Psychology | the Wakefield Doctrine - Part 94 Psychology | the Wakefield Doctrine - Part 94

Freya’s Day 1K -the Wakefield Doctrine-

Welcome to the Wakefield Doctrine (the theory of clarks, scotts and rogers)

WARNING! This story will be a semi-one-take story. (The ‘semi’ to allow for spelling and word-count adjustment. Once each only.)

There is a good reason for this approach, this week: we might be getting a cold. And, as everyone who approaches learning to write fiction like they learn to sing, i.e. spending hours on the highway with Professor Radio will tell you: the first take is always the hardest (but usually most creative).

Irregardless*, what say we head over to jenne and ceayr‘s soirée and see what’s up at this week’s Unicorn Challenge.



“Come on, Seth. Hurry the hell up!

Seth looked at the wall of the bus tunnel. Doubling his resolve, he shook the metal cylinder in his left hand. The ball inside of the can of spray paint made a sound that always made him think of roulette.

“What was that? Did you hear something?”

Regretting his decision to be peer’d into accepting the demands of the fraternity, he made the decision to withdraw his pledge. Almost immediately, his inner critic intoned: ‘She’s right, you know, there’s something missing in you, you don’t ever want to be ‘a part of’. His girlfriend Samantha’s suggestion he join her sorority’s brother frat, Bro-Tu-Bró, was arguably more social anodyne than bromide. He was pretty sure it was an ultimatum, offered with a midnight smile.

The bus tunnel maintained legendary status among students in the city’s colleges. Ranging from the cautionary: ‘The kid tried to run for an access tunnel. The bus got there first. Dental records were required to ID him,” to the intriguing, “Lovecraft, that’s his house on the corner there, held a seance inside the tunnel. Once.”

In recent years, the local tagger community, brought their aerosol-oeuvre; filling the tile walls with proclamations of love and misogyny.

Bathed in the halo-luminescence of the approaching Brown University-DownCity Terminal bus, Seth ran, leaving behind a plastic-capped thurible; on the wall his offering: “ChatGPT is the second bite of the Apple. Fool me once, shame on you, Fool me twice…”.





Six Sentence Story -the Wakefield Doctrine- [a Rue DeNite Six]

Welcome to the Wakefield Doctrine (the theory of clarks, scotts and rogers)

This is the Wakefield Doctrine’s contribution to the Six Sentence Story bloghop.

Hosted by Denise there is a single rule: Six sentences no more/no less

So, what’s this called, a Flashback? a Backstory? Don’t know. Don’t care. Best ‘Previously in our story… ‘ is This Link (and Lou’s line at the end).

Prompt word:


“It’s either that or go to prison.”

The woman stood, as powerless to flee the voice as a butterfly, invisible minuten pin forcing her into spectator-class victim as her lifepath approached a fork unimaginable a mere twenty-four hours earlier.

“In either scenario, the child is staying here on the Vineyard with her father,” the woman, business suit and designer glasses as iconic as the faux-sophisticated interrogator in an old WW II movie, stepped back and leaned, very-out-of-character, against the marble countertop.

Kasia’s fingers clenched impotently as she turned her head to face the voice, the baby in her arms shielded by her body; the architect’s innovative use of LEDs to illuminate the kitchen created a one-time effect of casting a childless-silhouette tilted towards the door, open into the late-Summer night.

With the ironic appreciation that only a god, intent on assuring Himself his new creations would suffer for being such a disappointment, the future Rue DeNite heard the voice of her Abnormal Psych professor, all of week before, say, ‘The Approach/Avoidance conflict is surely the best of Man and the worst of Woman”.

“Just give my client, her father, your ….former fiancé, the child and you can return to your garret and write your, ‘A Millennial’s Guide to Melancholy’ or whatever it is you’re wasting your life on.”



Wednesday (yeah right!) -the Wakefield Doctrine- (seems a little (more) disjointed than usual? check back in this Afternoon)

Welcome to the Wakefield Doctrine (the theory of clarks, scotts and rogers)

The worst thing for (each) of the three personality types (predominant worldviews) of the Wakefield Doctrine?

Glad you (didn’t) ask

The three types of people found in the (additional perspective) offered by the Wakefield Doctrine:

  • clarks (Outsider)
  • scotts (Predator)
  • rogers (Herd Member)

That which manifests as ‘the-most-to-avoid-in-life/aka ‘no fricken’ way!

