Month: November 2020 | the Wakefield Doctrine - Part 3 Month: November 2020 | the Wakefield Doctrine - Part 3

Wednesday -the Wakefield Doctrine-

Welcome to the Wakefield Doctrine (the theory of clarks, scotts and rogers)

As promised:

…the Wakefield Doctrine is gender neutral because the Doctrine is a perspective on the character of the personal reality of the individual. As in, the human being.

Any questions?

Fine, then we can proceed to the other (slightly related) topic: the reality of personal realities.

Seeing as how the Wakefield Doctrine is first and foremost an additional perspective on the world and the people who make it up, lets look at the notion of personal reality. We have, of recent, cited our favorite scene for illustrating personal reality, three friends standing across the street from a restaurant. At the height of the lunch hour. All three are hungry. And all three observe the line out the door of the eatery*. The calculations underlying their individual decision regrading their lunchtime destination varies. This variation is the manifestation of (the individual’s) personal reality.

But, for the purposes of applying the principles of our little personality theory, their (personal)reality is as real as an anvil in a bassinet. For the person. And, we do know that you know we are limiting the scope of the personal reality to the realm of the consciousness of the person experiencing it. For the most part.**

The thing of it is, for reasons not understood, the style of social interactions, (with their supporting and attendant likes, dislikes, pet peeves, secret talents and shameful memories), when listed for each of the three personality types show an inexplicable consistency. rogers like order, the pegboard in their workshops have the outline of the tools, for ease of returning to the correct spot; they enjoy bicycling with other rogers competing only for the maximum density of corporate logos, labels, hydrating bottles and, for the true aficionado one of those little mirrors on their heads, in the workplace in charge of HR and/or corporate culture, when introducing a new employee will always do two things, say “Watch out for that one…” (to either the scott or, if they have one, a favored clark) and, without fail, will refer to whatever employment guidelines, orientation or SOP may be on hand, as the Bible, as in, “We call this the Bible”***



*what an excellent word, no? how did something that cool-sounding make its way into this post, not to say the lexicon of the 21st century? came into use in 1901 and is in the top 6% of queries on its etymology.

** of course, there are examples of a personal reality extending beyond the individual’s consciousness… the three people in the example above? their decision may pivot on something as ephemeral as a memory, stripped of it’s objective details, leaving only a non-rational sense of the value (for the good or the bad) of the choice of ….eateries (still a cool word)

*** of course, no one there calls it ‘the Bible’, not even the person referring to it as such, except, of course, for that one new employee orientation.


Tuesday -the Wakefield Doctrine- “…of jobs and occupations, meaningful work and biding time.”

Welcome to the Wakefield Doctrine (the theory of clarks, scotts and rogers)

…was waiting, yesterday morning, at a property to meet the town building inspector when it struck me, the guy was a scott.*

The job: Building Inspector. Kinda like a being a cop, except you don’t get to carry a gun. You do have a designated vehicle (which has your authority written on the doors) and you get to chase miscreants. Admittedly, putting half the required number of electrical outlets in a house or neglecting to continue the handrail the entire distance down a staircase is not likely to form the basis of a television series**. But, it’s about the hunt and the kill for the personality type referred to as a scott.

It is understandably tempting for people, once they’ve come into possession of the basic description of the three personality types

  1. clarks(the Outsider)
  2. scotts(the Predator)
  3. rogers(the Herd Member)

to say, “That is certainly a job only a Scott could pull off!” or “She must be a roger, seeing what they require of people in that position” even, “I can’t imagine anyone but a clark doing that!”

Not as true as it should be.***

Natural enough for us to associate certain occupations, avocations, preoccupations and jobs with one of the three predominant worldviews (aka personality types) of the Doctrine. However, to try and assign exclusive domain to one and only one would miss taking advantage of the power of one of the primary tenets of this here personality theory here, i.e. personal reality.

Beyond the scope of this post, which already has a topic, much is written about how literal we are about the reality half of ‘personal reality’. But thats for another post.

Two words: the Everything Rule.

This rule simply reminds us that we are talking about a common reality in which individuals experience personal realities. It is not that there are jobs for which a clark is suited but a roger or a scott is not; nor are there professions that only a scott would succeed at, the aforementioned building inspector being an example.

The Rule serves to prompt us to differentiate between how things manifest in each of the three worldviews.

