Psychology | the Wakefield Doctrine - Part 70 Psychology | the Wakefield Doctrine - Part 70

Tuesday Wednesday -the Wakefield Doctrine- Memoir Tuesday Late Edition

Welcome to the Wakefield Doctrine (the theory of clarks, scotts and rogers)

Let us continue our discussion (description?) of the efficacy of the Wakefield Doctrine in the matter of self-improvement.

Sure, we get it. You’re thinking, ‘oh man! Not another, ‘Find the Force within. Accept your inner strength, Stand over there and close your eyes.’

No, wait. We’re not saying that. At lease not two out of three of them.

This reminds us of another issue that could use updating and/or clarification: is it personal reality (mini-existences with their own sets of tiny Laws of Physics, Consequences, Original Sin and such) or is it ‘the character of the relationship we develop with the world around us and the people who make it up?’

Wait! Missed the window yesterday. Let’s just say: ‘the Wakefield Doctrine is a nearly-unearned but, nevertheless inspired insight into the nature of human reality. We got the original starting point in the early 1980s (i.e. the theory of clarks, scotts and rogers), played with the idea for twenty-five years, and, in June 2009, sat down at the keyboard and started this blog. The content/posts that followed reflected both the excitement of this gift and effects of the Wakefield Doctrine itself on us, the curator.

Anyway. That keeps us on track for the ‘every Tuesday a Memoir post’ thing. (Quick Reminder: the first goal of any self-renovation is to practice deliberate habit formation.)

Don’t Forget! Tonight at 6:00 pm the doors open for this week’s Six Sentence Story bloghop. Good reading and, not to lay any unnecessary pressure on y’all but chances are you’ve got a hankerin to see your story in the glow of crystal diodes. Well, don’t hold back. Write, Link. Enjoy the company of others who feel the more doors into alternate reality we leave open, the better the conditions in the ‘real’ world will be.

quick RePrint.

clarks -the Wakefield Doctrine- ‘hey, I’m good enough for my friends…so the heck with what you think’

Welcome to the Wakefield Doctrine (the theory of clarks, scotts and rogers

)...and the over-under on the game is what?

(As so often happens, here at the Doctrine, a phrase popped into my head that seemed to be a whole Post…provided I could put into words the feeling that were [embedded] in said phrase. When I wrote today’s Post subtitle, I immediately had two thoughts, a) Readers are going to misunderstand and respond by saying, ‘aww, don’t feel bad, we all think you’re doing great’ and 2) I really need to get back to this kind of post, one that is written to the clarks who are encountering the Wakefield Doctrine for the very first time. And, of course, c) my own re-appreciation of how much things have changed since I first started writing this blog… not the content and nature of the Doctrine, rather the nature of the readership and, even more germane, the changes the Wakefield Doctrine has wrought in my own self. So, what say I give it try?)

When I was young(er), I retained an unshakeable faith in two things: a) my friends and b) my capacity to endure and survive. Now I am no longer younger. More to the point, (of this post), I am now possessed of an understanding of my predominant worldview (clark/Outsider) and that enables me to see a lot more of the ‘why’ of my behavior and beliefs, actions and responses to the people and the world around me. This is an improvement. This knowledge, this insight into the way that ‘I relate myself to the world around me’, does not, in and of itself, change anything. It does, however, make any desired change much more attainable and sustainable. That is the good of the knowing of the Wakefield Doctrine.

The title today? (And the introduction above, that suggests that perhaps writing a Post to appeal specifically to the brand new clarklike Reader, might be more difficult than I think?) All of what underlies, and thereby giving rise to the sentiment manifested in the subtitle remains true in me, in all clarks. I still have the …. er…. not so positive self-concept that is the initial premise shaping the worldview of the Outsider, and I still, very much value the friends that I have. Most of us, (including rogers and scotts), will recognize, in the second half of the sub-title an implication,  a… ‘yes but’, a ‘hedge’, if you will, on the claim to being valued by others. There is something to the way the statement sounds that is a hallmark of the clarklike personality type. It’s necessary to a clark, this ‘hedging’ of a claim of self-worth or value (to others), a pre-defensive defensive, if you will.

