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Six Sentence Story -the Wakefield Doctrine- [an Ian Devereaux Six]

Welcome to the Wakefield Doctrine (the theory of clarks, scotts and rogers)

This is the Wakefield Doctrine’s contribution to the Six Sentence Story bloghop.

Hosted by Denise, it requires one qualifying characteristic: to be of precisely six sentences in length,

The other half of the conversation? Here

Prompt word:


It’s not true I decided to quit graduate school and start a private investigation agency because of the elevator in an Art Deco office building; at least not entirely.

I smiled at my reflection, expanding into multiple parallelograms as the interior gate closed, each floor mutely shouting a number as the car rose in the shaft.

Picking up a parcel on the floor in front of my office, I passed through the outer office where the green-shaded lamp on my secretary’s desk cast half-hearted shadows on the reception area; at the end of her second day, when I reminded her that I didn’t need a night light after hours, she laughed her best bedroom laugh and said, “I didn’t say it was for you, it’s been my experience that if you find yourself feeling alone, you might want to say a prayer of gratitude.”

I pushed the cardboard-and-Tyvek package onto the top of my desk, a room-temperature icebreaker plowing through the off-white manila folders, cresting right to the edge of the scarred oak surface; deciding that if I couldn’t be where (and with whom) I would like, then I would be with whom I was paid to, so after swiveling my chair to face the windows looking out on the nighttime city, picked up my phone.

“Hello. Yeah, I’m calling on account of Lou; but if you tell him, I’ll deny it and your Saville Row tailored suit won’t make a difference, at least not one that counts…

Can we talk?”

“It’s just that while he appreciates your accommodation in the matter of Miz Storme, he does tend to be somewhat protective to those close to him, hence my reaching out to you.”




Six Sentence Story -the Wakefield Doctrine- [a Café Six]

Welcome to the Wakefield Doctrine (the theory of clarks, scotts and rogers)

This is the Wakefield Doctrine’s contribution to the Six Sentence Story bloghop

Hosted by Denise, defined by sentence quantity.

Hey! The other half of the conversation? Here.

Prompt word:


“Do you mind if I take this call?”

The tall, thin man watched Rosette Storme, the non-verbal signals played across her face and body like a Postal Service truck exploding over the Grand Canyon in a shower of cardboard and Tyvek’d parcels; he kept his phone a chaste half-inch from his ear until she nodded a half-smile of submission.

“Yes, Mr. Devereaux, I’ve been expecting your call, and now is, in fact, a very good time to talk.”

The Proprietor raised his eyebrows in a manner at once conciliatory yet demanding, every parent’s protest that what they had to do was harder on them than the child; taking a cigarette from a case that would have stocked the Café’s bar for a month of St. Patrick’s Days, Rosette stared back with the dispassionate  concentration of a neurosurgeon reading an MRI scan next to a sedated patient, head already shaved, insensate yet alive.

“I have neither the desire nor the inclination to make this in any way an adversarial relationship…

…I’d hardly consider my wardrobe to be your greatest concern…

….since you’ve brought it up, I have the greatest respect for Mr. Caesare, while Miz Storme is acceptable to everyone here, there is no reason for Mr. Caesare to have any reason to be concerned with her well-being.”




Monday -the Wakefield Doctrine-

Welcome to the Wakefield Doctrine (the theory of clarks, scotts and rogers)

Lets RePrint.

(but.. try to remind us to remember not to forget to discuss the concept of ‘lashing out’ as manifested in the rogerian worldview. It, the understanding of its nature, mechanism and effect is a singular value among the insights afforded us for all the effort that has gone into this here blog here.)

Wait… we’ll just go ahead and save a draft write now. Not that we doubt you’ll remember, but we might forget our-own-damn-selfs.

…ok. back. had to paste the RePrint. That way we can link this post into a draft for tomorrow’s. Now, we need something…nemonic, yet clever and, ideally, irresistible…  What? Yeah subtitle would be a good place for the primary hook. How about “the single most useful thing about the Wakefield Doctrine’…single most useful insight? takeway? damn… our phone has been an endless cornucopia of (redumbdent? (ha ha… man, someone has to have coined that one already…)) click-bait titles.

damn! oh well, guess we’ll just copy the first parenthetical and leave it go at that.


