Month: October 2018 | the Wakefield Doctrine - Part 3 Month: October 2018 | the Wakefield Doctrine - Part 3

Tuesday -the Wakefield Doctrine- ‘scotts act

Welcome to the Wakefield Doctrine (the theory of clarks, scotts and rogers)

Day 2 in our series looking at the three predominant worldviews of the Wakefield Doctrine:  ‘scotts act

One thing we will never be accused of, here at the Wakefield Doctrine, is being stingy with the metaphors. And, scotts?  oh man! they are the living, walking, talking, running examples of why God made more metaphors than similes. But first a few basics

(New Readers? The three personality types of the Wakefield Doctrine are usually referred to as (a person’s) predominant worldview. This refers to the idea that we, all of us, grow up and develop in one of three realities: the reality of the Outsider(clarks), the life of the Predator(scotts) and the world of the Herd Member(rogers). Our ‘personality types’ are what they are, because that particular set of strategies and adaptations work best for us, given the world, as we experience it. Today we are taking a closer look at scotts.)(oh, yeah),

Reminder: the Wakefield Doctrine is gender, age and culture neutral. And of the three, surely our scottian friends are the best of illustrations. Both female and male scotts are: aggressive, confident, acquisitive, social, sexually-(…er,  everything). The difference between the two merely reflects of how their aggressiveness (confidences, acquisitiveness…etc) manifests itself in people, i.e. gender.

Hey! if today’s post seems a little…patchwork, strike-through and generally ‘haphazardly ad-hoc’d’.  well…. one word: this is a post about scotts


Enjoy and, if you stop back later in the day, there is a better than even chance there will be other items duct-taped to the post and/or scrawled in the margins.

scotts live for the moment and have little time for reflection-for-it’s-sake, introspection for any reason other than to remember where he/she left their car keys and they are certain that life, today, is meant to be lived. As much as possible. If you want something done, call a scott (if you want something done properly, call a roger).

A scott never saw a ladder that they didn’t climb (until they fell or someone convinced them there was something more interesting on the ground). scotts are the archetypical police officer, provided the job description includes: ‘Must be comfortable in dangerous and threatening situations…at night; not be afraid of driving very fast, with sirens blaring and, if necessary, shooting guns; should have a natural aptitude for chasing down criminals and people running away and, upon capturing them, restraining them with handcuffs, closed windows and the promise of worse outcomes.

There is a saying among scotts” ‘I scream, therefore I am’ … and ‘a scott alone in a room...isn’t

They are your best friend and most reliable source of secondary public embarrassment. scotts helped you get into trouble in grade school, get social in high school and get good grades in college.

At every good-sized family reunion/summer get-together a male scott will be heard to say, “Do you have any more starter fluid? These two are empty.” and a scottian female very possibly might ask, of the thicket of men and boys sprouting up in her path, “Do think this bikini is too small?”

In the workplace: the go-to-guy, his/her first day on the job is a scott. scotts make outstanding salespeople and terrible managers.

Temper? welll! I’d say so. They invented the word mercurial just for our scottian friends. But loyal? Defend the pack to her death? Not even imagine hesitating… the personification of ‘best defense is a good (and totally overwhelming, not-even-close to measured) offense’? You’ve gone to the right personality type.


Quick: Last time you were in a line that seemed to never end. Did you:

  1. consider whether anyone would see you if you slipped out the back
  2. ask the person nearest you if ‘this was anyway to run a: a)supermarket; b)carnival ride or c) DMV’ and find something nasty to say about the person four people ahead of you in line
  3. laugh, say to the nearest person in, ‘This has gotta be the slowest (expletive optional) line I’ve ever been in….’ walk up the line chatting with the people in line, return to your place in line and say in a loud voice, “Hurry up!”  …and laugh


character of the scottian personality type:

  • scotts are ‘natural’ leaders (because they are certain, not necessarily right, but certain).
  • scotts are emotional in a way different from rogers. It is spontaneous emotion, there is very little holding of grudges,  mercurial is the best descriptor for their emotional environment.
  • In a band it is always a scott who is the ‘front man’, they are natural performers, entertainers
  • At a party scotts will not hesitate to introduce themselves (to everyone), they will always, ‘work the room’ moving from person to person, group to group
  • For the most part, when confronted with a threat, a scott will choose to attack rather than flee, however if it is clearly a ‘no win’ a scott may chose ‘flight’
  • scottian females can be remarkably sexy or intelligent and even witty, but hardly ever both.

