Psychology | the Wakefield Doctrine - Part 66 Psychology | the Wakefield Doctrine - Part 66

Monday -the Wakefield Doctrine- “…of simple math and the Outsider.”

Welcome to the Wakefield Doctrine (the theory of clarks, scotts and rogers)

“At least no one will see how badly I did.”

While, at first blush, this statement might be attributed to a clark, it is, in fact a rogerian sentiment.

Before we do that, let us review the three predominant worldviews of the Wakefield Doctrine:

  1. the Outsider (clarks) like a singularity (in astronomy) it is tempting to describe this predominant worldview as what it is, rather than the more efficacious approach of sharing what it is not; (the first hint as to the conundrum that started us this morning);
  2. the Predator (scotts) a classic blue herring. Even the first, cursory examination with the distinguishing characteristics of our speedy friend hints not only at not being the solution to our puzzel but, in fact, hints at a far greater (and way more subtle) concept
  3. the Herd Member (rogers) ha! you have been, by your first thought (all while believing you are safe from the relentless understanding of the Wakefield Doctrine), bathing in the false security of being on the far side of this display); the subtle subtitle of today’s post is both noose and garrot.


this is why we normally post the RePrint first, instead of second.

But you knew that, didn’t you?

Quick, down-and-dirty lesson:

  • clarks are Outsiders. they live in a bubble that does not actually exist. so they cannot be our elocutor, as the (beginning this day) leaves no possibility that there cannot be a response from others
  • scotts are Predators. they are busy living life, not in a ‘Clearly, de Kooning intends the viewer to…’ sense of life, more, the Wiley Coyote/Road Runner duprass*
  • rogers are Herd Members. why on earth would you have eliminated them in your deliberations? they (the rogers who are, of the three1, are truest to this statement). this would lead us to believe that one’s conscious belief provides immunity to a relationship is a folly on the scale of the one that clarks maintain.

End of discussion.

If you are reading this: Congratulations! You are eligible to enjoy the benefits of our little personality theory. The fun and useful alike!


*search ‘Cat’s Cradle’ K. Vonnegut

  1. remember, for our follow-up discussion, one certain unifying Princple called ‘the Everything Rule’




TToT -the Wakefield Doctrine-

Welcome to the Wakefield Doctrine (the theory of clarks, scotts and rogers)

This is the Doctrine’s weekly contribution to the Ten Things of Thankful (TToT) bloghop.


1) Una

2) Phyllis

3) the Wakefield Doctrine

4) writing for fun and de-confusioning* (see Grat Five and Six)

5) the Six Sentence Story

6) the Unicorn Challenge (with ceayr, jenne, Pensitivity 101 and them)

7) discretion being the better part of valor… the rain washed the bridge (photo in Grat 1 and 2 above, taken in more temperate climes)

We considered moving the bridge back into place before the flood waters had receded. In theory, less effort to float it back than to lever it back. So we waded into the water, thigh-high and reconsidered our ambition. It was not the depth of the water, not even it the strength of the current. It was the temperature of the water. As we observed our leg muscles getting all Gordian on the knee and ankular regions, standing in the shallow section. (There is a reason for the bridge, not so apparent in either of these photos, but there’s a channel, not deep, say only three feet or so… when the pond is at the summer level illustrated by our photogenic canine and human. That said, the water was over our knees… on shore. lol While we laugh at danger, we haven’t needed jumper cables for any of the automobiles for so long. Well, let’s say we decided that it would have been a pain in the neck to go dig them out from wherever they are if the water remained as cold as it reached our upper torso.

The good news is we will have a Cro-Magnon Challenge by next week when the water recedes! The rules are: only muscle and the simplest of machines, the lever; in the form of small tree trunks which we have an abundance of in the woods.)

the ‘After’ photo for the bridge at the top

8) rain (both as hypograt and as anti-snow)

[Hey! In the interest of setting the scene for the Bro-Magnon Challenge next week, here’s a photo of the Bridge-Too-Far with the water levels down today.]

9) something, something

10) Secret Rule 1.3


* not a ‘real’ word but clarks, of course, will sense the meaning, if not the application

music vids






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f -the Wakefield Doctrine-

Welcome to the Wakefield Doctrine (the theory of clarks, scotts and rogers)

the setting: the Unicorn Challenge bloghop

the players: jenne and ceayr and a cast of tens

the premise: beginning with a new photo prompt, write a story

the rules: maximum word count is two hundred fity (250)

(While we accept that this particular bloghop format does not, actually, encourage the telling of serial tales, there are times when the temptation exceeds self-restraint. If there is need for proof of the existence of a ‘Muse’ for those who would write, then characters are incontrovertible evidence. We have, all of us, found ourselves in the company of characters that, to use the vernacular, ‘write themselves’. This week, we indulge our selfs. The two protangonists in this week’s contribution to ‘the corn first showed up: <click here>. What can we say? They write themselves)



“Don’t worry, I’m a natural-born trapper. I can follow the prey anywhere!”

The woman, dressed in shades of gray and ebony that made her indistinguishable from the alleys and lanes of the less-travelled parts of Glasgow, jumped slightly, the better to cuff her companion’s ear.

