Month: April 2016 | the Wakefield Doctrine - Part 2 Month: April 2016 | the Wakefield Doctrine - Part 2

Tuesday -the Wakefield Doctrine- “and, how, exactly, is writing a post, when ‘out of words’, supposed to help?’

Welcome to the Wakefield Doctrine (the theory of clarks, scotts and rogers)


How messed up is this? My biggest concern this early Tuesday morning is, ‘is that the correct use of commas in a sentence, or am I just getting a little too caught up with the grammar-passion’?


So, quick Tuesday Post. And then out into the world for a day of, (hopefully), ‘one last chance’.

Topic 1: the use of the Wakefield Doctrine as a tool to enhance life and it’s endless challenge to get off the ground (or, as we clarks say, ‘out of my head and into the world’) and live. Stating it this way, always gives me a fresh sense of pre-optimism*, as it’s accepted (here at the Doctrine) that ambition, realistic or not, is a hallmark of those who exhibit the traits of the clarklike personality type. Well, that didn’t exactly convince us that there’s a great world of exciting ideas just waiting for us to get out of bed and run after them, did it? No. No, it did not.

But the truth of the matter is that using the (principles) of the Wakefield Doctrine in order to gain one more, additional perspective on the world, the people we interact with in the course of the day today, and ultimately, ourselves is both fun, exciting and very, very helpful. Try it. Look at the people around you today, infer, (on the basis of: how they act, how loud and forceful their voices are, what seems to attract their attention, their apparent emotional state and how-many-non-naturally-occuring-colors-have-they-dyed-their hair), how that person is relating themselves to the world around them. It will be one of three ways:

  1. as an Outsider would (clark): they seemingly have a marginal investment in whatever it is they’re involved in, (this, of course, is a false impression. not your fault, even clarks sometimes mistake the hedging of emotional bets, for ‘just not giving a shit’. clarks do, in fact, give a shit. they’re just convinced that if they’re are too upfront/outfront, about their interest, they’ll get disqualified, (a concept that’s alien-to-the-point-of-non-understandable to those of the scottian and rogerian worldviews)
  2. as Predator (scott): the world is, in essence and in fact, a hostile, yet not evil world. it’s just the world. a world, (and, for our purposes here, a day today), in which there are opportunities and there are threats, prey and larger predators and action, right-here-and-right-now action, that is the only sane response. for a scott, to live is to act, in acting they live the only worthwhile life
  3. Herd Member (roger): all the world’s a stage and everyone has access to a script, although, following it, unfortunately, seems to be quite optional. rogers live in a world that’s quantifiable and, with enough effort, totally knowable. they float in a sea of emotion and all things are connected.
  4. (btw: we all are born with the potential to experience the world in any of these three ways, but, all of us find ourselfs living in only one of them. that being said, we retain the ‘other two’ worldviews. that’s where the Wakefield Doctrine is semi-unique in the matter of self-improving oneself. if you want to improve yourself, you need not be concerned with acquiring anything new, all you need do is find, within yourself, those skills that you would have developed, had you grown up in one of the ‘other two’ personal realities.**)

Topic 2: Chapter 3 of ‘Almira’ is on the newsstands! It’s available to read on wordpress, but I also have it on jukepop as well. If you don’t mind having to enter an email when you get there, they allow a sequential layout (and ease of access to Chapters, once we get this boat moving, that wordpress does not permit), plus ….plus!! you get to vote for the story!  In any event, we learn more about our protagonist-wannabe, Dorothy Gale. And, not to give anything away, because of her determination to interact with Almira Gulch, we will soon be learning much more about that ‘really-I-had-no-idea’ character in our story. We just getting started!

Topic 3: hey! our Friend Cynthia is doing some very cool work over at ‘the ‘tude’ with meditation and such. A simple (and therefore almost always underestimated approach to self-improvement) topic in the hands of someone who has the gift of teaching is always a pleasure to read. Go there, tell her the Doctrine sent ya.

That’s it for today.


*regular Readers of this blog will recall that, for those of us living in the reality of the Outsider (aka clarks), ‘hope’ is a bit of a dirty word.

