Month: October 2022 | the Wakefield Doctrine - Part 2 Month: October 2022 | the Wakefield Doctrine - Part 2

Wednesday -the Wakefield Doctrine- “yeah, we should be working our Six Sentence Story… but!”

Welcome to the Wakefield Doctrine (the theory of clarks, scotts and rogers)

You know one of the cool(er) things about the Wakefield Doctrine, in general, and its description/definitions of its personality types (aka predominant worldview), specifically?

No matter how frivolous and provocative the labels and behavioral predictions they not only prove to be accurate, but they’re fun to imagine in application to the people around us.

Take the predominant worldview of the Outsider (please!*). At first glance it’s easy to pronounce, ‘Hey! Dude, all you gots there is what the legitimate personality systems would call, introverted. (Or as the Oscar Myers Briggs folks might say, “Clearly that is an IYHN …or maybe an ENee or, on the other hand, possibly MEnee…. I got it! a Meeneemo Type“) (lol. We kid the Kukla Fran ‘n Ollie folks. they’ve been fans of the Doctrine since, around, 1947)

Where were we?

oh yeah! clarks.

The Wakefield Doctrine is primarily concerned with the character of the relationship of the individual to the world around them (and the people who make it up). And, it would not be wrong to say that clarks tend to be what many would say, a little, …unassuming.

But, (in the category of ‘Fun with Brain Science’) the Doctrine offers:

clarks abhor being the center of attention, but will not tolerate being ignored‘.

Fun, right?

But introversion is not the topic of today’s post. As the subtitle rightly notes, Wednesdays are usually the day we spend trying to come up with something interesting for the Six Sentence Story bloghop.

So why the diversion?

Well, there’s a project abrewin’ backstage before the surgeon picks up the…. (“Attention! Attention! Metaphor Spill in Paragraph Eleven… read with careful caution.“)

But serially, Friend-of-the-Doctrine Nick and Downspring Denise have been working behind the scenes on a little online thing for this Sunday.

So! Be there or run the very real risk of being characterized as having a superfluity of ninety-degree angles when introduced to a stranger.



*ba rum bump!


Te Deum, reprintodos -the Wakefield Doctrine-

Welcome to the Wakefield Doctrine (the theory of clarks, scotts and rogers)

In the middle of getting ready for a certain project, due this coming weekend. Kinda Doctrine, kinda old-fashioned ordeal and, in theory, at least, fun for all involved.

We will say this: ‘Stay tuned to this blog. As a matter of fact, as a one-time offer, if you write a comment, we will provide way more information than you will find in this intro to a Post from 2012!1

“…the first of the mandatory holidays, the Wakefield Doctrine does, in fact, claim to be able to tell you which are your favorite holidays!”

Seeing how we have a number of new Readers and even some new FOTDs1 a little backstory on the presence and prominence of holidays, vis-à-vis  the Wakefield Doctrine, might be in order.

Holidays are fricken huge with us. Any questions?2

First up: Halloween!

I was thinking about making this a Quiz and offering a prize for the correct answer. But when I thought about Halloween (and) the visuals flooded my mind, I realized there could be no question which of the three personality types of the Wakefield Doctrine ‘own this day’… even if you are here for the first time… if you are a total new Reader (as in “ Well, I have read about 177 words about the Wakefield Doctrine, why do you ask?” ), you will get this one right!
As a matter of fact! I am so sure that, with a simple description of the Doctrine, you will know the correct answer,  we will give you a free Wakefield DocTee! All ya gotta do is write a Comment and tell us your answer. (some restrictions may apply3).  Ready?

The Wakefield Doctrine maintains that what people call ‘personality types’ are the normal, appropriate, and entirely healthy strategies that a person will develop in their effort to get through life. What we do differently from the other systems of personality types is maintain that there are three characteristic worldviews (the personal reality that you wake up to each morning4) and our three personality types are the natural outcome from living in these realities:

  1. the world of the Outsider, ever apart, never quite fitting in and most important (to living in this reality), this personality type, the clark will think, “I am here and the world is out there..damn, I better figure this one out before anyone notices
  2. the life of the Predator, active totally full of life, always on the move, this personality type, the scott will say, “Hey, screw all them head games! life’s too short! I don’t care if you don’t like me…as long as you don’t ignore me! Did I say, Hey! yet?”
  3. the environment of the Herd member, always ‘a part of’, very sure of how things should be, this personality type, the roger feels that, “whats to worry about? if you are following the rules then you will be taken care of, no one suffers in life…unless they brought it on themselves… you know, breaking the rules…not living the right way!
There you go. Three personality types. One Holiday:
…where everyone gets permission to be someone/something else, the successful participant in this Holiday is the person who hears, “Wow! I’m shocked and amazed! I would never have guessed that was you”
Halloween is the Holiday of :  a) clarks or 2) scotts or c) rogers  because…
…you know this one! take your time, think it through, we find that with a lot of the Doctrine, your first ‘guess’ is the correct answer. A little relaxing music, perhaps?


