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Monday -the Wakefield Doctrine-

Welcome to the Wakefield Doctrine (the theory of clarks, scotts and rogers)

As often happens, topics (and themes (and new(ish) fun ways to describe the Doctrine) are often found in Comments from Readers.

This Monday is no exception.

Friend of the Doctrine, Mimi, in her Comment on our last Doctrine post*. Wrote:

If it’s worth doing, it’s worth doing. Even if you don’t do it too well at first.

To which we responded:

… about aggression, in general and a Doctrine insight, in particular: it helps to remember that scotts fight (overt aggression)  for ranking and, for the most part is not personal.*

True Doctrine story. I once asked my late friend, Bernadine (photo at top of post), a scott (with a strong secondary clarklike aspect), I asked,  “So, when you engage with other scotts to establish ranking, how do you feel when you are not alpha?”

She laughed her remarkably enjoyable laugh and said, “You knucklehead, (or words to that effect, nothing but affection in her tone), I don’t feel bad, if that’s what you’re asking. Why would I? Ranking is about relationships, it’s about where I am in the pack. It has nothing to do with my value as an individual. That value is established. I’m in a pack. All scotts need to establish ranking in a social situation to, you know, separate the other predators from the… buffet table, (subsequent laughter). Ranking has nothing to do with value of the individual pack members.”

Second topic(ette) this Monday is drawn from a discussion on the topic of resentment, in the middle of the call-in this Saturday past. A statement was made, “When it comes to resentments and holding them, no one (none of the three) do it as well as rogers.”

Very fun insight was inspired, no surprise, by remembering ‘the Everything Rule’.

While it was without contention that rogers, being constituents of a reality of emotion, certainly have a high-profile when it comes to having (and maintaining) a resentment, the key is to ask, “OK, high volume, great intensity and way, high fidelity in the expression of a “We hate ‘cha”.

It was then suggested that one of the reasons rogers are the masters of holding resentment was due to the quality of longevity, (of said negative regard for a person. place or thing). They do that stuff forever.

And the aforementioned ‘Everything Rule’ did a total cartoon lightbulb over our collective heads.

Given that everyone does everything at one time or another, how does this half-life of negative emotional manifest in the personal realities of  ‘the other two?”

cha …ching!

rogers being Herd Members exist in a reality (personal as opposed to common) of emotion, feelings. the fabric of this reality is totally non-rational. Being non-rational, the world rogers exist is, essentially, non-chronologic. Time is not linear. Time is a bag of groceries packed by a first-day-on-the-job kid at the supermarket. Without the traditional, then-now-soon ordering of time, a stubbed toe at three am this morning is indistinguishable from the stabbing pain of being dumped in the final of final exams in one’s Sophomore year.

To an objective observer. the latter would be impressive, as most of us in the common reality, associate longevity with inherent value.

We concluded our debate with the suggestion that clarks are the resentment-masters-of-the-world, because when they get aholt of a delicious ‘ow!/wait!/what?’ resentment, well, lets just say, “No! Not a problem, we have the perfect spot, right next to the end table, no! that one with the magazines and coasters. It fits the decor like it’s always been there.’

or something

thanks Mimi and Denise and roger… fun post today

* ikr? what now? lol




TToT -the Wakefield Doctrine-

Welcome to the Wakefield Doctrine (the theory of clarks, scotts and rogers)

This is the Wakefield Doctrine’s contribution to the Ten Things of Thankful (TToT) bloghop.

The TToT is one of the more enjoyable forms of spiritual exercise. Unlike other forms of exercise purportedly good for a person. This thing of Lizzi‘s does not require one to sweat excessively (unless, that is, you’re into that… which we are, but strictly seasonal-appropriate, outdoor, stick-that-shirt-to-yer-back-yo) and critically does not mandate excessive conformity.

Being of good intent is the only requirement. How simple is this thing of ours? Consider the people, places and things that have recently inspired you to think/say, ‘I’m thankful for that’.

Pretty simple, isn’t it? Ready to pick up the pen? (ok, rest your fingers on the keyboard). ProTip: Neatness, as a mandatory quality of TToT lists is not overly valued (phew!) That said, stylistically, there are writers here who celebrate in the orderly, raising orderliness to the admirable level… both in presentation and organization. (Thinking of Kristi and Misky). Others, well others’ present a style more akin to a lean-against-your-car-on-a-late-summer-day kinda of conversations, like you see over at Mimi‘s and Dyanne‘s. The more conventional narratives, as exemplified by Lisa and Denise are totally 2nd-year-owned-corduroy-pants (in Autumn)… and, in appreciation of ‘new blood being lifeblood’, we gots Kjersti and Cai and Cat …and, Carin!