**hey! I’d forgotten the fun of writing a post in a manner comparable to rummaging through a box of saved stuff… eventually, without needing to know what you were looking, you find the thing that you currently need! In this case, it was the point: the Wakefield Doctrine, as a personality theory, maintains that our personality type, (clark, scott or roger), is simply that style that is most appropriate and effective in dealing with the reality that we’re living in, and that the reality is, well, real! We don’t need to ask people about their interests and appetites and secret urges, we just need to get a look at the world as they are experiencing it and everything else follows! And, for the self-improvement piece, I just need to accept the fact that I have, as a native, if not practiced, ability to chase and hunt prey and hug and emote with the best of ’em.  Pretty simple, isn’t it?


TToT (TToT unofficial motto: ‘sharing valuable insights and remarkable conclusions for more than 13 years running!’) -the Wakefield Doctrine-

Welcome to the Wakefield Doctrine (the theory of clarks, scotts and rogers)


Writing this TToT Post way early, like Friday morning early, thinking about a combo Post or maybe a Friday Post or just getting a start on the TToT Post for the weekend. As must be abundantly clear, not really sure what, if anything I would write. Following my own personal rule, ‘it’s easier to edit than it is to write’ I’ll just do some finger-aerobics here for a short time and then head out into the world. (yeah, clark here)

1-5) Reference above video (camera, actually its a new phone): dog, car and dog, cows to harass and nice weather

6) Chapter 3 ‘Almira’ due to be released this weekend. The First Two Chapters are out on both the website and on jukepop (jukepop is a site that hosts serial stories, basic advantage is that they provide a sequential format (of the stories by the Chapter) which makes them easier to follow as the number of Chapters increases. If you have a minute, you should go there and ‘Vote’ for Almira (yeah, what the hell!, is there anything, in this culture, that’s not obsessed with competition?)

7) work, which is kinda necessary to all this typation, fortunately it remains interesting work. That being said, the fact of the matter is, the vast majority of work, at least in my own experience, is repetition of (skilled and un-skilled) acts and actions, interspersed with brief, (not seeming so, at the time), intervals of terror and/or stress. (lol) Speaking of jobs, I saw an opening for ‘forklift operator’ the other day. I was sorely tempted. Buried in my work record, are a couple of interludes during which I was a professional forklift operator. Very enjoyable work.
Back to my ‘tedium interrupted by terror’ thesis; most of the other work I’ve done in my life has conformed to that description. It is, (as always), the exceptions to that rule that prove to be interesting, in light of the topic of this Item. I’ve worked in mills, both textile and manufacturing. How cool is this reality of mine, when the experiences of the worst job(s) I’ve held are, in very real fact, the most useful and valuable thing to me today?  Damn! Working in a mill. It’s important to me today because, Almira Gulch (the at-the-moment, very silent protagonist of my Serial Story, ‘Almira‘) worked in a mill when she was young.( Lawrence, MA 1910 to 1912). While un-deniably repetitious, factory work can be very difficult work, the very same, limited number of motions, 8 hours a day (or more) 5 days a week (or more)… for the rest of your life. I’ve met people who were at the same punch press for 20, 25…30 years! Incomprehensible to my then, 19-year-old mind. I eventually learned. They did it for someone/something else. Someone, (singular or, more likely plural), else needed what working a punch press 8 hours a day, forever provided right then and there that day, that dinner, that future for others. Gotta give ’em credit.

8) grateful for the people here, (in the ‘sphere), who, by their presence, allow me to experiment with the tools I’ve found for self-developing myself. The Wakefield Doctrine is, of course, primary among these tools, however, I’m come to realize that the inherent flaw to ‘hermitized self-improvement’, is that, without feedback and reflections/suggestions from people walking in the same world as I am, I have no way of knowing if it’s ‘working’.  So thanks to those clarks  (and scotts and rogers who are possessed of a significant secondary clarklike aspect)

9) (to be completed mid day…. ) yeah, no! I’m serious, I’ll get us something un-rote for this TToT list. I have a pretty full schedule today: several houses to inspect, Chapter 3 to work on and an Open House… bound to be something in all that, small, but definitely measurable portion of my life, to include here.