1)  people like Cari and Michelle and Emily and totally people like Cyndi…(Cyndi actually has us on her website’s blogroll, can I get a “damn!”!)

2)  better than answering questions, go read some of the previous holiday-centric Posts like  “J’accuse!…”

3)  sorry, DownSprings and Progenitors not eligible.

4) we mean the personal nature of the reality that you experience, that everyone experiences, nothing too metaphysical or weird or nothing, but it is critical to getting a benefit from the Wakefield Doctrine that you appreciate that we do mean ‘reality’, as in real, not something like a choice in how you feel about it, or a preference that you make about the nature of the cultural institutions in your life or even a bias towards one view of cause and effect over the other…. no we mean that the world is one of predator and prey to the scottand the nature of the world and everything in it is about a clark being the outsider…


1) Some restrictions may apply. No one related, in spirit or in fact, to anyone appearing in the course of this “Special Event” is qualified to recieve an answer or inferred extra information. Come on! Do you think we’re stupid?

No, wait, seriously I mean it… are we held in such low…. where are you going?! Don’t you walk away, don’t even fuckin’ think about it*

* lol. just kidding… really, it’s all good


RePrint Monday -the Wakefield Doctrine-

Welcome to the Wakefield Doctrine (the theory of clarks, scotts and rogers)

The best thing about the Wakefield Doctrine: the (additional) perspective it affords those of us with the time, inclination and predominant worldview to provide us with additional help with the day-to-day challenge of life, the world around us and the people who make it up.

Ridiculously simple, too. yo

Imagine, if you will, there are three characteristic relationships a person is capable of when dealing with ‘the everything outside of one’s head’:

  1. the Outsider(clarks) your place in the world, at least to the extent you are capable of assessing it, is lacking a certain… something. You know it’s not your ability to understand (intelligence), it doesn’t seem to be for lack of a level of physicality, relative to those around you… there’s just a gap. Everyone else appears to share a certain understanding of the world around them and the people who make it up, that you do not. You need to discover this and, for reasons uncertain, you need to do it without alerting the people, i.e. family and friends, co-workers and lovers, bosses and the clerk at the local Seven Eleven, you live among.
  2. the Predator (scotts) the world is like walking into a movie theatre two minutes after the start, say ‘Casino’ or… ‘Star Wars’. You are not disappointed at missing the title, you’re too busy enjoying the gunfire and explosions. Then you notice the other theatre goers… they’re laughing and/or jeering and while you’re tempted to pay attention to the screen and what on it is causing their actions and reactions, you’re totally engaged by the way the other members of the audience are acting. It’s fun, it’s exciting and, before you know it, you’re climbing over the seat-backs to sit next to the attractive couple throwing popcorn, at least you start to, when a movie fan goes running up the aisle, all kinds of upset and, after getting the attention of the first couple, (at least enough to wave and know they’ll recognize you later), you go racing up the aisle…
  3. the Herd Member(rogers) ‘What?’ you think with a shout, ‘is all the fuss about’? The instructions, the manual, the proper way of getting through life/ third-period Algebra/ a date where you’ve been set up with a really unattractive person is going badly, are right there. Why doesn’t everyone spend the time to read it? You’re increasingly aware of how most people never bothered to do their homework, but the Teacher seems determined to overlook that, which is not so bad a thing, except they, (the Teacher not the other kids in class), doesn’t seem to call on you every single time they ask everyone a question. It’s all their fault. You know that they, (the kids not the Teacher), appreciate the effort you’ve put into studying and will eventually acknowledge you.

With the perspective of the Wakefield Doctrine, when you go into the world today, you will be able to detect, in others: fear, desire and …fear. In yourself? That takes much more study and effort. But, what good is a personality theory, if it doesn’t let you say, “Oh honey! Come here and take a look at this personality theory. It’s so got you down to a ‘T’.


