus’s son removed a handset from a locked enclosure and intoned first words of the introductory rites of the Security and Surveillance State, “Yes sir?”