Month: June 2015 | the Wakefield Doctrine - Part 2 Month: June 2015 | the Wakefield Doctrine - Part 2

TToT -the Wakefield Doctrine- (yeah, no! I think there’s a kitchen sink down there somewhere!)

Welcome to the Wakefield Doctrine (the theory of clarks, scotts and rogers)

1) I am ever grateful for belonging to, participating in, co-hostifying a bloghop that has such confidence in the integrity of its ‘theme’, i.e. the listing, describing and sharing events and occasions, people, animals and multiplayer sports that participants feel a sense of gratitude for, that the “Rules”,  at least when not secret or dance enhanced, are easy to break and, most importantly, flexible. This flexibility is totally contingent on having the proper attitude/intent/heart.

2) Well, I do watch some TV. But we have basic cable, so, for the most part, there isn’t a lot to watch… not counting, ‘How It’s Made’, ‘Castle’, ‘Parks and Recreation’.  That being said, when I do watch I have the remote ready to mute any and all commercials. There is a commercial that I’ll watch, ‘Hannah and Her Horse’. (For anyone reading this who is of a certain age, the phrase ‘I buy it for the articles’ may ring a bell.) But….but!  I will laugh and turn up the sound whenever this commercial comes on. (I was in the office yesterday, talking to an associate and I mentioned Hannah and was rewarded with a blank look and a, “I don’t know what you’re talking about“. So, I opened her office door and said to the room at large, ‘hey! any of you guys familiar with that commercial, ‘Hannah and her Horse‘  the reaction was, as expected, ‘yeah! great commercial!’ What is kind of funny though,  is that no one could remember what the commercial was selling.  Go figure. Seeing how I don’t know how the vid will ‘display’, I’ll post it at the bottom of the page.

3)  You know what day today is?* Saturday, but not TToT Live Saturday. TToT Live Saturday is only one week away!

4) Una and the Cows (see lead photo/video) (yes… this week, it would seem that we’re throwing out the rule book when it comes to where to place the video links!)

5)  How about an ambi-grateful Item for this week’s list? The 2 Mile Run?  love it! wouldn’t do without it… love the group  and hate it, it’s boring and repetitive (every morning, ‘cept Sundays!) and the Elapsed Time thing!! ayiiee up, down…. down a little,  ..way the hell back up again… if it weren’t for Kristi and Alex and Val, who, I know for a fact, are experiencing the same thing…well, maybe a few less mutters of ‘fricken running!!’  lol  but, the fact is, while most of you know what I mean about being ambi-grateful for the 2 Mile Run, my fellow  2 Milers know how I feel. (there’s that business of identification again!  such an amazing concept, no?)

6) shout out to the concept of the Wakefield Doctrine blog. By this I mean, the drive to write a blog on the principles, applications and appreciation of our little personality theory. I mention this because since the very first post I’ve gone through phases where I can’t write enough posts and, other times it’s like having dental work… admittedly necessary but certainly not enjoyable, even when the chair side assistant is totally hot. So lately I’ve been trying to find my ‘next take’ on the Doctrine. There’s an advantage to experience in this case, I’m not panicking and thinking ‘omg! I’m out of stuff to write…I’ll never write another post that people will want to read! when the hell is this thing gonna take off!! come on clark!! think of something!!’   well, maybe a little. But the simple fact of the matter is that I still enjoy writing and being read. (What’s genuinely discouraging and puzzling is my …capacity. no, wait, don’t laugh!  but the thing is, if I write a 2 Mile Run post first thing, (right after ‘running’ my 2 Miles)…. even though these posts are short and all… maybe 100 words… I some who then don’t feel like writing for the Doctrine.   (no, it’s not funny, zoe…. you and Dyanne can stop giggling).  My solution is: depending on when I wrote my last Doctrine post, I’ll hold off on writing the 2 Mile Run post until later in the day and simple focus on the Wakefield Doctrine. It is totally still enjoyable to hit publish at the start of the day. Then, no matter how bad my day my go, I can read the Comments and see the reactions of Readers. Worth the effort.

7) Hey!  Lets do a Poll!  We haven’t done one of those in a while!  And since the TToLive is only a week away, lets focus on the very basic Question:

8) I will be attending the TTohLive! next week if:

9) I will not be attending the TTohLive! next week because:

yeah, right!  like anyone who is able to, would miss out on this event!  el.oh.el.