The heck with all the words and analysis… wanna see a (male*) scott?  (some adult language)

(Spoiler Alert! I just watched the vid clip. Jeez Loueez, what a perfect portrayal of not only the scottian personality type (David Caruso) but of the clark (Robert DeNiro and, for good measure and symmetry, a roger (the guy wearing a hat, of course!)



* ya know, ’cause we mentioned it at the top of the post, the Wakefield Doctrine is gender neutral


Monday -the Wakefield Doctrine- ‘clarks think

Welcome to the Wakefield Doctrine (the theory of clarks, scotts and rogers)

Today we begin a three-part series. We will be looking at each of the three predominant worldviews, (aka personality types), of the Wakefield Doctrine.

(New Readers: the Wakefield Doctrine is a perspective on life, reality, the people around us and, if we have an interest, how we can best self-improve ourselfs. The Doctrine proposes that the three personality types are more a reflection of the reality of the individual than drives, interests and DNA. Everyone lives in one of three characteristic personal realities: the reality of the Outsider(clarks), the Predator(scotts) and the Herd Member(rogers). The thing is, since we’re born with the potential of all three, although everyone settles into one (of the three) at a very early age, we never lose the potential of ‘the other two’. In practical terms this explains why new readers often comment: “I can see that I’m a (clark, scott or roger) but sometimes, I’m certain I’m a (clark, scott or roger). Maybe I’m a hybrid, combination.” To which we always smile and say, “Thats just your secondary aspect showing up in times of duress. roger.” lol
Don’t worry about flashes of ‘the other two’. One person. One predominant worldview. Anything else would be, well, weird.)

clarks think.

While descriptions of behavior and styles of responses to common life situations is certainly a good place to start when learning the Wakefield Doctrine, the key is to appreciate the character and nature of the reality the person is experiencing. To that end,the Wakefield Doctrine is a toy chest full of metaphors, all useful, most fun and, like the Doctrine itself, valuable in any situation. In fact, in the interest of speedy learning and a coherent taxonomy, we will insert block-quoted Metaphor Tips, throughout the post.

The subtitle to the clarklike worldview is ‘Outsider’. That is the reality this person grew up in. And when we say, ‘grew up in’, we mean, like, before they even knew that they were growing up. Way young. Maybe three, even two years old. clarks quickly realize they are different. From everyone. While everyone else appear to know things and, of critical importance, this knowledge is shared among the other people in the clark’s world. This difference is what gives rise to most of the characteristics that identify a clark. In the wild. Not that you will ever, actually spot a clark…in the wild. That is a place where rogerian herds move the landscape like a distant iron bell and the scotts move with grace and selective invisibility.

Metaphor1 In the primordial landscape, the rogerian brontasauri sauntered amiably through the forest to gather around the watering hole, comfortable in the immortality of numbers, caring little about the scottian predators; each to their own perch, waiting for their appetite, a life-long lover to join them and their meal-to-be. Barely visible, sharing the colors of earth and low-brush, the clarklike lemur wait, taming their appetites into submission and staring with envy at the confident nonchalance of the huge (and numerous) creatures who drank without a care in the world.

clarks(Outsider): physically tend towards the ectomorphic2, of poor posture, shoulders tend to slump, as much in defense as disregard for conventional wisdom (‘if you’d stand up straight, you’d be so much more attractive‘). clarks tend to mumble when speaking outside of the relatively rare environments in which they are not ‘on defense’. The mumbling is often likened to smuggling diamonds from a miles-deep-pit-in-some-sub-tropical-jungle, by swallowing them. Even if a suspicious guard tells the clark to empty their pockets and satchel and…well, empty everything, they probably will not discover the gems. (yes, I concur… eww)

