Month: January 2017 | the Wakefield Doctrine - Part 2 Month: January 2017 | the Wakefield Doctrine - Part 2

TToT -the Wakefield Doctrine- Lets call this our Starter Post* (* some assembly required )

Welcome to the Wakefield Doctrine (the theory of clarks, scotts and rogers)


Old Hobbits die hard.

Today is Saturday and so, as I have for the last 3 or 4 years* I am writing a TToT Post. If for no other reason than, a) its beneficial 2)  the Book of Secret Rules (aka the Secret Book of Rules) has a rule that sorta requires it and c) our Founderess Lizzi (‘my friends call me Lizzi‘) Lewis (‘my great uncle still is not CS Lewis‘) is embarked on a journey to

  • discover Dr. Livingston
  • tell Jane that it’s time for her to ditch the leopard-tard and get a little more green, fashionistically-speaking
  • dropping in on Friend of the Doctrine Melanie to share her recipe for bangers ‘n mash

so, while we await the Western Union, giving us updates and such, allow me to get the Listationing started this week!

1)  Phyllis and Una

2) my readers over at ‘Almira‘. We are in the final chapters of our story.

3) the aforementioned BoSR/SB0R  (for any new Readers, zoe is the curatoress of our most special Book ‘o Rules and Exceptions and cool-things-to-do. Hit her right up if you have any questions regarding interpretation, application, renunciation or justification (did I cover most ‘-ations?)

4) Work for being flexible enough to allow me to delay leaving this morning ’cause I was caught by the thought, ‘damn! the TToT needs to get out there’

5) The Graviteers

6) The Six Sentence Story (zoe and them)

7) to be filled out later today

8) …like #7, later today

9)  no, it’s not yet ‘later today’…. you’re still reading the same post.

wait!!! wait…. it can’t be Monday! I haven’t finished my Ts

Kerry stopped by:

TToT: In My Head I’m Swept Away – Collective Arts, #10Thankful

…and Kristi

and Josie/Wendy


10) Secret Rule 1.3


*8 or 9 in blogyears


Secretive Six Stories -the Wakefield Doctrine-

Welcome to the Wakefield Doctrine (the theory of clarks, scotts and rogers)

Damn! I went and wrote a post this morning! Well, it was a postette, as I was reprinting an old favorite. Hope this aging word-slinger gots some ammo left!

The word is ‘Rank’. zoe said so, as she does each week. Not say ‘Rank’ is the word, but she tells us the word that must form the nucleus of a Six Sentence Story. (No more and no less than six sentences, mind you)

So here it is at 3:00 pm Wednesday and the best I have is… ‘rank and guile’  ayiiee!


Like an eclipse of the sun, predicted down through generations in such repetitious detail as to become indistinguishable from the common sense, facts deprived of its capacity to instill awe, the shadow grew from the tall, too-bright rectangle of the open bedroom door and washed over the blanket-rumpled bed. The mother-shaped shadow broke over the boy on the edge of the mattress, untied sneakers clutching his feet.

Beyond the open door, sounds of a family preparing for the day; the delicate but insistent tapping of a razor, interrupted by the splash of running water, further in the coffee-scented distance came the soft-gravel sound of dog food filling a bowl, almost immediately followed by a scraping of plastic on wood, as the last morsels were chased.

“But why can’t I stay home,” the tremor that sat on the middle of the word, ‘home’, was as patiently defiant as a leprechaun, daring all to force the secret from him.

Crouching down before the 7 year old boy, his jacket covered with logos of teams he knew only by name, of sports he had no interest in, was tied by the sleeves around his waist, a jilted but persistent lover refusing to give up,  the woman held his small hands in her own, her pride and faith no less than any Crusader advancing dutifully towards unknown lands.

“Your test scores rank you in the top percentile of reading and comprehension, you will be alright,” she spoke with love and hope, yet heard the echoes of a small girl wishing to be allowed to remain at home, the world of critical strangers and aggressive friends safely observed through curtained windows.


Wednesday -the Wakefield Doctrine- ‘what an excellent day it is out there!’

Welcome to the Wakefield Doctrine (the theory of clarks, scotts and rogers)


The weather today, and I say this in complete sincerity, is one of my favorite weather days. Sure, some of you like the fresh, invigorating feel of brisk October afternoon, vibrant colors and the hint of winter, other Readers prefer the warmer, but winter-tinged day in late March, when the warmth within the earth begins to reach the surface, light green life pushing into the sun. I really like today’s weather.