10) SR 1.3 (UK SR: 3.1)




Ten Things of Thankful

Your hosts

Join the Ten Things of Thankful Facebook Group


-the Wakefield Doctrine- (the) theory of personality types thats “unique, fun and useful”

Welcome to the Wakefield Doctrine (the theory of clarks, scotts and rogers)

...wire money?....please?!

“unique, fun and useful”

You know, I’ve been describing the Wakefield Doctrine in those terms since, like, the very first Post.  And it only just now, walking around the house, recovering from my 2 Mile Run, that it occurred to me that these three qualities/characteristics/values, correspond to our three personality types!  No, really, it hadn’t dawned on me today. I’m not surprised that it does, just that it is only just now connecting. Maybe it’s, in part, something Christine said in a comment, just the other day,

I imagine it would be difficult to write on the same topic for years. Coming up with ways to make it all interesting and with new info and all…
You must be doing something right, as so many of us are still sticking around!

(Astute Readers will note that I included her full comment, including the compliment, and find yourselves thinking, “My goodness! he’s certainly come a long way, what with printing the entire comment without apology or qualification.” …. “yes, I certainly concur, but he has included this imaginary conversation and so, he still manages to distance himself, wouldn’t you say?” …. “you two are both a couple of knuckelheads!!!”)

I am glad to discover that there is still more to understand and appreciate in the principles and application(s) of the Wakefield Doctrine.

Speaking of life!  There is still going to be a ‘TTohLive on June 27th at 10:30 am  (Live Event tagline:  “we happy few, we band of bloggers”)  There have been questions about the how, ( as well as the why, but for reasons that still elude me), the Event will occur. It’ll be live through ‘google hangouts’.
This is an app that you’ll need to download. On the day of the Live Event, I’ll post on the Facebook. the link to the event, click on it and viola! You’ll be live and standing around the virtual meeting room, thinking things like, ‘oh look! there’s zoe! where’s skip?? or “Isn’t that Christine? … no! you go up and say something”  “why is that guy in black and white? what is this Pleasantville?”  “look!! it’s Lizzi!  hey!! Lizzi!!”

More to follow in the lead up week. The google hangouts is the live video app that Lizzi and Michelle (and then zoe and Denise) started using early on with our Friday vidchats… it’s like the Brady Bunch, only horizontal.

So, to close out on an instructionistic note.

  • clarks (Outsiders) think… and because they do they are creative to a fault, funny if you can hear them and will be there, even when you don’t see them
  • scotts (Predators) act… and because they do they are the life of the party (even if it means doing the things that get the cops to be necessary, but are almost always the reason people will say, ‘did you hear what happened? I wish I had been there!’
  • rogers (Herd Members) feel… emotion is a funny and usually under-appreciated thing, to invest emotion in a belief is one thing, to have (a) belief provide the emotion (and motivation, encouragement and rewards all in one) that’s something else entirely

….come join us on our 2 Mile Run*!


*run being defined as: move along, jog, walk, traverse, get from point A to point B


Monday Morning Post -the Wakefield Doctrine- it’s not that difficult, just start with, “…suppose everyone we know is an Outsider, a Predator or a Herd Member?”

Welcome to the Wakefield Doctrine (the theory of clarks, scotts and rogers)


the Towers, Narragansett RI

Back in the first couple of years of this blog, when I found myself with no ideas, insights or themes on which to base a Post, I’d say to myself, ‘hey! propose something extreme or controversial and then, just write your way out of it.’

With the increase of the number of people well-versed in the Wakefield Doctrine, that ambition, (to shock or titillate the Readers), is not so easy. No matter what I might say, the basis of the theory of clarks, scotts and rogers remains the same, i.e. that we, all of us and everyone you know is either:

  1. an Outsider (similar in temperament to marmosets and (other) prehistoric proto-mamalians intent upon overthrowing the dynasty of the much more ferocious and aggressive and better-equipped-to-survive-and-flourish dinosaurs) or
  2. a Predator, (either a sleek and sexy lion/tigeress/wolves …or that kid with all D’s and F’s on his report card but a combined SAT score north of 1500 which, somehow, is not convincing him not to sign up for voc-ed courses like Cars-are-Like-Girls-except-easier-to-understand 101 and Wood Shop without prosthetics… at least the female Predator spends her time practicing her hunting skills, since her competition, with the exception of the substitute French Teacher with the stiletto heels and the Mont Blanc fountain pen chip on his shoulder, is so out-classed as to be laughable) or,
  3. as the majority of the population will clearly be seen as Herd Members, these are the people who personify and manifest the collective conscious (both genuine and TV-commercial-based, which is the only explanation for how otherwise reasonably discerning and intelligent people can watch a commercial for a cleaning product demonstrating the superior qualities of a vacuum cleaner that weighs 132 lbs, has an attachment designed and placed to always catch on the operator’s pants pocket in a house that is surely 5,000 square feet of living space, a demographic that is comfortably situated between, ‘successful entrepreneur and lottery winner’. But, hey, you can identify with the millionaire athlete or the Victoria’s Secret model-thing, right?)

…enough of that! (Time to write my way out of this)…

personal reality: the way things feel to you in a given situation. (note: I did not say, ‘the way you feel in a situation’, this is something entirely different… this is about the job interview that you are afraid of going to, not because you won’t get the job, rather because you will be marked as ‘not good enough’ by people who you will never again meet in your entire life; it’s that girl you meet that says something that you’re sure no one understood and yet, you can’t bring yourself to express that to her….; it’s your one child you know is simply acting out appropriately for the age he is (the books and all your friends say it’s so), that somehow makes you mad that you can’t do anything to change things and spare with the inevitable unpleasantness

worldview(s): how you relate yourself to the world around you today (note: I did not say, ‘how you relate to the world around you, this is something entirely different… this about how you can’t just sit still, because….well….because you can’t!!; this is about knowing that you’re not really that bad or different or unlikable and people don’t seem to mind you, but every now and then you stop and think, ‘why can’t I just be a real person’

predominant worldview (aka ‘personality type):  we all grow up and develop our coping skills and life strategies in one of three personal realities. The way we act, what some would call our personality type, is simply the best way we could manage the world as it is (…for us):

  • as an Outsider (clark) we stay in the background, the better not to be picked on or disappoint those who seem to have such an interest in what we do, like our parents and family, spouse or children. We know that we must learn as many things as possible, as many different things as possible, simply because among these countless things of the world and in our life, may be the one thing that will allow is to learn how to be a real person
  • as a Predator (scott) we never stop moving, even when we’re asleep! Picture the puppy after a long day of chasing and playing…sure she’s asleep, but every now and then the legs move, sometimes the lip curls as the world continues to play in her mind… running and chasing prey and running and fleeing from other predators… it’s all good, because life is meant to be engaged in, not thought about
  • as the Herd Member (roger) life is good and sufficient… if only you can be as good and clearly reflecting the high standards that you imagine you know

OK off to work


TToT -the Wakefield Doctrine- “…dispose the Day.”*

Welcome to the Wakefield Doctrine (the theory of clarks, scotts and rogers)


1)  that I have a bloghop to be a (co)-host for/to, which conveys a certain sense of belonging and, at the same time, a responsibility to  participate each week

2)  … grateful for the..something about the TToT that makes it exceptional, especially the very basic yet often under-emphasized principle (of an exercise like a gratitude blog) that maintains that the primary, initial value is the act of engaging in the exercise…  it’s not just writing 10 items that would appear to demonstrate a thankful for  attitude towards (one’s) life… it is (for me), the fact of doing it anyway. (Something our esteemed Founder demonstrated even before this ‘hop got started more than 2 years ago

3)  hey!  new TToTeers!! have you heard about hypo-gratitude? (yeah, there is such a thing!)  There are times and there are things that may possess a quality that, while overall is a good thing, at the same time there is a feeling associated with it…. that you don’t feel so grateful for… ambivalence might be a better word to describe it…

4) 2 Mile Run   I am genuinely grateful that today is Saturday, ’cause we have tomorrow (Sunday) off!  We don’t have  to run on Sunday.

5) I would say ‘gratitude’ for my work… but this has been one of those weeks that the term hypo-gratitude was coined to describe.

6) BoSR/SBoR   Hey!!!  anyone new to the TToT out there?  ask about the Secret Book of Rules (aka Book of Secret Rules) it is simply one of the most fun thing about this here bloghop here… so ask already!

