Pre-Nova Anno* -the Wakefield Doctrine- | the Wakefield Doctrine Pre-Nova Anno* -the Wakefield Doctrine- | the Wakefield Doctrine

Pre-Nova Anno* -the Wakefield Doctrine-

Welcome to the Wakefield Doctrine (the theory of clarks, scotts and rogers)

*just in case you forgot which blog you clicked on…

Surely this internet is every bit a Charles Atlas ad for clarks the world throughout (younger clarks? the photo at the top of the post should get you started.)

Hey! Just a minute, before you read any further. There are certain premiseses appurtenant in the most fundamental sense to the use of the Wakefield Doctrine as a tool for enhancing one’s variety of perspectives and self-improving oneself, and they are:

  1. the Wakefield Doctrine is gender neutral
  2. the Wakefield Doctrine is age and culture neutral

Perhaps expanding on this will also serve as an outline of our little personality theory.

The reason we can say, ‘the Wakefield Doctrine is gender neutral’ is that each of the three ‘personality types’ are descriptions of the personal reality one is experiencing. This is not a list of qualities, traits and characteristics of any individual, like all those other mix ‘n match, which-personality-type-do-you-hope-the-score says-you-are. (thats right, I’m looking at you, Oscar Meyers Briggs and Stratton schedule. INFP this.)

The Wakefield Doctrine proposes that we, all of us, grow up (and most importantly), develop our abilities and strategies for survival in one of three characteristic worlds, aka personal realities. They are:

  • the reality of a clark (the Outsider)
  • the world of a scott (the Predator)
  • the life of the roger (the Herd Member)

In simplest of terms, it is the nature/character of the worlds we grow up in that determine the way we interact with the world and the people that make it up.

This means that, when we use the Wakefield Doctrine to better understand people, we first observe their behavior with an eye towards understanding how they (the other person) are relating themselves to the world around them. Using the three personality types as a lens, we determine which (of the three) their acts and attitudes, beliefs and intentions are ‘clearest’. (You know, how, when you’re at the eye doctor and they make you look through that round-periscope thing and then change one lens at a time “Is this clear? Now, is this clearer than that?”)

You watching and thinking, “On the basis of the way that person is interacting with (fill in the blank) is it more consistent with being an Outsider(clark) or a Herd Member(Roger)”. Continue your observationing. Now they’re talking to the person (fill in the blank), “Is that conversation sensible from a scott(Predator) or a clark(Outsider)?”

The Wakefield Doctrine is all about acquiring an appreciation of ‘how I relate myself to the world around me’*

Charles Atlas? I identify more with the guy in the drawing. But it is my relationship to world as an Outsider that is useful to know, not gender. We’re lifeforms first, then clarks, scotts and rogers.

And….and! there’s this thing here called ‘the Everything Rule’ which states: ‘everyone does everything at one time or another’. This serves to remind us that, sure a roger could get sand kicked in his or her face. Hell, a scott could get sand kicked in his or her face. How they relate themselves to this occurrence is very different.

Thanks and a shoutout to Denise over at girlie. She posted an old Doctrine post on the Facebook and it jump-started this here post here.


* as always, I will say, ‘We said, how I relate myself to the world around me’ we did not say, ‘How I relate to the world around me’

Big difference, yo.


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clarkscottroger About clarkscottroger
Well, what exactly do you want to know? Whether I am a clark or a scott or roger? If you have to ask, then you need to keep reading the Posts for two reasons: a)to get a clear enough understanding to be able to make the determination of which type I am and 2) to realize that by definition I am all three.* *which is true for you as well, all three...but mostly one


  1. Funny how “word of mouth” manifests today, lol. The older Doctrine posts I shared earlier on the FB? Data engineers telling me people saved some of my Doctrine Pins. So I re-read the posts. (Yeah, don’t ask me how the Pinterest thing works. No clue. Still lol)

    If the breadcrumbs helped facilitate your post today, then cool. Excellent post as I never tire of being reminded of the basics of the most useful life tool this side of…anywhere. At least from this clark’s perspective :D

    Happy Monday! (this saying from the same folks that gave us “Happy Friday” and we know who you are :D )

    • clarkscottroger clarkscottroger says:

      Agreed. Will strive to get out at least once a week with a Doctrine post. I dare say, with the amount of ink devoted to learning to write good, the Wakefield Doctrine has been suffering from a bit of lack of exposure. Will surely rectify that as we enter the first year of ‘the Screaming Twenties’

  2. P.S. Thanks for the Michael this morning.

  3. The order of the words is always so important.