Psychology | the Wakefield Doctrine - Part 95 Psychology | the Wakefield Doctrine - Part 95

TToT -the Wakefield Doctrine-

Welcome to the Wakefield Doctrine (the theory of clarks, scotts and rogers)

This is the Doctrine’s weakly contribution to the Ten Things of Thankful (TToT) bloghop. A grat-blog by design, it has been on the air for something like ten years. Which, as anyone online can tell you, is, like, eighty-seven years in the ‘real’ world. (Our fourth Grat this week is for Kristi reminding us of this mill milestone.)

So what say we proceed with the list and we’ll be sure to sneak in references to the festivities and such as the countdown …. counts… down?

1) Una

2) Phyllis

3) the Wakefield Doctrine

4) longevity Check in with Kristi, being protector of the history, has mentioned June as being the 10th anniversary of this here bloghop here. Stay tuned

5) Six Sentence Story bloghop

6) cottage (see Grat 4)

7) Out, driving in my automobile yesterday. The time? 7:53…. P. M.  sun just setting. yes!

8) something, something

9) the photo at the top of this post: a fishing boat heading out of the West Gap from Galilee (google: Point Judith Harbor of Refuge) Photo taken from East Matunuck State beach.

10) Secret Rule 1.3


music vids







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Secret Scene Saturday -the Wakefield Doctrine-

Welcome to the Wakefield Doctrine (the theory of clarks, scotts and rogers)


Just got a note from jenne, asking if’n I was going to participate in the Unicorn Challenge this week.

I was happy to receive the reminder, as I had just completed an experimental post over at the Six Sentence Story ‘hop. Man, talk about yer 21st C, First World problem!

I do appreciate the reach-out. The novelty of this level of connectedness in the virtual world is still noteworthy. (ceayr would’ve phrased it …differently lol)

But here we are, photo as invitation and two hundred and fity words (or less) of a story.


“We could say we got lost, they’ll believe that, they’re always saying how I’m off in a dreamland anyway.”

The young man was unaware of the change in his voice, both words-per-random-thought and upwards-skewing to the personal pronouns.

The idea of the walk into the hills had been purely random, (serendipitous, his inner voice, still somewhat dazed insisted; ‘It was meant to be, therefore serendipitous!’).

The topmost button stuck it’s pearly-white head through the boutonniere of her blouse and the girl smiled, “Yeah, this was way more fun.”

The boy stared over the tops of the flowering shrubs, across the small inlet and tried to sort out his reality. In the final hours of the final day of the graduation field trip, as he orbited the clumps of friends waiting to board the bus, the prettiest girl in class walked past him, paused and turned, “I saw some flowers yesterday that I need to gather, come with me, it’ll be fun!”

He knew her name, but measured in the social calculus of attractive/weird‘When-pigs-fly’; it was the only complete sentence she’d directed at him in four years of school.

A new voice, well, an old voice, insinuated itself into his half-dialogue with the girl smiling at him, “Say something not stupid”.

Already on her phone, pushing through the now-thorny bushes, in a voice that would haunt his nights, she laughed, “Tell the driver to wait! No, nothing special. Just a random impulse, I’ll tell you later.”



Six Sentence Story -the Wakefield Doctrine- [a Rue DeNite / Ian Devereaux Six]

Welcome to the Wakefield Doctrine (the theory of clarks, scotts and rogers)

This is the Wakefield Doctrine’s contribution to the Six Sentence Story bloghop.

Hosted by Denise the rule: Six Sentences max, some form of the prompt word min.

Its no secret we view this bloghop as part-fun/part-experiment/fulltime skill enhancement.

When last we saw Rue DeNite she (and her bodyguard, Rocco) were riding the elevator up to the world headquarters of the Bernebau Company to meet with it’s sole proprietor owner, Cyrus St. Loreto. The Bernebau Company has proposed a joint venture with the Bottom of the Sea Strip Club & Lounge (and it’s various subsidiaries). Lou Ceasare being Lou Ceasare, has sent one of his strippers, the eponymous Rue DeNite, down to Miami to scope out the Bernebau operation. Disguised in ten thousand dollars of business fashion, Rue is hoping to make a down payment on a favor from Lou. Meanwhile, Cyrus St. Loreto has dispatched his fixer and problem eliminator, Constantin Szarbo to Lou’s establishment.