Not-really-a-Metaphor. clarks dress in a manner that tells you way more than even they are aware of. See that girl in the beautiful designer blouse and the mini skirt and the perfectly laced, shiny black Corcoran boots? And, yes there is something about her face that, while you’re not sure if it’s the eyes, you can’t tear your eyes away? clarklike female. The young man with the long hair, tee-shirt over an Oxford shirt, underneath a 50-year-old-once-high-quality-wool-overcoat wearing a pair of two hundred dollar wingtips (with mis-matched socks)? …clarks.

clarks tend to the over-intelligent people who have a ‘practicality deficit’. They are the truly creative people. Of course, when creativity is applied in the arts, clarks will be the starving artist by virtue of the fact that, in the arts, commercial success is not so much about creativity as it is re-assembly of time-worn parts, styles, memes, tropes and memory-engraved characterization.

You have a clark for a friend. He/she is someone who your ‘regular’ friends often say, ‘Really, you want to invite them to the party? they are so…. but sure, why not, we can’t all be normal.’ You, however, know that they, (your clarklike friend3), are nice people and if only they would stop being so: self-sabotaging, self-destructive, self-effacing and weird, they could be so much happier in their life/job/future.

Lets close this with returning to the beginning of the post. Remember the thing about the (very) young clark realizing that everyone around them seemed to know something that they, the clark, did not? That is the origin of a clark(Outsider)’s two most distinctive drives: a) Insatiable curiosity, because they need to learn what it is that everyone else knows, the information that, when acquired, will allow them to become real people and 2) To avoid scrutiny; there is no telling why a clark didn’t learn what everyone else seems to know. And it can’t be for the lack of the intelligence to understand (can it?) so… if it wasn’t because they just didn’t get it, then the only other conclusion was that they, the clark, was deliberately not taught it because…


Tomorrow: scotts (be sure to have bail money ready)


1) or maybe simians**, allegory, analogy or even anaphora

** hold that laugh, that malapropism is appropriate to Wednesday when we discuss rogers, and more specifically, rogerian expression.

2) William Sheldon’s Body Type theory of personality, totally captured my attention in grad school

3) if you think in terms of ‘having friends’ then, by definition, you will only count one clark among your list of friends


TToT(omorrow) -the Wakefield Doctrine-

Welcome to the Wakefield Doctrine (the theory of clarks, scotts and rogers)

Kristi, although away for the week, has left us the ‘linkup code’ and, basically said, “Here’s the key to the front door. It’s alright if you have your little friends come over, provided their parents have given permission. There’s a casserole, some pre-made hamburger patties and plenty of fruits and vegetables. You won’t starve. Be sure to remember to put the dishwasher on last thing at night. There’s fifty dollars in an envelope on the refrigerator. We know you can be trusted. I did let Mrs. Rees over on North Iroquois Dr know we’d be gone for the weekend. If anything comes up, her number is on the ‘frig. There won’t be a signal where we’ll be.”

For my part, I thought we might get a little, live action on the TToT this weekend. Each Thankful will have a location photo. I’ll be taking you all to work, seeing how I’ll be writing this today, Friday. So let the Grats begin! (Be sure to stop back throughout the weekend as I”ll be updating the Post through the day tomorrow.)

I surely am grateful for:

1) Phyllis and Una

Eight-thirty-something, Friday morning.
If you look closely, you will see the dark-on-dark shape of Una on the bed to the left.
To the right, a vertical eclipse of the morning, closet light is Phyllis. (Or, her elbow)

2) The Place of business (the far right dormer on the front of the building is my office.)

3) Work that involves driving around, as I did this afternoon with a trip out to Jewett City. Here, Slater Library.

4)… home at the end of the work day


5) Saturday Morning*

6)Onwards and out-the-door to work!

End of work day, leave the battered briefcase on desk (matching battered real estate broker* not included) and go home to Phyllis and Una.


7) Sunday: brewed-coffee-morning-day-of-the-week*. So it looks like I have space for three more photos and three more Grats.

