Psychology | the Wakefield Doctrine - Part 77 Psychology | the Wakefield Doctrine - Part 77

Tewsdae -the Wakefield Doctrine-

Welcome to the Wakefield Doctrine (the theory of clarks, scotts and rogers)

This is being written on Halloween day. Surely there is a post, buried like a high school social trauma, that ties our favorite personality type(s) to this most clarklike, scottian, rogerian* day of the year, at least as it manifests here in Oceania.

Man! We’re all typity-mc-type typey this morning. Gotta bring it home.


the first of the mandatory holidays, the Wakefield Doctrine does, in fact, claim to be able to tell you which are your favorite holidays!

Welcome to the Wakefield Doctrine ( the theory that, while very challenging to understand, is sort of self-selecting for the kind of intellect that makes the effort worthwhile! )

Seeing how we have a number of new Readers and even some new FOTDs1 a little backstory on the presence and prominence of holidays, vis-à-vis  the Wakefield Doctrine, might be in order.  Holidays are fricken huge with us. Any questions?2

First up: Halloween!

I was thinking about making this a Quiz and offering a prize for the correct answer. But when I thought about Halloween (and) the visuals flooded my mind, I realized there could be no question which of the three personality types of the Wakefield Doctrine ‘own this day’… even if you are here for the first time… if you are a total new Reader (as in “ Well, I have read about 177 words about the Wakefield Doctrine, why do you ask?” ), you will get this one right!
As a matter of fact! I am so sure that, with a simple description of the Doctrine, you will know the correct answer,  we will give you a free Wakefield DocTee! All ya gotta do is write a Comment and tell us your answer. (some restrictions may apply3).  Ready?

The Wakefield Doctrine maintains that what people call ‘personality types’ are the normal, appropriate, and entirely healthy strategies that a person will develop in their effort to get through life. What we do differently from the other systems of personality types is maintain that there are three characteristic worldviews (the personal reality that you wake up to each morning4) and our three personality types are the natural outcome from living in these realities:

  1. the world of the Outsider, ever apart, never quite fitting in and most important (to living in this reality), this personality type, the clark will think, “I am here and the world is out there..damn, I better figure this one out before anyone notices
  2. the life of the Predator, active totally full of life, always on the move, this personality type, the scott will say, “Hey, screw all them head games! life’s too short! I don’t care if you don’t like me…as long as you don’t ignore me! Did I say, Hey! yet?”
  3. the environment of the Herd member, always ‘a part of’, very sure of how things should be, this personality type, the roger feels that, “whats to worry about? if you are following the rules then you will be taken care of, no one suffers in life…unless they brought it on themselves… you know, breaking the rules…not living the right way!
There you go. Three personality types. One Holiday:
…where everyone gets permission to be someone/something else, the successful participant in this Holiday is the person who hears, “Wow! I’m shocked and amazed! I would never have guessed that was you”
Halloween is the Holiday of :  a) clarks or 2) scotts or c) rogers  because…
…you know this one! take your time, think it through, we find that with a lot of the Doctrine, your first ‘guess’ is the correct answer. A little relaxing music, perhaps?


1)  totally people like Cyndi…(Cyndi actually has us on her website’s blogroll, can I get a “damn!”!)

2)  better than answering questions, go read some of the previous holiday-centric Posts like  “J’accuse!…”

3)  sorry, DownSprings and Progenitors not eligible.

4) we mean the personal nature of the reality that you experience, that everyone experiences, nothing too metaphysical or weird or nothing, but it is critical to getting a benefit from the Wakefield Doctrine that you appreciate that we do mean ‘reality’, as in real, not something like a choice in how you feel about it, or a preference that you make about the nature of the cultural institutions in your life or even a bias towards one view of cause and effect over the other…. no we mean that the world is one of predator and prey to the scott and the nature of the world and everything in it is about a clark being the outsider…



* Who shouted, “What about the Everything Rule?”1 Very good. Who says only clarks get the Wakefield Doctrine**

** ok… other than scotts and rogers with strong secondary clarklike aspects

  1. the Everything Rule: Everyone does everything at one time or another. Simply put: the Wakefield Doctrine is all about how we relate ourselfs to the world around us2. The characteristics, the quality, the nature… the personal reality we all exist in is directly related to our relationship (to it). We are, all of us, born with the potential to experience one of three (and only three) relationships: that of the Outsider (clarks), the Predator (scotts) or the Herd Member (rogers). We grow and mature and practice and learn and resign ourselves to a certain style of living and acting (aka personality type) in these ‘personal realities’. (For the Wakefield Doctrine), our personalities are not the modified/negotiated/adjusted to/ list of qualities, tropisms, drives, wants, fears, ambitions or desires that become routine and habitual. Out personality types are (from the Doctrine perspective) the best we could do to survive and thrive in the world as we experience it.

