Psychology | the Wakefield Doctrine - Part 4 Psychology | the Wakefield Doctrine - Part 4

Tuesday -the Wakefield Doctrine- “Gonna write a little letter, gonna mail it to my local D.J. …”

Welcome to the Wakefield Doctrine (the theory of clarks, scotts and rogers)

Tuesday. While each day of the week is associated with one of the three personality types and a couple, like multi-associated. (Go! Everything Rule!) Some are totally owned (by a particular predominant worldview).

Tuesdays. clarks.

Don’t ask us why.


No, serially, don’t.

Some things (ok, a lot of things) about the theory of clarks, scotts and rogers, are in the Realm of the Subjective. Remember how, at the beginning of this blog we described the typical fan/follower as being: intellectually fit, confident in the value of additional perspectives and totally a fan of the odd and unusual side of reality? Yeah, we said that. Look it up.

In any event, mention Tuesday to any Friend of the Doctrine and you’ll hear:

  • yeah, finally! a day without pre-established debt to the world… whew! no rush
  • lol fricken clarks
  • well, you’re certainly entitled to one day. I don’t think many people would take issue with that. as long as you don’t get carried away with it

Lets go rummage. What’s the point of having endless cardboard boxes of old books and comics and un-assembled model cars and whatnot if you don’t take the phone off the hook*, empty one or two on the floor and see what you can see?

*New/hypo-aged Readers? The expression, ‘take the phone off the hook’ harkens back to the day of two-piece telephones (like the one at the top of the post). If you did that, it wouldn’t ring. (Though it would make a couple of total-movie-meme sounds before going quiet. Including a recorded message that became the working title of our first attempt to write a full-on story. So there is that.)


Too(s)day the Wakefield Doctrine ( “I think Tuesday is the cutest (of the) Workdays! …like a 2nd date, so full of promise, yet such a potential source of suffering!”)

Welcome to the Wakefield Doctrine (the theory of clarks, scotts and rogers)images-37

so, yesterday we wrote a Post that was built on the following promise:

So here’s what we’ll do: I’ll write a couple of hundred words about the value and use of the Wakefield Doctrine on a typical Monday morning. I’ll stop writing, take a quick shower, get dressed and start my work day2. After an hour or so of work, I’ll come back here and ‘re-write’ this post. Let’s see if this ‘oh-my-god-can’t-you-see-how-incredibly-useful-and-fun’ theory of personality accounts for any change in my day.3

Fine. I’ll tell you about my day and the (principles) of the Wakefield Doctrine. I won’t attempt to re-write yesterday’s Post, for the obvious reasons. (Actually all I want to do is try and come up with something clever (and a touch risqué ) about character of Tuesday). But promises are promises (unless they are threats, and then you need to be more careful of clarks than scotts or rogers by a long shot!)

In the middle of the day yesterday, I had occasion to interact with people I had never met.*
I walk up to the front door, (noting that a person was coming towards the house from across the yard), and knocked on the door. a scott answered. I knew she was a scott from: a) her eyes** and 2) she smiled and stepped forward at the moment of introduction,  ‘Hello, I’m clark from….’  ( I laughed to myself and thought, ‘god! I loves this Doctrine’ …and increased the volume of my voice, shortened my sentences and cranked-up my (level) of eye contact.) The meeting went well.
The person I noticed walking across the lawn towards us? (who I ignored because I needed to establish a relationship with the dominant personality)  another scott! (he was there to help with the move…) he had no legitimate role in the interaction,  but he kept coming back into the room where I was talking to the scottianwoman.  lol ( you ever watch a bunch of puppies playing as a group? one is always trying to establish ranking***  that’s what this guy was doing. He walked in to the house, didn’t introduce himself by name, (because he was a member of her pack and therefore not alpha), but nevertheless was trying to see if he could establish dominant ranking on me  (it would have enhanced his relationship with her, of course).  I mean you could see the energy as he walked, pretended to be a part of the conversation, walk away and then come back in…. I did not allow myself to be distracted… it was fun to watch.

Anyway…. that was my Day-with-the Doctrine.

Tuesdays… your favorite Day of the Workweek?