‘…of sharing and belonging’ the Wakefield Doctrine ‘so how’s that little campaign to bring the Doctrine to the world, coming along?’

Welcome to the Wakefield Doctrine (the theory of clarks, scotts and rogers)the purpose of this Post is to….

It has been said of the Wakefield Doctrine (specifically) and of creativity (generally) that:

  • clarks: despite being the only one of the three capable of genuine creativity, are totally  ‘un’-‘non’-‘ill’-‘dys’  -equipped to present a new idea to the world in an effective manner
  • scotts: despite being the most charismatic of the three personality types, has neither the need, nor the desire, to associate themselves with an ‘idea’ any further than is necessary to have people pay attention to them in the moment
  • rogers: because of their innate (and prodigious) talent for self-promotion are, in fact, most commonly found as the figurehead for most ideas that create followings among people, have no interest whatsoever in the idea itself, convinced that the attention that is being focused is simply the natural order
Dealing with, accommodating and adapting to the above personality type qualities,  has been the Challenge facing this blog since the first Post in June 2009. In fairness to the author, we should state that the original goal of the Wakefield Doctrine blog was to create a following (of) the idea of ‘personality types as functions of personal realities’ and to develop a public forum, a platform upon which the uses of this perspective on human behavior could be presented, exhibited and displayed. The thinking, (behind this approach), was simply that the more people who learned about the Doctrine, the more people would contribute to the knowledge base that would grow around the blog itself.
Or so the thinking went…
From the very first year, the scotts (those associated with the blog that were of a scottian personality type) were all,  “what the hell are you talking about!!!  Nobodys gonna read that boring crap!!  you gotta get in their face and make ’em pay attention!!  say ‘fuck’ a lot!!! that’s what will keep them focused… pictures music  no body is gonna read a droning on and on and on about how the psychological implications!!!  you want Readers then you got to be exiting!!! …. oh, yeah  fuck!!”
 And, to a certain extent, we do not disagree. In fact, we have never disagreed with their insistence on presenting the Wakefield Doctrine with an element of excitement and life, something that would draw the attention of the causal blog-browser.  Our objection to the scottian obsession with movement and noise and energy, has simply been that, for a scott, the attention (of others) is the end in and of itself. A scott does not attract attention in order to….  a scott attracts attention because that is where the energy is,  life is about living, (for the scott) and energy and motion and activity is what you do to know you are alive.
…so, no help there.
From the very first year , the rogers (those associated with the blog that were of the rogerian personality type) were all, “sure…tell the tale and they will follow
As a matter of fact, it was a long-held belief that it would take either a roger or my developing my rogerian aspect in order to create the voice in these Posts that would attract Readers. The thinking was that, rogers being the masses in the first place, were the only ones who  could shape the words, impart the style that would resonate with the Readership.
That was almost true.
For a roger to present a new idea to the world, requires that the roger first tell the world about how successful they are and only then, when the Readers come closer, drawn by the light of fame ( a light being held by the rogeron themselves),  will they be willing to learn of this new and interesting personality theory.
…so, no help there.
So where does that leave us?
…well, even though this Wakefield Doctrine blog has not become a:
  • yelling, screaming flashing lights and breasts and omg-I-can’t-believe-you-said-that funny place with lots of wicked funny Comments and all and other scottian whoopee cushions ( literarily speaking) and
  • we are not holding forth on “...why, yes, as I was saying just the other day to another person who thinks I am wonderful, well I was starting to say something really inciteful but we were both interrupted by a famous blog writer who said that this was so wonderful they couldn’t believe why this blog was not more famous and I said, ‘why darling, of course it is, but you’re kind of narrow gauge yourself aren’t you’”
…all and all, not bad so far, not bad.



TToT-the Wakefield Doctrine- Grat-by-the-Numbers

Welcome to the Wakefield Doctrine (the theory of clarks, scotts and rogers)

This is the Doctrine’s contribution to the Ten Things of Thankful bloghop.