The dead of winter, snow covering the ground and 50 degrees. Talk about your sweet and sour chicken lo mein, tell me how much you love the rough then soft, the dead silent in the middle of a scream… that’s today. And it’s more than meteorology, the wind is howling. And…and! it’s pre-dawn, which is a damn-totally-engaging-intro-to-any-novel mood piece in and of itself!

I love this kind of morning. The truth be told, I’m typing this at about 4 am and can’t wait ’til it gets light enough to see out the window. I wrote a post once, way back in the early Doctrine days, that was totally inspired by a morning like this, so, if I may, I’ll reprint it.

(Technical fashion advice: to properly enjoy and appreciate a morning like this, it helps to have a coat with a hood. It’s warm, but not that warm. And walking through a howling cloud-racing morning with a hood up is like flying your living room through the woods.  …whoa, caffeine is kicking in!  No, serially, as I type I can hear the freight train sound of an approaching gust of wind through the pine forest that surrounds the house. very cool)

on with the reprint. (love the music in the vid…perfect mood music)

(Well, oh kay… interesting note to start a Post on… but stranger things have happened in and about the Wakefield Doctrine)

(…”this just in”…’clark…the seventies…were…thirty…plus…years ago’…stop…’please, stop’…)

Hey Reader! Yeah you!
Do you believe that your (personal) history defines and (pre)determines your future or what? Is there such a thing as the momentum of habit. (The ‘momentum of habit’ is the notion that what we are is simply a more elaborate form of what we have always been.) (Cheery thought, no?)

Well? Do you think it does? (Don’t you dare touch that “Back” button.)
(in a fairly creepy, sudden shift to a calm tone…)Do me a favor, (After all, you know something about us here at the Doctrine because of the information we are throwing out into the world by way of this blog.)…

…Look back on your life. Try and recollect the things you have done, the places you have lived, the people you have known, since as far back as you can.
Now, erase the names of the people, delete the addresses of the locations and take off the labels of the things you have done (job title, education, religious designations). You can still remember your life, can’t you?
Even with names and labels removed/deleted/eliminated, you know that you have been alive, with a life that is yours and yours alone. You know, even without the names, you lived in one place (or many different places), you knew some people (or a lot of people) and you spent your waking time doing this (or doing that).
Your ‘life story’ runs from the first (and often sketchy) times you remember as a child through and right up to now.

Pretty goddamn ‘straight’ line isn’t it?
(Come on roger, stop protesting. You what I mean. You are capable of this.)
Look at your life in terms of how many different interests and activities and ways of investing your time is evidenced. How different was your life when you were 7 years old compared to when you were 17 years old?(…or 27 or 77…)
(Yeah, yeah scott, I get the ‘I gots the girlfriends/boyfriends thing’ Does not matter. Lose the names, and they (still) are people you shared yourself and your time with, no different than a best friend in second grade or a spouse in middle age or the person in the bed next to yours in the nursing home.)
What I am trying to get across here is that the important thing is not the names of the people, places and activities that comprise(s) your life.
Rather, I am asking you to consider the question, what did they (seem) to add to your life, why did you give them your time!?

I want the Reader to consider their lives without the qualification/rationalization/justification that we all impose when we reflect on our lives.

… ‘he was a great friend, even though he was an asshole’… ‘I really liked spending time with her, but I had to because she was family’ … “of course we are happy together! We have beautiful children and a nice home’… ‘I know this is a boring job, but I will stick with it, because otherwise, what will I do?…’maybe I can still pray and maybe its not too late for me…”who will take care of me if I get sick?’…

(These little quotes barely hint at the myriad of ways that we employ to make the fact that what constitutes ‘our lives’, the essential nature and character, if you will, is the same today(as you read this blog) as it was on your very first day at school.)

So what, what is wrong with that, at least I have a life that I can look at and say, ‘hey I’m not doing so bad’!

(You are correct, scott. roger you can come back in the room, we have stopped talking about life as if it were totally unpredictable and un-certain. We won’t talk about interchangeability any more.)

