Welcome to the Wakefield Doctrine (the theory of clarks, scotts and rogers)
…as little gift to ourselfs, this RePrint found as we searched for a holiday post yesterday, the Eve of Saint Christmas.
thank god that’s over! the Wakefield Doctrine (“it’s totally not true that clarks experience distress during major holidays…. bitch”)
December 25, 2013Welcome to the Wakefield Doctrine (the theory of clarks, scotts and rogers)
You know how I just got through writing how Christmas is such a clarklike holiday? And how we said that, because clarks are all kinds of self-less and giving and such, that we do Christmas better’n the other two, at least in the old-school sense of the word? It’s true. clarks do totally rock the Christmas spirit. So, why the developing un-ease as the Day itself is upon us? (Many clarks report a sense of: tiredness, reduced excitement, blunted affect, irritability, anogasmia, a desire to take up smoking cigarettes just to have an excuse to step outside on the porch, and totally be willing to be the one to ‘drive to the store for a couple of items that are needed for Dinner’.)
If you feel that way today or expect to feel that way today*, then we have reassuring news for you. It’s them, it’s not you!
The Christmas Holiday, like so many of the other holidays, (and to be honest, like much of life itself), has a way of being commandeered by one (or both) of the other two personality types.
- scotts so many people, so many presents, so many bright lights and things that move and show unmistakable signs of delicious life! (picture if you will, a lion cub taken from the pack just a season before maturity. the cub has the instinctual and learned survival skills, practiced as much as is possible from a season of play with the other cubs. let the cub skip a few meals and then put him/her in an empty basement and after a day of pumping the aroma of a nice roast beef, take a bushel of hamsters and gerbils and dump them down the laundry chute.** …Merry Christmas Simba!
- rogers there are so many memories that need to be created…no time for frivolity! don’t you see the scene?!?! it’s a happy (and grateful), appreciative (and grateful) festive day full of (grateful) family members coming together to enjoy the holiday! so don’t fuck it up with your moodiness and oh-look-I-want-to-be-alone strangeness! this is a once in a year opportunity to come together in a joyous celebration of the family and tradition (well, then…do it outside, ok?)
We kid the rogers and scotts. No, we do! But we love them as well (as we are able). New Readers? Well, there are these three ways of experiencing the world and you do it one of the three ways. The Doctrine says that the nature of the way that you see the world is your personality type. OK? We don’t need to know your likes and dislikes and pet peeves and such. All we need to do (notice we didn’t say, ‘need to know from you‘?) is correctly infer how you relate yourself to the world around you. After that everything else sorta takes care of itself. The three ways to ‘relate yourself to the world around you’ are:
- as an Outsider. from as far back as you can remember (and it’s pretty far back), you have looked at the people in your life and wondered where you dropped the ball, what you missed learning about how to be the way they clearly are…together and, (from this early early time in your life), you have resolved to learn what they seem to already know, all while trying not to be identified as a person who was left out… Merry Christmas clarks!
- as a Predator. you wonder why some people think, “oh what an unkind thing to say, calling that nice girl a Predator“, you don’t give it a second thought and you know why? (no, we know that you don’t know why, because you don’t give a shit about the why’s and the ‘oh-if-only-I-knew-more‘), because you are too busy living…living a life that is full of threats and opportunity, fun and danger, excitement and the occasional quiet moments of sleep, you know what you are… you’re alive!!!! Merry Christmas scotts
- as a Member of the Herd. and no, you don’t walk around thinking I am a Member of the Herd, we get that. What you do is live a life that is full of potential and hard work, enjoying some pleasures but only when earned, people all around you who you can help live a better life….a Right Way and a universe that was designed to be understood and shared with the future generations, both real and imagined… Merry Christmas rogers
New Readers? Still with us? Good. So you have one of these as your predominant worldview, (the character of your personal reality), but you never lose the capacity to experience the world as do the other two. So don’t be surprised if you get confused at first seeing in yourself one personality type and then at times another. That just means you have a significant secondary (or tertiary) aspect. Don’t worry about that now. This is the fun and carefree phase of learning the Wakefield Doctrine. The rest comes later.
To all the DownSprings and Friends of the Doctrine and Readers and such, thank you for stopping by! Do have the best, dominant worldview-appropriate, day possible today.
(a clark with (a) significant secondary scottian and minimal tertiary rogerian aspects)
*when it comes to emotional response, clarks see no reason to leave them to the last-minute! get ahead of that worry, that concern that fear!! don’t wait! be prepared!!
** this is a feature in many old, old houses where the washing machine was in the cellar, an opening in the wall of the bathroom closet that was directly above the laundry area… go ahead and put a half full laundry basket for the gerbils to land in… give ’em a better shot at getting away
Excellent reprint, Clark. Merry Christmas to you, too!
(#1, the imagery 😆)
Merry* Christmas, Clark.
(* which can’t be anything but amidst the company of Una and the spirits of your four-legged angels of the past).
tru dat
I wish you and yours a blessed and beautiful Merry Christmas! We got through the anxiety pretty well, considering.
Yay, Merry Christmas!!
(I am only a little late to say…)
same to you and them (even if you’re in the middle of Summer*)
*total seasonal hemispheric envy