There are natural strengths (within each of the three personality types) that suggest likely success in a given occupation.

a clark excelles at elementary education (’cause there’s no requirement for ‘up-selling’ in the relationship with the students …lol)

a scott tends to gravitate to the medical ‘speciality’ of surgery …as opposed to, say, oncology (‘…lets round it off and gimme that scalpel’)

rogers maintain there is no question that two plus two equals four… every single time… (hey, I want to fly at thirty-five thousand feet while going five hundred miles-per-hour, how exact do you need these calculations?)

Enough for today.

New Readers: the reality we talk about in the three worldviews, (that, in turn, account for the nature and character of our three personality types)? Real. Not pretend, not subject-appears-to-have-a-natural-tropism-towards…. not selective perception. Real. Get comfortable with this, it’ll make the posts about gender and secondary aspects way more fun.



* reminder: the Wakefield Doctrine is gender neutral. There are no female clarks, scotts or rogers. There are, however, clarklike females, scottian women and rogerian ladies. Thing is, what creates the three personality types of this here Doctrine here, is the nature, the character of the relationship between the individual and the rest of the world (with it’s institutions and courtrooms and people and such). The thing that makes a body an Outsider or a Predator or a Herd Member is the reality in which we grow and develop into, well, into people. So, it doesn’t matter what our gender is, it very much matters what kind of reality we are trying to negotiate (and survive (and, even, thrive (in)). That said, the world does impose some limits and otherwise shapes the range of expression we experience as we try to live among the people, in the world they make up.

given that the CMS probably frowns on multi-paragraphic footnotes, we’ll take up the matter of gender in another post.

** given cursory reading of the listings of television shows, which include series about every deviance of personality, affliction of body and being from New Jersey or Los Angeles, we should not preclude the possibility of a hit show about Building Inspectors.

*** lol who said, “Thats right….clark!” Extra points


Monday -the Wakefield Doctrine-

Welcome to the Wakefield Doctrine (the theory of clarks, scotts and rogers)

So now that our Readers (both New and ‘since time forgot’) have had the origin tale refreshed, what are we to take away from this little, thirty-minutes-or-less interaction?

The question: which is more significant? My emotional response to the implications of what I observed or the elevation of the concept of ‘personal reality’ in my own worldview?

Well, that should wake a body right up on a November morning!

No, not really.

I take that back. Just looked up the definition of ‘epiphany’. Here, courtesy of

“…a sudden, intuitive perception of or insight into the reality or essential meaning of something, usually initiated by some simple, homely, or commonplace occurrence or experience”

That works.

Enough of the clarklike view of the world. What about you folks with a significant secondary clarklike aspect?

scotts? You’ve got one clarklike friend (though you know of other scotts at work or school or otherwise in your daily world, but, well, you know, the savannah is only so large.)

rogers? Everyone you see is a Member of your Herd, mostly other rogers, with a smattering of scotts (who, from some wisdom inherited from the pre-language era), you don’t need to chase or otherwise invite to come closer.


If you are a fan, follower or Friend of the Doctrine but your predominant worldview is scottian or rogerian, there is still plenty in these pages that will be an asset to you as you go about your day today.

For our scottian friends: to employ the tools available here, you have one more edge on the competition in the never-ending eat-or-be-eaten contest that is the here and now for you folks. Think of the Doctrine as an enhancement of your already impressively sensitive nose for the emotional tenor of the Herd or, if you’re in the mood for something different, your vision will be further enhanced to spot the clarks, hiding in what remains of social underbrush after the Herd has wandered through. Nothin but net!

rogers will see the additional perspective afforded by understanding the principles of the Wakefield Doctrine as the most fundamental of benefits: enhancement of the Herd. Although the Herd can be unlimited, the opportunity to see members that might be moving inwards towards the centre (that you are currently holding), the better to test and celebrate the loyalty of people who are otherwise half-invisible.

Trust this will add a little something-something to your Monday.

Lets listen to some Mississippi John Hurt to get us out the house.



TToT -the Wakefield Doctrine-

Welcome to the Wakefield Doctrine (the theory of clarks, scotts and rogers)

This is the Ten Things of Thankful (TToT) bloghop.

Created by Lizzi in the Year 3 AD* and has continued to this day. It is, arguably, the longest continuously published gratitude bloghop in the history of the virtual world. (Even if thats not quite accurate, it is the one blog in which we are listed as a co-host.)








