Month: January 2023 | the Wakefield Doctrine - Part 3 Month: January 2023 | the Wakefield Doctrine - Part 3

Re-Print Monday -the Wakefield Doctrine-

Welcome to the Wakefield Doctrine (the theory of clarks, scotts and rogers)

So the second coolest thing* happened the other day at the office. Initiating a conversation, an associate texted: what a roger!

I smiled and my pride in being the curator of our little personality theory increased just a bit.

(Full Disclosure: being a clark, I immediately chastised myself for the indulging in pride. Not as in the somewhat more famous religion’s admonition against such self-assessment, more in the ‘keep your feelings to yourself, nothing good could otherwise result’.)

Holy smoke! Being a holiday and all, let’s get all zen koan and say: the preceding post is sufficient for a talented Reader (and student of the human condition) to reconstruct the Wakefield Doctrine.


* first coolest thing? While it has not, to the best of our knowledge, yet happened, would be a person, with whom we have not had any contact, to say the above in our presence.


…ok, we admit it, feeling some guilt about hitting publish on a 180 word post.


… no! now wait just a darn minute!

I (re)-read the following, while scanning old posts for reprint:

The Wakefield Doctrine is for you, not them.

damn! those words, they are correct!

When I engage the world through the lens of the Doctrine, it does not change me. And…. and! it does not change you.

What it does is make available to us an additional perspective on what is going on at this particular moment. Therefore, if our desire is to best relate ourself to the world around us, appreciating how you are experiencing the world is helpful. Doesn’t change you. But our relationship to you, at least in this particular interaction, will surely be different for accepting this understanding of you.

so, maybe it does change us.

but!! The use of the perspective afforded by the Wakefield Doctrine will do nothing, at least directly, to affect the other person. However, not only will we have added to our world by better understanding you, we will be altered. Since the Wakefield Doctrine maintains that while living in one, and only one predominant worldview (aka personality type), we are still possessed of the capacity to experience the world as do the other two, this acceptance moves us a tiny step forward to being the most we can be as people.




TToT -the Wakefield Doctrine-

Welcome to the Wakefield Doctrine (the theory of clarks, scotts and rogers)

This is the Doctrine’s contribution to the Ten Things of Thankful (TToT) bloghop. Founded by Lizzi in 1965 on a dare from a representative of the Society for the Preservation of Natural History Collections, who, the story goes, insisted that our Founder start a weblog embodying the principle of practicing the recognition and acknowledgement of those people, places and things in our lives that incite the emotion gratitude… as soon as the internet was up-and-running. The rest, as they say is natural history.


1) Una (Watching her morning surfing channel)

2) Phyllis (watching from Una’s left)

3) the Wakefield Doctrine

4) the Six Sentence Story bloghop

5) Hypo-grat. Jeff Beck died this week. (The hypo-grat, when employed in a TToT list is pretty much graduate level listifying. To any new participants and/or Readers I totally defer to my co-hostina Mimi for a proper definition, use and application). That said, imo, when we have the will/faith/determination to deny the piling-on of the negative people, places and things, we have an opportunity to see that the good does not get destroyed by the bad. (Reminds me of an old comic.)

6) lack of frozen water falling from the skies. Each day without snow gets us closer to the time of year when it is not likely. (Well, guess we should say, ‘closer to the day when snow would be unusual… this particular threshold of standards is unfortunately moving farther and farther each day, “Hey, snow predicted for Cinco de Mayo.” “Huh, did they say how much?”)

7) Regular Readers are not surprised at our proclivity for lapsing into adolescent dreams/nightmares… but we have a new client with an old-fashioned view on technology and security, to wit, their required type of key lockbox. Which rings the iron bells of youth,

Picture if you will, the corridor of a junior high school, the year is 1966 and it’s the second day of classes… some seventh graders are about to experience a Circle of Hell that Dante Alighieri left out of the Divine Comedy‘, if for no other reason than his imagination failed to identify a crime to justify the torment of: “…rotate the dial to the left past the first letter of your combination, then in the opposite direction, find the third letter and your locker is open.”

