of stampeding cats, fireflies on the floor and a Live TToT -the Wakefield Doctrine- (that certainly should be enough for 1 Post) | the Wakefield Doctrine of stampeding cats, fireflies on the floor and a Live TToT -the Wakefield Doctrine- (that certainly should be enough for 1 Post) | the Wakefield Doctrine

of stampeding cats, fireflies on the floor and a Live TToT -the Wakefield Doctrine- (that certainly should be enough for 1 Post)

Welcome to the Wakefield Doctrine (the theory of clarks, scotts and rogers)


Regrettably, I do not possess the skills with cellphone camera that makes the Facebook what it is…. all those totally cute and candid snapshots and video clips that are the result of whipping out the cell phone* capturing a transient, but fascinating life-moment,  to be shared with the hordes of stimuli-hungry people who populate the internets. Nevertheless, I had two incidents that I was fortunate enough to observe recently, and, while I’ll leave the import and life-enhancing insights, (inherent in these moments of frisson), to be judged by the Readers, permit me to relate them to you… in print… yeah, sort of like your grandparents, talking about how wonderful the ‘Days of Radio’ were and how much more satisfying it was to listen, instead going to see one of those new-fangled motion pictures.

  1. …so I’m driving through farmland in rural Connecticut yesterday afternoon, talking on the phone. Suddenly I see a bunch of cows…running away from the section of field nearest the roadway… must’ve been 23 or 24 of ’em, semi- galloping towards the far side of their pasture! In nearly the same instant (…in that open-to-the-wonders-of-life-instant, the ‘wtf!?’ moment), a cat ran across the road in the opposite direction. The cat was looking smugly satisfied, so naturally I thought, ‘damn! a cat playing with the rogers!’ The moment (less than 45 seconds, surely), concluded as I looked back at the pasture and saw the running cows re-join the herd, mixing in with barely a sign of the excitement that just galvanized their afternoon. Couldn’t help but laugh and say, ‘what a Doctrine!’
  2. I’m sitting in the bathroom, early early this morning, the door is open and I spot movement on the floor of the hallway. I do not like bugs and other more-than-4-legged-creatures and tensed, staring at the movement, pre-deciding if I need to take action. Then the back-half of this thing blinked a light. a firefly! walking, for god-knows-what-reason across the wood floor of my hallway. no, no insight into the Wakefield Doctrine this time… but I did smile when it occurred to me to incorpate this odd little moment into a post.

neither time did I have my cellphone available to preserve a record of these little adventures. so you get to picture them yourselfs

Speaking of picturing-them-yourselfs!  tomorrow is the First Annual TToT Live!  It will be on google hangouts starting at 10:30am EDT and ending 11:30 EDT  I need you to join us!  Not quite sure how you get there… lol  actually  watch the Facebook and I will be pasting the link to the hangout on the Facebook …at the TToT group and my own place.

…it’ll be interesting and fun and such

before I leave you, a word for any New Readers:

glad you happened by. most readers of blogs, coming across the Wakefield Doctrine, will scan it and find it interesting… in the ‘old bookstore/curio shoppe/ that table-over-in-the-cafeteria-where-no-one-you-hang-out-with-ever-sits, but-the-faces-of-(those who do)-seem-familiar-but-you-can’t-remember-a-name’, sort of way and move on. if you find yourself curious enough to think, ‘did I read that right? 3 personality types for everyone?!’ then you might be one of the people we’re looking for. don’t worry about understanding how this Doctrine thing works, just read and assume that you’re ‘getting it’   (we have a saying**  ‘when it comes to learning and apply the principles of the Wakefield Doctrine,  ‘you can’t break it and you can’t get it wrong’…so enjoy yourself!’)
cliffnotes: we all go through life within a personal reality that represents how a person relates themselves to the world around them: clarks (Outsiders) scotts (Predators) and rogers (Herd Members). These three ‘behavioral paradigms’ are meant as fun and entertaining and totally exaggerated illustrations of the behavior of people who developed their personality in the context of these worldviews:

  • clarks: …slouching, mumbling, non-eye contacting people with oddly compelling fashion choices and a sense of humor that you will think to yourself, ‘if everyone else knew how funny they are, they wouldn’t be so by themselves’ and they are kind… kind to a fault.
  • scotts: are lionesses sitting in trees, puppies holding onto the toy so single-mindedly that you can lift them off the floor and they’re always in a good mood except when they get mad and then it’s full-on fight to the death and then back to happy-to-be-alive, you think to yourself, ‘he/she is my best friend, the trouble and embarrassment is part of the price of friendship, it’s still worthwhile and they are sexy… sexy to a fault.
  • rogers: god they display the characteristics of the personal reality that they live in more than both clarks and scotts combined. relentless in being friendly and aggressive to a fault when being kind to others, living in a world that is quantifiable and comprised of ‘Right Ways’ to do everything, it can’t be easy to be a member of the Herd when everyone (in the Herd) is trying to be perfect, and you think, ‘they need to lighten up, not take things so personally and everything would be so much better’ and they are organized… organized to a fault





* you didn’t think I could let this classic line from Blazing Saddles, go un-posted did you?

** truth be known, we have a lot of sayings! lol


clarkscottroger About clarkscottroger
Well, what exactly do you want to know? Whether I am a clark or a scott or roger? If you have to ask, then you need to keep reading the Posts for two reasons: a)to get a clear enough understanding to be able to make the determination of which type I am and 2) to realize that by definition I am all three.* *which is true for you as well, all three...but mostly one


  1. valj2750 says:

    Frist. My irreverent thoughts are wondering whether the Blazing Saddles clip has more to do with the Doctrine or the Vid Chat. Metaphorically speaking, of course. Love the firefly story. I’ve been looking. We often see “Lightning bugs” as they are called in these parts, but not so far this season.

    • clarkscottroger clarkscottroger says:

      (My personal list of funny movies has Blazing Saddles in the Top 4*)
      I don’t get out at night as much as I used to and so was totally surprised to see one walking down the hall!

      * along with Airplane! Annie Hall and Dogma

  2. dyannedillon says:

    So, basically, you were sitting on the toilet and saw a lightning bug and had an epiphany?

    • clarkscottroger clarkscottroger says:

      I knew I hadn’t under-estimated your innate sensitivity to the more sublime aspects of life!

      well, since you put it that way…yes, yes I did! lol

      hey, speaking of lightening bugs! you gots to join us tomorrow for the TToT Live…at 10:30 am (that 11:30 TAT*)

  3. Denise says:

    I’m going backward in time. (don’t do it clark (worldview, not you!) ) Read this post today after reading today’s post. Wasn’t on the net yesterday.

    Post. Funny, funny. And also a nice recap to the 3 “types”. See you today, later, from yesterday!

  4. Denise says:

    That still of Mel is to this day my most favorite from the movie:) The scenes w/dog inside the car in the beginning….also favorite:)

  5. No lightning bugs here yet this year, either. I enjoyed the cat/cow vignette. Cats rock.

    • clarkscottroger clarkscottroger says:

      Always funny how, sometimes a single ‘visual’ can trigger so much