Well, that was fun, wasn’t it? (Yes, I am seriously getting ready to close out this Post for today.) (No, I actually don’t have a more satisfying denouement for todays Post)

(writer leaves, house lights stay off…)

Alright, alright. Seeing that we have some new visitors (from Italy and Sweden and Ghana to name a few) and, of course, Sloveniaaa is in da house!! I will try to impart or at least ‘duct tape’ some kind of coherent point to this Post.

If pressed, I would have to say the point of this (Post) is that our essential natures (clarks, scotts and rogers) will determine how our lives are experienced and will force a consistency throughout the years (of our lives).
Having said that, I will remind everyone that the Wakefield Doctrine is predicated (yeah! he said predicated, he must be back from wherever…) on the idea that we all have the full range of potential, we are all (potentially) clarks and scotts and rogers.
And despite how this Post reads, we always have the potential to feel, act, or think in the manner of the other two personality types. In fact, that really is the purpose of the Wakefield Doctrine (the theory of clarks, scotts and rogers).

So, if this Post doesn’t get the Progenitor roger to write another comfortable and enjoyable reading Post, I don’t know what will.

For now….goodnight Slovinaaannssss!!!!!!!!!

(And a virtual shoutout to jen and kino and our other new friends from sl y’all come back now, hear?)


Tuesday -the Wakefield Doctrine- “the second best day of the week for school lunch (not hamburger fricassee, but close!)

Welcome to the Wakefield Doctrine (the theory of clarks, scotts and rogers)

(not everyone may know this, but that red building in Chicago? World Headquarters for the Omni Corporation... read all about in 'Blogdominion'

(not everyone may know this, but that red building in Chicago? World Headquarters for the Omni Corporation… read all about in ‘Blogdominion

Lets discuss religion.

lol  wait! come back!  no, serially, I won’t say anything bad!  Well, I’m only speaking for myself, my secondary scottian aspect hardly ever listens when I try to advise moderation. But, hey, what are ya gonna do?

For the sake of brevity and to leave me time this morning to work on the final edit of Chapter 40 of ‘Almira‘, following is a reprint (of a reprint) of a Post from a couple of years ago.

We say with complete authority/certainty/confidence that the Wakefield Doctrine never challenges or otherwise criticizes (an) individual’s religious beliefs, unless it forms the basis of a really good Post. But since you raised the question, lets look at what the Wakefield Doctrine tells us about religion and it’s appeal to each of the three personality types.

When it comes to religion and the three personality types of the Wakefield Doctrine, the answer boils down to two words: rogers! It is not just that rogers are the personality type that is drawn to religion, they are/is the one who invented it! The link between the rogerian personality type and religion is so strong as to form the foundation of the description of the rogerian worldview.

As we do know, it is integral to the rogerian worldview there be organised religion. This is true simply because rogers have the need not only to establish rules and order for everyone, but to have these rules posess a degree of moral imperative that can only derive from a deity or deities

Simply put, rogers are religious, clarks are spiritual and scotts… well, that’s kind of a long story…  no! not a bad thing, it’s just that for scotts religion and spirituality are more about the features of the environment and therefore can be good or bad.

If rogers have the baseline lock on organised religion, where does that leave our other two personality types?

clarks?, they’re easy! clarks believe in the unbelievable. Unfortunately this capacity prevents them from ever having complete faith in anything. In regards to religious dogma, clarks will give convincing lip service, particularly the clarklike females (who have a slight edge over their male counterparts in terms of protective coloration); a clarklike female, especially one with a family unit, will conform to the local norms for religious activities. But the odds are, even these devoutly religious clarkmoms will be filling their downsprings heads with all sorts of apostolic nonsense at random points in their upbringing. If backed into a corner, most clarks will confess to a definite spiritual tropism, but you better have a thesaurus and a comfortable chair nearby! If you read the page on clarks, one of the primary characteristics of this type is the love of knowledge…useful knowledge…useless knowledge, knowledge for good and knowledge to anger people, does not matter to your typical clark. So as to organised religion, lets put the clarks in the woman’s auxiliary section.

scotts now, they totally relate to religion, even organised religion! scotts relate to the ‘product’/ the result/ the ‘output’, if you will, of organised religion. (Ed note: this section is written more to the male scott, though not inappropriate, as the Doctrine is gender neutral, it might leave a new Reader with the impression that all scotts will view religion simply as an opportunity, as opposed to a skill, which in the case of the female scott, it can be… I’ll leave the bullet-points in place, but check back for a Post on the scottian female and her pack.)
Back in my parent’s day, there was a ‘restaurant’ called The Automat, it was sort of cool for us suburban kids in the early 60’s to hear about a restaurant that was totally mechanised. (This was all pre-fast food as we know it today). The Automat’s ‘hook’, was to offer a variety of choices of foods to customers with no intermediary such a waiter or waitress, everything there was available and purely the choice of the hungry customers.
….Throughout history, organised religions have basically served as Automat for scotts.

