Month: October 2021 | the Wakefield Doctrine - Part 2 Month: October 2021 | the Wakefield Doctrine - Part 2

Re-Print Monday -the Wakefield Doctrine-

Welcome to the Wakefield Doctrine (the theory of clarks, scotts and rogers)

Being Monday, we thought, ‘Lets pick a post at random* see what that gets us.

What that gets us is a pretty comprehensive explanation of the Doctrine, in general, and, while I didn’t take the time to actually read the post before copy-swiping it, rogers, in particular. What say I paste it and see what it is the god of random would have us read?

(New Reader alert. The primary value and biggest challenge for those of us who would use this here Doctrine here? To understand and appreciate how we relate ourselves to the world around us and to translate between our predominant worldview, (‘personality type’), and the ‘other two’, respectively. It’s the goal of the Wakefield Doctrine, as an additional perspective, to provide a tool for our understanding how the the people we encounter today are experiencing the world of our day.)

From July 29, 2014:

Welcome to the Wakefield Doctrine (the theory of clarks, scotts and rogers)


Seeing as, this Summer, we have not a few Readers who are quite conversant, (some even approaching fluent), in the Wakefield Doctrine, I thought I would try a series of posts that focused on real life situations.

New Readers? the Wakefield Doctrine is simply a perspective on life that offers (an) insight that is unique, useful and fun. The Wakefield Doctrine is not an ‘Answer’,  rather it is a ‘what if’ question applied to …well, applied to everything!  Learn to use this Wakefield Doctrine and you should never again hear yourself say, “My god! I don’t believe they just said that! I really thought I knew them better!” All that is required is a confident sense of curiosity and a healthy imagination. Everything else will follow, provided you are able to accept that:

  • there are three worldviews (personal realities) that everyone lives their lives in, regardless of age, gender, culture or patience
  • these three are: the world of the Outsider(clarks), the reality of the Predator(scotts) and the life of the Herd Member(rogers)
  • we are all born with the potential to live in one of these three, which we do by age 5 or so, however, we never lose the capacity to see the world as do ‘the other two’
  • through reading the Posts and the Pages (of this blog), you learn the characteristics associated with each of the three personality types sufficiently to recognize them in the people around you
  • by observing the behavior of the people in your life you will be able to infer how they ‘relate themselves to the world around them’

that’s all you need to get started. (Tip: when trying to decide which of the three personality types a person is, immediately throw out the ‘yeah, no frickin way‘ worldview, that will leave you with only two to compare and contrast.) Read the Posts and, especially, the Comments, as these are from people like yourself who stumbled across this blog and didn’t have the good sense to keep moving on. (Encouragement: If you are still reading this, your chances of ‘getting’ the Wakefield Doctrine have risen from 0 to 47%.  and…and! if you read three more Posts and come back here and still find the Doctrine intriguing, then we want to hear from you, so write us a Comment. Your initial impressions are important to us, they would be appreciated.)

Case Study #1


(with) rogers, we can often see what, for the partial purpose of being confusing, is a certain… quality that we call their Expression.*  (This) Expression is the objective edifice of a roger’s personality, it is their ‘purpose’ to/within the Herd. Often it manifests as (an) occupation or profession, (scientist, accountant, prosecuting attorney or judge).  It can also be an avocation or hobby (i.e. cabinet making, stamp collecting, genealogy or ship-in-bottle builder). It, (this Expression), can even be something as fundamental as: keeping house, maintaining a family life or staying in touch with relatives (near or far). a roger, as a Rule (ha, ha), does not consciously set out to find and develop an Expression. (This is not to say that there is not a predisposition to a certain type of activity that becomes their Expression, it’s just that they are not thinking, “Now… what do I want for my Expression”). Having said that, there are certain values, qualities, characteristics necessary in this Expression.  For example,  a roger’s Expression must be perceived both as a value to others (in the Herd) and a manifestation of the virtue of disciplined effort (on the part of an individual). One way of confirming (a roger’s) Expression is the ‘everyone knows’ test.  ‘Walter is such a talented woodworker, everyone knows how good he is’ or ‘Martha is so focused on family, anyone who meets her senses that right away’

In Case Study#1 we have a roger with an Expression of musical talent, technical musical skills, music. This means, very simply, that had you the capability of visiting this roger at any time throughout his life, you would have seen a guitar somewhere in the scene. The circumstances (and the guitar) might be different at various times, but it would always be there.
I need to introduce another concept at this point:  context.
‘Context’ is (a) reason, (it is) the need, the opportunity that roger would have in his life, (at any given point in time), to manifest his Expression. This/these contexts  might consist of being a member of a band, or having a recital as part of a class in a community college, it might simply be helping a friend, (filling in for an absent musician). The key to these contexts is that there is a need, for roger to play. And, this need, is from those around him, not simply a subjective demand to play, (which, in turn,  is a different aspect of the Expression) . ( If you are now thinking, ‘ …you’re talking about the Herd, right? the people around him who are identified as Herd Members?’   very astute! good!)

