Psychology | the Wakefield Doctrine - Part 13 Psychology | the Wakefield Doctrine - Part 13

TToT -the Wakefield Doctrine-

Welcome to the Wakefield Doctrine (the theory of clarks, scotts and rogers)

This is the Doctrine’s contribution to the Ten Things of Thankful (TToT) bloghop. Originally conceived by our Founderess, Lizzi R  and produced by a monastery of hypoxic monks lashing parchment scrolls with the mortal brushes and venial ink, the bloghop carries on. In fact, it’s become so popular as to cause the dedicated host of hostinae (Mimi, Kristi, Lisa, Denise and Dyanne) to convince us we might serve a term as host. Well, as we all know, ‘no good deed goes unpunished.

For the Doctrine, this is our list:

1) Phyllis

2) Una

3) the Wakefield Doctrine

4) the Six Sentence Story (sentence limit) blog hop.  Pick-of-the-Week.  ‘What fun?...’  by Chris

5) the Unicorn Challenge (photo prompt) blog hop. ‘The Prayer‘  by Nancy

6) the meadow

7) Misky! Has accepted our invitation to take a seat on the TToT Board of Hostinae! We (remember. regular Readers of the the Wakefield Doctrine blog) hope that she finds as much satisfaction (so, mums the word, yo… no, ‘But Marilyn you have such talented and accomplished bloggers following and enjoying your …still Life joint are you quite certain that you should be seen comporting with such… such ‘people’?’ lol  We’re quite grateful that she has joined us in this grat-blog-that-Lizzi-conceived,

8) the Board of Hostinae

9) something, something

10) Secret Rule 1.3  (reminder all you New Readers, journey-person Doctarines/-a and chance visitor to this blog who, after reading with an increasing sense of disbelief and alarm, desperately clicking their mouse, like a movie-goer pounding on the brass bar of a fire exit…) Secret Rule 1.3 on one (the mundane level) simply means that in the process of creating a list of 10 things, as number 7 or 8 are penned and the realization that success is imminent, the resultant gratitude is a totally legitimate Item. Convention and good manner dictate that the last item (#10) be used for this celebration of food good* fortune.

Thanks to Denise for catching that… “Alex (or was it Pat), I’d like that Grat saved to my account for next week?”

music vids





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Friday -the Wakefield Doctrine-

Welcome to the Wakefield Doctrine (the theory of clarks, scotts and rogers)

This is the Wakefield Doctrine’s contribution to the Unicorn Challenge.

Hosted each week by jenne and ceayr, we brave few, we band of bloggers are provided a photo, an image if you will, and charged with creating a story of not more than 250 words.


>sussurus of old five pond notes<

“Now the socks.”


Six Second Story -the Wakefield Doctrine- [an Ian Devereaux Six]

Welcome to the Wakefield Doctrine (the theory of clarks, scotts and rogers)

This is the Wakefield Doctrine’s contribution to the Six Sentence Story bloghop.

Hosted by Denise, there is a single rule: a story is to have six sentences; no more and no less.

Our Ian Devereaux Six is a continuation of this Six

Prompt word:


“… a tangled web, Devereaux, a fuckin’ tangled web.”

Lou had my attention.

My plan was to say goodnight to Diane Tierney, go home and binge out on a made-for-cable series, something totally demented, like ‘Preacher’; I was half-turned towards the exit, something in his voice made me stop.

I looked down at the man and felt my legs fold into a near-balletic isosceles triangle as I sat back down opposite him in the booth.

The smoke of his cigar, usually shrouding his face, parted for a second and I saw a look in his eyes that, had I retained a tenth of the ambition that made my teenage years such an approach-avoidance hell and even the most rudimentary grasp of rhetoric, I could’ve gone home and written a best selling novel.

“This job, you do it good and I’ll owe you one,” against the ambient light found only in back booths in urban restaurants and failing-college student dorm rooms, Lou’s cigar glowed an abracadabra-red and the smoke returned to its guard duties masking his face.



Wednesday -the Wakefield Doctrine-

Welcome to the Wakefield Doctrine (the theory of clarks, scotts and rogers)

Being Wednesday (surely, next to Thursday, the best of school days for cafeteria offerings) we’ll keep this post brief.

Of course, this being the Doctrine, ‘brief’ means: suggest and otherwise hint at a topic that is totally interesting and completely beyond the scope of a single post. At least in terms of doing justice to the subject for any but the most obsessed dedicated Reader.

Topic: Aging and the Wakefield Doctrine.

Synopsis: While the manifestation of the three personality types of the Wakefield Doctrine is free from effect of age (or gender or culture or, anything else, for that matter) the aging of (the) individual clark, scott or roger can manifest differently as they, like get older. ya know? An individual’s predominant worldview does not change. But as aging manifests in all aspects of life, i.e. running-becomes-walking, anger-becomes-annoyance and desire-becomes-nostalgia so do the characteristics of each of the three. Being all psychosocial metaphors and such.

Hey! Picture the senior lion, missing a tooth or two, ok, maybe a claw more suited to massage than tear, nobody needs to act surprised. But is it still a lion? Yessir. More to the point (and the essence of the Wakefield Doctrine) is he/she still maintain the relationship of the Predator to the world around them? damn straight.

The interesting part of this aging process is when we consider an individual’s secondary and tertiary aspects. (Short on time. Look it up).

