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Tuesday -the Wakefield Doctrine-

Welcome to the Wakefield Doctrine (the theory of clarks, scotts and rogers)

Before we get started on the topic that was suggested in yesterday’s post (Doctrine tells Fairy Tales) a quick note:

ok, whatever

wait, you’re absolutely correct! Even when (arguably, especially when) we use RePrints to engage and entertain, a quick Doctrine Primer would not hurt.


the Wakefield Doctrine is a perspective on the world around us and the people who make it up. It is predicated on the notion that, at the earliest of ages, we establish a relationship with the world around us and begin the life-long effort to develop social and other interpersonal strategies. The better to allow us to grow and thrive. And such. Pretty straight-forward and not overly controversial a view of Early Childhood (No, Conrad! Not now! Keep them $*(^$ ducks outside!) (ha ha… undergrad psych major joke)*

Where the Wakefield Doctrine distinguishes itself is in the matter of these relationships. We maintain that there are three relationships available. Further, we, all of us, settle into one (and only one) but retain a potential for the other two. The first is referred to as one’s predominant worldview. The ‘other two’: secondary and tertiary aspects. Example: As your Narrator this morning (and Curator all others) we will offer ourselfs as an example of a clark (predominant worldview) with a strong secondary scottian aspect and a weak, rogerian tertiary aspect.

New Readers? This seems a bit vague and not quite clear to you (well, to those of you not clarks) but it will all become clear and make sense. It still may not appear desireable information to acquire, but, whatta ya gonna do?

The three relationships (with the world around us) of the Wakefield Doctrine are:

  1. clarks (the Outsider) one who lives in the shadows, (self-induced and otherwise), and spends their life searching for the information that will allow them to become a Real Person. Nearly cripplingly curious, clarks are not merely introverts or terminally-shy, they have simply an excess of caution when it comes to scrutiny. The Doctrine might offer: ‘clarks abhor the spotlight but will not tolerate being ignored’.
  2. scotts (the Predator) the life (and ICU-too-soon-to-tell-cautiously-optimistic) of the party. scotts are natural leaders and account for the progress of Human civilization and culture, i.e. the world is flat?! fuck that, we’ll sail so fast!!’ (lol). scotts are impulsive and brave and total adrenaline junkies, it’s about the action, live in the here and now. The Doctrine suggests for scotts: ‘I think, therefore I scream’
  3. rogers (the Herd Member) the glue of culture and society …and the quicksand. Without rogers we would not have computers and safe airplanes, chemotherapy and the Spanish Inquisition, stable society and social oppression. The Doctrine might say: ‘Want a novel approach? ask a clark… you want it done quickly? get a scott… you want it done right you need a roger

Damn, looks like we ran out of time again!

Sorry, we’ll get back to the matter of Fairy Tales real soon. Promise.

*Speaking of Psych Majors, in our Serial Six stories, one of our Protagonists, Ian Devereaux, has a Masters of Psychology (and  three-quarters of a JD. From Harvard of all places). We mention this because he is currently a MC in a Serial Six that involves Time Travel and the Order of Lilith… ikr? Very fun, but we’re mention this for two reasons: a) we’re working on character development of the as yet un-named person who pushed (pulled?) Ian into 1970. The thing is, 2) the topic of bullying has come up and god knows, that’s a subject clarks are way, way too intimately knowledgeable of. You want a link? First Encounter. Second Encounter. In any event, we may have to check in with you (the Reader) on the topic. But for now… mums the aighht?)



Monday -the Wakefield Doctrine-

Welcome to the Wakefield Doctrine (the theory of clarks, scotts and rogers)


Sure! Why not?

Here ya go!

Hey! Remind us to address the always facinating and fun topic of the Wakefield Doctrine and classic fairy tales next time we meet.