…what happens when there cease to be contexts?

(to be cont’d)

(hey, I wrote most of the above yesterday. When I got up this morning, I thought… ‘jeeze! clark you better spice that Post up! Everbody be snoozing by paragraph 2!! ‘cept for zoe and that’s only cause she a professional…. any good teacher  or presenter…. or speaker-in-front-of-more-than-one-person-er  knows that!!

so here are three jokes, please insert them in the place of your choice in today’s post

    • Julius Caesar walks into a bar. “I’ll have a martinus,” he says. The Bartender gives him a puzzled look and asks, “Don’t you mean a ‘martini’?”
”  Look,” Caesar retorts, “If I wanted a double, I’d have asked for it!”
    • So Jesus walks into a bar and says, “I’ll just have a glass of water.”
    • A blonde(clark), a brunette(roger) and a redhead(scott) were stuck on an island for many, many years until one day they found a magic lamp.
      They rubbed it hard and out popped a genie. He said that he could only give three wishes so since there were three girls, each would get one wish. The redheaded scottian female went first. “I hate it here. It is too hot and boring. I want to go home!” “Okay,” replied the genie. And off she went. Then the brunette rogerian woman went. “I miss my family, my friends and relatives. I want to go home, too!!” And off she went. The blonde clark started crying and said, “I wish my friends were back here!”

* to be confused with a ‘rogerian expression’, which is a form of rhetorical aggressiveness (usually spoken, but possible as the written word) that is characteristic of this worldview.


* the ‘random’ comes from scrolling through all posts without looking and clicking, ‘Stop, enough already’.


TToT -the Wakefield Doctrine-

Welcome to the Wakefield Doctrine (the theory of clarks, scotts and rogers)

This is the Ten Things of Thankful (TToT) bloghop. Each week we join other writers and bloggers of like-mind and describe our lives/worlds/reality/and-people-places-and-things that have elicited a reaction/response of gratitude. (Since the previous week’s TToT*)

1) Phyllis

2) Una

3) The ‘new yard’ that is the product of all the tree work we had done. It’s hard to convey how much Una likes it. She plain enjoys sitting in the yard, relishing the responsibility for her newly manifested domain.

4) the Six Sentence Story a place to read (and practice the brief art of flash fiction).

5) the Wakefield Doctrine. Because, in the personal reality of a clark, (or a scott (or) a roger with a sufficiently pronounced, (aka annoying), secondary clarklike aspect), it helps to have a framework. Or, a better way to put it: picture an old calligraphic map, torn-linen edges, almost too-age blurry and significant-looking, with little, tiny, map legends and keys reading, ‘Relatively Safe Here‘, ‘Don’t Dawdle‘ and ‘Remember not to answer anyone who asks, what right to you have to pass through here‘.

6) serial story writing… it’s kinda like daydreaming in public. Go read, (and then subscribe for upcoming chapters), our two semi-interconnected serials, ‘the Case of the Missing Fig Leaf‘ and ‘the Whitechapel Interlude‘ My weak, bordering-on-appendix-level-relevance, tertiary rogerian aspect** wants me to type: And then tell us what you like about these stories

But, I’m not going to.

7) ‘Oh, deep in our heart we do believe, We shall undermine someday.‘ (Apologies to fans of traditional gospel… we’ll add a music vid, by way of amends)

8) something, something

9) check back for update on the project

10) Secret Rule 1.3 Simply put: if you get anywhere in the vicinity of Grat Item(s) 7 and 8, the feeling that engenders totally qualifies for this, Number 10!


* and, fortunately for some of us, more rorschachian-inclined, post-writers, the shackles of Chronos are laying in the dusty road behind us, along with: a college degree with immediate economic utility, the offer of an apprenticeship in a practical trade and the un-requited love of countless real and imaginary figures in a to-remain-unpublished autobiography.

** anyone not here for the very first time: you have the tools, use ’em.

music video (Doesn’t happen that often, two songs with same title)






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Six Sentence Story -the Wakefield Doctrine-

Welcome to the Wakefield Doctrine (the theory of clarks, scotts and rogers)

This is the Six Sentence Story bloghop.

Hosted by Denise

This week’s installment is mostly an exercise in writing a scene which challenges us to portray the emotional state of the protagonist. The plot remains the same, i.e. the search for the reason for Elias Thunberg’s murder, but having stumbled across the music vid below, we thought, why not practice mood, rather than propel the plot.


