Psychology | the Wakefield Doctrine - Part 94 Psychology | the Wakefield Doctrine - Part 94

One-K Friday -the Wakefield Doctrine-

Welcome to the Wakefield Doctrine (the theory of clarks, scotts and rogers)


Once again, we rejoin our friends jenne and ceayr for a go at finding the most important 250 words hidden in la fotografía.

If’n you like wordage and fun, you owe it to yourself to head over to the très avant-gardiste bloghop, the Unicorn Challenge. (Tell ’em, ‘the Doctrine sent ya’)

“That’s strange,” Anton Rilke pushed back from his new desk, which given his considerable girth was more than a slight adjustment from the monitor. The new head of Interpol’s Human-trafficking, Drug-interdiction and War crimes bureau, made reaching out to the police departments in his jurisdiction a priority.

“What’s that Detective-Capitán?” Inspector-Jefe Carlos Delgado, eager to get a sense of the man, ignored the cultural and political barriers that impeded law enforcement in 21st Century Iberia.

“Your latest kidnapping,” the face of Inspector Delgado shrank to a thumbnail as a black purse, lying on the sidewalk at the top of a alley-staircase filled the screen, “I’ve a flag on the DNA your most fastidious patrolman collected on the scene.”

Appreciating the left-handed compliment, Carlos smiled, “What do you mean?”

“Although no help identifying the kidnappers, it links the owner of the purse and the young girl who went missing last month near this location are blood relatives, mother/daughter in fact.”

“Then you’re going to find our medical examiner’s report on the body of one of the two Alphonso brothers that was found floating in the harbor this morning most fascinating,” the detective paused as he watched Detective Rilke glance at what were surely other monitors on his desk, mutter something in German and raise a bushy-white eyebrow.

“Am I correct, Senor Delgado, there is a match between the DNA on the purse and a blood sample on the late, and apparently quite tortured, Nico Alphonso?”




Monday -the Wakefield Doctrine-

Welcome to the Wakefield Doctrine (the theory of clarks, scotts and rogers)

With the decaversary of the Ten Things of Thankful (TToT) bloghop coming up at the end of this week, we couldn’t help but think about the early days of this blog*.

Moving right along (E. McMahon: “Hi yo!”)


So, lets try it this way: We’ll write a quick but comprehensive explanation of the principles of the Wakefield Doctrine and then, go back and copy/paste a first-year(ish) post doing the same thing2.

Damn! Almost outa time!

The Wakefield Doctrine maintains that, while we all are born with the capacity to experience the world as one of three characteristic types, the Outsider, the Predator or the Herd Member, at a very early age we all settle into one of these three and live in that reality, aka predominant worldviews. These three predominant worldviews, (‘personality types’), are gender neutral, culture and age neutral. With an understanding of the principles of the Wakefield Doctrine we are in a position to know more about the other person than they know about themselves. But, for all the implied power and insight we might derive from this perspective, the Wakefield Doctrine is for us, not them. If we understand how a person, (or, for that matter, ourselfs), perceive the world, we are in a better position to self-improve ourselves.

(ok, necessarily brief, here’s some from the beginning days)

more necessary than you think, impossible to ignore, more popular than it should be, its the personality tool of the Wakefield Doctrine

Welcome to the Wakefield Doctrine (the theory of clarks, scotts and rogers )

The Wakefield Doctrine is a tool that is easy to learn to use.  The theory of clarks, scotts and rogers is a fun way to look at the way the people in your life act and behave. The Doctrine is a tool that can be a huge help in changing the things about yourself that you have come to believe should be changed. The WD is a group of people with a common interest who share a way of  knowing about human personality (and) the interactions between different people.

Because of the Wakefield Doctrine and this blog: clarks will come to understand that they are not as different from scotts and from rogers as they sometimes think;  because of the Wakefield Doctrine and this blog: scotts will see for themselves that the world is less difficult and challenging and (that) not everyone is a threat; because of the Wakefield Doctrine and this blog: rogers will know that it does not matter whether they understand the reasons for the actions of others and (that) people who are different can be ignored without fear.