7) SGV  ( you might want to check in with Lizzi or zoe/ivy )

8) Hey!!!!! don’t forget  TToLive!!  June 27 2015  You will be one of the people who are there… (oh oh!  Feel a Kenneth Branagh  speech coming on….  TToT a ‘household word’ indeed, “…we happy few, we band of bloggers“)

…(update!  I realized that I should have included more information!  TToT will be Live on Saturday June 27 2015 starting 10:30 EDT and ending 11:30 EDT… further details available, i.e. dress code, menu, assigned topics etc  stay tuned!

9)  sweat; sweatiness; excess temperatue  I’m totally grateful for it.  (You know that old saying, ‘hot enough for ya?’… my answer is always, “Why no, it is not (yet) hot enough for me.”

10) * footnote for subtitle   I figured I better put the explanation here rather than at the bottom, because you will have just finished the vid clip and that phrase is, of course, one of the very last lines



Ten Things of Thankful

 Your hosts

Join the Ten Things of Thankful Facebook Group



-the Wakefield Doctrine- ‘lets try that one more time!’

Welcome to the Wakefield Doctrine (the theory of clarks, scotts and rogers) our backyard, fer cryin outloud

Topics for today:

  • the Wakefield Doctrine for the First Time Reader
  • for clarks (kinda more than the other two), ‘engaging the world’

First Time Reader?

Totally glad to see/infer/assume/hope that you’re here, ready to learn about the Wakefield Doctrine. I will say without hesitation or reservation that you, in your capacity as a New Reader, possessed of a certain curiosity, access to the internet and a little time, are the second most important thing to us here at this blog. From the beginning of this blog (but not the beginning of the Wakefield Doctrine) (or to be more precise, the beginning of the theory of clarks, scotts and rogers) the goal and ambition has been to write ‘the Perfect Wakefield Doctrine Post. The Perfect Wakefield Doctrine Post is one that a total stranger, here for the first time (remind you of anyone?), can read and understand this personality theory well enough to apply it to their own life and see and/or appreciate the fact that everyone around them is a clark or a scott or a roger. Further, and this is where the real benefits begin to show, this First Time Reader, by employing the perspective that is the Wakefield Doctrine, becomes able to see the world as the other person is experiencing it.

…because that is what the Wakefield Doctrine is for, to better understand how our world is experienced by the people in our lives.

…different day, different perspective (on this topic):

If you’ve always had this… feeling about new ideas, call it a permanent curiosity about the odd things, in an undeniably odd world, if, when someone does something unexpected, (and annoying and/or aggravating), you always think to yourself, ‘…really thought I knew them better than that, what did I miss?!’  then you’ve come to the right place.

The Wakefield Doctrine is a way to understand the behavior of the people in our lives. Depending on your interests, the Wakefield Doctrine works as:

  • a system of personality types (clarks, scotts and rogers),
  • an anecdotal personality theory ( developing coping strategies in response to growing up as ‘the Outsider’ or ‘a Predator’ or ‘the Herd Member’ )
  • or a metaphysics/’hey what if?’/framework for questions and assumptions

… but most of all, as today’s version of this Post (started yesterday) infers,  the Wakefield Doctrine is a perspective. It is not:

  • the Answer (to why you can’t get a date, lose some weight or get a promotion)….  wait a minute! I take that back… the Doctrine can help with those life challenges
  • the Right Way to live your life (the major religions sorta have that market tied up… unless all you’re interested in is learning to understand the people in your life better each day)
  • a way to stop feeling so…  different (oops… dropped the ball on this bullet-point-contrasting-list of qualities thing…. the Wakefield Doctrine is totally a way to (begin) to stop feeling so…alone)

Lets shorten this up. There is a new Reader out there feeling like she isn’t ‘getting’ this Doctrine thing the way that the others are… ok. Hey! New Reader? If you came back here more than twice…relax! you’re getting it. Don’t compare to the others, identify with them. This Doctrine can be useful, but mostly it’s fun. (“hey! did you see what they came up with for a Post photo yesterday?? that guy is fricken nuts!”  “…and then he, like out of nowhere said the meanest thing, you think that’s what they mean by a roger?”  “…she so crazy! make sure your insurance is up to date, the mace canister is not showing an Expiration Date…and go and have fun!”)

The 3 worldviews will coalesce with time. Not to worry, you’ll get it eventually. Actually, if you want something to worry about, worry about the very real fact that once you do start seeing the clarks, scotts and rogers in your world, you may not be able to not see the clarks, scotts and rogers in your world. That’s something to be concerned about!