8) something, something

9) technology and such

10) Secret Rule 1.3


* Colonel Kurtz Heart of Darkness, Apocaplypse Now

music vids






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Six Sentence Story -the Wakefield Doctrine- [a Café Six Part 1]

Welcome to the Wakefield Doctrine (the theory of clarks, scotts and rogers)

This is the Doctrine’s contribution to the Six Sentence Story bloghop

Hosted by Denise, the rules are simple, (if not difficult for some of us): write a story utilizing the week’s prompt word and, and! be sure the sentence count is exactly six.

Pretty simple, isn’t it?

[Dedicated to our Miz ‘Avry]

Prompt word:


“Tell me what I’m seeing here,” the tall, thin man leaned forward, barely overcoming the headwind of excitement ushered through the door of the Manager’s office by the two Proprietors, now crouching to either side of his Eames AG chair.

The Gate-Keeper laughed a grey-white cumulonimbus of cigar smoke, dropping a tube of parchment to bounce like a steampunk munition, the hollow echo signaled it’s intent, if not actual damage to the felt and leather desk blotter. Opposite him, the Bar Tender lay an open tablet on the desk, “Nick may have tangible evidence to tell the story, the record from my very discrete video surveillance system,” the Gate Keeper lost an affectionate chuckle somewhere in his beard, “will show the front entrance of our establishment being accosted by a woman with a suitcase”.

On the screen, like an old wool blanket being aired-out on back-porch, a rectangle of light brown paper flapped, then flattened against the street-side door of the Café, the wide-angle lens convexing both the paper and the motion of a hammer; the latter wielded by a middle-aged woman wearing a surplus army field jacket with ‘Brahmagupta’ embroidered over the breast pocket and a determined look.

A flicker of light and the woman was now standing at the bus kiosk, half-a-block away; the video resolution was sufficient to to make the stickers on the side of the satchel-style suitcase at her left knee, readable, “Nantucket is for Mathematicians” “Six is the Number” “the Elizabeth Islands Arithmetic Society’; almost immediately, a city bus appeared, the digital display above the windshield rolled over to read: ‘The Steamship Authority’ and, moving past the hidden video camera, revealed the fluorescent-lit shelter, now quite empty.

Moving the tablet to the side of the desk, Nick and Denise spread out the rolled parchment, an oversized thimble of cast lead at one corner and a lucite paperweight holding down the other; standing, the tall, thin man read,

“Did you ever stop to think that Seven comes after Six, instead of in front?!”*



* ed. We borrowed, totally without permission a line from a novella by one of the giants of the Golden Age of Science Fiction, the late Alfred Bester. The story, ‘The Starcomber’ (1954) if you can find it, you will not regret it.


Monday -the Wakefield Doctrine-

Welcome to the Wakefield Doctrine (the theory of clarks, scotts and rogers)

New Year.

Same goal.

Write and explain (to), inform and make available the principles of the Wakefield Doctrine to as many people as possible.

Lets get all Lombardi on this theory.

The Wakefield Doctrine is a(n) additional perspective on the world around us. As such, it makes available one more tool for understanding the other person and, most of all, allowing ourselfs to see the world as they are experiencing it. (Because, the thing of it is? Reality, to a small but certainly significant extent, is personal. A tree is always falling in the forest. How many people are there is not as important and the idea, the opportunity, to imagine something that may…or may not, be a big-assed crashing sound.

There are three ways to experience the world (the Wakefield Doctrine tells us):

  1. as the Outsider(clarks)
  2. as the Predator(scotts)
  3. as the Herd Member(rogers)

even more important to your, Mr./Mrs./Miss/Master/You use of this perspective is that we grow up in the reality of one, (and only one), of these personal realities and learn to live in the world. aka develop our style and strategies for getting along/going along/living/letting live and well, having the best life we are capable of. The Wakefield Doctrine maintains that we all have the best possible personality type because of the character of our reality.

enough theory!