The Creatress Hostinae: 1852 to 2015**
** somewhere between the start and when Josie stepped up


Despite being neither a loyal subject of the British Empire or OBE recipient, Josie maintained, in her CV, that she resided in a place ‘where the deer and the antelope play’






Once the time came for a third host, Kristi, stepped up with an unhesitating grace and enthusiasm that characterized her tenure, which can sometimes be mistaken for herding cats. All concerned are grateful.



The announcement of Dyanne becoming the newest hostinae here at the Ten Things of Thankful was met with a surprised but very pleased reaction from Readers. Much like the audience response when the contestant who, earlier in the week is awarded the title Ms. Congeniality, but then proceeds to be named (fill-in your choice of anachronistic beauty pageant*) ‘Miss/Mrs/Miz America/World/Multiverse’

* of course, in the metaphorical hands of anyone other than a certain personality theory, this description might be met with a chorus of “No, he di’int!” and “Did they just use a beauty pageant as an analogy for being the best person to become the next host of a gratitude blog?!” “…nobody better tell Lizzi! Sometimes you gotta wonder about them folks at that Doctrine place.”


We are grateful for:


1) Una

2) Phyllis

3) Wakefield Doctrine

4) Kristi

5) Wendy

6) Mimi, Lisa, Pat and all the hostinae that’ve served the TToT down through the years: thanks guys

7) Six Sentence Story


9) Dyanne

10) Secret Rule 1.3


*AD after Doctrine (blog) c 2009

music vids




You are invited to the Inlinkz link party!

Click here to enter

* AD after Doctrine, Wakefield; blog 


Friday -the Wakefield Doctrine-

Welcome to the Wakefield Doctrine (the theory of clarks, scotts and rogers)

Hey! Do you ever, like, stop yourself after a situation/interaction/encounter where you come away thinking, “Why did I let that happen? I saw that coming a mile away, what the hell is the matter with me?”

And, you get by yourself and make a decision that you would change, improve how you interact with others in the world. You feel good about it and, sure enough, the next time a similar situation occurs (which might be in a month or a year, but more likely it will be in the next thirty or ninety minutes or whenever you come out of your office/bedroom/the restroom at work-school), you act as if you had not had that very positive, and constructive conversation with yourself. You say this, they say that. You do it this way and they respond the other way. It’s all so terribly familiar. Worse… (your positive attitude and confident demeanor eroding like a sandcastle built below mean high tide), it seems like you’ll never learn.

Don’t worry. We got your back.

(Note: New Readers? You have caught on to the clarklike appeal to so much of this Wakefield Doctrine thing, right? If this is your first time, first post, go ahead and skip down to the music vid. If this is your second complete read, welcome. We were about to say, ‘Anyone who comes back here more than once alone or (more than) twice with your friends (“You gotta see this site. It’s really a fascinating blog. What do you mean, ‘What the hell is a ‘blog’?”) then you are either a clark (predominant worldview of the Outsider) or a scott or a roger with a significant secondary clarklike aspect.)



yeah… thats about it for today. It’s Friday. The one day of the week that lays off the bet (of a worthwhile life) on to the next two days. So for today, the buffet is unattended and you’re free to sit in the box seats and watch the show.

‘though we can never resist a lesson/moral/punchline, the thing that makes the Wakefield Doctrine a way-effective tool for self-improving yourself is that, because you have within the potential to experience the world as do ‘the other two’** you’re already halfway to the you you always believed you could be.

Intimidated by your boss? Spend some time reading up on scotts and rogers. Wanna ask someone for a date? Check out the section on scotts and rogers. Need to get a firm grip on why you’re still reading? check out the clark chapter (lol)


the thing of it is, in order to change or improve, you do not need to go and find something new/alien-to-you/possessed by people-who-never-were-like-you,-despite-what their-infomercials-say. You have within, the potential to relate yourself to the world around you as they do. Keep in mind, when you think about your scottian friend how singularly confident they are, they’ve been practicing, literally their entire lives. But…. but!! the potential is with you.



** ‘the other two’. You have a predominant worldview and it is to this reality that you have developed whatever style of social, functional and/or geographical interaction, aka your personality type. However, you retain the potential to experience the world as ‘the other two’. You’re a clark? ‘the other two’ are scott and roger…etc  In our opinion, the advantage of knowing that the qualities you seek are within and not something to be imported/imitated from others.