Tuesday: as a Day of the Workweek is the best of all days because


* it was a meeting with transitioning tenants, I was there to make sure everything was being left as it should (by the parties leaving), not necessarily an adversarial interaction, but the potential was there, as I was representing the interests of the owner of the property and the people I was dealing with were representing their own…

** new Readers?  not such an impressive deduction… a primary identifier of the scottian personality type is in the eyes, ‘the gaze’ to be more succinct  (read more on the Page on scotts… suffice to say, ‘a scott is never not paying attention to what’s going on around them’)

*** another primary characteristic behavior of people who live in the world of the Predator… the drive to ranking, trying for dominance, but not attaching importance to being the alpha, as much as it is necessary to know where one stands… the pack social order



Monday -the Wakefield Doctrine-

Welcome to the Wakefield Doctrine (the theory of clarks, scotts and rogers)

RePrint today as we have an encounter with a dentist this morning.

New Readers? There is something called ‘the Everything Rule’ here at the Doctrine. Learn it. Remember it. Enhance your language skills with it. Not withstanding this fundamental rule, each profession, job, skill-for-money, incarceration. following and vocation is best manifested when the person is one of the three, i.e. clarks (Outsiders), scotts (Predators) or rogers (Herd Members).

Dentists? rogers. hands down.

Why? Consider: a medical specialty that demands precision, involves mechanical contrivances and, more often than not the daily practice of which (in any good-sized practice) multiple (if not sequential) arenas of work. The typical modern dental office has multiple operatories and any number of hygienists (every bit deacons and altar boy/girls in pale service to the reigning dentist). The dentist, in a display of mastery of schedule and circumstantial focus, will spend the day ministering the seekers of hard health… flitting between stations to bless the supplicants: “You’re doing a great job with the flossing. Keep up the. good work. See you in six months”,comforting the injured, “OK, looks like a part of the crown is gone. Not to worry, we’ll fix you right up.” and sometimes simply being there, “Good to see you again. Teeth look great”.

There can be clarklike dentists. Sure, in a pinch. And there can be scottian dentists. (The old cartoon strings-on-door-knobs? yeah that)

But you get the idea.

Tooth-ache? Find a rogerian dentist Legal problems? a scottian defense attorney. Someone to tell your no-one-must-ever-know, darkest secret?   you guessed it! (lol we won’t say explicitly. we trust you know this one. shhh)


damn! you’re right, we did promise a RePrint

there is a way to use this, (the) Wakefield Doctrine that is actually quite practical!

Welcome to the Wakefield Doctrine (the theory of clarks, scotts and rogers)

1950s Teacher In Front Of Classroom Writing Confidence On Blackboard

You know what’s a real skill to have? The ability to teach! I’m thinking of the kind of teacher who not only can impart knowledge to the student the very first time, (doing whatever the hell it is that Teachers do), but is able to help the pupil or learnee, to learn more about a thing than they already know.  I suspect this is a gift that music teachers, early elementary and graduate school teachers share.

Note: the Rule of ‘everyone does everything at one time or another‘ says that all three personality types can be and, are skilled and effective Teachers. There is no exclusive domain for skills, professions, avocations or talent among the three worldviews. It is simply that how the art/science of ‘teaching’ is manifested in distinctly different ways. For a clark, teaching is one thing, for a scott it is something else and for rogers …completely different, from their perspective. (Warning: new(er) aspect of the Doctrine follows). And since we have just created a thought picture in your minds in the shape of a ‘guidance counselor in high school’, lets expand on this and suggest that and you (the Guidance Counselor) have been assigned the task of recommending the best career choice in the field of education for the 6 students you have been assigned, you might do as follows:

  • clark (female): elementary grades (reasoning: the class is comprised of people that a  clark is able to relate to, and the class does not get defensive with, like they tend to with adults)
  • clark (male): college level teaching (reasoning: most of the bullying, on the part of the students is in the arena of the intellect and the clark will not have a problem …unlike the earlier grades)
  • scott (female): pretty much any grade when one of the primary goals is to ‘kid wrangle‘, when the learning is more teaching ‘fundamental social rules of behavior’, picture  a cross between Cesar Millan and Famke Janssen)
  • scott (male): shop, gym (probably not elementary grades, “so honey what did you learn in school today? oh! mommy the new Teacher knows so much…. pull my finger!”)
  • roger (female): home ec, social studies, history (“I would like to submit to the Board my recommendation for a new Course: “Getting Along without Standing Out 101”  and “Cooking Meals that look perfect”)
  • roger (male): social studies, history, home ec ( ‘hey kids I really talk your language and I will, in fact, pass along things I learn in our private conversations to other students I am trying to impress. It’s never too soon to learn about the real world!”)