Aight… enough with the free-form, echolistic rambling.

Final thought this Tuesday: rogers provide structure, scotts push and clarks create…. all in the name of god.


TT(sno)T -the Wakefield Doctrine-

Welcome to the Wakefield Doctrine (the theory of clarks, scotts and rogers)



As indicated by the above photo, our local landscape has been (partially) covered by frozen water.

Quick ‘Ts’ as I have to run out and get some work done before the next Storm of the Epoch ends civilization as we know it (and, please, refrain from italic-ing that inference…lol) and then get to work on Almira.

Seeing how it’s less summery outside than, say, Newfoundland in March, I thought we’d enjoy a re-print TToT. While that may run the risk of triggering a regression loop, I’ll offset it a little with some quick Ts

1)  CS Lewis’s grandniece Lizzi (though not fully documented, at least to the level of credibility acceptable in an academic paper) she is a descendant of the product (on her great uncle’s side) of an unholy (but thoroughly enjoyable) union of a devote but semi-apostate missionary teacher and the chieftain of a long lost tribe who ruled over several prosperous towns along the Barbary Coast. She (our Founderess) has created a tribe of people (virtual and real), much like her ancestors while roaming the imaginary wires of the internet.

2) Una and Phyllis (who is out of frame in the above photo)

3) the Wakefield Doctrine

4)Almira‘ There will be one more Chapter published on the current weekly schedule. And then perhaps a slightly longer gap until the next installment. The reason is that we’ve entered the final approach (to the conclusion) of the our story and as much as we’ve enjoyed the somewhat old-fashioned serial story approach, I’ve decided that it would be best to write and publish the remaining chapters at one time. (You’ll probably agree when you read it. I don’t expect an exceptionally long delay, not more than maybe 2 weeks at tops, I have the chapters sketched out. Hell, if anyone reading this would write me an acceptable Note, I’ll stay home the next week and get it completed. (“Dear clark’s clients. clark will not be able to provide his services for the next seven days.”)

5) Secret Book of Rules (aka Book of Secret Rules)

6) SR 1.3  (damn! that regression thing!! look out! don’t think about the placement of this Secret Rule! it’ll tear up the continuum! )

7) too late! following is a reprint from a warmer, kinder time. Bonus!! you watch the clips? you remember seeing them the first time? laugh along with your younger self he/she are right there

Welcome to the Wakefield Doctrine (the theory of clarks, scotts and rogers)

I am ‘happy’ to have another Post to contribute to the Ten Things of Thankful bloghop. Created by Considerer with the aid, support, encouragement and participation of Christine and them, this is not your typical bloghop. While there is nothing wrong with the ‘typical’ bloghops (I participate in the Twisted MixTape Tuesday run by Jen (My Skewed View) and Kristi (Finding Ninee) and Finish The Sentence Friday Janine ( ‘mommyholic) and Kate (‘bottle of Whine) and Stephanie (‘for Real) and Kristi.

What makes our TToT different is that it is a true ‘weekend blog hop’. By that I simply mean that it starts this morning and ends tomorrow night. If you want to participate you can do so at any time this weekend…and (here’s the difference) people come and read and Comment throughout the weekend, so if you have trouble today (I am a great example, I have to work today, so I’ll get this Post in and read who ever is around…later in the middle of the day, I’ll pop in and see whats going on…then the end of the day and so on). And… Comments? thats a little different here too! Jump in anywhere we totally believe in cross commenting. So… I think I have put this off as long as I can… my List of Ten Things:

(…yeah, I know!)

(too late to quit now!)

(…lets wrap this up!)

Ok… I had fun doing this…. (did someone just imply that they were….?)

Number 10 I am grateful that I am able to submit the above as my TToT of this Week.


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