We are not being overly lyrical or mystical or theoretical or controversial with today’s Post. Sometimes it helps to just let passing thoughts see the light of day.
The Doctrine is beginning to catch on with people who had not heard the term: Wakefield Doctrine. We are getting emails from people who, after reading these pages are asking questions.
Questions about the value and the validity of the Doctrine.

In order to get the most out of today’s  little Post,  please do the following:

  • finish reading this Post before moving on*
  • know that everyone has the qualities of all three personality types, the idea is that one (of the three) is dominant
  • understand that this is a tool, however,  the Doctrine is more  a file than a saw,  more a screw driver than a hammer (simply, relax, go slow and it will come to you)
  • take assurance that if you have gotten this far, in this Post, you will grasp the concept of the Wakefield Doctrine and you will get something (in return for your efforts)
  • the Doctrine is genuinely inspired and has a core of truth that is a little bit amazing in what it offers, but lighten up…it is meant to be fun as well as useful
  • practicing the principles of the Wakefield Doctrine will return benefits way in excess of your efforts
  • talk to others about this Wakefield Doctrine
  • don’t worry about getting it right ( and you clarks especially!…don’t worry so much you will get some of it wrong at first)…but the Doctrine is very flexible, you can’t break it
  • use the tools this thing offers, use it on yourself and when it works tell others

Glad you could stop by. Follow these simple suggestions and let us know how you make out!

* clarks!  do not jump around half reading pages….scotts sit! read! think first then act….rogers get back here, you will be glad that you did…later they will understand you, first you must understand them

* which first saw the LCD light of the virtual world in June 2009**

** which, to be more precise, would be June 9th***

*** 14 years ago1

1) can we get an ‘Aiiyyee’

2) we expect some differences, some in the language, others in basic concepts, i.e. the Everything Rulei

i) ‘Everyone Does Everything at One Time or Another’. The value in this Rule is to remind us that, the three ‘personality types’ of the Wakefield Doctrine are three ways to relate ourselfs to the world around us. There are not three different realities1, simply three characteristic relationships to the world. This distinction was prompted by early Readers asking if a certain behavior was a ‘scottian thing’ or a particular occupation was exclusive ‘to roger‘. The insight the Everything Rule afforded us was that it was all about how a thing, (or an occupation or avocation or hobby or whatever), manifested in the world of the Outsider(clarks) or Predator(scotts) or the Herd Member(rogers). Very helpful rule.


TToT -the Wakefield Doctrine-

Welcome to the Wakefield Doctrine (the theory of clarks, scotts and rogers)

This is the Doctrine’s contribution to the Ten Things of Thankful bloghop.

Reminder! Next Week’s TToT will be different from every other single TToT installment in a fundamental sense, beyond intellectual (or) emotional measure. Stop over at Kristi’s for the 911… 10-4… 411!? (Hint: it could be like every high school reunion you never actually attended… cause you know, that was in the past, I was someone entirely different back then, why would I want to wake those ghosts?”)

lol.  Fortunately for us and, in no small part accounting for the remarkable longevity, (not to mention continued vitality), this ‘hop has been hosted by some very talented writers and bloggers who, for reasons you’ll have to go to them directly for, the Doctrine has always been made to feel welcome, here, among the ‘real’ people.

1) Una

3) Phyllis

8) the Wakefield Doctrine

7) the upcoming blogoversary of the TToT

3) the lack of snow (Despite a thirty degree drop in temperature at the end of the week).

45) the liberal standards of conformance required for participation*

18) the time, work and effort on the part of Kristi in keeping a proper focus. anniversaristically-speaking

0) something, something

33) the Una garden (to the dismay of the local deer population, we have made the decision to surpass on the vegetable garden and go for the simple aesthetic of flowers and such)

10) the Book of Secret Rules (aka the Secret Book of Rules)

* see Grat 18

Music vids






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Six Sentence Story -the Wakefield Doctrine- [A Six from outer space]

Welcome to the Wakefield Doctrine (the theory of clarks, scotts and rogers)

This is our contribution to the Six Sentence Story bloghop.

Hosted by Denise, defined by one simple rule. Fun. Challenging.