Monday RePrint -the Wakefield Doctrine-

Welcome to the Wakefield Doctrine (the theory of clarks, scotts and rogers)

Just a quick second to restore the prime to the rhetorical (and metaphorical) Doctrine explainage-pump. We’re thinking we want to discuss the balance of antipathies among the three predominant worldviews. Read this olden one first.

hey, did anyone else just hear a bell?

The Wakefield Doctrine maintains, that since there are three types of people, experiencing three (fairly) different realities, then what is written in these Posts must be lost on the other two.  Today we are writing to one of the three  today, and tho’ there is no need to say which of the three ( clark or scott or roger ), there is only one target.

This Post has something that you want, it has something you need and it has something that will give you an edge, today.  If you read all of this Post, you will agree that the knowledge you can get from it is worth more than what you have to give for it.  Guarenteed.  And I can prove it to you.

You are skeptical at this point, as you should be.  Yeah, everybody makes claims for what they are selling and they are all lying.  But this is different, this is something that you can prove to yourself and you can do it right now.   What I might sell you is a tool.

This tool will not make you better at what you do.
This tool will not get rid of bad habits.
This tool will not make you popular.
This tool will only help you do what you already want to do…

If you answer a few simple questions, then what this new skill will do for you is cut down on the distractions in your life…
…you do have distractions in your life, don’t you?  You do want to have less distractions and more time to do what you enjoy, don’t you?

Then here is what you do…

At the bottom of this page, right below the music video, is a place to leave a Comment.  Go there now, you can come back and listen to the video later…

Answer the following questions:

a) of the three types, the most reliable/the one to have at your back in a fight is:
b) of the three types, the one most likely to already have your back is:
c) of the three types, the one that is the biggest pain in the ass, the most trouble/least fun is:
d) if I could change anything about either of the other two I would:


(the mandatory Wakefield Doctrine lesson in this Post is), we know that we all have the complete range of qualities of all three (clark, scott and roger) and at the beginning of life we are most likely able to see the world from (the) different viewpoints.  As we “learn to live and deal with the world” we become more and more habituated to one of the three.  As we see the world through the eyes of (a clark or a scott or a roger) the world becomes more and more the world that a (clark or a scott or a roger) would find themselves in.  Nothing fantastical in that, we just see the world a certain way and our ways of living are appropriate to that world. (“…come back little scott! come back!” ) lol (“…run roger! ruun!!…”)

(aiyyee. vid not available! Not to worry. Just step over the low-fence of the blockquotes and we’ll talk a little before you have to turn over the light configurator, get dressed and get out there into the world)

ok ok. here’s a quick music vid



There! Made it! Take a penny please.

The primary dynamic antipathies among the three are, not surprisingly, grounded in ‘what’s the worse thing that could happen’*

damn! where’d the time go?**

The most antithetical qualities are for:

  1. a clark to be a roger
  2. a scott is to be a clark
  3. a roger is to be a scott

Essay homework, yo. Why would that be and, 2) does an understanding of the point of conflict for all three yield a productive insight into one’s own relationship with the world around you

Well, does it, punk?***

* a true foundational keystone to virtually any and all cultures with an interest in locking in membership beliefs of those young candidates. Who just muttered, ‘fuckin’ aye’

** yeah, if you found that rhetorical question not only interesting but something you could imagine spending some part of your day exploring it’s implications, you’re in the right place. Outsider

*** you’d think, but no, he is a total roger


TToT -the Wakefield Doctrine-

Welcome to the Wakefield Doctrine (the theory of clarks, scotts and rogers)

This is the Wakefield Doctrine’s weakly contribution to the Ten Things of Thankful (TToT) bloghop. Created by our founderess, Miss  L, Quartermaine, in 1903 under harsh conditions in a small village on the only fnord recognized by the Crown. She toiled by firelight to create and publish the first Grat blog. With remarkable prescience, she wrote in the maiden inaugural issue, “Whilst I feel compelled to require of any Readers to compile a list of Gratitudinous Items, it is incumbent upon me to ease the way for future participants, and reduce the eponymous list from fity* to ten. In the future, when Man has harnessed the Power of the Ether, we shall surely up the ante.” L.