Serially, the true goal of the application of the Wakefield Doctrine is to see the world as the other person is experiencing it. And, as we do that, to better appreciate how we relate ourselves to the world around us.


Hats and Understanding: the 3 personality types of the Wakefield Doctrine

For whatever reasons we are getting a lot of new Readers and Visitors in the last couple of weeks, so lets review the basic principles of the Wakefield Doctrine.

The Wakefield Doctrine, also known as the theory of clarks, scotts and rogers is a useful, unique and fun way to look at the behavior of the people in our lives. Everyone reading this has had at least one moment that they thought, “now why on earth would they go and act like that? I really thought I knew them better.”
Whether a spouse or a friend, a co-worker or a fellow student, there will always be someone in our lives whose behavior makes us wish we could ‘see inside their head’.   And as everyone reading this knows, there is a near endless supply of books and blogs and DVDs that promises to provide you with  ‘guides to understanding your spouse’, “do you really understand your lover?’ and ‘theories of personality and self-improvement’.

The Wakefield Doctrine is not quite any of those things. In fact, the Wakefield Doctrine is not like anything you have encountered before in your search for understanding others. And make no mistake about it, you have been searching for a way to better understand the people in your life, whether you are consciously aware of it or not.  This is true because everyone wants to be happy and even if you think that simply knowing:

  • what to say to that girl you are too shy to talk to, or
  • learning how to make your husband stop talking for 5 minutes or
  • trying to prepare yourself for a successful Job Interview

what you think/hope/know you need to learn is: how to understand another person.

Well, good news! The Wakefield Doctrine is a tool, a method, an approach…a theory that will let you ‘get inside the head of the other person’.  And the best part? It can be understood by almost everyone and can be effectively used (by almost everyone) real damn quick. All that it takes is a little flexible intelligence. What we mean by this is that while you do have to be pretty bright, the critical quality you need is to be willing to believe something   ‘just because’.

The Wakefield Doctrine says that we all see the world in a certain context;  not just that you have likes and dislikes, or interests and attitudes, but that the world for you has (some) very basic rules.  Further, (the Wakefield Doctrine says) we all are born with the potential to see the world in one of three characteristic ways ( the context, we just mentioned). At an early age we (somehow) decide on one of three worldviews and we become clarks or scotts or rogers. These are the 3 personality types mentioned in the title.
But they are not really personality types though, are they?  (All the other personality theories) talk about interests and drives and attitudes, they give you tests to see what you are most like, what pattern you resemble, where you fit in their matrix.
The Doctrine is different. We say, ‘Hey! you are a clark or a scott or a roger. We know what the world looks like from inside your head. How about that!’

Sound like fun? Well, it is.  And it is useful.  You will know why the other person acts the way that they do and, as frickin huge bonus, you will know why it is you act the way that you do! If you want, you can learn to do things that were never even close to being possible, all because of the understanding that the Wakefield Doctrineoffers.

OK, ok enough! This was supposed to be a brief  Summer Post! But just to make your introduction to the Wakefield Doctrine fun and enjoyable, look over at the Table of Contents, there are Pages listed that talk about each of the three personality types, how to identify them, that sort of thing. And these Posts, they are sort of  ‘a conversation’ about the Doctrine; read them in order or at random, should not really matter.

Final Tip: you have all three ‘personality types’ within you. You are predominately one, but the other two are always there. So if you read this blog, at some point you will say to yourself, ‘What the hell? Sometimes I am a roger, but then there are times when I must be what they call a scott!

Final, final Tip: this theory of clarks, scotts and rogers is gender and culture neutral. (If you need that explained to you then you probably need to wait (for one of us) to write ‘the Wakefield Doctrine For Dummies’.


sure, some musica to get a body moving quickly enough to make the transition at the down-end of the ramp, with a modicum of grace and elán

Free Doctrine Lesson!! See Mr. DiMeola? Just there at the bottom of this post, on the cover of his break-out album? On the basis of the photo, which of the three do you think Al is? (Hint: rhymes with codger)

lol (that wasn’t fair) (lol)

But the fact of the matter is that there is the potential for you, if you study and practice diligently enough, to be able to correctly assess the personality type of a person on the basis of a photo. (Hint 2: scotts is easiest, followed by clarks (lol (Doctrine joke)) then rogers.)

