clarkscottroger | the Wakefield Doctrine - Part 2 clarkscottroger | the Wakefield Doctrine - Part 2

Monday -the Wakefield Doctrine- ‘Wakefield Doctrine answers the question: “If a tree falls…”

Welcome to the Wakefield Doctrine (the theory of clarks, scotts and rogers)


And….and! we saw it too!

For next week’s TToT we’re setting aside our response to the sound of a tree trunk crashing (they, at leaset, pine trees, which make up the majority of tree in our forest, fall with a two-stage thing: a crack (single or with accent then note… thusly ^ or ^…^ *) then crash.

Anyway, heard the sound and said, without hesitation, “We heard that!”



yeah, lets do a RePrint and…

What? Yeah, you’re right. When it comes to the concept of ‘Before and After’ photos and such, it’s pretty much in the Herd Member’s wheelhouse to do that well and effectively.

New Readers? Here we have a perfect illustration of ‘the Everything Rule’**. While rogers, of the three predominant worldviews, manifest the providing ‘before and after’ photos, illustrations and other forms of record and evidence. It categorically does not mean that clarks and scotts cannot engage in this type of story-telling***  Basically it’s this: there is a common reality. We all share in it. Within this shared reality we have our personal realities. When we talk about personal realities and the perception of them by others, the word ‘manifest’ is employed.

To our example: this weekend we had snow and rain and ice. A lot of it. At one point we had to go out, (into the cold and rain and flooded driveway), to chip ice that was, due to a temporary fluke of topography, cause runoff to head towards one of our abutting neighbors. He’s a scott. He was out there already chopping ineffectively at the ice with his plastic snow shovel. (yeah, a bunch of those jagged lines in cartoons and comics coming out of his head…. and a few $^*@* lol

We arrived with our eight foot pry iron pry bar:

Eight foot pry bar motto: “Yeah, fun tool, right? Check back in twenty years, aight? …Than are dreamt of in your philosophy” (Hamlet, 1.5. 165–66) yo

In any event, this was the right tool for the job. So our scottian neighbor found happiness as beta in our little pack of two. Cool. At the end of the process, the thought occurred that before and after photos would make a cool, ‘the Doctrine battles Winter post’. But the thing of it was, we didn’t think of it until we were in the ‘after’ phase.

Our contention is that a rogerian blogger would have fully documented the ice dam sitch and taken the supporting evidentiary photos. Supporting you ask? Welll… while tempting to digress into why, of the three personality types of the Wakefield Doctrine, rogers tend to be the more commercially successful writers, we’re way of time. Suffice to say: the Everything Rule is a hint to the mission critical task we are heir to when adopting the Doctrine as an additional perspective on the world around us and the people who make it up. And that task is translation.

Hey! that’s actually a relatively logical jumping off point. And, to reinforce it, lets just add to our sylabus: Translation of the three predominant worldviews, each to the other.

Be sure to remind us tomorrow!


*finally! a legitimate use for a keyboard symbol we don’t hardly ever used. damn!  No, wait! It’s not an emphasis, it’s a preceding sound… (at last! House lights on. ‘Is there a Musicologist in the House?!!’). Short on time. Any help with this… it’s not a trill… or whatever. we better stick with what we know… yeah, clarks. scotts and rogers

** ‘Everyone does everything at one time or another’

*** you know, that thing about people? How they talk and remember and teach and reinforce reality and such? Story-telling. That’s right, every interaction with a person (or concept/memory/imagining of a person, place of thing), is story-telling. Think about! (if you’re a clark, lol) scotts? don’t get mad, we’re not saying nothing is real, we’re just pointing out that, with a few exceptions i.e. punching, kissing and finger-pointing, we’re all telling each others stories, But that’s a whole story in itself for another time.

Denise used a Michael Schenker vid yesterday which, was one other than the following. (So, technically, we’re not ‘copying after her’)



TToT -the Wakefield Doctrine-

Welcome to the Wakefield Doctrine (the theory of clarks, scotts and rogers)

This is the Doctrine’s contribution to the Ten Things of Thankful (TToT) bloghop.

Here are ten people, places and things that inspire, incite and otherwise allow us the opportunity to feel gratitude.

1) Phyllis

2) Una

3) the Wakefield Doctrine

4) technology ’cause…internet? letters of transit to the virtual world (in our case, first stop: blogosphere.)

5) relentless slide towards full Not-Winter

6) the Unicorn Challenge bloghop.  ‘The Tree‘. Sally

7) the Six Sentence Story bloghop. ‘Six bigguns!‘   Keith

8) the faithful practice of the principle underlying this bloghop. Will cite Mimi as demonstrating how the simplest approach to cultivating this practice is also the best way to enhance the efficaciousness of the whole thing.  Being at the end, (rather than beginning of this post), will cite a cool, old zen saying in support of our contention of our co-host’s practice being a good example:

Before enlightenment, chop wood, carry water.
After enlightenment, chop wood, carry water.

9) something, something

10) Secret Rule 1.3


music vids






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Friday Story -the Wakefield Doctrine-

Welcome to the Wakefield Doctrine (the theory of clarks, scotts and rogers)

This is the Doctrine’s weakly contribution to the Unicorn Challenge bloghop.

Hosted by jenne and ceayr, subject to the Rule of Two Hunnert fity (word limit)


The man stopped.