Prompt word:


The last day of school for the 11th Graders at William Golding High traditionally included activities and games all sanctioned by the School Committee, in lieu of classes: the Art Department would offer a variety of cinema fare, the Athletic Dept. informal games of based (loosely) on the traditional sports; all educational disciplines participated, with the lone exception of the English Department which never appeared on the schedule, which did nothing combat their reputation for being, ‘nerds in search of lonely contemplation‘.

Seth decided that, given he had had letters in all sports, to find something different this final day of his Junior year, and ignoring the urging of his friends in the locker room to join them, wandered among the single-level buildings that made up the campus; stepping through the doors of the last building, the one housing the English Department, he stared down the corridor where the walls consisted of thin metal rectangles of hastily cleaned-out lockers divided.

Towards the far end of the hallway, the sole secured door was marked: Supply Room which caused the boy to wonder what consumables were necessary to the study of the English language and literature in such supply as to require a dedicated stockroom; while curious, he was an All-State athlete, in no small part due to his natural propensity to ‘do’ rather than to ‘reflect’ and continued towards the exit when he heard a sound, unintelligible at first.

Approaching the supply room door, the sound began to resolve itself into male and female words and laughter; “that’s not a word!” … “This is your last chance” (followed by an unexplainable outburst of laughter) and, “This is the last round… hey, Tommy, keep your shirts on,” again more inexplicable laughter.

A girl’s voice, somewhat tentative however becoming increasingly confident, cut through all the others, ‘You think you’re so smart with ‘etymology’… well, get a load of this… I’ll just use that ‘Y’ and, for the win and the rest of your team’s clothing, spell YELLOWBELLY… followed by the laughter of girls and the groaning of boys.

“Ladies and Gentlemen,” an adult voice overrode the din, “We must declare the girls are this year’s winners of the William Golding High Strip Scrabble game…”



RePrint Monday -the Wakefield Doctrine-

Welcome to the Wakefield Doctrine (the theory of clarks, scotts and rogers)

Holiday RePrint Post!

(if a picture ‘is worth a thousand words’ then a song ‘is like a story read by the author’)


Monday -the Wakefield Doctrine- ‘so lets start again, but this time with the basics established’

Welcome to the Wakefield Doctrine (the theory of clarks, scotts and rogers)


(no, I have no idea what this photo has to with, adds to or otherwise enhances your enjoyment of this here Post here… ask zoe, she knows of such things*) *but don’t expect an easy answer!

self-consciousness:: “…uncomfortably conscious of oneself as an object of the observation of others”  (


clarks worry about what other people might think (of them)

rogers are concerned with how they appear (to the people around them)

scotts only care that they are noticed (by people…good bad…. not important)

Most clarks will describe themselves as being self-consciousness. In fact, as a rule, clarks will take the more committed position of assigning the description of ‘introvert’ to themselves, and, depending on the clark, there will be no small amount of pride in their assertion. Most people think of clarks as ‘the shy ones’. If, however, we accept the further definition of ‘self-consciousness’ as “A person with a chronic tendency toward self-consciousness may be shy or introverted. (, we are not immediately dissuaded of this proposition. However, as we all know, a clark with a significant secondary scottian aspect will not suffer being ignored. (‘…a clark will avoid being the center of attention but will not tolerate being ignored.’)

But the lesson of today’s post is in the realm of ‘the everything Rule’ which states: any experience encountered by (any) one of the three personality types, can be experienced by ‘the other two’ and be exactly the same, …except different.
Self-consciousness is no exception.  A roger is not concerned with what others think, (which implies the right to act in the manner being considered), because they are of the Herd. Any action, for a roger is, by definition, allowed. It’s all about ‘how well are they doing it, in the eyes of their peers’. That’s how self-consciousness manifests in the rogerian worldview.

scotts?  nah… you all know about how they relate themselves to the world around them!  (Hint: a scott alone in a room, isn’t).


Hey!! New Reader Alert and Helpful Hint:

Read about how the world looks to the three personality types. try looking around, using each…one will be ‘no way!’  discard that (worldview). Now try the other two… in different situations, one will seem to be ‘clearer’ more ‘comfortable’  that’s your predominant worldview! Welcome to the Wakefield Doctrine!

…oh yeah,  learning this thing?  ‘you can’t get it wrong and you can’t break it!’

…ask anyone!


