Welcome to the Wakefield Doctrine (the theory of clarks, scotts and rogers)
Back with a one-off for jenne and ceayr’s weakly ‘hop, the Unicorn Challenge.
This week we confront the age-old conundrum: if you’re standing in a forest, where are the trees?
The man walked tentatively along the abandoned cart path and entered the grove of trees. Shielded from prying eyes by the trunks of an odd variety of mostly deciduous trees, he scrutinized the base of each gnarled trunk. His posture was well-suited to this endeavor, shoulders sloped into lifelong hunch, long hair shading his eyes, clothing from the House of Goodwill collection spoke of a life of unrealized potential.
Simon Létrange sat, rather awkwardly, and leaned against the trunk of a tree not that different from all the others. Once settled on the ground, he began to talk to himself. It was of a volume clearly a compromise between society’s admonition against such antisocial behavior and his need to hear another voice, even if it was his own.
“It is empirically valid that many otherwise intelligent people lack the ability to distinguish the forest from the trees. By extension, this peculiar twist, in otherwise normal perception should be valid in the converse. Few people viewing the old woman/young girl optical illusion will panic at their struggle to see one or another. If, as the Old Books describe the grove here as having the power, if one bold enough to surrender the cold comfort of conformity, to enable me to apply the reverse of this principle on the world at large.
[…After]“And now a man everyone knows, the man who will lead the Party to victory! Simon…”