The russet field of stack-bond bricks created a broad sidewalk while still allowing for the decades-aged trees to make one last annular lunge for the sun. In a blurring of perception, he felt rather more than saw, both altar and creche, silent in the early morning hours.

There was, for that moment, no sound other than that of nature. Birds chirped with their insanely optimistic morning songs. There was, for the man, something alien in the carefree optimism of their repetition, clearly intended as a signal yet devoid of even a hint of a riposte of relief at being acknowledged. Of man, other than the inert metal ambitions resting on wheels that resisted the natural pull of the earth, nothing.

He took off his overcoat and laid it on the ground to his right. Then, after opening his Louis Vuitton business card holder, (quite expensive, very impressive), took one and, returning the leather holder to his suit coat pocket, removed the remainder of his clothing.

Placing the card on the neatly folded stack, he read, lips moving in unthought liturgy: his name, gold foil-embossed, and title: Narrator (and beneath, in italics), (Reliability Guarenteed)

He turned and approached the tree, allowing his thoughts to dissolve into emotion and from there, animal impulse.

His last coherent thought was,

‘My god, Woody Allen was right!’


(*Language Advisory*)


Six Sentence Story -the Wakefield Doctrine- [ a Café Six]

Welcome to the Wakefield Doctrine (the theory of clarks, scotts and rogers)

This is the Doctrine’s weakly contribution to the Six Sentence Story bloghop.

Hosted by Denise, subject to the Rule of Six. hubba hubba

Previously in our Six Sentence Café & Bistro serial story

Prompt Word:


Lou Caesare sat opposite the tall, thin man,

“Not planning on staying, loved the act, just wanted to see, first hand, the kind of operation you ran, you know, make sure it wasn’t just book-signings, poetry jams and Sunday Brunch for the Uber-on-the-Mild Side crowd…. that and to say thanks for giving Rosetta a job.”

Like all the tables in the Bistro, theirs was round, lacquered wood, intended to resist stains from all classes of liquid including but not limited to alcohol, drink condensation, tears (both joy and sadness) and, of course the inevitable tubular burn of unattended cigarettes; his face effectively obscured by the stage lights to his back, the Proprietor tipped his glass and lit his cigarette,

“Hey, mi casa…

I hear you, but it’s always about the man… or woman; I didn’t get where I am without developing a nose for character in those I have business with, you know what I’m saying?”

“I do indeed,” on the fringe of audibility came a whooshing sound from the street end of the bar and a brief eclipse of a street light as someone stepped from the vestibule into the Café proper.

“And, not for nothin’ I got a guy, a PI by the name of Ian Devereaux, don’t know if you know him,” Lou’s eyes lost their distant focus and came to rest on the Proprietor opposite him, every jungle predator approaching a watering hole,

“Nope, can’t I say I do, mind my asking why you’re concerned…

Well, he was doing some surveillance work for me and now I can’t seem to get in touch with him…

Quis custodiet ipsos custodes?”

“Yeah, somethin’ like that, mainly I wanted you to know I’m in your debt…”

The tall, thin man stood, smiling, “And you can’t remember the last time that I invited you to my home for a cup of coffee?”

Lou’s unrestrained guffaws broke the tension even as the tall, thin man’s careful but equally unrestrained laughter joined in creating a contrapuntal storm of merriment that rolled over the empty tables, breaking against the feet of the shadowed figure moving along the bar.




Wednesday -the Wakefield Doctrine-

Welcome to the Wakefield Doctrine (the theory of clarks, scotts and rogers)

Sure, it’s a great tool for self-improving oneself.

and…and! the Doctrine is without peer, an enhancement to the sublime art of people watching. (We know you like the thought of that, well, ’cause Outsider!)

New Readers? Sure We don’t spend a lot of time with stats or the ‘real’ world and such. But it should come as no surprise that conventional wisdom holds that in any given population, rogers represent an easy 66%  scotts about 20% and clarks… yeah 13.

lol why yes, we enjoy the freedom of assumptions about the world around us. (Assumptions being the slutty half-sister of intellectual rigor, fun for a night, wouldn’t want to, like, start a family with), if you know what we mean.

Can’t repeat too many times: the Wakefield Doctrine is gender, age, culture neutral.

and before anyone jumps up and says, yeah! scotts will all shout and I know this woman at the supermarket who’s all busy and such; allow us to offer another reminder:

the Wakefield Doctrine is an additional perspective on the world around us and the people who make it up. It requires a person, (we’d say say adherent, but don’t want the rogers to get too excited too soon), who not only enjoys their imagination but are capable of treating reality as a variable, limited only by our intellectual rigor (and, of course the Laws of Gravity, inertia and a host of other qualities that the world imposes on us).

So read about the three personality types (aka predominant worldviews). Get a sense of characteristic responses to everyday situation by clarks and scotts and rogers. Most importantly, consider how you relate yourself to the world around you and the people who make it up. Remember, the Doctrine is not about them. It’s about how they relate themselves to the world around them.

ProTip: if you become certain that, despite what we say about only one predominant worldview, you are an exception and, in fact, some sort of hybrid clarkscottroger? We’re still going to welcome you.

(Though, to be fair, and god knows some us wear Fair like a third grader’s first day of school starched shirt, we’ll be thinking, ‘Ok! one more towards our goal of 66%!’)