8) THIS SPACE AVAILABLE (anyone out there reading and thinking, ‘That bloghop looks like fun. I don’t have Ten things to write about, maybe I should wait.’ We say, ‘Hey! Come on down. Send in your Grat Items, even (especially) if you have only one of two and want to participate but are still a little ‘publish-shy’. Send it in a comment and I will put here at Number 8. Yes, sir I surely will.

9)Sunday Supplment

One of Una’s birthday presents:


Look Homeward, young dog.


10) Secret Rule 1.3



* (for those who enjoy the character of this virtual world, with it’s capacity to enhance ‘re-remembering’** the past. This creating new histories can be especially enjoyable when among friends; it is often surprising how many others share the palette, similarity in growing experience and, as a result paint a ‘childhood-almost-lived’ that is quite poignant.)

** not a ‘real’ word



Sixty Sentence Story -the Wakefield Doctrine-

Welcome to the Wakefield Doctrine (the theory of clarks, scotts and rogers)

Now, officially, a no-hyperbole blog zone! Guaranteed reasonable, moderate and modest opinion and storytelling. For 200 years running!

Denise has, once again, opened the doors to the prompt-word corral and asks us to write, if we please, a wee story, a Six Sentence Story.

You can do that, right?

Of course, you can.

Lets start.

The word:


“No, let me go!” the young woman stepped out of reach, but not without including a seemingly spontaneous fouetté, the lacy wings of her scarf whipping the young man’s face.

As a beast of burden trapped between the lash and the yoke would be unsurprised to observe, this caused him to reach over the music rack, with its half-filled sheets of parchment manuscript, towards her, “Liebchen, I have three-quarters of… ”

“I am quite aware of your Schwammerl, and tempting it is, if you do not earn a decent dowry, mein vater will never permit us to marry; must I lock you in your studio?” The woman backed towards the door of the studio, her smile encouraging, yet in the depths of her dark eyes, a question hid like trapdoor spider at the bottom of a depression in the sand.

“Ach, Therese, you are so correct…though this melody enchants me, the fine people of Vienna would not look kindly on a symphony of only two movements,” the young man’s hands, inert on the ivory and ebony keys, overwrought iron awaiting the blacksmith’s pounding.

Pausing in her retreat, she let the ends of her scarf drape his shoulders, a betrothal veil on the non-traditional half an engaged couple and whispered, “Finish it, Franz!”



Tuesday Wednesday -the Wakefield Doctrine- “…and now, our regularly scheduled Tuesday post.”

Welcome to the Wakefield Doctrine (the theory of clarks, scotts and rogers)

Cut!  At the bottom, in a nice, neat, block quote, is the post that I started Sunday night with every intention to publish Tuesday. But I didn’t. NP. Here it is, in it’s-completed-this-morning-entirety. …down there, at the bottom.

But, sometimes, clarks have been known to get all gnomishly-enthusiastic and excited by a pile of information, like a cardboard box full of Saturday Evening Posts in mint condition. What about the simple, laugh-out-loud fun for the scotts and rogers (and some clarks)?

So how do you know if you’re dealing with a clark or a scott or roger? Start by looking at them:

  • clark (Outsider) bad posture, sloppy dresser with something going on that prevents you from thinking ‘aww, poor homeless person’… it might be a pair of two hundred dollars shoes, barely showing at the end of the frayed cuffs of a pair of worn out Dockers, or a streak of green on the side of a head of hair that looks like the aftermath of an unsuccessful eviction of a family of robins, the color is perfect and un-ignorable. Maybe it’s something as simple as mis-matched fluorescent socks* Or perhaps a really short mini-skirt….. over a softly-worn pair of Levis. Best be thinking: ‘clark‘. (Doctrine Insight Hint: clarks do not like being in the spotlight however, they will not tolerate being ignored)
  • scott (Predator) hands-down, single first clue: their eyes. There is no, absolutely no mistaking the ‘eyes of a scott‘. Hell, even in photos they grab you. Go back to yesterday’s post and look at the photo of the clark, scott and roger. If we need to tell you (yes, I removed the caption…lol) which is the scott, the door is to your left.   no! clark! come back! you are only being un-necessarily polite and considerate of your fellow Readers when you say you’re not sure…(the same way you used to sit there, in the exam room with your SAT pretending to be still answering questions, until someone else gets up to return their Number 2 pencil and test booklet)… clarks sense scotts the way a lemur will notice the .000012 percent reduction in the light reflected by the leaves of the tree over-hanging the watering hole, a careless panther goes hungry.
    The thing about the eyes of a scott is that they are totally alert, alive and aware of whatever is going on around them…even when there’s nothing going on…. ok, one more thing about scotts: scottian females? One word: sex appeal (like the chrome on a ’59 Cadillac Eldorado, you won’t even think about stepping out of the road) or a male scott? he’s the one telling jokes. very effectively, everyone laughs and the jokes, guaranteed, will get more outrageous, increasingly risqué and the circle of his audience will diminish. He doesn’t mind, he’s just looking for the perfect …..lemur to take to lunch.
  • rogers (Herd Member) well, to begin with, two-thirds of the population are rogers. These fortunate people grew up in a world where everyone belonged (even that odd one on the fringe…. they belonged; the better to highlight the virtue of the Herd.
  • 0rogers are sociable and charming, they enjoy people and they know everything about everyone (important distinction here, we said, ‘they know everything about everyone’ not ‘they know everything’ contrary to how they may talk.) We collectively owe the relative stability of the culture to our rogerian human. He or she is the one forming the clumps of people in the too-large reception room (they are not the center of these clumps… that position is occupied by a scott (by choice) or a clark (by error in judgement and/or bad luck). The scott is glad to be there, the clark not so much. Good thing that rogers live in the reality of the quantifiable universe… we rely on them to keep the airplanes in the sky, the computers connecting the parts of our modern world and assure us that Hester Prynne did not suffer in vain.

Where has the time gone?!!?!  I got to get out of here. Please forgive any typoes… tomorrow, don’t forget Six Sentence Story! The prompt word is up. Go there, get it and write yourself a sextidacious story and join in the fun.



* true example. I remember them (and wish they still made them… orange and green flourescent) from high school

As the subtitle implies, today being Tuesday we will focus on the use and application of the Wakefield Doctrine in the personal reality of the Outsider. aka clarks.

(New Readers: the Doctrine is built upon the concept of personal reality. That space around you that only you experience directly. Not necessarily physically close but definitely close to you. Nothing too outré, straining one’s credulity muscles; the world-as-you-experience-it that varies in small, but perceivable ways from everyone else.  The Doctrine’s employees this principle of personal reality, (often substituting the phrase ‘predominant worldview’) to account for the manner in which personality is developed. If you are raised, grow-up and develop in a world best described as the world of the Outsider, your style and strategies to cope with the world will be different from a child raised in the reality of the Predator (or Herd Member).

The Wakefield Doctrine offers three perspectives on the world and the people who make it a place in which to live. With a thorough understanding of the nature and character of each, you will be better equipped able to see the world as others are experiencing it.

Today the topic is totally the secret of relationship.

oh man… so I play a lot of jigsaw and I saw the secret of the universe this Sunday morning past.

The puzzle? Doesn’t much matter, but to help any rogers and scotts, it was of two women in the foreground, a crowd of other people in the background. Maybe a sporting, maybe not, the point being the foreground and background consisted of similar objects (‘people’).

So I completed the majority of the two women (primary, foreground figures enough to know I’ve got them mostly ‘assembled’. I’ve established most (but not all) of the outer boundaries. The blank space in the middle was getting tight. My efforts were to figure our how each of the primary figures connected to the surrounding background. (The objects of the gestalt, for all you Fritz Perls fans). Nothing was fitting, connecting, linking!! I tried moving them (the two main figures) up and moving them down against the row of indents and projections of the open edge of the boundary. Nothin!

Then, epiphany. It occurs to me, “Maybe this nearly-complete-figure on the right belongs on the left. And the one on the left belongs on the right.”

cha ching.

The Secret of the Universe in our willingness to consider that the relationship of the parts of our world might offer other configurations….