10) SR 1.3  (and Our Miss Lewis and her co-hortessae,  Christine and Kristi, Lisa and Zoe, Kristi and Michelle, Sarah and Dyanne )


(yeah… should have some music…. will try to find us some)

Out in the world in the course of this day:  found a tune, will post….more from the field as it develops….  (remind me again, this gratitude thing, like even when the world is not cooperating or I’m getting too busy to stop and notice?  jeez  bar set high or what?)



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Six Sentence Story -the Wakefield Doctrine- let the fun begin

Welcome to the Wakefield Doctrine (the theory of clarks, scotts and rogers)


Early, (for me), to start warming up, but, what the heck! right?

Holy smokes!  Not only did I not warm up yesterday, (afternoon, night…other than take a near-meaningless photo of my new phone and write one line), but the prompt word was not there when I went looking last night! Admittedly, I was tired and, despite my resolve to get some more words down for Chapter 3 in ‘Almira‘, I fell down in the-room-with-specially-soften-floors and slept horribly most of the night!

anyway, now it’s Thursday morning, the prompt is ‘Last’ and, as zoe demands each and every Thursday, here is my Six Sentence Story:


Heidi found her husband, Claus, sitting, his face slumped in the vee of his elbow-propped hands, at the end of the long, narrow plank bench that ran in parallel rows on either side of the wooden tables,

“Why, my husband do you wear such a sad face, Oktoberfest is for the beer-laughing, wench-pinching men of the Village to celebrate and shout and drink and eat, what is it that bothers you so?”

Claus’s usually cheerful face turned to look up at his wife’s, like an avalanche in reverse, his bushy white eyebrows raised, blue eyes regarded her with fierce affection,

“I know, I know, each year, out there among the young people I am, telling the young men to walk, so that they might get them all and, when they get too boisterous, there I stand between them and the shyer girls, at their first Oktoberfest all alone in small groups of friends.”

“But this year, I had to insist on claiming the title of ‘Münchner Kindl’ and start the festivities and even, my ego it so large, arrange the menu, course by course!!”

“And that you’ve done so well,” Heidi turned, pulling her husband in close to her, the two-now-one, facing the tent full of townspeople gathered at the tables and outside on the lawns beyond, “look, Claus, they eat and they drink and laugh and carouse.”

“That is so, and each plate of food and every stein of beer has its proper place, like a wedding procession, the bride would not be first to enter the Church, as with the heavenly choir of angels, there is a proper order to things.”

Waving his hand towards the townspeople, who, standing and sitting, laughing and whispering and, all held plates of sweetly-iced strudel, “I distinctly said, the last shall be Wurst!”


Monday -the Wakefield Doctrine- “sure, it’s meant to help even the challenges inherent in Monday!”

Welcome to the Wakefield Doctrine (the theory of clarks, scotts and rogers)

(hey! glad you asked! yes, the Wakefield Doctrine is gender-neutral)

Yes, as Vincent Vega said to Lance, in Pulp Fiction, “that’s a bold statement.” But true. The Wakefield Doctrine is not just a fun way to augment the time honored practice of people-watching (people-watching motto: “I say, William, although no one has yet to invent television I quite enjoy having a guide to how people will behave. Rather than taking the fun out of watching strangers interact, it positively enhances my enjoyment. And, no, since you’re asking, I have no idea why I should speak with some sort of British accent.”)