So, the double subtitle on today’s Six? We thought it would be fun to do a parallel Six. Let us know if you have questions. Be forewarned: the characters down in Miami are from a WIP (‘Home and Heart’ a Sister Margaret Ryan Story). Hopefully, (in the write-and-learn aspect of this effort), they will be self-explanatory enough to have the Six(s) stand on their own.

Prompt Word:


“Mr. St. Loreto will be with you in a moment,” Genevieve Novak smiled at Rue as she held open the conference room door, “If there’s anything I can get you,” she continued, leaning in as Rocco stepped past her, “it will be my pleasure”.

The room seemed without dimension: to the right and left, the walls faded into darkness, the entry door, when closed, was featureless as the wall separating the conference room from the reception area, “Like a trapdoor spider,” Rue thought as she walked towards the conference table on the opposite side of the room, beyond that, the fourth wall offered a view of Miami and the ocean.

Through some magic of engineering, the transparency of the glass was keyed to the direction one was looking,

“Good morning,” turning towards the voice, Rue watched the transparency move along the glass of the wall as smoothy as a passing cloud; bringing with it the natural light of the morning, it stopped short, however, of the source of welcome.

The voice would be a perfect audio sample in a dictionary under the entry: ‘sophistication’, with appropriate alternate definitions: a) dry wit, urbane humor, b) charming, predatory; Cyrus St. Loreto moved with such grace that he was arms length behind both Rocco and Rue before they were aware of him, that a door opened and closed soundlessly was hardly unexpected, crossing the thirty feet to the conference table not difficult, given the quality of carpeting, however, getting that close to them, one a trained bodyguard, was.

The owner of the Bernebau Company stepped to a sideboard in the shadows on the right hand wall, picked up a silver platter containing a coffee urn, three bone china cups, and, resting on an ebony carousel, a sugar bowl, creamer and carried it to the conference table; the section of the glass wall between the man and the sun remained slightly opaque, even as he moved about the room, he was never in direct sunlight.

“My opinion of your boss’s business acumen, not to mention style, is shooting up the charts with a bullet,” he laughed, causing a shiver to slide down the back of Rue’s dress and the muscles in Rocco’s shoulders to twitch, “I’ll have Genevieve give you access to our accounting system so you can pretend to examine our books and, after my man returns from Providence, we can begin what I plan to be a very profitable relationship.”

The Thursday night crowd was the usual mix of college kids and lotus eaters; Lou was sitting in the last booth on the Lounge side when silence rippled it’s way from the front door towards where he sat; two power-drinkers swore-off hard liquor and the dancer currently on the stage stumbled between: ‘Now c’mon, take a bottle, shake it up‘ and ‘Break the bubble, break it up‘; the owner of the Bottom of the Sea Strip Club and Lounge looked over the top of his reading glasses as a dark man in an expensive suit approached.

“Mr. St. Loreto sent me to look over your operation, that he might better assess the value of the cooperative business venture recently proposed,” Lou raised his right hand, index finger extended and the swinging doors behind him reversed their forward motion; the man smiled slightly and continued, “May I join you?”

“Yeah, that’d be great, I’d offer you a drink but you won’t be here all that long,” Lou unwrapped a fresh cigarillo and, after sliding the small spiral notepad and gold Cross pen to the side, leaned forward, his eyelids lowered slightly; business associates of long-standing would, at this point, find themselves trying to remember if their life insurance policies were up to date.

Holding a scratched Dunhill out, tailored shirt cuff drawing back over a Patek Phillippe that looked quite at home, “I am Constantin Szarbo, but that information is, of course, of little value to you”.

“I understand your business model and need only to meet those in,” a slight pull at the corner of the man’s eyes was probably a smile, “middle management; Mr. St. Loreto likes to sample a business partner’s corporate culture before,” twisting around on his side of the booth, the man looked at the dancer, who, closing her set, was throwing single-serving packets of Domino sugar out to the enthusiastic audience, “However a sampling might be in order.”