“Sing a song of Sixpence, a pocket full of rye…” what is it about rogers and the Past? the Wakefield Doctrine pauses, reflects and offers you Pie*

Welcome to the Wakefield Doctrine ( the theory of clarks, scotts and rogers )
Sing a song of sixpence,
A pocket full of rye.
Four and twenty blackbirds,
Baked in a pie.**
Many interpretations have been placed on this rhyme. It is known that a 16th century amusement was to place live birds in a pie. An Italian cookbook from 1549 (translated into English in 1598) contained such a recipe: “to make pies so that birds may be alive in them and flie out when it is cut up” and this was referred to in a cook book of 1725 by John Nott.[1][2] The wedding of Marie de’ Medici and Henry IV of France in 1600 contains some interesting parallels. “The first surprise, though, came shortly before the starter—when the guests sat down, unfolded their napkins and saw songbirds fly out. The highlight of the meal were sherbets of milk and honey, which were created by Buontalenti.
( source: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Sing_a_Song_of_Sixpence )

Well, didn’t they know how to have fun back in the 1600’s ? ( ” Hey, Ephesus!!  dude, yo  when her Majesty the Queen Mother sees the birds fly up from the table, she will surely impart a smile upon thee…dawg” )Be that as it may, today we talk about the thing that rogers have for the Past.  Lets dispense with all the work of constructing a well-crafted narrative and get all Bullet Pointy on this bad boy! So, ‘The Past’ and the rogers? Welll…we’ll have you know that:

  • rogers live for the Past (as scotts live in the Present and clarks live for the Future)
  •  most ‘Historians’ are clarks and yet rogers are the people who you think of when you are interested in knowing something old, or out of date or archaic, what the hell!
  • the more involved the family tree, the more you need a roger, and not just because they love Yellow #2 Pencils**
  • in order to maintain a coherent history, you must have an internal consistency… rogers love repeating patterns
  • the past is ‘a place’ that rogers know they can be alone and by themselves, at least for a little while
  • hey, it’s really rather simple! …the farther back in time a tradition or a practice or a dogma extends, the bigger the herd that has come to be associated with it and, like scotts…for rogers ‘more is more’! …following is the epitome of this ideal:
  • …Ken Burns…
This quality of the rogerian personality type is one of the most positive and essential, not only to the rogerian people, but to mankind as a whole. It has often been said that rogers are responsible for society and a (certain) continuity of civilization, without which we would all still be living on the savannah…darting down to the stream in the evenings nervously keeping one non-stereoscopic eye on the treeline, alert for the sudden movement of a scott!  As a matter of fact. I was talking to a rogerian friend, Valerie, about the Doctrine and the positive contributions of her people to life and I put it this way, “Yes scotts are active and loquacious and really get things done, but would you want to fly across the country on a plane designed and built by a scott?”
I believe at that moment, Valerie understood and become proud of her people***
Tomorrow is Friday so get your ears out, it is Video Friday!!
** …and nice, clean, full-sized #2 Pencils! certainly not what you would find in your hands if you made the mistake of asking a scott for a pencil!! (think teeth-marks, stubby and prone to smudge)
*** which emotion, of course, was immediately transformed into a sense of  fervent righteousness and a total conviction of the deficiency of  all non-herd members



TToT -the Wakefield Doctrine-

Welcome to the Wakefield Doctrine (the theory of clarks, scotts and rogers)

This is the Doctrine’s contribution to that shiny light in the virtual forest, the clear tone in the cacophony of strident voice in the virtual Green, the Ten Things of Thankful (TToT)

The people, places and things that have elicited and otherwise jump-started our internal reference on ‘hey, the world doesn’t totally suck, there’s…’

1) Phyllis

2) Una

3) the Wakefield Doctrine

4) the Six Sentence Story bloghop. ‘Blend‘. Frank Hubney

5) the Unicorn Challenge .  ‘A Day By the Sea‘  Sally

6) Kerry stopped by at the FB TToT page this week. She was one of the first participants in the Friday Night Vid Chats that Lizzi and I started, way, way back.

7) Lisa also dropped by, commentationaly-speaking, always fun to see bloggers who welcomed us to the virtual world, back when things were new, writing was easy and spelling still mattered.