Seriously though, if you learn the characteristics of the three worldviews, (that account for the three personality types of the Wakefield Doctrine), not only will you know more about the other people in your life (both intimately, and ‘in passing’, the Doctrine offers the opportunity to gain insight into: the intensely banal thoughts of the bicyclist riding along side the road, oblivious to all except how recognizable they must appear/ the distracted mind of the girl at the convenience store, who smiles at you and yet nods at something you don’t see, her green-streaked hair somehow managing to draw attention to her army-issue jump boots (worn with a mini skirt)/ the teacher who really seems to enjoy singling you out for not having read the assignment, even when you have done the reading, he insists on finding something lacking in your understanding/ the girl that your best friend insists would be willing to go out with you, you’re totally confident when you have your friend in the room, you even got her to laugh that one time, but the thought of calling…directly and asking her out, without there being a punchline at hand to spare you the humiliation of a no/ the boss who seems to be so friendly when you happen to talk, alone in the breakroom, who’s a total ballbuster at staff meetings,  all of these situations (and the rest of a regular Monday work/school day) are more….. something-able for knowing the Wakefield Doctrine.

Try it today!  Warning!!  If you learn the characteristics of the three worldviews sufficiently to correctly identify (a person’s) predominant worldview (clark, scott or roger), they will act in the manner that you read here in the Doctrine. But that’s not the warning, (that, that first part? is actually the fun… I mean, like you’ll be all, “hey! how’d they know to say that… is this a trick?! is everyone in on this Doctrine thing? no way!! somebody must’ve put them up to it“), the Warning is that, once you ‘see’ the clarks, and scotts and rogers in your life, you may not be able to not see them.  You’ve been warned.

If you’re one of the 6 people that I ‘know’ that I don’t have an email or Facebook address for, then you might not know that Chapter 2 of ‘Almira’ is out and available to read. So, here: click on this and read. (New Readers? ‘Almira’ is a Serial Story about Dorothy Gale, (home from Sarah Lawrence College the Summer after her freshman year), and Almira Gulch, (a woman that we all thought we knew and were correct to hate), and how a person can know the truth and still not understand how different life can be for the other person. Come on and sign up and ‘Follow’ Almira. A Chapter each week, like in the Reader’s Days of Old.)

ok, real quick:

  1. clarks (Outsider) the people who seem to have so much potential and yet appear determined to hobble themselves in their efforts to offer what they have, to those around them, forgetting that for most people, to accept a gift requires an acknowledged relationship, (on some level, anywhere from ‘passing on the street’ to ‘intimate baring of all’), and getting a note from the girl who sits next to the guy in the other row is not quite direct enough.
  2. scotts (Predator) the one friend you love to be with and, (on too many occasions), relieved to get safely away from, these are the ‘life of the party’ and ‘the death of me’ people and they have much to teach the rest of us, but only by example. Live the moment, embrace life and run faster than the bear.
  3. rogers (the Herd Member) the person who knows the right way… to live and to work and to love, (the caveat is to find out what they mean, before you try to do it with them)… they’re reasons that we’re all not huddling under the bushes waiting for a chance to get to the stream for a life-maintaining sip of water…. the reasons that the Facebook is gathering our lives and making all that information tidy and useful (for a change)



TToT -the Wakefield Doctrine “100,382 Spam comments blocked by Kismet.

Welcome to the Wakefield Doctrine (the theory of clarks, scotts and rogers)

Tilda Swinton, Angelina Jolie and Brad Pitt

1) I appreciate the wisdom, (amply illustrate in these pages, by ‘Our Miss Lewis‘ and the co-hostinae), that gratitude is a state of mind and, as such, is something I am allowed to accept the responsibility for finding or ignoring. And so, my semi-humorous subtitle,  “100,382 Spam comments blocked by Kismet.”  which is a true and real thing in my blog dashboard.  (“We’re Number!! We’re Number 1!!”)

2) ok, I think I’ve got that out of my system. Big shoutout to my co-hostinae (and others) who are participating in the annual ‘Anaconda and Zeppelin Blog Challenge’!! Dyanne and Val and Kristi and a number of others are crushing that there alphabet.  ( “Topic with Letter G in it??! See you in hell! plosive G!!”)

3) thankful this workweek is over?  Well, I would certainly say so!

4) I’m cautiously and quietly grateful for my growing my self-confidence in writing these things (TToTs and Sixes and such) in whatever manner randomly walks into my head and takes over my typing hands… did you read that last Item?!?  Number 4?!?!  jeez… Higgins, did ‘ja forget something at hyper-gentility class this morning?? lol  hell, I not only brought it on myself, I’ve been totally encouraging ‘what-the-hell-try-it!’ self ever since I pulled into Blogville, what, 5 years ago?