“Hey, I appreciate your coming all this way to tour my operation,” Lou Ceasare grinned like the lead horse on a carnival carousel, bringing to mind the punchline of an old joke about newlyweds, ‘That’s once…’, continued,

“Tell your boss that business is business and much as you seem to have a soft spot for my dancer, this ain’t no pastry carousel that I got here; trot back to your master and tell him that if he wants to make some money in my territory, we can talk, but I got no need for a partner, capiche?”





Six Sentence Story -the Wakefield Doctrine-

Welcome to the Wakefield Doctrine (the theory of clarks, scotts and rogers)

This is the Wakefield Doctrine’s contribution to the Six Sentence Story bloghop.

Hosted by Denise the rule: Six Sentences max, some form of the prompt word min.

Prompt Word:


The August breeze ruffled the boy’s hair like a playful friend, iodine dry-seaweed scent whispered of adventure as he walked, reversed tent-pole between his parents towards the ocean.

The location of The Flying Horses, at the end of Circuit Avenue but before the ferry landing, was a perfect illustration of the difference between islanders and summer people: one lead away from the water and had a drugstore, barbershop and small grocery store in walking distance from the older, modest year ’round homes and the other opened in June and closed in September.

Stepping into the carousel, small blue ticket in hand, the boy smiled a laugh of joy at the wind inside the structure, it was as if weather was something different in the slightly-darkened interior where music blared at an unlikely volume.

Determined to triumph and make someone proud, he approached one of the outer ring of horses, (they were the only ones that moved up and down), and climbed up into the saddle before anyone could help him up; the boy sat waiting for the merry-go-round to begin it’s rotation and imagined the look on his mother’s face when he, after stacking the regular silver rings held out the prized brass ring as the ride turned it’s last revolution.

Each time the ride brought the boy to the ring-holder, he felt the pull of the leather belt securing him in the saddle of his wooden horse as a suggestion to re-calculate the angle needed to lean out towards it and each revolution found his extended hand just short of grabbing a ring, any ring, plain steel or shiny brass.

And the ride slowed, the music subsided and the boy looked at the rings that weren’t in front of him and felt embarrassed that his mother was smiling as if she was happy, even though he failed to secure the prize that would be the talk of the family dinner table for the rest of the summer.



Monday-RePrint -the Wakefield Doctrine-

Welcome to the Wakefield Doctrine (the theory of clarks, scotts and rogers)

In keeping with recent conversations focused on the possibility that we have not been ‘keeping up’ with the changing demographics of Readers here, lets look for a really old post. Having written it, (we wrote all but a few guest posts), we’ll post it with notes on meaning. Then, we’ll wait for Readers to Comment, ‘Dude, we knew that!’ or ‘What the heck, you never told us that!’

…sorry, this is not such the basic, very early ‘this is the Wakefield Doctrine post’ but, everyone these days be sayin’ ‘video! only medium for the message, no matter what that message might be!’

From one of my roadtrips. (Rule of Roadtrips: when returning from a business trip, find someplace cool that, with judicious travel planning, can be visited while still getting home on the same day as a direct return.)

self-development, 3 personality types and the Wakefield Doctrine (oh yeah, damn almost forgot! Video Friiidaay!!!)

Welcome to the Wakefield Doctrine ( the theory of clarks, scotts and rogers )

There will come a time, in the not too distant future, when people you know, will come up and say, “hey! I just heard about this Doctrine thing, and it’s supposed to be about personality types, but they have these hats and this guy travels around the world and takes these really strange videos and talks about rogers and clarks and scotts! Those are the names they have for 3 personality types…yeah…I know….but it’s true! they have pictures and charts and stuff and when I looked around at people here at school or at my job, there they were!  Anyway, they said this Doctrine will help me change anything about myself that I want…and it’s true….”

…and that will be very cool, but you are here now and you are watching this thing of ours, and  I am including you in the use of the word ‘ours’. With a Wakefield Doctrine hat (on your damn head) and a little patience you will be a part of the growth of the Doctrine. Of course, writing a Comment wouldn’t hurt either!
As we all know, to be a ‘personality theory/self-improvement tool’ ya gotta provide proof that it works!    Alright, then take a look at these here videos here:*

Then on to the other Crossroads:**

…Tell me quick where I can get rid of these things!***


* look at the geocoding of the location…damn Highway 61
** look up the legend of Robert Johnson and the Crossroads
***  ten bonus points on any future exam for knowing the name of the song these words are from without google