You know how, when a favorite TV show (or whatever they’re called in the present-day world of entertainment by anything other than your friends and/or spouse) gets caught up in something like a writer’s strike or fallow period (creative-istically speaking)? For reasons too complex (and not sufficiently entertaining) we’re going to resort to what is sometimes referred to as a ‘bottle episode‘ (kinda, not really).  A more accurate label would be found in our post-subtitle above. Reference to one of our favorite shows in Grat 8

So, without further ado (adieu? ah-choo!?!) Here is the Wakefield Doctrine’s TToT bottle episode. Feel free to comment with any constructive suggestions. (Other than, of course, “Where’s Lizzi!??! She’d never have done a fill-in the blanks TToT! I want a seat on the Board of Hostinae!”)

That last is quite valid… all applications submitted in comments… err better you send them to either Mimi or Misky or Denise… probably keep the sarcasm down.

grateful this week for:

1) For a T-Giving Post (yes, that is a ‘Resident Evil’ reference. ’cause after all, other than Norman Rockwell’s insidious (greco-roman art studies term here for wholesomely-creepy, Awww-Americana that makes you thankful for the self-preservation of the mind’s blind spots for filtering the truly evil that is often inflicted on an under-critical, overly-intellectually-needy culture…. we’re sorry are we still typing?!!) ;p

here is photation of a proper human-canine celebration

2)  Una———⇑

3) (3:18 pm EST) the winter meadow surrounding our Area 51 Christmas light display

4) 3:44 pm Added music visit. From closing credits to one of our favorite movies, Jumanji (2017)


6) (10;51 am EST) Misky’s Comment. (see below).

[nb. New Readers, Writers-on-the-Fence-about-participating? That’s how non-stressful this grat ‘hop really is. This ain’t no literary-infused reflection on the day-side of the Human Condition! Hey, they let us join. That pretty-much tells you everything about editorial oversight and standards for admission, ya know?] lol

7) Speaking of Hail Mary Grats  below is a photo from the Unicorn Challenge (each week, the hosts, jenne and ceayr post a photo/image and invite all to submit a story centered on it. The hook? Two Hundred and fity words and no more.

… so, seeing how we’re being all… ‘Hey, it’s casual Thursday here at the Doctrine, if you’re so inclined, we appreciate any ideas on anything this prompt…err prompts in you. And remember!! Mums the word, yo.

8) Community If you can’t find it out there, check back with us

9) something, something

10) (5:54 EST) it’s starting wear down* Secret Rule 1.3 (from the Book of Secret Rules aka the Secret Book of Rules)


music vids




a buncha photos, you know to illustrate and/or pad the list

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Six Sentence Story -the Wakefield Doctrine-

Welcome to the Wakefield Doctrine (the theory of clarks, scotts and rogers)

This is the Wakefield Doctrine’s contribution to the Six Sentence Story bloghop.

Hosted by Denise, it requires on qualifying characteristic: to be of precisely six sentences in length,

Prompt word:


“I swear to god, if either of you so much as hints at a metaphor, it’s the last thing you will ever do.”

The man began the process of getting up off the sidewalk; nothing brusque or artless, which would be the style of one his two companions, being the center of the gang, his was the way of attraction not overt coercion.

The intersection of the alley and Fountain Street was as it had been prior to their ill-advised choice of mugger victim, the original obelisk of dark shadow divided at it’s base into a curvilinear delta by the anemic inflow of illumination from a streetlight on the opposite sidewalk.

“Not me,” the second of the trio leaned against the brick wall of a boarded up social services office, almost but not quite out-of-reach of the first, “Where you go, I go, you know that.”

“Where’d he go, I’ll fuckin’ kill ’em,” the third, rising improbably from a pool of ebon fluid, staggered in a rough circle around his two cohorts. enclosing them rather than connecting in any discernable way.

The three tried to laugh, failed and settled for varying renditions of pain and discomfit, bound by their common substance dependency, separated by the degree of suffering and desperation; one of them, probably the first, once,  on a better, more hopeful day, suggested they call themselves, The Solar Eclipse Boys, but then the day’s score kicked in and and stole their artistic ambitions.