“We had ’em coming out of that wine cellar! Are we home enjoying dinner?” The tilt of her head produced a curious reversal, surely it is in human relationships that trompe l’oeil found their natural environment.

“No! We are not!”

For his part, the slightest of shrugs prevented any serious injury, which was never a concern of his for any of the countless years the pair had been together.

The urban canyons and abandoned wine cellars had provided sustenance for the two since…well, since either of them could remember. Somehow, the night was betraying the two as their prey continued to remain ahead of their patient stalking. This unexplored country for the pair who, as subjects of whispered tales of fearful parents to innocent children were simply the Crone and the Stone. Cautionary bedtime stories to keep them out of harm’s way

As they crossed the small wooden bridge, the forest around them blazed in artificial light. LED suns tethered to trees, the better to kill fairy tale monsters

The man, larger than he wanted to be, looked down; the woman, smaller than she felt with him, looked up with no regret,

“We twa hae run about the braes,
and pou’d the gowans fine.”




Six Sentence Story -the Wakefield Doctrine-

Welcome to the Wakefield Doctrine (the theory of clarks, scotts and rogers)

This is the Wakefield Doctrine’s contribution to the Six Sentence Story bloghop.

Hosted each week by Denise, all we’re asked to do is write a story of six (and only six) sentences.

Prompt word:


‘From stock room to boardroom,’ the man stood at the window-wall that framed the expanse of blue that was Lake Michigan on an early January morning. The expression on his face was a battlefield of pride and shame, as the phrase, ‘lock, stock and barrel’ pushed all other thought to the side as nurture triumphed over nature.

Having completed his daily invocation, the president of the Omni Corp rested his forehead against the glass in profane genuflection to Mammon and Friedman, his prophet.

Without changing his posture, one in which balance was as much an illusion as the belief in the value of his own will, the man looked down; the city streets, already alive with people and vehicles pulsing and flowing like corpuscles giving life and clearing waste from a living, growing body.

“Mr. Avaritia, the men from the SEC are here,” Anya Clarieaux stood in the doorway, her title was Executive Administrative Assistant but any stock analyst, from the NYSE to the Nikkei and all points in-between would, after a long enough day on the financial ramparts, whisper, like young boys sharing old, dirty jokes, ‘Wither goest Anya’.

“Tell them to wait, I have one last file to secure,” the windows along the northern side of the penthouse offices were not designed to open, save one; ‘If you apply yourself and never admit defeat, you can be so much more than everyone else’ the words of his father as softly corrosive as rust on the undercarriage of an old car.





Twosday -the Wakefield Doctrine- ‘brought to you by two, the great equalizer!’

Welcome to the Wakefield Doctrine (the theory of clarks, scotts and rogers)

Yesterday’s post got us thinkin’, ‘Sure, we get how the Wakefield Doctrine is gender and age and culture neutral. Makes sense in today’s modern, oppositional (sometimes for the sake of being oppositional, i.e. rogerian) world. Why belabor the point?’

…because, by focusing on what the Wakefield Doctrine isn’t, we can more better appreciate what it is. You know, like splitting the atom… or the check or just stopping your desperate no-hope-other-than-to-stay-in-the-familiar-present arguments. When the variables are least, the opportunity to willfully not-understand is as small as it will ever be. Like when you were a little tiny kid and the world was the living room, your bed, the bathroom and through the windows of the family car or hand-me-down stroller. We were all, like, little baby-Adams. The unknown was unknown because we either were not told names or had not yet had a chance to make one up.

…. to the point of today’s Post.

Especially gender. Seeing how that can be the second most fundamental distinction available in human experience, its the best place to start with our literal distinction. As we’re reminded:

“How can I,” he said, “unless someone explains it to me?” So he invited Philip to come up and sit with him.
~Acts 8:30-31

Yeah, in best rogerian writing tradition, there can only be one protagonist, ever one else is in a supporting role. the ‘he’? Best we can tell, some Ethiopian.

But the point is useful. Sometimes it helps to have someone to explain it to us.

Except, this is the Wakefield Doctrine. Guidelines? sure. Examples of limitations and specific interpretations? Why the heck not! We’re all interested in the same thing, right? Employing the perspective afforded those willing to imagine the Wakefield Doctrine is an actual theory of personality and using it to better understand how the other person is experiencing the world.

Back to the gender thing.

The Wakefield Doctrine is about Being A and the world around them and the people (or all sorts) that make it up.

This viewpoint is reinforced or, vice-versa, by the fact that each of the three predominant worldviews are simply, three distinct relationships. Not a list of traits, not a schedule of drives and tropisms, not even a preference-bias for: blue, Bach and getting caught out in the rain. Nope! None of these things. Simplest put:

  1. the Outsider (clarks)
  2. the Predator (scotts)
  3. the Herd Member (rogers)

all ya gotta do is imagine how a lifeform experiences the world from the perspective of these three relationships and you are working the Doctrine.

Never forget: the Doctrine is for you and not them.

just to see how determined you are to assimilate this tool, we offer the following vid (without comment or advice) your reaction will tell an experienced practitioner of the Wakefield Doctrine everything about not only your predominant worldview but your secondary and tertiary aspects.

As we used enjoy writing and/or saying, “Understanding the principles of the Wakefield Doctrine will put you in the position of knowing more about the other person than you have any right to know.”