  • scrutiny
  • non-rationality as a standard for the world (i.e. say, you get up tomorrow and the sky is purple and every one insists it’s always been that color then Friday morning it’s yellow polka dots and, ever body is all, ‘Yeah? So what?1
  • shunning/isolation

There you have it.

Remember one thing:

  1. once you learn the Doctrine to a sufficient level of compentcy to recogninse the clarks, scotts and rogers in your world, there’s a real good chance you will lose the capacity to not see the clarks, scotts and rogers in your world
  2. there is an implied responsibility we accept in claiming to ‘know the other person better than they know themselves’; they (fill in the blank* are our people and we should identify with them** and help in an appropriate manner***)

ok…running out of morning-writing time. check back after lunch. we promise to add the words that, if you’re not an Advanced Reader, will make (way more) sense of this post.


  1. ok, anyone reacting to this with a knowing laugh, there you have your clarks. For Outsiders Consistency as a quality of reality is kinda higher than ‘I wish I could sing’ but way, way below ‘a satisfying and well-paying job would be nice’.

* the clarks (with their ways of hiding in social settings), scotts (like the twirling dust tornado of Tasmania isn’t all we need to know about the person… no, no multiple choice personality profile needed) lol or rogers (well, damn they be like 66% of the population to begin with and no, there’s no point in running once spotted, all rogers are born with the ability to trigger the (local) social-setting PA… “Oh, clark! where are you getting off to…. come here, we have some questions”)

** remember! while we all have but one predominant worldview, we retain the potential to relate to the world as do ‘the other two’

*** empirical evidence in these pages suggest that (if not a clark) a strong secondary clarklike aspect goes a long way towards, “Well, sure those people are weird, but, when you think about it, it kinda makes sense”.



#wakefielddoctrine #theoryofclarksscottsandrogers #personalitytypes #holysmoketheyareoutthere


-the Wakefield Doctrine- ‘a holiday classic’

Welcome to the Wakefield Doctrine (the theory of clarks, scotts and rogers)

A true classic in so many ways!

Readers: Here, in mid-Oceania, we are celebrating today the most scottian of holidays. The Fourth of July.

How scottian? Welll… how does: minimal clothing encouraged, menu geared to ‘eating-on-the-run’, cuisine grounded in out-door-cooking by impromtu chefs, copious amounts of aliphatic petroleum solvents in squeezable metal cans with a spout most professional squirt-gun enthusiasts would envy (for both volume and range) and…

Fireworks! sound to you?

The only holiday-specific activity that, on the other three hundred sixty four days of the year, requires a Master EOD rating (the insignia with Seven-Fingers wreath, that is). All explosive materials and devices, made available this one day of the year in your local Walmart, Ace Hardware, Toys ‘R Us and Hallmark Party Store.

Heck! Fourth of July and scotts be like:

  • sudden loud sounds and the profession of love
  • running and … capturing!
  • asking a group of the opposite gender: “Does this bathing suit look too small to you?”
  • on the wall of the local 911 call center: “Hey! Watch this!” and “Last reported traveling at excessive speed…”

We could go on all morning, but what’s the point of having a rogerian aspect (very weak, in the case of Your Humble Narrator) if we can’t leverage the past?

the first Doctrine post noting the proclivity of scotts and certain holidays:

a chart providing the average shelf-life of ideas for Posts* …..the Wakefield Doctrine ( happy scottian Holiday!)

Welcome to the Wakefield Doctrine ( the personality theory that you can learn, understand and use today!! )

childhood memories involving  learning to become a better person:   …………………………… 6 hours
childhood memories involving learning bad habits and behavior:      ……………………………  3 days
childhood memories involving doing something publicly embarrassing to adults:    …………. 2 years
adolescent  fantasies   that result in being scarred for life:
(physically scarred): 3 years  (emotionally scarred): 5 years
workplace situations that result in receiving a raise:  ………………………………………………… 6 hours
workplace situations that result in being fired: ………………………………………………………..  3 months
workplace situations that result in being arrested: ……………………………………………………. 4 years
relationship maturity demonstrated in daily life:  ……………………………………………………..  1.4 hours
relationship immaturity demonstrated in public: ………………………………………………………  4 days
a Post trying to illustrate the ephemeral nature of creative ideas: ………………………………….. 75 minutes

Quick reminder about the Holiday tomorrow:  If you do not know that July 4th is one of the most scottian of holidays, then you need to write  in one of the Comment boxes below 50 times

scotts love loud noises, it lets them believe they can have an effect on the world“.