…and, then, of course, there’s the Wakefield Doctrine’s remedial spirituality (which is heavy into music and photation in no easily discerned logic)

1) Phyllis

2) Una

3) the Wakefield Doctrine

4) the Unicorn Challenge bloghop.  ‘Nine Lives‘.  by Sally

5) the Six Sentence Story bloghop

6) photos on the way to inspections (see Grat #7*)

7) Mountain of Stuff

8) something, something

9) DST yo. It’s totally put-the-Winter-coats-away (well, in the hall closet, no sense getting over-confident, ya know?)

10) Secret Rule 1.3

*ok. we’ll stip to this maneuver being somewhat questionable

music vids





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Wednesday -the Wakefield Doctrine-

Welcome to the Wakefield Doctrine (the theory of clarks, scotts and rogers)

Sure, the Wakefield Doctrine is an additional perspective on the world around us and the people who make it up. At it’s very most casual, a lens to don when in people-watching mode.

It is also a way-efficacious tool for self-improving ourselfs.

But what about, as you* look upon the borrowed image at the top of the post, and typety-say,

“Well, I try every day to remember how we, each of us, grow and mature in a context of three characteristic relationships with the world around us. I totally get how the reality of my world is but one of three. And, how, in order to survive and thrive as a very youngster, I learned and practiced certain styles of social strategies. Sure, I do believe I have the perfect personality type for living in a world as I experience it. I even remember not to forget that although my reality is one of a possible three, I am endowed with the geophysical right** to look at the world as do the other two predominant worldviews and therefore am halfway to relating to the world in a new (to me) manner and be all kinds of the person I hope to be. But then, as soon as I get out there***, into the world, I forget! And totally act in the ways that makes me read the back pages of magazine and their ‘Personality Quiz the will change your Life in Twenty-three minutes (if, that is, I’m an old person) or… click on the ‘Scientists Uncover the Secret to Unlocking your Potential in twenty-three steps…CLICK HERE. What the hell good is this Doctrine? ”

Plenty o’good.

As you read these pages and, even better the Comments, you will see others of your kind1. Identify with them. Don’t worry about any other detail. The Wakefield Doctrine is, as you should know by now: Gender, Age, Culture, whatever-other-conditions of day-to-day life Neutral.


* clarks, ’cause… well, you know why

*** aren’t words and language fun? we can see you smile, even if you don’t. and that…that is your strength. You know about knowing. The one area of your existence that is immune to self-doubt is the ‘knowing stuff’ thing. So, while knowing stuff does not automatically confer changing things (about yerself)… it’s like puttin’ on the slacks and perfect shirt to the killer suit you’ve been determined, since you can remember, to find and wear in the everyday world.

*** we believe we’ve already indicated who the most likely of the three ‘personality types’ of this here Doctrine here is likely to still be reading along.

1) ok, ok, we’ve been kinda preaching to the elect/the choir, but for New Readers here today, dig this: the three personality types of the Wakefield Doctrine are:

  1. clarks (the Outsider) quiet, curious and prefer to stay out of the limelight… ha ha! fooled ya! you are forgiven for thinking ‘Oh, I know this one! Introverts.’ sorry, wrong. this close but not quite. clarks live in their heads, so excessive vocals are limited. they are searching, always searching for the one thing they believe everyone else has (ProTip: ‘…what everyone else knows‘ and therefore are always on the lookout) and, finally… that thing about ‘being an Outsider? can’t be sure why that should be, so avoidance of scrutiny is a Prime Directive
  2. scotts (the Predator) not-quiet, curious in a prey-drive sorta way and limelight?? yum!  (lol) fun people, never not alert to their surroundings, (the eyes of a scott are remarkable… study your Doctrine posts and, before you know it, you’ll be able to spot a scott by photo alone. serially! look at the photo in the upper right of the Doctrine homepage. those three well-dressed lifeforms? one’s a scott. (ProTip: fun people…we said that, right? err… no sudden moves, and no running away, once engaged. aiight?)
  3. rogers (Herd Members) not boisterous but certainly not quiet, unless they’re confiding in you (ProTip: what they will be conveying is more than likely about someone else) not the center of the the limelight as much as the focal point of whoever has gathered but seem to lack a sense of purpose… they are the social ones (as in ‘social contract’) (shh… we’ve said too much already!)




Tuesday -the Wakefield Doctrine- “Gonna write a little letter, gonna mail it to my local D.J. …”

Welcome to the Wakefield Doctrine (the theory of clarks, scotts and rogers)

Tuesday. While each day of the week is associated with one of the three personality types and a couple, like multi-associated. (Go! Everything Rule!) Some are totally owned (by a particular predominant worldview).

Tuesdays. clarks.

Don’t ask us why.


No, serially, don’t.