Learn the characteristics of the three personal realities (personality types). (Don’t worry, they not only are fun, but they are self-teaching! No! Really! If you learn a part of the fundamentals of the Doctrine, even if you stop and hit that ‘Delete’ button on your Bookmarks…. (‘the heck with this crazy-ass, but oddly seductive system of categorizing people‘)… the rest of the Doctrine will unfold.

Hey, we used to warn New Readers earlier in a diatribe, but better late than never.

Warning: If you learn the principles of the Wakefield Doctrine to the extent and level of understanding that allows you to see and otherwise identify the three personality types (clarks, scotts and rogers) you may find, going forward, you are unable to not see the three personality types of the Wakefield Doctrine. (the Outsider: ‘Geez she seems pretty down to earth but…. who said combat boots are an accessory to a LBD?’ the Predator: ‘Shhh! He’s the life of the party, don’t establish eye contact!‘ and the Herd Member: ‘Does everyone who works here really call your SOP ‘the Bible’?)

Unlike many of the more popular personality schema, the Doctrine is for personal use only. It is not intended, (“Honey? Come read this quiz… it has you down to a ‘T’ come on answer the questions“) as a mirror-shaped club.

The true ambition of the Wakefield Doctrine is to help us better appreciate how we relate ourselves to the world around us.

With the proper use of the Wakefield Doctrine, you will know more about the other person than they know about themselves.

…no, really!


TToT -the Wakefield Doctrine-

Welcome to the Wakefield Doctrine (the theory of clarks, scotts and rogers)

This is the Wakefield Doctrine’s contribution to the quatro-monthly grat-blog, the Ten Things of Thankful. Created in 1987, (languishing on the desk of the Founderess, Lizzi R, for three score and half a decade, until technology caught up with her vision), it has become one of the leading gratitude blogs in the ‘sphere. People magazine once almost published an article that would have said, “That Lizzi R! Were she not C.S.Lewis’ putative step-niece, we’d surely be remiss in our dedication to promoting scholarship in the world of imaginary biographies were we not to say, “Huzzah!”

So to conform to the accepted liturgy, the following are the people, places and things we, at the Doctrine, are grateful for:

1)  Una: role-model and that rarities of rarities, a multi-alpha canine. (In a pack of three, she reserves the right to alternate her recognition of pack leader.)

3) the Wakefield Doctrine: two words: sine qua non

5) the Six Sentence Story bloghop: hey, clearly you enjoy reading. (Hell, if you’re still reading, you gots yourself a serious jones with the reading thing. No, serially, you’re surrounded by words and stories most sublime and, yet you’re still here at the Doctrine reading. Like, I suspect, the person, who almost totally convinces themselves there’s a genuine Treasure map somewhere in the one of the cardboard milk cartons that line the only path out of this place and, feeling good that you’ve resolved to stop wasting time, your fingers still brush over their open tops grazing a manila folder, feeling the printer’s ink on an old Life Magazine… (Wait!  Was that from 1967 with Jefferson Airplane on the cover?  Full Disclosure: we did save that issue and it is in a box in the basement) shhh!

7) something, something

9) Wikipedia (well, duh! just did my semi-annual, not-really-random-number donation of forty-four dollars and forty-four sense*)

10) Secret Rule 1.3 (“… if you manage to get within two, or even three grats of completing a TToT…welll that’s something to be Thankful for!” ) (Please apply the Book of Secret Rules aka the Secret Book of Rules responsibly and save it for Number 10)

2) Phyllis: stage left in the photo of Una above

4) the ‘job’ I have, the work I do and the resources I have access to

6) the internet. (which usually is cited in conjunction with the technology underlying the existence and maintenance of this here virtual world, here)

8) the virtual world: ’cause seeing how humanity as a group, (cough…cough Herd!) is doing with the ‘real’ world, we’re way grateful for the chance to visit this place.


* can’t very well claim to be Wakefield Doctrine written, if’n we don’t have an asteroid somewheres

music and vids




we used a song by one of our way favorite rhythm ‘s gospel guys, Fred Hammond, on our Six Sentence Story this week. lets see if there’s an oldy we… got it! live plus Fred (watch for the horn section up in the back get all Motown when Fred’s not looking (at 00.20)



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