Welcome to the Wakefield Doctrine (the theory of clarks, scotts and rogers)
Quick post.
Lets go sift through the recent comments that derive from our Six Sentence Story, Unicorn Challenge and/or TToT posts.
…hold on
just did a link to a video in our Reply to Cai’s comment. Below. Sorry, not below, over in the TToT post from this weekend. It was the Mad Dog and Glory clip.
damn! the whole Doctrine on a 3 minute clip.
since the clip provided such clear examples we won’t bother with much more detail other than to say Perfect!
New Readers? Here’s your Cliff Notes: Robert De Niro is a clark (Outsider, lives in his head), David Caruso a scott (Predator manifests life in his actions) and the guy beating up on the woman, a roger (Member of the Herd)
(Language alert. Not like, say the clip from Casino, but artistic use of Eff Explosives)
I don’t think I want to be a Scott.
lol… but they do have fun most of the time, when they’re not blowing up things that you might not want to have blown up
I assume we’re not talking about blowing up balloons, eh?
no!!!!!!! lol