Some things (ok, a lot of things) about the theory of clarks, scotts and rogers, are in the Realm of the Subjective. Remember how, at the beginning of this blog we described the typical fan/follower as being: intellectually fit, confident in the value of additional perspectives and totally a fan of the odd and unusual side of reality? Yeah, we said that. Look it up.

In any event, mention Tuesday to any Friend of the Doctrine and you’ll hear:

  • yeah, finally! a day without pre-established debt to the world… whew! no rush
  • lol fricken clarks
  • well, you’re certainly entitled to one day. I don’t think many people would take issue with that. as long as you don’t get carried away with it

Lets go rummage. What’s the point of having endless cardboard boxes of old books and comics and un-assembled model cars and whatnot if you don’t take the phone off the hook*, empty one or two on the floor and see what you can see?

*New/hypo-aged Readers? The expression, ‘take the phone off the hook’ harkens back to the day of two-piece telephones (like the one at the top of the post). If you did that, it wouldn’t ring. (Though it would make a couple of total-movie-meme sounds before going quiet. Including a recorded message that became the working title of our first attempt to write a full-on story. So there is that.)


Too(s)day the Wakefield Doctrine ( “I think Tuesday is the cutest (of the) Workdays! …like a 2nd date, so full of promise, yet such a potential source of suffering!”)

Welcome to the Wakefield Doctrine (the theory of clarks, scotts and rogers)images-37

so, yesterday we wrote a Post that was built on the following promise:

So here’s what we’ll do: I’ll write a couple of hundred words about the value and use of the Wakefield Doctrine on a typical Monday morning. I’ll stop writing, take a quick shower, get dressed and start my work day2. After an hour or so of work, I’ll come back here and ‘re-write’ this post. Let’s see if this ‘oh-my-god-can’t-you-see-how-incredibly-useful-and-fun’ theory of personality accounts for any change in my day.3

Fine. I’ll tell you about my day and the (principles) of the Wakefield Doctrine. I won’t attempt to re-write yesterday’s Post, for the obvious reasons. (Actually all I want to do is try and come up with something clever (and a touch risqué ) about character of Tuesday). But promises are promises (unless they are threats, and then you need to be more careful of clarks than scotts or rogers by a long shot!)

In the middle of the day yesterday, I had occasion to interact with people I had never met.*
I walk up to the front door, (noting that a person was coming towards the house from across the yard), and knocked on the door. a scott answered. I knew she was a scott from: a) her eyes** and 2) she smiled and stepped forward at the moment of introduction,  ‘Hello, I’m clark from….’  ( I laughed to myself and thought, ‘god! I loves this Doctrine’ …and increased the volume of my voice, shortened my sentences and cranked-up my (level) of eye contact.) The meeting went well.
The person I noticed walking across the lawn towards us? (who I ignored because I needed to establish a relationship with the dominant personality)  another scott! (he was there to help with the move…) he had no legitimate role in the interaction,  but he kept coming back into the room where I was talking to the scottianwoman.  lol ( you ever watch a bunch of puppies playing as a group? one is always trying to establish ranking***  that’s what this guy was doing. He walked in to the house, didn’t introduce himself by name, (because he was a member of her pack and therefore not alpha), but nevertheless was trying to see if he could establish dominant ranking on me  (it would have enhanced his relationship with her, of course).  I mean you could see the energy as he walked, pretended to be a part of the conversation, walk away and then come back in…. I did not allow myself to be distracted… it was fun to watch.

Anyway…. that was my Day-with-the Doctrine.

Tuesdays… your favorite Day of the Workweek?

Tuesday: as a Day of the Workweek is the best of all days because


* it was a meeting with transitioning tenants, I was there to make sure everything was being left as it should (by the parties leaving), not necessarily an adversarial interaction, but the potential was there, as I was representing the interests of the owner of the property and the people I was dealing with were representing their own…

** new Readers?  not such an impressive deduction… a primary identifier of the scottian personality type is in the eyes, ‘the gaze’ to be more succinct  (read more on the Page on scotts… suffice to say, ‘a scott is never not paying attention to what’s going on around them’)

*** another primary characteristic behavior of people who live in the world of the Predator… the drive to ranking, trying for dominance, but not attaching importance to being the alpha, as much as it is necessary to know where one stands… the pack social order



Monday -the Wakefield Doctrine-

Welcome to the Wakefield Doctrine (the theory of clarks, scotts and rogers)

RePrint today as we have an encounter with a dentist this morning.

New Readers? There is something called ‘the Everything Rule’ here at the Doctrine. Learn it. Remember it. Enhance your language skills with it. Not withstanding this fundamental rule, each profession, job, skill-for-money, incarceration. following and vocation is best manifested when the person is one of the three, i.e. clarks (Outsiders), scotts (Predators) or rogers (Herd Members).

