Monday -the Wakefield Doctrine- | the Wakefield Doctrine Monday -the Wakefield Doctrine- | the Wakefield Doctrine

Monday -the Wakefield Doctrine-

Welcome to the Wakefield Doctrine (the theory of clarks, scotts and rogers)

Hey! You’re right! We did not do either a traditional ‘Year in Review’ post or a traditional ‘New Year’ post this year.

What the hell?

Not to worry. We’ll just pull down some cardboard boxes and find ourselfs a couple of ReCerpts*

Before we do, lets take a moment to thank the Readers from last year and spend a minute to invite anyone in the sight of our words to come on down in 2025**

First things…fourth. Looked up the Zagar and Evans. Catching melody, silly lyrics.

New Readers: Your Narrator (the ‘us’ in this discussion1) Is a clark with a significant secondary scottian and weak tertiary rogerian aspect. Nothing wrong with that. Rule 0.5: No one is subject to another’s opinion of their predominant worldview. We do, however, practice and learn from discussions of others’ personality type. (Example: Jimi Hendrix? a clark. Joe Pesci so a scott. Your local preacher/minister/priest/etc? roger3)

So stop by as we demonstrate ‘if we’re still alive’ (mangled paraphrase of the first verse of the song we’re not going to post. lol)

ok! ok! the ReCerpt

Now the time has come. There are things to realize. Time has come today

Time.In the time it takes to write this, it is about time this subject is addressed, when will it be time to get serious….it’s about Time.

The un-marked Rolodex stopped spinning this morning and came up Chambers Brothers, which means the topic is Time. (I will say with pride  that I resisted the Pink Floyd and stayed with the original source.)

On with it then.  Everything can be seen in light of the Wakefield Doctrine, ever thang.  Even Time.  Especially Time.

(BTW I did make some New Year’s resolutions, and primary among them was to present the Doctrine in as effective a manner as possible, which means that every Post/any Post contain something of the ‘real world’ that will offer concrete and objective expressions of the Wakefield Doctrine.  And I will not stint to present the Doctrine in as many different ‘contexts’ as may make themselves available.)

Time to start?

clarks are of the future, scotts of the present and rogers of the past.
(for clarks) the future never arrives, (for scotts) the present is over too soon and (for rogers) the past is essential


* yes, we claim that little neologism

** yeah, we had the misremembered title/lyric/what’s the cool word…. yeah! mondegren (correction mondegreen) ***

*** jeez Louise, can we get anymore clarklike?2


1) lol

2) well, for starters: excessive third person POV. god forbid we should open ourselfs to criticism for being non-inclusive. (not for nothin’ but one could make the argument that a clark’s excessive use of the 3rd person is much like standing in a group of people and practicing ventriloquism (going so far as to physically trying to sneak behind others while making statements…) See?!! see?!? we’re ‘a part of‘!!! ‘belong’  (lol sorry, where were we? oh, up there?)

3) this last should have italics to signal something extra. wait, we did do that sorry lol Anyway, this is not a ‘direct statement’ we don’t know if they are a roger. But, when you need to guess a type there are certain features about a person that, taken into consideration, drastically improve your chances of being correct. So, profession: religious leader/manager /team builder/coach For most organized religions the key for ministering to member is what is referred to as ‘referential authority’. We don’t think you should think/do/act this way, ‘they/it do/does’  ok scope is exceeding time with this topic. Note: if you’re new and want to learn more, search among these posts the term ‘Everything Rule’ that’ll answer most of your questions on this little digression. aiightt?

clarks are such softies… here ya go (the old, old tune that should be mind-worming you)  (oh man! not the best of songs, but the rogers will enjoy it)


clarkscottroger About clarkscottroger
Well, what exactly do you want to know? Whether I am a clark or a scott or roger? If you have to ask, then you need to keep reading the Posts for two reasons: a)to get a clear enough understanding to be able to make the determination of which type I am and 2) to realize that by definition I am all three.* *which is true for you as well, all three...but mostly one


  1. It is true. And a challenging concept for a clark, “the future never arrives”. Even with the awareness the future only exists by the (cumulative) actions of the present.

  2. Our pastor — a Clark. Deep thinker, always fighting the “we’ve always done it this way” people. Although he has a respect for history, he wants change for many things.

    Example, some of his best ministry friends are an African American couple where he’s the ministry pastor and she’s the preacher. He has had her in the pulpit to preach at our white bread Evangelical Presbyterian church 3 times. That doesn’t happen in the Deep South unless you are very open to seeing the way things were is not the way they need to be.

  3. Misky says:

    I kept thinking, hey that car’s driving on the British side of the road, and then I realised there were three lanes. How disappointing; not British at all. But hey wait… a Scott must know the terrain – that’s the Texas School Book Depository building at Dealey Plaza!

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