8) work  (photo at top of post is from Norwich CT)

9) something, something

10) Secret Rule 1.3

music vids

* Hey, never listened to this thing all the way through… not bad (and watching the orchestra was kinda fun, damn! those folks, for the most part don’t seem to be having that much fun… but that’s just our impression on first go through…damn! @minutes or so, think Leonard B spent a lot a time listening to this when he did his thing?


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Wednesday -the Wakefield Doctrine- ‘well, kinda like one of those laminated ‘In Case of Emergency cards in the seat-back…’

Welcome to the Wakefield Doctrine (the theory of clarks, scotts and rogers)

A qucik post this morning.

(Being Wednesday, we’re putting the finishing patches on our contribution to the Six Sentence Story bloghop. The doors open this evening at 6:00 pm. You should stop in. Tell ’em the Doctrine sent ya.)


We enjoy writing about the Wakefield Doctrine. Usually we focus on the principles underlying this alternative perspective on the world around us and the people who make it up. Also, we try to provide examples of the behavior of each of the three ‘personality types’*, more so in the early days. If you’re new to this blog, may we suggest you invest some time perusing the Archives, especially for posts written in the, ‘Really?! You’re Gonna Publish That!?!” period of 2011 to 2013. (Fun times.)

But, seeing how we’re kinda short on time this morning, what say we do a couple of ‘In Case of Emergency Do This…;

  • you’re a clark sitting down for an interview for a job that you actually want**. Scan the walls of the room. If there is nothing hanging on the walls other than ‘Safety is Job 1’ or ‘There is no I in Team’ assume your interviewer is a clark. Good news! You don’t need to bother with eye contact, but be sure to make them laugh at least once.
  • if, however, you see anything that is embossed, be-ribboned or otherwise involves the use of Latin in a scrolly-font, then you are surely about to meet a roger… this is where your practice will pay off.
  • pretend to listen, compliment whatever they say, and find a chance to make good-natured fun of them. (This last is admittedly tricky. It’s how a scott romances a roger. So if you’re a clark, the best fake is to find a way to encourage the Interviewer to tell you about the people he/she doesn’t like in the company. Ain’t love grand.

ok. sorry, out of time.

Please rate today’s Post:

  1. I thought it was helpful
  2. Are you serious?!?! I really hoped you’d have more useful info
  3. lol. yeah, that’s about right… keep it up, yo


* clarks (the Outsider), scotts (the Predator) and rogers (Herd Members)… come on, New Readers, you’re scaring us… you should not need to have your memory refreshed on the three predominant worldviews

** as opposed to a job that you know you need and are pretty sure you’re qualified for


Tuesday -the Wakefield Doctrine-

Welcome to the Wakefield Doctrine (the theory of clarks, scotts and rogers)

Hey, we were thinking about the Doctrine this morning. (lol*)

Like everything in life, the Wakefield Doctrine has developed over the years, primarily in how it is expressed and explained and illustrated and such.. And…and! though we haven’t had as many radical insights, break-through understanding in the experience of reality by the three predominant worldviews as in the early days, well, to paraphrase Joe, “If I knew I’d be writing this for the rest of my life…”

The thing of it is, we, all of us, experience the world from the perspective of one, (and only one), of the three predominant worldviews. As an Outsider (clark), a Predator (scott) or a Herd Member (roger). That said, we do not lose the potential of ‘the other two’.

For example: We have a significant secondary scottian aspect. That means, there are times, (especially in conditions of stress), when we relate to the world as would a Predator (scott)… you know, all teeth, not the slightest hint of considered reflection…

New Readers? If you’ve been doing your homework, you will know that ‘scotts act, rogers feel and clarks think’.

Secondary aspects tend to be situational and all. We’re still an Outsider when the emergency is over and  ‘we get back’

Lets wrap up this train wreck with the point we were making about our paraphrase of Mr. Walsh. We are a clark with a secondary scottian aspect.

to be cont’d


* ikr? when are we ever not…