We can now clearly see how, the art of teaching represents something different to each of the three (yes, three),while there are undeniable differences in the culturally permitted behavior assigned to each of the two genders, the Wakefield Doctrine is, in fact, gender neutral. The person who grows up in the reality of the Outsider (the clark) finds the students they can best relate to, the Teacher-to-be who is, by personal-social-spritual development, a Predator (scotts) knows that antelopes are much lower mantainance (as feedstock) than, say, a herd of wildebeests and the Herd Member (rogers) simply sees the herd and notes the predators and remembers the blue monkeys (for future use).

So, class   are there any Questions??

….and No! I will not pull my own finger!




* do they still have guidance counselors? I mean the male roger (‘here take this aptitude test, ok clark the scores are back the career you are best suited for is ‘file clerk‘**) or clarklike female (“so what do you like to do, what do you dream of doing“) or scott (“c’mere let me tell ya a thing or two about jobs“)

** true story


hey, we did a fellow Sixarian (Violet) a solid by offering an anodynistic music vid to offset the earworm from our Six Sentence Story. ‘course, now we have it in our heads. From the Department of Company and Misery, here ya go.


TToT -the Wakefield Doctrine-

Welcome to the Wakefield Doctrine (the theory of clarks, scotts and rogers)

This is the Wakefield Doctrine’s contribution to the TToT. Our favorite bloghop.

Ruling the stats of bloghop popularity for ten years running, the TToT does one thing very well… endure. And, as the preeminent Grat-themed ‘hop it also offers an environment that is, well, sorta, anything goes for those with good intent.

So, for this last week of February we cite the following gratatious people, places and things:

1) Phyllis

2) Una

3) the Wakefield Doctrine

4) the Six Sentence Story bloghop  Perfect Rice: A Six Sentence Story by Burger Scoot

5) the Unicorn Challenge bloghop. (what’s the old saying, “They did, so we didn’t have to?”)  ‘The Wall‘  by our eighth favorite blogger, ceayr (as ‘whole book writer, well, different category, check them out here)

6) work

7) melting ice and …and!! learning (courtsey of everyone’s favorite personality theory)… at Number 8 : A Before & After! illustrating this here Grat here.




9) something, something

10) Secret Rule 1.3


music vids:





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Wednesday -the Wakefield Doctrine-

Welcome to the Wakefield Doctrine (the theory of clarks, scotts and rogers)

ok. let us leave it to our (weak) tertiary rogerian aspect to do the intro to today’s post.

“Only because you’ve been badgering us for more RePrint posts, and, by-the-way? love that formatting with the caps… perfect, here we go. And, in case anyone is muttering, ‘Sure, if I have three thousand posts I wouldn’t feel the need to write new content everyday. Besides, how new can any post be, after writing that many descriptions of a single perspective on personality. And, since you brought it up, and I hate to be the one to tell you, the Doctrine has a flaw. When I read and learned then applied the description of those clarks, scotts and roger types, it was clear that despite what they insist about only one predominant worldview, I have all three in equal amounts. But I don’t want to rain on anyone’s parade. Don’t say I said this…” tertiary r.

(ed. lol btw remind us to describe the latest project on time management. got ourselfs one of those task-time tracker apps. curious about where all the time that I’ve found going missing of late. Still in the habit-of-use phase, no good stats yet. has promise.)

Also, part of the rush (there it is, that time problem again!) being Wednesday we need to finish our contribution(s) to Denise‘s Six Sentence Story bloghop. Doors open at six o’clock (of course they do lol). You should stop by for a read. Better yet ask for permission… damn! movie reference (free Grat Item for your next TToT post for anyone who gets the reference without google). Better yet, write and link a story!


“Diogenes, C.W. Post and Jean Lafitte are sitting at a bar…” the Wakefield Doctrine (‘…early Tuesday morning, lets see you write your way out of this one!’)

Welcome to the Wakefield Doctrine (the theory of clarks, scotts and rogers)

You know what’s weird?  (no, not that…that’s simply strange), it’s that I find myself being  drawn to trying to learn to write. By that, I suppose I mean I am increasingly dissatisfied with my skills and at the same time find myself wanting to do it more. (Yes, paradigmatic of the adolescent male outlook).  This is, no doubt, a direct result of my association with writing-people over at the BBG* and  (new Friends of the Doctrine).
Nevertheless, I find myself creating challenges (for myself) with each effort to write Wakefield Doctrine Posts that are not only informative and interesting, but entertaining. I suppose, given my seemingly relentless drive to make the Wakefield Doctrine a damn household name,  this is not the worst thing that can happen.
And so, today’s Post Title.
I’ve mentioned in previous Posts and/or Comments that there are times when the Post you read in the Doctrine blog comes about simply because I hear a song fragment or get stuck with a single thought and I just try to ‘write my way out of it’. Today’s Post is one of those Posts.