Seriously, picture the coming Holiday:

  • takes place at the height of the Summer season
  • eating and drinking to excess is encouraged
  • minimal clothing allowed in virtually all public places (including churches and hospitals)
  • outdoor sports activities including chasing frisbees, being dragged behind a boat and the use of explosive devices (such explosives, that were it December instead of July,  a visit from Homeland Security would be the immediate result)
  • …minimal clothing

So for you non-scotts reading this, three July 4th Survival Tips:

  1. stay indoors
  2. keep the lights off and the glow of the TV shielded from windows and doors
  3. turn up the air conditioning and ….wear extra clothes

We hope that helps.



#wakefielddoctrine #clarksscottsandrogers #personality types


RePrint Monday -the Wakefield Doctrine- Summer School begins

Welcome to the Wakefield Doctrine (the theory of clarks, scotts and rogers)

treehouse construction

Summer School?!!

Wait just a darn minute.

You can’t do that!!

(Fortunately for us, the closest we’ve come to experiencing the dreaded summer school (this was the ’60s remember. there wasn’t the slightest sense of, “I can take courses and be ready, if not ahead of my classmates, never too soon to start applying to college!’ This was: no school for two-and-a-half months! Bring it on.)

so, being a responsible adult, we’ll just have to search the archives for ‘Summer School’. (Yes? Mimi? What are you doing sitting in the back row? No, there won’t be a book report due next September).

Monday the Wakefield Doctrine ‘the tool for self-improving oneself, nothing more and nothing less’

Welcome to the Wakefield Doctrine (the theory of clarks, scotts and rogers)

"As an unmuddied lake.... As clear as an azure sky of deepest summer."

“As an unmuddied lake…. As clear as an azure sky of deepest summer.”


For those of us fortunate enough to have a weekend, by which I mean, one or two days of self-scheduling, it is now time to re-set. (As recently stated), the workweek days are different. They pretty much belong to another. Another, less light-hearted way to express that is, a large majority of us are owned by something other than ourselves for the period of our lives designated: Monday through Friday. In most cases it is servitude by choice and there is a benefit to be enjoyed. So, as we begin our Monday, lets just remember:

  • clarks: relax, all that you feel improved for you in the previous two days is not negated, does not go away and you are still the person that you saw (and, between you and me, actually thought you might not mind being) doing things Friday night through Sunday night, though you may feel the outsiderness come over you as you put on the protective coloration, the better to deal with bosses, superiors, unfriendly teachers, difficult administrators, unruly pre-schoolers and clients who don’t seem to appreciate how much a well-liked and respected person you seem to recall being for parts of the last 2.5 days
  • scotts: focus, it is not about how much you can do, it is not about proving that you are able to get along with your co-workers, the librarian who sent you a friendly reminder for the DVDs that you borrowed, the teachers who don’t seem to get that you are not always causing trouble, the manager who seems to think that all you want to do is screw around even though he does not have a quota or a peer review in the next 2 weeks
  • rogers: get over yourselves, sure… you love getting back to work and you know that even though there are people who screw up, seemingly on purpose, they do not need you to tell them how much they could improve, or how great your weekend was, or how if they were to try a little harder they might get asked out more, or how their children really need a little extra attention

The Wakefield Doctrine is a tool. It is, in fact, simply a perspective on behavior and the people in our our lives. It does not say what to do (for a better life). It does not say what to think. It does not even tell you how to make the other person: stop picking on you, leave you alone, be more reasonable, appreciate all you do for the family, understand that you really are trying, get it into their heads that you’re not interested in them that way, shut the fuck up, learn from their mistakes, stop self-sabotaging themselves, keep their holier-than-thou opinions to themselves. It does none of these things.

The Wakefield Doctrine is a way to understand the behavior of the people in our lives. It helps us to see the world as the other person is experiencing it. It allows us to infer how the people in our lives are relating themselves to the world around them. (By doing so), it allows us to know more about them than they know about themselves. And it, the Doctrine, not the people, allows us to change our behavior in ways that will enhance and improve our lives.


come on! just because all the dinosaur-rock stations play it every year at this time, does not make it bad!