Previously in ‘the Case of the Missing Fig Leaf’…

The day had been an endless parade of people asking Ian to find something they deserved to have, resented being deprived of, but intractably reticent to offer the reason why it was important to them. Two packs of cigarettes and a neglected lunch later, the Owner and sole proprietor of Desiderata Investigations and Conflict Resolution Services, LLC fought the urge to dial the number that would put him on an off-shore fishing boat before the sun rose again. Before he could, the door to the outer office opened and Hazel, his part-time admin, stood in the rectangle of light and said, “Hey, whenever it feels like everyone is ganging up on me, I remind myself that I can always get another set of everyone. Ya know?” She laughed the way fun used to sound, when we were too young to appreciate it; her long, dark hair, defying gravity throughout business hours, cascaded earthwards in chestnut waves of relaxed joy. “Take it easy on yourself, boss,” and raised an eyebrow.

Prompt word:


“You go ahead, I just remembered something I forgot,” Hazel’s skeptical look bolstered my confidence in my ability to spot talent, at least when hiring a part-time receptionist/administrative assistant; that wasn’t completely without value, right?

The ceiling-to-floor windows behind my desk were going all votive on the room, as the sunset, bleeding to death against the concrete and steel towers standing between my office and the western horizon, promised to spend the night plotting revenge.

As I sat, a childhood memory tricked me into smiling about the first time I went to a mid-afternoon matinee; the theatre, now the site of a combination Jiffy Lube and BlueCross Minute Clinic, ran double features on Saturdays; although we walked into the lobby that reeked of buttered-popcorn and velvet upholstery in bright October light, when we left it was three-quarters to nighttime; finally, in my senior year in high school, I encountered the word: frisson.

Despite my better judgement, I turned my computer back on and wandered aimlessly through the folders hidden behind innocuous labels like, Archived and Laid-to-Rest; I was about to escape back to the world of mortgage payments and women who wanted more than I had to give, when I demonstrated the classic, willful indulgence that energized the climax of more horror movies and romantic tragedies than I could count; I moved backwards in time, one date-stamped folder at a time.

What hobbled my escape, like an arrow through the Achilles tendon, was a folder labeled dog-dot-jpg, a collection of videos from the year Haley and I moved into our first house; the lead video was of she and I, sitting on the new backyard lawn, new sod still showing the lines between the rows, watching our new puppy, Cleo, demonstrate the proper way to enjoy life, which, after eighteen years and several degrees worth of higher education, I was now in a position to know had something to do with living in the moment.

I could almost feel the optimism, as waves of the fortunately rare emotional alloy of love and regret made me push back in my chair, as lost as the final passenger on a sinking ocean liner confronted with the choice between staying on board or joining frightened people in an open lifeboat; the end was not in doubt, rather just a question of whether I preferred the illusion of company or the honesty of a solo trip.




Tuesday -the Wakefield Doctrine-

Welcome to the Wakefield Doctrine (the theory of clarks, scotts and rogers)


If the three predominant worldviews have a favorite day of the week, (as opposed to having a day of the week that is most congruent with their respective realities), today is enjoyed most by clarks.

New Readers: The three predominant worldviews of the Wakefield Doctrine (what other, less-fortunate wanderers may think of as ‘personality types’) are:

  1. clark(Outsider) Chances are you think you understand this personality type, are certain which among the people who make up your world are one, but wouldn’t exactly throw everything down on the ground to go spend time with*
  2. scott(Predator) Wagers are fun, odds are the spice on the rewards. But, enough of the tangled words that stick a body’s feet to the ground and cloud the vision. The world today is filled with rewards and excitement, risks and life-affirming setbacks.
  3. roger(Herd Member) Chance and risk are meant to be calculated. This is not to make anything more certain than it already is, but to reaffirm the nature of the world (and the people who support it). Our days are like the lettering done by medieval monks, illustrated in precious metal inks, the thoughts of the reader are with the writer, not the author.

All right! Enough of the clarklike introspection. Now, what the heck was that asteroid, up at the top, there for? lol Can’t remember!

Anyway. Today a quick response to a thoughtful comment from Friend of the Doctrine, Mimi:

If everyone were in the herd, where would the new thinking come from? We all have a place.

Tru dat. And what an irresistible prompt for an insight into the Everything Rule! Will keep this short. Questions, comments, elaboration? Have at it in the comments.

The Everything Rule reminds us that all three worldviews are capable of being creative. (OK, let’s put it this way: All three have the capacity for creativity). However, how that creativity manifests is not only different for each, (of the three), it is shaped by the reality (of that worldview).

