Wednesday -the Wakefield Doctrine- | the Wakefield Doctrine Wednesday -the Wakefield Doctrine- | the Wakefield Doctrine

Wednesday -the Wakefield Doctrine-

Welcome to the Wakefield Doctrine (the theory of clarks, scotts and rogers)

Hey, today presents an interesting opportunity for a Wakefield Doctrine workshop/experiment.

(New Readers: the Wakefield Doctrine is a perspective on reality, the world and the people who make it up*. It posits that we, all of us, have the potential, at birth, to grow up and develop in what amounts to three distinct realities. These realities, referred to as ‘predominant worldviews’ are:

  1. the reality of the Outsider(clarks) this individual, once they come to the realization they are separate and apart from most people around them, learn to interact with the minimum of accidental or inadvertent exposure; scrutiny is to be avoided at all costs; genuinely creative, erratically accomplished, this personality is endlessly curious, oddly fun and engaged in a life-long search for the information that would allow them to join the ranks of the ‘real’ people of the world.
  2. the world of the Predator(scotts) a true child of Nature, this predominant worldview is all about living and surviving in a world full of potential pleasure, rife with danger and un-detected threat, and never stopping, lest they are over-come by the forward momentum of life; impulsive, mercurial and open in both interactions with others and their desire to live the fullest of lives, they are at home only in the objective, next-minute-next, here and now
  3. the life of the Herd Member(rogers) everyone who isn’t a clark or a scott; while a clark(Outsider) lives in the shadows of the social fringe, bringing novelty and newness into the world and the scott keeps everyone paying attention to the fact that life is limited, (and way too short). Our Herd Member builds a stable, if not rigid, world that allows continuity to exist for all three; life, to the Herd Member, from the moment they encounter anyone else, is one of belonging and relationship, the coin of their realm is nothing less than emotion and confidence in the fact that everything is quantifiable and there is a Right Way to live.

Still with us? Great! We’re all born with the potential to live life in one, (and only), one of these realities, but, and this is key, we never lose the potential to experience the world as do ‘the other two’. In fact, some of us have what we refer to as a ‘significant secondary aspect’. This is where qualities not common to one’s predominant worldview, (aka personality type), is in evidence. Most often in times of duress, a person, say a scott might suddenly, in an emergency, become thoughtful and creative (instead of impulsive and ….impulsive) and become, for the situation, more able to deal with the circumstance.

Which brings us to the topic of today’s post: using the principles of the Wakefield Doctrine to self-improve oneself.

Wait! One more insight.

The Wakefield Doctrine also has what’s called. ‘the Everything Rule’, which, simply stated is, Everyone does everything, at one time or another. What it means is: while one predominant worldview might make an individual more likely to suceed at a given task/job/occupation/avocation/life-style, none of these, (tasks/jobs/occupations/avocations/life-styles) are the exclusive domain of any of the three. Sure, a scott has the desire to hunt and stalk and therefore might be well-suited to being, say, a surgeon or a singer. A roger, living in the quantifiable universe of the Herd Member may, having no difficulty learning the hard sciences, make an excellent engineer, might also be an outstanding musician or chef. clarks, well, first you gotta spot ’em.

The take-away here is: we all have within, all and every quality that self-improvers and life-coaches dream of. It’s just a matter of applying the principles.

To that end, this evening we** will be trying doing this week’s 20 Minute Briefing Real Estate Briefing as a solo act. Not so much to prove it can be done, rather the goal is to see how deliberately one might access their secondary and tertiary aspects in real time. (In case anyone was wondering about the predominant worldview of the test subject…lol).

The thing of it is, this blog represents a real-world/real-time example of the manifestation of a secondary aspect. The ‘voice’ our posts have developed over the years is neither that of the person who started writing in 2009 nor is it, for that matter, the person typing today. But seeing how much we enjoy some posts (‘specially back in the 20012 to 2014 years), the goal of this experiment is to see if’n I can talk the way I (sometimes) write.

This evening at 5:30 on the Facebook or youtune

Be there or be accused of reminding others in your social circle that you make them think of a figure defined by four lines at 90 degrees to each other!

So lets see how this link works!

* still one of my favorite jokey sayings…. like, as if, the world isn’t made up by the people who populate it lol

** still favor the editorial ‘we’ and, if you’re an advanced student of the Doctrine, you will surely divine the writer’s worldview on the basis of preferred pronouns.

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clarkscottroger About clarkscottroger
Well, what exactly do you want to know? Whether I am a clark or a scott or roger? If you have to ask, then you need to keep reading the Posts for two reasons: a)to get a clear enough understanding to be able to make the determination of which type I am and 2) to realize that by definition I am all three.* *which is true for you as well, all three...but mostly one


  1. We find this quite enlightening.

    • clarkscottroger clarkscottroger says:

      thank you, it is good to know that, even after all these posts (and years) the Wakefield Doctrine retains it’s ability to offer (a) value to others