You want a physical example of what I’m trying to convey? (It’s also a primary characteristic of clarks.) Watch a clark smile. Most of time, especially when ‘in public’ or not in a totally secure environment, which is pretty much everywhere except bed or the bathroom, clarks will smile by compressing the lips, putting a slight upwards motion to the corners of the mouth, while watching the other person very carefully. Hedging their bets. Being careful. Keeping the escape route viable. You know, as an Outsider, we’re all about interacting, all while keeping an eye on the door. Find me a classroom, I don’t care if it’s First Grade or Grad School, if the individual student is allowed the choice of seats, you will find a preponderance of clarks in the back row. Near the door. And while one might think that this choice is simply to avoid being noticed, one would be almost correct. It is, in fact, to provide the option to escape, to not be forced into the focus of attention.

That’s part of what the clark personality is like. Tomorrow we may look at scotts, ( ‘I think, therefore I scream‘) or perhaps rogers (‘there is no ‘i’ in herd, there’s only me and everyone like me’)

Since I’m doing kind of a old-style Post, I thought I’d include a music video, well, just because.*


*excuse me!! excuse me!!  because, well, holy shit!!  (lol)  you want to know the real, totally-honest-to-god reason why I find writing Doctrine Posts so ….so  incredible?  Ok, so I’m finishing up the final edit and I decide… sure, lets keep the music vid, because I love the song. The last thing I needed to do was to find the ‘cover photo’,  you know, the Post’s thumbnail that shows only on the landing page. Well I think, ‘lets look for an image associated with Grieg and ‘the Hall of the Mountain King’, (today’s vid)…at the top of the results page is a link to the wikipedia, so naturally I go to read it ( I’m a clark, remember?)  anyway, here’s what jumped out of the screen at me, it made me laugh:

The piece is played as the title character Peer Gynt, in a dream-like fantasy, enters “Dovregubben (the troll Mountain King)’s hall”. The scene’s introduction continues: “There is a great crowd of troll courtiers, gnomes and goblins. Dovregubben sits on his throne, with crown and sceptre, surrounded by his children and relatives. Peer Gynt stands before him. There is a tremendous uproar in the hall.” The lines sung are the first lines in the scene.

Grieg himself wrote “For the Hall of the Mountain King I have written something that so reeks of cowpats, ultra-Norwegianism, and ‘to-thyself-be-enough-ness’ that I can’t bear to hear it, though I hope that the irony will make itself felt.” The theme of “to thyself be… enough” – avoiding the commitment implicit in the phrase “To thine own self be true” and just doing enough – is central to Peer Gynt’s satire, and the phrase is discussed by Peer and the mountain king in the scene which follows the piece.( italics added)  (

…no!! really!! lol  man! do I love this Wakefield Doctrine!




RePrint Monday -the Wakefield Doctrine-

Welcome to the Wakefield Doctrine (the theory of clarks, scotts and rogers)

Lets search on two RePrintular topics: 1) self-improvement and b) the word ‘wind’. (We’re having a storm move up the coast this morning. The best, other than consecutive ninety degree days, weather of all.) New Readers? the geographical location of the Doctrine is southern New England, on the east coast of Oceania. The storm systems run west to east, as they must; however at times a storm will develop and ‘run up the coastline’. The thing about this is that a weather event such as we’re experiencing  today is usually accompanied by a strong, southeast wind. Which means rain and wind and higher temperatures. At least until the storm moves up and on, into the Maritime Provinces. Then the prevailing winds shift, as they must, into a west/northwesterly direction. Cold usually follows.

At the time of this writing, we are still in the warm, stormy-wind aspect of the weather.

So, back to our search for a RePrint!

