Welcome to the Wakefield Doctrine (the theory of clarks, scotts and rogers)
This is the Wakefield Doctrine’s contribution to the Ten Things of Thankful (TToT) bloghop.
This week, we provide photo-clues to the people, places and things that have caused us to feel gratacious.*
1) Una
2) Phyllis
3) the Wakefield Doctrine
4) the Zombie Christmas Project Chapter: Ate (No, as a matter of fact, we have not given up on this yet…)
5) the paint-the-porch project (Warning! Strictly Filler Grat here. The picture? So that’s what imparts credibility to a: “I’m grateful for Ace (‘Ace-is-the-Place’) Hardware store” So, that all it takes to claim grat legit these days!!?
6) sure, why not? have you read any Wakefield Doctrine TToT lists before this?!? Hey! nearly genuine Grat: I remembered to take a Before photo of the paint-the-porch-aganza (funny how, as a clark, I rarely remember to document those of my efforts to alter the world.)
7) the Six Sentence Story bloghop
8) something, something
9) weird-ass animal noises in the middle of the night… sounds like we have a family of jackalopes or chupacabra what moved in to our woods… like a feral cat on LSD. If we hadn’t already completed this week’s TToT we totally would have added: ‘Indoors’ (subset: walls and windows and doors that don’t open less’n you want them to.’)
10) Secret Rule 1.3
* not a ‘real’ word
music vids