5) Back to Item 3 (SR 32.4 ch. 7.3: if a relatively high-risk Item is put forth, it is permissible to return to self-same Item, provided (said return) is for the exclusive intent to elaborate or explicate the [P]reviously Cited Item (op. cit. ‘go back to the Well’ Gambit)  Tough work week. High Stress. I will, in fact, cite the (implied) and actual lessons that inform this bloghop, i.e. that the cultivate of the gratitude reflex has the very practical value of reinforcing the attitude that precedes the approaching crisis. Can’t go into much more detail, but, after the crisis passes, (and ‘game over! alright!’), to remind myself the how the situation resolved itself, despite misgivings, is a good thing.

6) Una and Phyllis, of course.  (To the humanophiles out there, who might be all, ‘hey! how come you always mention the Canine first? Huh, whats up with that?!  Well, that’s just the way we both think of the family unit, here at Casa de Una)

7) ‘Almira’  Chapter 1 is out (link here) The coolest thing about a new Serial is that, by definition, it’s only just starting, so you don’t have, like, 13 Chapters to read before you can get whats going on. Chapter 2 will be out this Sunday, and we’ll be learning a bit more about young Dorothy Gale. I, for one*, did not realize that, that after finishing High School the year after ‘the Storm of ’37’, she got early acceptance to Sarah Lawrence College! When we join Miss Gale, in Chapter 2, she’s back home in Circe, Kansas on summer vacation following her Freshman year. And, as all of us who have children returning from College after Freshman Year (or have been returning Freshman) know quite well, ‘Home is never quite what some inner, secret part of us want to remember it to be’. So, Dorothy has some adjustments to make. (Spoiler Alert!!! Only Hunk, (aka the Scarecrow), is still working on the Gale Farm. Hickory and Zeke have, in the intervening year, both moved on.)  Find the ‘Follow’ button on the blog, you can get each new Chapter sent right to your metaphorical doorstep every Monday morning!

8) The Graviteers ( christine, val, joy and lisa and sarah and kristi ) at the Gravity Challenge. If you haven’t been following the Challenge, one of the cool things is, that, by virtue of being a group, what we face as individuals, at any given time varies…. one, (or more of us), might be in backslide mode, but others could be meeting with outstanding success and progress. The group shares the bad with the good and benefits together.

9) music… of late, these past few weekends, I’ve been posting  music videos as an Item. (Having Friend of the Doctrine Kerry on her own music adventure doesn’t hurt, influentialistically-speaking), I’m so grateful for the vast and easy availability of music and such (new Readers!! see that?? that’s how it’s done….)  here is a link to one of my all time favorite gospel guys, Fred Hammond.  (the coolest thing? Fred’s singing about the Old Testament and the horn section are like going, like, total R&B, up in the back row (watch: 0:26)    

10) SR: 1.3  ( hey… Abbie  yo that is how the Secret Book of Rules (aka the Book of Secret Rules) gets used to make our collectively-imaginary lives a little simpler and easier.)

* this Serial story is being written, pretty much in the same manner as I wrote ‘Blogdominion’ which is to say, Chapter by Chapter. And, for you new Readers, I don’t mean to limit the implications of that description to the normal, ‘well, of course, Chapter 3 follows Chapter 2 and precedes Chapter 4!’  no, I mean, the story unfolds for me, as for you the Reader… Chapter to Chapter. Not only is Chapter 3 not yet typed out, as of this moment, I don’t have the slightest idea of what’s going to happen in Chapter 3. I’m sure it’s a common enough phenomenon in the writing biz (to which I’ve somehow managed to sneak in through a poorly secured fire door, back by the loading docks) that stories exist (‘out there’ wherever) and my only job is to discover it and write it down. I’m totally in whatever camp it is that maintains, ‘come to know the characters well enough and they’ll tell you the whole story.’


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