All we have time for. Lets try a music vid and leave it at that.

Don’t forget! Six Sentence Story tomorrow. Get writin’



More-is-more Monday -the Wakefield Doctrine-

Welcome to the Wakefield Doctrine (the theory of clarks, scotts and rogers)

damn! We may have already completed our morning prosisthenics*

But, then again, that’s why god invented RePrint posts!

(ok, time to go all audio-visual on this bad-boy**)

‘…send in the sans’ the Wakefield Doctrine TToTwo “…do not Read this Post… still editing!” (no! I’m serious! it’s 8:59 am EST and I have to Post it un-finished)

Welcome to the Wakefield Doctrine (the theory of clarks, scotts and rogers)LYCAON PICTUS

Not much on following Directions, are you? You thought I was joking about not reading this yet??  Fine then. Don’t say I didn’t warn you. I have to open the lines for the Wakefield Doctrine Video brunch, I have not finished editing this Post (read: re-write)… well, since you insist on reading this, how about you help a blogger out here… any suggestions, revisions, edits or anything else submit as a Comment and I will make the change.

Hey! Thanks…. (no, I think I better just save that, in case we need it at the end of the Post)

Item 1: grateful for my willingness to employ the term ‘writer’s block’ and not feel self-conscious enough to delete it and find another word! there is still an underlying self-consciousness extant in this experience that has me….  ‘looking around the room’ when I refer to myself as a writer…lol  no! seriously I do! I think of writers as people with… writing skills and, at the risk of indulging in a form of self-centeredness, I still am not comfortable including myself in that group

2) The Second Item: the Post from… that new guy… Mike… the guy with the granddaughter and his daughter is a photographer… wait a minute, hold on…  Joe!  that’s it!  his blog is called:  Joe Floggers(??!)  his contribution this week included the experience of being in a funk (“…Joe! dude,  got me the music vid for this Post, thanks!)  What I got from (Mike’s Post) was reminder of the feeling of enthusiasm and (even) a little of a ‘sense of wonder’ that we all feel when we start writing a blog and it begins to ‘take off’.  thanks Joe

3) You are grateful  (or should be) that I deleted about 300 words in my first attempt to write this thing, but in that (300 word,  ‘word salad’ ) I made mention of the TToT Book of Secret Rules which is guarded by Lizzi (and her majordom-ettes  Christine and Dyanne they both bring an enthusiasm to their charge more commonly seen in lionesses when the pride is threatened or the dorm mother sitting in the lobby on a Saturday Night)

4)  totally and genuinely grateful for wikipedia (and google in a more broad sense) not only for helping me correctly spell a lot of the …less commonly used words that I seem to be so fond of using, but in offering new concepts and ideas that I was not consciously aware of… in this case  ‘clanging’  which came up on the page when I looked up ‘word salad’  very cool, wikipedia, very cool

5) for reasons not understood, what few ideas that occur to me as I type,  on this cool November Sunday morning, are not frickin staying in my head long enough to get into a form that I can pass off as a Gratitude Item….damn!

6) grateful to the support from co-hosts and Participants alike for my own unique  style  exhibited here each weekend. I appreciate that, not necessarily for the reasons one would think…

7) yo! thank you zoe… for sending in a Comment that allowed me a few blessed moments of coherency as I struggled to reply to your comment (see on yesterday’s Post) (that it was a ‘struggle’ is testimony to the difficulties I am heroically enduring here in front of this blank page, the monitor staring at me like an attractive women that I must walk past in order to find the safety of the buffet table, she seems to expect something from me…no! she is challenging me!  to prove myself deserving of her … response her attention… but the linen covered table, so very near… like being number 7 in a list of 10… my only hope is for a real person to come by… attractive scottianwomen are always drawn to a smooth talking scott

8) made it!  hah!  damn! I don’t particularly enjoy eating standing up while pretending to talk to business associates that are only their because they are afraid of losing business…all except those rogers who stand around in herd-lettes, the dominant roger, not the center of the group… but oriented so that he (yes… in a business conference environment the male rogers are visible to the un-trained eye, the female rogers not… the two most obvious are the male rogers and scottian females. the male rogers, as I just alluded to are the gate keepers to the small herds that they gather in… the scottian females  lol they simply stand there and …and let the rogerianmales….accrete (to not put to fine a point on it)! There is no mistaking the scottian female… the scottian male?  probably already upstairs in his room with conquest #1 lol

9)  I invoke Secret Rule 1.3 and claim relief.

10) that should do it for this week’s TToT… thanks for participating

totally should do this:

Ten Things of Thankful


 Your hosts


Join the Ten Things of Thankful community and work with us to nurture an attitude of gratitude. We use the whole weekend to focus on the Good Things in life. Make a list of those present in your life by listing ten things you are thankful for today. Then share the Wonderfulness with others here.

Please take time to have a look at some of the other posts submitted and leave them some comment love – let’s get the appreciation going. We find that the magic, the connection and the joy comes through best in conversations in the comments.

Add your ‘Ten Things of Thankful’ link here and don’t forget to display our banner on your post.

The collection has closed. Let other people know about it through twitter.




*sorry, but we really wanted this to be a cool neologism… let us know if you didn’t need to click on the link to find out how far, out-of-clever-line we strayed.

** for those of us of a certain….vintage, the total treat of a class with a film (yeah, sprockety-projector on a pull-down screen)