  • clarks are Outsiders. If, for the purposes of this post, we define true creativity as bringing into existence something that is new and unprecedented, where would a body have to go to get it?
  • scotts are Predators. It is arguable that creativity is the observation and appreciation of ‘the unique’. Therefore such a thing must be pretty good at hiding among the mostly, not-unique, world. It would help to have a person inclined not only to hunt, but to run down and capture.
  • rogers are Herd Member. Often the word creativity is attached to a novel assembly of everyday parts, ideas, words and such. Surely the predominant worldview most adept and at home with the everyday and common would be the first to stumble upon: next year’s, NEW! IMPROVED! 2.001 iteration of the already wildly popular model.

lol (that oughta separate the clarks and strong-secondary aspect clarks from the random visitors)




Monday -the Wakefield Doctrine-

Welcome to the Wakefield Doctrine (the theory of clarks, scotts and rogers)

Quick, little reprint this ante meridiem*. From back in 2012.

I’ll probably come up with something contemporary to add to this post in a bit, but first, lets cut ‘n paste this bad boy.

* damn! talk about yer learn something new everyday! (the spelling of the word). But that’s not important right now. We were discussing, on this weekend’s call-in, the endless curiosity of a clark. And, at this moment, in the context of this chance observation, (i.e. our checking the definition of ante meridiem)… we realize we did not have the correct spelling. Thanks to them fine folks at Wikipedia, we not only have the spelling correct but have an enhanced understanding of the term: ‘a.m.’ .

… so, do I belong now? Am I a part of?   (lol goes out to Denise and Cynthia. ask them what the ‘ol’ is all about.)

Welcome to the Wakefield Doctrine ( the theory of clarks, scotts and rogers )

Sing a song of sixpence,
A pocket full of rye.
Four and twenty blackbirds,
Baked in a pie.*

* Many interpretations have been placed on this rhyme. It is known that a 16th century amusement was to place live birds in a pie. An Italian cookbook from 1549 (translated into English in 1598) contained such a recipe: “to make pies so that birds may be alive in them and flie out when it is cut up” and this was referred to in a cook book of 1725 by John Nott.[1][2] The wedding of Marie de’ Medici and Henry IV of France in 1600 contains some interesting parallels. “The first surprise, though, came shortly before the starter—when the guests sat down, unfolded their napkins and saw songbirds fly out. The highlight of the meal were sherbets of milk and honey, which were created by Buontalenti.
( source: )

Well, didn’t they know how to have fun back in the 1600’s ? ( ” Hey, Ephesus!!  dude, yo  when her Majesty the Queen Mother sees the birds fly up from the table, she will surely impart a smile upon thee…dawg” )

Be that as it may, today we talk about the thing that rogers have for the Past.  Lets dispense with all the work of constructing a well-crafted narrative and get all Bullet Pointy on this bad boy! So, ‘The Past’ and the rogers? Welll…we’ll have you know that:

  • rogers live for the Past (as scotts live in the Present and clarks live for the Future)
  •  most ‘Historians’ are clarks and yet rogers are the people who you think of when you are interested in knowing something old, or out of date or archaic, what the hell!
  • the more involved the family tree, the more you need a roger, and not just because they love Yellow #2 Pencils**
  • in order to maintain a coherent history, you must have an internal consistency… rogers  love repeating patterns
  • the past is ‘a place’ that rogers know they can be alone and by themselves, at least for a little while
  • hey, it’s really rather simple! …the farther back in time a tradition or a practice or a dogma extends, the bigger the herd that has come to be associated with it and, like scotts…for rogers ‘more is more’! …following is the epitome of this ideal:
  • …Ken Burns…
This quality of the rogerian personality type is one of the most positive and essential, not only to the rogerian people, but to mankind as a whole. It has often been said that rogers are responsible for society and a (certain) continuity of civilization, without which we would all still be living on the savannah…darting down to the stream in the evenings nervously keeping one non-stereoscopic eye on the treeline, alert for the sudden movement of a scott!  As a matter of fact. I was talking to a rogerian friend, Valerie about the Doctrine and the positive contributions of her people to life and I put it this way, “Yes scotts are active and loquacious and really get things done, but would you want to fly across the country on a plane designed and built by a scott?”
I believe at that moment, Valerie understood and become proud of her people***
Tomorrow is Friday so get your ears out, it is Video Friday!!
** …and nice, clean, full-sized #2 Pencils! certainly not what you would find in your hands if you made the mistake of asking a scott for a pencil!! (think teeth-marks, stubby and prone to smudge)
*** which emotion, of course, was immediately transformed into a sense of  fervent righteousness and a total conviction of the deficiency of  all non-herd members



