Monday -the Wakefield Doctrine- | the Wakefield Doctrine Monday -the Wakefield Doctrine- | the Wakefield Doctrine

Monday -the Wakefield Doctrine-

Welcome to the Wakefield Doctrine (the theory of clarks, scotts and rogers)

It might be smart, (and certainly narrativistic*), to open this post with: ‘the original goal of this blog was to expose as many people as possible to the fun and (the) benefits of the Wakefield Doctrine’. That would be accurate at a certain level, but would be leaving out an awful lot about the experience of writing these posts**.

The reason for starting this blog is lost in the silent, disorienting applause of hitting ‘Publish’ on the first post.

(Certain friends might mark the start of the magic that has brought us to this, the 2378th(ish) Wakefield Doctrine post as ‘the conscious decision to begin typing’.)

Be that as it may, while the Wakefield Doctrine has not, as of yet, become a household name, there are new Readers who encounter us and, perhaps not writing in and asking ‘Hey! I saw some photos on this page. Where does a Reader have to go to get a hat for our own damn heads?’ Stick around for a while. As the old blogger once said, ‘As long as there are new Readers, a blog will never disappear’.

Enough with the metaphysics!

The thing of it is, the principles of the Wakefield Doctrine will provide a person with one more perspective on the world around them and the people who make it up. If you nod and think, ‘ok, can’t be any harm in that and maybe this one will be the one’, we’ll say, ‘Welcome clark‘.


A little insider info for the New Reader: doesn’t matter what you or anyone else thinks, if you can see the clarks, scotts and rogers in your world today we can promise two things: a) you’re a clark or you’re a scott or roger with a significant secondary clarklike aspect*** and 2) there’s a real good chance you won’t be able to not see the clarks, scotts and rogers in your world now. But stick around and we promise you won’t stay angry.

Quick bullet point of the three ‘personality types’ of the Wakefield Doctrine:

  1. clarks(the Outsider) if you wake up thinking about the world ‘out there’ awaiting you, you’re probably a clark. You don’t mind being different from everyone you know, as long as it doesn’t become a topic of someone else’s conversation. You know you’re weird, but have friends that don’t seem to mind. And, besides, today might be the day you find that missing piece of knowledge that will tell you how to be a real person.
  2. scotts(the Predator) you don’t wake up the way other people you know… they seem to take their time and wait to see what happens to them next. You don’t think you’re different from ‘most everyone you know, in fact, it kinda makes the day more exciting, if you think about it. Which you don’t. Life is short, but doesn’t seem to be letting up, so you going to live the hell out the today.
  3. rogers(the Herd Member) you get up at the best time, the world around you like a warm quilt, (with the occasional jerk pulling the covers off your legs or pushing the pillow too high). You know the Right Way and, while you worry sometimes, (quite privately), that you might not be up to the task of setting an example to your friends and co-people, you laugh at the notion that you will fail to show others, by example or reference, how to properly live.

ok, time to get back to our respective predominant worldviews. (Thats the term we use to designate the ‘personality type’. We use it because the Wakefield Doctrine is predicated with how a person relates themelves to the world around them (worldviews) and not because of some set of geno-inspired likes, dislikes and tropae**.)


* not a ‘real’ word

** interestingly, when first encountering the concept of blogging, and the blogosphere itself, my response was, “Yeah, so everyone will read about what I had for breakfast or my thoughts on the weather.

I had another song in mind, but the one today showed up instead. The thing he does with (the character, if nothing else) of individual notes is simply amazing. yeah, a clark.


clarkscottroger About clarkscottroger
Well, what exactly do you want to know? Whether I am a clark or a scott or roger? If you have to ask, then you need to keep reading the Posts for two reasons: a)to get a clear enough understanding to be able to make the determination of which type I am and 2) to realize that by definition I am all three.* *which is true for you as well, all three...but mostly one


  1. Hole -eee shit. Damn that was incredible. Thank you, Clark.
    How was it, in all these years, I’ve never listened to his rendition of one of my favorites. Johnny’s got competition now, lol.
    Who needs spoken language when you’ve got 6 strings.
    (look at guy on piano at 2 minutes 15 seconds in. says it all, eh?)

  2. phyllis0711 says:

    Very enjoyable post for a Monday – like a perfect blanket. Thank you.

  3. Excellent, a great way to start the week.