Welcome to the Wakefield Doctrine (the theory of clarks, scotts and rogers)
This is the Wakefield Doctrine’s contribution to the Ten Things of Thankful (TToT) bloghop. Created by Lizzi R in 1973 it is the longest running Grat Blog in current publication. It has been voted “How many Hosts did they have when they started? Even with modern medicines, surely the supply must be dying off by now or, at very least, entering Life’s ‘Kindergarten II Phase’ Award of the Year.
We are now the host of this here bloghop here. And what follows is our list of the people, places and things that have saved our bacon (list-writing-istically-speaking) for yet another week.
1) Phyllis
2) Una
3) the Wakefield Doctrine
4) the Six Sentence Story bloghop Six Pic of the Week: “Punch‘ by Yinglan
5) the Unicorn Challenge bloghop Doctrine Pick of the Week: ‘Initiation‘ by Margaret
6) *NEW* the Blogger edition of the TToT. >Click This<
7) Guest Post from the Earliest of Days T.A. Woods who we’re working with to see if’n we can’t get a TToT post through a alternate social media, Medium. Cross your fingers and stop over at her FB page (linked name) and say, ‘Hidy’ Welll! (Just returned from the Middle platform) I’ve always wondered what the minds behind Scrivener would do now that they’re successful with the most rogerian of writing tools. “Hello! Kitchen Parts and Products Department? I’l like to order a shipment of sinks for the fine folks working on fine-tuning Scrivener. How many? Why, all of them, of course.” lol (I kid Scrivener. We have a paid subscription and ever thang).
8) something, something
9) our co-hostinae Lisa and Kristi and Mimi
10) Secret Rule 1.3