…first, a little backstory.*** the Diogenes in our Title is Melanie’s fault! I was rummaging around ‘the Facebook’ and came across a Comment she made to the effect that she was having trouble with her internet connection and had to go find a more reliable source… now I know we all made the jump to that old… ‘in search of an honest man’ thing we all read about in grade school. So I wrote that as a comment. Naturally the next thing I thought was the old joke setup up,  “….were sitting at a bar” (or alternately,  “…walk into a bar”**).

(The work began.) I knew there should be three people in the set up, and since I was suspecting that Diogenes was a clark, I had to find a scott and a roger. I got lucky with C.W., in that the phrase, ‘best to you each morning‘ somehow got into my head and then the words, ‘Post Toasties’ and then on to our C.W. Post, who from my brief reading of his life struck me as a roger.  2/3s done!
Now all I needed was a scott!  Now most of us are thinking, “oh! how easy! a scott, flamboyant and aggressive and funny and predatory. The line forms here…’
No! unfortunately for me this morning, it is all too obvious that history favors those with a talent for self-promotion over those who are simply out to have a: good/ravenous/seduce-’em-all/conquer the country,  time.
But I came across our Jean Lafitte and the following line quoted in the Wikipedia**** :

Many Americans believed that Lord Byron‘s poem “The Corsair” was based on the life of Lafitte; the work sold over 10,000 copies on its first day of publication.[96] By 1840, Lafitte was widely known “as a fatal Lothario with women, and a cold-blooded murderer of men who yet observed some forms of honor”

So we had our scott!

So they are standing at the bar and Diogenes says to C.W. “what’s with the glass of milk?” and Jean interrupts and says, “”mais d’abord! roo roo un peu

I have to close now. I have a day job that I so cannot afford to give up!


*Cyndi and Janine and Rich and Michelle and Emily and Amy and them

** here’s one that I found on a site ( probably public domain, but it can’t hurt to cite the source,
“A guy walks into a bar…. ok, he did not walk in, he was already there. One guy says, “I slept with my wife before we were married, did you?” The other guy says, “I don’t know; what was her maiden name?”

*** another excellent joke!! This is a reference to the joke about ‘roo roo’ which is noteworthy because it is a gender-tropic joke! Yes, I’m making that word up, but it’s true! Of the Readers reading this, I am willing to bet a Wakefield Doctrine DocTee that every guy will immediately recognize (and know and find hilarious, the joke that I am referring to)…the womenly Readers?  sorry. it’s to your credit and a sign of a higher state of evolution that you guys do not get the reference.

**** Wikipedia motto: ‘that’s right! like Cliff Notes, but with pictures and easy access to footnotes to make it look like you did the research



Tuesday -the Wakefield Doctrine-

Welcome to the Wakefield Doctrine (the theory of clarks, scotts and rogers)

Struggling to get started this morning. Quick search through archives…nah.

Recognized the twinge of guilt at using old content rather than typing new. Guilt is the preferred perfume/’after-shave’ of the Outsider, in no small part because we think it’s legitimate use is to divert attention from our-true-selfs and to abracadabra the impression everyone else has of us.

Funny thing, when we tend to wander about, writingistically-speaking, you know, like when you’re stumped on a multi-choice test question and, seeking reassurance in a fact/information of rather admittedly impeachable pedigree-opiniom, resort to counting how many times you’ve selected ‘D’ (None of the Above).

That said, the thing about clarks is, the above test strategy notwithstanding, we’re kinda immune to test anxiety.

Which ties in with Mimi’s Comment on yesterday’s post:

“Simple if not always easy.”

spoken like a: clark/scott/roger


no! wait… just remembered how much we enjoyed being provocative in the early days of this blog and…

‘a scott alone in a room, isn’t’ (and) ‘clarks are crazy, scotts are stupid and rogers are dumb’ and, about applying the principles of the Wakefield Doctrine to your own life, ‘It’s fun and you can’t get it wrong.’

so, in the spirit of ‘hey, it’s not so much what you do or say, it’s how you relate yourself to the world around us and the people wbo make it up’, lets add a new(ish) one:

clarks make the hard things easy and the easy things hard’