Dentists? rogers. hands down.

Why? Consider: a medical specialty that demands precision, involves mechanical contrivances and, more often than not the daily practice of which (in any good-sized practice) multiple (if not sequential) arenas of work. The typical modern dental office has multiple operatories and any number of hygienists (every bit deacons and altar boy/girls in pale service to the reigning dentist). The dentist, in a display of mastery of schedule and circumstantial focus, will spend the day ministering the seekers of hard health… flitting between stations to bless the supplicants: “You’re doing a great job with the flossing. Keep up the. good work. See you in six months”,comforting the injured, “OK, looks like a part of the crown is gone. Not to worry, we’ll fix you right up.” and sometimes simply being there, “Good to see you again. Teeth look great”.

There can be clarklike dentists. Sure, in a pinch. And there can be scottian dentists. (The old cartoon strings-on-door-knobs? yeah that)

But you get the idea.

Tooth-ache? Find a rogerian dentist Legal problems? a scottian defense attorney. Someone to tell your no-one-must-ever-know, darkest secret?   you guessed it! (lol we won’t say explicitly. we trust you know this one. shhh)


damn! you’re right, we did promise a RePrint

there is a way to use this, (the) Wakefield Doctrine that is actually quite practical!

Welcome to the Wakefield Doctrine (the theory of clarks, scotts and rogers)

1950s Teacher In Front Of Classroom Writing Confidence On Blackboard

You know what’s a real skill to have? The ability to teach! I’m thinking of the kind of teacher who not only can impart knowledge to the student the very first time, (doing whatever the hell it is that Teachers do), but is able to help the pupil or learnee, to learn more about a thing than they already know.  I suspect this is a gift that music teachers, early elementary and graduate school teachers share.

Note: the Rule of ‘everyone does everything at one time or another‘ says that all three personality types can be and, are skilled and effective Teachers. There is no exclusive domain for skills, professions, avocations or talent among the three worldviews. It is simply that how the art/science of ‘teaching’ is manifested in distinctly different ways. For a clark, teaching is one thing, for a scott it is something else and for rogers …completely different, from their perspective. (Warning: new(er) aspect of the Doctrine follows). And since we have just created a thought picture in your minds in the shape of a ‘guidance counselor in high school’, lets expand on this and suggest that and you (the Guidance Counselor) have been assigned the task of recommending the best career choice in the field of education for the 6 students you have been assigned, you might do as follows:

  • clark (female): elementary grades (reasoning: the class is comprised of people that a  clark is able to relate to, and the class does not get defensive with, like they tend to with adults)
  • clark (male): college level teaching (reasoning: most of the bullying, on the part of the students is in the arena of the intellect and the clark will not have a problem …unlike the earlier grades)
  • scott (female): pretty much any grade when one of the primary goals is to ‘kid wrangle‘, when the learning is more teaching ‘fundamental social rules of behavior’, picture  a cross between Cesar Millan and Famke Janssen)
  • scott (male): shop, gym (probably not elementary grades, “so honey what did you learn in school today? oh! mommy the new Teacher knows so much…. pull my finger!”)
  • roger (female): home ec, social studies, history (“I would like to submit to the Board my recommendation for a new Course: “Getting Along without Standing Out 101”  and “Cooking Meals that look perfect”)
  • roger (male): social studies, history, home ec ( ‘hey kids I really talk your language and I will, in fact, pass along things I learn in our private conversations to other students I am trying to impress. It’s never too soon to learn about the real world!”)

We can now clearly see how, the art of teaching represents something different to each of the three (yes, three),while there are undeniable differences in the culturally permitted behavior assigned to each of the two genders, the Wakefield Doctrine is, in fact, gender neutral. The person who grows up in the reality of the Outsider (the clark) finds the students they can best relate to, the Teacher-to-be who is, by personal-social-spritual development, a Predator (scotts) knows that antelopes are much lower mantainance (as feedstock) than, say, a herd of wildebeests and the Herd Member (rogers) simply sees the herd and notes the predators and remembers the blue monkeys (for future use).

So, class   are there any Questions??

….and No! I will not pull my own finger!




* do they still have guidance counselors? I mean the male roger (‘here take this aptitude test, ok clark the scores are back the career you are best suited for is ‘file clerk‘**) or clarklike female (“so what do you like to do, what do you dream of doing“) or scott (“c’mere let me tell ya a thing or two about jobs“)

** true story


hey, we did a fellow Sixarian (Violet) a solid by offering an anodynistic music vid to offset the earworm from our Six Sentence Story. ‘course, now we have it in our heads. From the Department of Company and Misery, here ya go.