For the Doctrine, our list:

1) Una

2) Phyllis

3) the Wakefield Doctrine

4) writing (which is a most fulsome of category of things to be grateful for, as in and of itself, a separate Item might be designated**.) (see Grat 5)

5) the Six Sentence Story and the Unicorn Challenge Both are most excellent prompt-writing bloghops. Be sure to go looking around at each. Hell, why not link up with ’em while you’re there?

6) gotta include the internet, yo. Have you scrolled down to the music vid section yet? No! Not now… well ok, but return here to finish your Read

7) New participant (entrance through the Facebook door, here:  Hey, Hil! ‘ssup?

8) something, something

9) moderate weather… so far

10) Secret Rule 1.3


* true story, sorta. Lizzi did actually start with writing a Fifty Things list. This was before the fame, renown and renovated home on Loch Redundancy

** proposed and provisional Secret Rule; temporary designation 8.9 aka the Rule of Blue Font




music (cover comparisions)








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F -the Wakefield Doctrine- …The ‘corn is as high as an elephant’s eye,

Welcome to the Wakefield Doctrine (the theory of clarks, scotts and rogers)

 See what happens when we try a photo-prompt from our friends to the east…(way East, so East they’re having lunch as we write). We referring, of course, to  jenne and ceayr‘s hangout, the Unicorn Challenge.

Simple rules, subtly provocative photos and a gang of writers with mad talent at the wordage.



heart(1); emotional center, Class 1 allegory

memory(∞); endless, un-adulterated



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Six Sentence Story -the Wakefield Doctrine- Part 2

Welcome to the Wakefield Doctrine (the theory of clarks, scotts and rogers)

This is the Wakefield Doctrine’s contribution to the Six Sentence Story bloghop.

Hosted by Denise, governed by the Lord High Sextuplet, (aka ‘the God of as many arms as fingers…sorta’), all are invited to participate.

Note: this is Part 2 of a serial Six, to establish a modicum of narrative context, go ahead and follow this link to Part 1

Prompt word:


The night grew darker, the wind stronger and the grey-green avalanche of the following sea grew bolder; like a 7th grade bully, in thrall of early-onset adolescence, the waves, stalking the boat as it ran for port, hungered for the opportunity to prove that might made right.

Perched uncomfortably on the edge of the duct tape-patched helmsman’s chair, the newest deckhand vainly sought to anticipate the behavior of the Eastern-rigged trawler as it rode up the front of the closed arcs of waves pushed by the wind; recalling movies and youtube videos of stormy seas, the young man felt the visceral punch of image-versus-reality stronger even than his first time lying next to a naked woman.

The boat, synonymous with ‘the world’, (which in turn, through the alchemy of extreme fear was now shorthand for ‘Life’), rolled in the trough of a wave that never even slowed down to see if the trawler had capsized.

His first sense of the precarious relationship that pretended to exist in balance between the ambitions of Man and the raw power of Nature, bloomed like a nightmare orchid as he felt the wood and iron boat rise and accelerate.

Being lifted by a wave is different than being lifted while standing in an elevator; the ocean was a fluid and therefore free of the constraints imposed by the straight line vectors and ninety-degree angles so in abundance on dry land; ‘Up’ could be at the end of a spiral, and, well, ‘Down’ was only some point not up, the path of the fishing boat was as unhindered and freeform as a refrigerator door finger painting.

Survival of a race is often a binary sequence involving chance, continuation of an individual is where the traces of divinity are to be found; as the newest deckhand decided that power was a verb, one could be forgiven for believing the fruit of a certain Garden was not Knowledge of Good and Evil, rather it was the reality-transcending power of Metaphor; laughing at the dark world, the young man made the fishing trawler a surfboard and rode the waves to home.