Damn! Lookie at what we found! Nothing on the ‘stormy weather’ but, self-improvement? eeee doggies! (J. Clampett 1964)

Anyway, before we get into the RePrint, a reminder of a topic: the effects of secondary and tertiary aspects on the predominant worldview(s) of the Wakefield Doctrine. Totally time to revisit that subject. And, as it would be, this part of the Doctrine does have a direct bearing on the matter of how the Wakefield Doctrine can be a most efficacious tool for self-improving oneself.

And …and! in the way that reality has of juxtaposing seemingly random, yet complimentary-the-point-of-enhancing occurrences, this week’s RePrint is an textbook illustration of the effects of secondary aspects on both the predominant and tertiary aspects. (to wit: my scottian secondary aspect on a predominant clarklike worldview and weak rogerian tertiary.)


self-development, 3 personality types and the Wakefield Doctrine (oh yeah, damn almost forgot! Video Friiidaay!!!)

Welcome to the Wakefield Doctrine ( the theory of clarks, scotts and rogers )

There will come a time, in the not too distant future, when people you know, will come up and say, “hey! I just heard about this Doctrine thing, and it’s supposed to be about personality types, but they have these hats and this guy travels around the world and takes these really strange videos and talks about rogers and clarks and scotts! Those are the names they have for 3 personality types…yeah…I know….but it’s true! they have pictures and charts and stuff and when I looked around at people here at school or at my job, there they were!  Anyway, they said this Doctrine will help me change anything about myself that I want…and it’s true….”

…and that will be very cool, but you are here now and you are watching this thing of ours, and  I am including you in the use of the word ‘ours’. With a Wakefield Doctrine hat (on your damn head) and a little patience you will be a part of the growth of the Doctrine. Of course, writing a Comment wouldn’t hurt either!
As we all know, to be a ‘personality theory/self-improvement tool’ ya gotta provide proof that it works!    Alright, then take a look at these here videos here:*

Then on to the other Crossroads:**

…Tell me quick where I can get rid of these things!

* look at the geocoding of the location…damn Highway 61
** look up the legend of Robert Johnson and the Crossroads



TToT -the Wakefield Doctrine-

Welcome to the Wakefield Doctrine (the theory of clarks, scotts and rogers)

"Cain, yo. What did you bring? oh... no, nothing! I heard Yahweh totally loves a good fruit cocktail"

“Cain, yo. What did you bring? oh… no, nothing! I heard Yahweh totally loves a good fruit cocktail”


This is the Wakefield Doctrine’s weekly contribution to the Ten Things of Thankful (TToT) bloghop. Founded by L.R. while on sabbatical from Oxford University in the Spring of 1907. The TToT is what she confided to the clerk at a hostel in the Scottish Highlands as, “An exercise that feels good. Not at all like calisthenics and medicine ball and such, which only feel good to those observing. Kind of like much of Life, at least until we learn the restorative powers of Gratitude. And I’ll thank you to give me the same room Mary Shelly stayed in during her Wanderjahr.

1) Phyllis

2) Una

3) the Wakefield Doctrine the sine qua non of all of this blog-writing and such

4) the Six Sentence Story bloghop Where the stories are brief and heartfelt.

5) the Unicorn Challenge Welll Don’t get us started on this crew! Sure, photo prompts are not uncommon in the ‘sphere. But there are photos and there are ‘wth?!! photos’. You know what the cool thing about bloghops am? The opportunity to learn new writin’ stuff. Hey! That’s a Grat if I ever saw one! (see Grat#7).

6) (stop the presses! this just in! Less.Than.A.Week!) …Until the beginning of Summer!

7) lol (clearly, this is not our first rodeo) No, serially! The thing about the ‘hops the Doctrine participates in is the atmosphere created, not only by the hosts, but by the participating writers. Like a improv of any of the performing arts where people gather, it’s all about the attitude. A balance of competition without the need to ‘one-up’ and the appreciation of other styles and skill levels. Exemplified by writers like ladysighs and Michael at the ‘corn and Reena and Frank.

