Month: August 2016 | the Wakefield Doctrine - Part 2 Month: August 2016 | the Wakefield Doctrine - Part 2

Six Sentence Story -the Wakefield Doctrine-

Welcome to the Wakefield Doctrine (the theory of clarks, scotts and rogers)


Wednesday evening. Word-warmup. This is the part of the process when I get to wander around in whatever parts of my mind that stories are hiding, not trying to find one, at least not yet, just looking. This is more of a walk down the aisle of a used book store, looking, with head titled 45 degrees, to read the titles, smelling that slightly moldy, but definitely papery scent (especially, the bindings of old hardcover books, they smell the best). I discovered used book stores in my last year of high school, up on the East Side of Providence. Next to smoking cigarettes and sex,  it was surely the coming of age event most likely to win the ‘wow!-this-is-a-real-thing?-why-didn’t-I-do-this-sooner?!’ Award.

Which brings us to our friend and host, zoe, who, every Thursday invites everyone to take a single word and create (or allow to grow) a story of 6 and only 6 sentences and share it. This week’s Six Sentence Story‘s prompt word is ‘ring’.

…very dark, odd, I thought there would be more pyrotechnics and flashing images and,  at very least a single shining light.

ah well, anticipation, they say, is the drunken, favorite uncle of disappointment… but, they, they’re nowhere to be found here, either, are they?

damn, this is nothing like I thought it would be, although it’s odd, I can imagine what anything was before this… except something is supposed to happen… to me, for me, by me

…oh man, I hope I didn’t go to… don’t say it! maybe this is a case of your last thoughts creating your eternity…. sure, lets think….hurry, that gonging sound, it’s getting louder, oh man  I hope I get this right….

“Honey, are you going to let that alarm ring all morning, you have to get up, your day is waiting…. my god, what’s gotten into you, yes, I love you too!”



TToT -the Wakefield Doctrine-

Welcome to the Wakefield Doctrine (the theory of clarks, scotts and rogers)

Now, listen. Lizzi will deny being my grandniece. I have no problem with that, as it changes nothing... she's a good person, just a little weird. ...and I should know!

Now, listen. Liz5 will deny being my grandniece. I have no problem with that, as it changes nothing… she’s a good person, just a little weird.
…and I should know!

1)  college radio. invaluable in these days of corporate dino rock stations. While there is not an official contest among the stations, I do keep track of: 1) how many songs on their playlists that I can identify by the first sound (“Pat? I can name that tune in 3 phonemes!“) no, I’m totally serious. I should also not be amazed, as there are probably 50 songs max that are on the playlists and I’ve been listening to them for, what, 30, 40 years? No wonder! 2) the other fun thing is to catch the two local ‘whatever-rock’ stations playing the same band at the same time during the day (extra points when you can hear the same song being playing on two ‘different’ radio stations)
So we’re driving down the road to talk our Friday night walk and I tune in to WHUS (Connecticut College) and the 20 year old dj must have had a music history term paper due, cause there’s wall to wall 1960s stuff being played.  Example:

2)  this was, the walk that we took

3)  Almira: this week’s Chapter is going to be something of an experiment. (Grat sub-Item: remembering that this is all about having fun telling a story. This seemingly obvious fact is appreciated when you consider that I’m a clark and as a clark, I’m prone to putting un-necessary on myself, with the best of intentions, of course! Case in point, the fun in Almira can be diminished as I think of it (the process) as being one of ‘Writing A Book’.)   In any event, Chapter 19 will be about the dinners that were about to happen in Chapter 18, at the Gale Farm, at Annie LoPizzo’s apartment, at Almira’s Keep and at the home of Frederick Prendergast (the III). The experiment: figure out how to create (for the Reader) the experience of sitting in the next room and hearing the conversation.

4) Phyllis (well, damn! I guess I’d better)

5) That would be Lizzi Lewis, Founderess and Grand Madame of the band of bloggers known as the Ten Things of Thankful… her energy is remarkable and this thing just keeps on keeping on.

6) gratuitous photo of Una (cause, I mean, how cute can a canine be?)


7)  Summer has not yet turned into not-Summer, although I can’t say I’m overly fond of how the sun is setting at a noticeably earlier time.

8) grateful for the opportunity to not only know people but to witness their triumphs and achievements, Kerry is a good example. She’s set out to create something new in the world (writing song lyrics), which is something a lot of people would agree is a cool thing. What a lot of people (as in, ‘hardly anyone’) does is actually do it. Kerry has. Her dream is a reality, out there in the world and total strangers can experience and (to some degree, large or small), be affected by her creation. I grateful for knowing her because I believe that witnessing others attaining their dreams adds to my own efforts.

9)  (working on it… gimme a minute!)

10) …thank god for Secret Rule 1.3!



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Six (0:01!) Sentence Story -the Wakefield Doctrine-

Welcome to the Wakefield Doctrine (the theory of clarks, scotts and rogers)

All kinds of ambitious, here at Doctrine Central, at 6:01 am Wednesday, the 3rd-of-where-the-hell-did-the-summer-go 2016

So the word of the week is ‘Minute’ (the word being the prompt, ‘of the week’ implying the recurring suggestion by zoe to write a story, a Six Sentence Story, using six and only six words).

“I promised I’d have you back to your cookout before anyone notices we’re missing, I need only one more minute,”  his wife stood before the mirror, brushing long, passion-tangled hair, her reflection smiling at the man in the doorway.

Dark eyes, with a mix of love and passion, held him in a life-practiced embrace, head bent to the side as her brush fell through a dark waterfall of hair, that crashed softly on smooth pale shoulders.

“I bought you a tee-shirt,” he stepped behind her, holding out a gift that was now very different from what he bought on a whim, fortunately for him, enough of the young man within (just recently roused from life’s slumber), remained to banish his misgivings as he handed her the very small and very lightweight cotton tee-shirt, which had silk screened figure a woman on the front.

She looked, laughed affectionately and said, ‘Well, you’ve earned it, I’m willing to try it on,” pulled it over her head, adding, “I think I can manage by myself” through a veil of dark brown hair and sheer white cotton, as he ran his hands down from her shoulders.

As his hand gently caressed across the top of her right breast he encountered an obstruction, a slight rise, unnoticeable to the eye, almost even to the touch of his fingers, it seemed nothing more than a small bind in cotton fabric that refused to smooth out.

The reflection of her face in the mirror changed, like the last person to leave a boat caught in a suddenly rising tide, she held onto his hand and unable to prevent the distance from growing, he stepped to her side and together they watched, in the last seconds of the minute he foolishly thought was his to give, as their familiar life faded into the distance.