Bonus Hint to Hint 2: scotts: eyes, clarks posture and rogers lips

thing of it is, the Doctrine is not ‘the Answer’. It is a good Question. And…and! it is a language.

And, as with acquiring any new language, the secret is: practice. As we all know, if you practice any language sufficiently, you become conversant. Practice even more and you become fluent. The goal is to become fluent in the Doctrine so you don’t miss the action going on around you, what with having to check the little paperback book you bought at the gift shoppe, just past Customs.



TToT -the Wakefield Doctrine-

Welcome to the Wakefield Doctrine (the theory of clarks, scotts and rogers)


This is our contribution to the Ten Things of Thankful (TToT) bloghop; the people, places, things and occurrences that have sparked/elicited/inspired and otherwise cause us to experience an insight into the state of being grateful.

So, sit back and look at the pitchas (or, if’n you’re short for time, click pretty much any video, (except Joe’s) and tap your foot right through to Number 10). We’ll cover you with the Founderess, Lizzi. She’s more than likely engaged in a worthy cause, over the other side of the pond, but we got your back.

1) Una

2) Phyllis

3) the Wakefield Doctrine

4) serial stories the Whitechapel Interlude and the Case of the Missing Fig Leaf

5) the Six Sentence Story bloghop

6) So who yelled out ”Music videos from the 1980s!”? ok, gotta give it to that person and the whole post-Summer-of-Love cultural response/manifestation of: “Objectify? Hey, it’s a Vid-eo…as in Vis-ual! These are real dancers, dancing just like you and your friends do, downstairs in the family room when your parents have gone to an out-of-state wedding! You can’t complain!” (See music vids below)

7) [Secret Project: first release information coming soon… ]

8) something, something

9) Hey! Remember that house I was ‘working on’? (Full Disclosure: I’m the listing agent and didn’t actually do the work, just made the recommendations of how to improve the property and then (tried) to keep it on schedule. But first check the ‘Before’ vid). Well, below is the After!)

10) Secret Rule 1.3 because every rule is a Secret Rule to someone… (There’s a Grat Item for you. No, seriously, we meant ‘for you’ as in you’re more than likely feeling grateful that I don’t go on a full rant on rules and social doctrine of ‘the Other’. Surely the first rule of society as soon as there was more than two people. But, we’ve said too much already!) lol






* (sorry to divert from the ‘And this, the 1980s’ thing with iconic videos. I’m a total sucker for the mashup)


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Six Sentence Story -the Wakefield Doctrine-

Welcome to the Wakefield Doctrine (the theory of clarks, scotts and rogers)

This is the Doctrine’s Six Sentence Story for this week.

Denise is the host.

Prompt word:


“Ethan’s eyes are just fine, about as close to normal as we might expect for a seven-year-old boy, both in the structure and function of what arguably is the most critical of the senses,” Dr. Magliano smiled at the boy’s mother, holding the manila patient folder, as close to a Bible as wielded by any priest or minister in the throes of helping a young couple join into a life together or a pair of life-worn spouses needing assistance to cast loose the lines that bound one to the other.

The woman smiled down at the boy, the words neither negative nor alarming in content or tone; then, as if suddenly aware of her unguarded happiness, looked back at the ophthalmologist, raised an eyebrow but lowered her gaze, supplication prior to final benediction.

“He does, however, show signs of a slight astigmatism, just the beginning of a deviance in the receptors that filter out the abnormal parts of the spectrum.”

Ethan, being careful to stand at a point between the doctor and his mother, hedged his position by staring at the floor of the waiting room, confident in his ability to gauge the increasingly critical negotiations between the woman, (who with a casual movement touched the boy’s shoulder in a way reminiscent, if one were of such an inclination, of a drawbridge being raised), and the man who wore a spotless white coat in complete disregard of the fact of it being October.

“Nothing to worry about,” the smile on the eye doctor’s face was professional and, in the woman’s estimation, not entirely insincere, “With a pair of corrective lens, we can nip this in the bud and spare him the disability that comes with vision that is not limited to the statistical norm.”

Crossing the parking lot, Ethan scuffed leaves that had, with the non-lethal October breeze, begun to drift up against the curbstones and walkways, when he heard and saw two things: a shower of parchment-dry color, like butterscotch confetti mixed with fire engine red polygons raining down on his head and the happy laughter of his mother, “Yeah, like we’re gonna let them correct our view of the world;” he laughed in relief and she in defiance.