8) and…and! FOTD, Cynthia’s all, new-look website. (An Arlo Guthrie lyric comes to mind) Stop by at Art Funky. Tell her the Doctrine sent ya!

9) something, something

10) Secret Rule 1.3 from the Book of Secret Rules (aka the Secret Book of Rules)









Hey, we don’t have the correct code yet.

Head over to Mimi’s


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Click here to enter


free way Friday -the Wakefield Doctrine-

Welcome to the Wakefield Doctrine (the theory of clarks, scotts and rogers)

We made it!

The Doctrine tends toward an every-other week schedule here at the ‘corn’, joining jenne and ceayr and the others here at the Unicorn Challenge.

Do yerself a favor, head over to the ‘corn. Plenty good reading. And, if you got the hankering to take the keyboard out for a stroll, go ahead and link your story (in Comments). The simplest of rules: a) Hey! look at this photo and 2) no more than 250 words, if you please. Tell ’em the Doctrine sent ya.




For her it was the light, an actinic slap of welcome to a newborn. Chloë responded with a most human of strategies, extending her hand across the table.

For him, it was an assault of odor, of such potency, his body wrongly interpreted it as immersion in a noxious ether. Montgomery was assailed by an overwhelming desire to stand up. Instead, he grasped the hand that appeared opposite his own.

In the shadows, a man laughed a guttural cough of merriment and aimed his phone towards the young couple. Bathed in the cold palette of technology, he basked in the approval of the woman in the display; her face an aurora of hues as she watched the man watching the young people.

“Sinè, my love, it’s time to reel in our little fishies.” Donning an waiter’s apron, the man picked up a tray holding two glasses. He sprinkled a shower of crystals into each. The motion caused his sleeve to rise, exposing a tattoo of a symbol combining an asterix and an angular ‘B’, superimposed on a heart.

“I don’t remember anything after that odd woman stopped us on the street.” Confidence returning with the shared strength of their touching hands, Chloë rose.

“Yeah, lets get out of here,” Montgomery threw a £50 note on the drink tray proffered by the waiter and left without a backward glance. Unseen, the man threw the tray against the curved-stone wall, cringing at the tiny voice of the woman raging from his phone.





Six Sentence Story -the Wakefield Doctrine- [a Café Six Part Three 2/3]

Welcome to the Wakefield Doctrine (the theory of clarks, scotts and rogers)

This is the Doctrine’s contribution to the Six Sentence Story bloghop.

It is hosted by Denise and, other than insisting on six sentences-per-story, she maintains a light-to-a-fault hand on the proceedings.

The funny-looking title? The ‘subtitle’ is a reference to this week’s inter-related stories from Nick (2) and Denise (3).

“…previously on the Doctrine’s Café Six‘, the Sophomore was dragging his feet on his way to the Manager’s office.

Prompt word:


The tall, thin man smoothed out the crumpled paper with the passionate serenity of a widower smoothing the shroud of his departed, prior to taking his place at the head of a receiving line of one.

The muffled knock on the door was followed by a trapezoid of darkness contorting it’s characteristic sharp-angled shape, as if to minimize the fact it provided passage into the office.

The Sophomore crossed the distance between door and desk almost too quickly, the casual swing of his second-hand overcoat, an unmistakeable imprimatur of youth, was a non-verbal announcement informing all that he was not afraid, but would ask deference to his remarkable intelligence.

Sitting in the lone chair in front of the desk, the young man smiled without cause, remained silent out of caution and occupied his mind with an escalating variety of possible realities extending from the present moment; his friends in the past from which he was mysteriously transported, often chided him on not taking life seriously enough.

The tall, thin man’s fingers ran over the ridges and creases of the letter like a third-generation owner of a subsistence farm sifting dry soil through calloused hands, as if to seek enlightenment, if not salvation.

“Do you know what Hell really is?”

