Month: May 2015 | the Wakefield Doctrine - Part 2 Month: May 2015 | the Wakefield Doctrine - Part 2

-the Wakefield Doctrine- (as a personality theory), it’s not only fun, but it helps one develop oneself*

Welcome to the Wakefield Doctrine (the theory of clarks, scotts and rogers)

You know, this Wakefield Doctrine really can be fun, provided you’re the kind of person who has: an active imagination, self-confidence (mostly relating to matters intellectual) and find playing with curious and different ideas and satisfying.

However, (the Wakefield Doctrine), when it come to the useful part, (i.e. ‘the Wakefield Doctrine is a unique, useful and fun way to better understand the people in our lives‘) can be a difficult taskmaster. If you, (and by you, I’m pretty much talking to predominant clarks, and/or scotts and rogers with amped-up secondary clarklike aspects*), have the outlook on life that insists that self-improvement is the best investment of your lifetime, (assume that I mean a wide variety of the manifestations of this all too under-accentuated aspect of human nature… i.e. the need for betterment, in all the ‘-lly’s’ (physically, spiritually, mentally) you might come up with. Of course, I recognize that, if you have been to this  blog more than twice, I’m, ‘preaching to the elect’.

The cool thing about our little personality theory is that, when you start to see the world (and the people) around you in terms of clarks, scotts and rogers, well it’s pretty much a case of,  ‘in for a penny, in for a pound’. Because, once you get to this point, the perspective pretty much starts working on it’s own. You’ll see people acting a certain way that causes you to think, ‘what a roger!‘ or, ‘she is such a scott and then you’ll realize that the behavior that triggered this understanding is nowhere to be found in these pages! Congratulations, you’ve reached the next level! You’re understanding ‘how the person is relating themselves to the world around them’! Now you’re ready to concentrate on ‘seeing the world as the other person is experiencing it.’  And this step is what separates the Wakefield Doctrine from most of the other, more normal approaches to self-development. When you set out to ‘see the world as the other person is experiencing it‘, you are leaving behind the limiting conceits, such as, ‘well, maybe it’s their lack of education’ or ‘clearly she is being stubborn, I told exactly what to do to avoid that heartbreak’ or ‘god! that new manager, he really has it in for me’ and being open to the idea that we, all of us, experience the world in one of three characteristic ways:

  1. as the Outsider (clark) the world is a separate thing/place/people, we are fine except for that one thing, we know that there is something that everyone (except for us) knows about life and, if we’re careful and don’t get in the spotlight, we’re surely able to discover, learn it and then be able to become real people…
  2. the Predator (scott) woke up this morning to a bursting-with-life, brimming-with-opportunity world where we need to be on the alert, ready for anything, living right now and when things get frustrating we will attack (it) or run away (from it) but we.will.not.stop moving/living/loving/protecting/eating… until it’s necessary to sleep and then there’s tomorrow!!
  3. Members of the Herd (rogers) are not in a hurry, but often impatient. We know that everything is connected, except those parts/people/activities that seem to be apart and when we are confronted with them (these parts/people/activities) we do our best to understand how they connect to what we know is the Right Way (and the connections are there…pretty much all the time, it’s just a matter of taking the time, making the person investment in appreciating what it has in common with…. well, everything

Time for work.

Thank to Dyanne for a Comment that is sure to end up a Post. (Lets phrase it as a riddle: ‘why is a shy scott like a writing desk?’)

(and) thanks to Kristi for the Winnie the Pooh reference… it’s clearly a ‘raising-small-humans-centric’ cultural reference…. but, damn! there’s a bunch of different examples of the three worldviews there, in 100 Acre Wood!  In fact!  (see? this is why it’s not all that difficult to write posts ‘on the same subject’ countless times), maybe, among the characters, (of 100 Acre Wood), we might find illustrations and examples of the effect and influence of secondary aspects (on) the predominant worldview!!  Tying in with what Dyanne said!!  cool!


* btw  our condolences, granted, a little bit of the Outsider worldview makes a scott curious and less likely to eat things when aggravated and a touch of the blue monkey** can result in a roger who actually sees and hears strangers speaking… but it’s not overly predominant-worldview enhancing to have a secondary clarklike aspect.

** blue monkey.. there was this famous sociology/psychology*** experiment back in the 50s or 60s where they took one monkey out of a troupe of monkey and painted him blue and (then) returned him to his friends and family… needless to say, things did not go so well. those sociologists (and psychologists) back in the day could be a bunch of right bastards, empathy with experimental subjects-speaking, that is

*** what?  well, maybe not that famous



-the Wakefield Doctrine- Tuesday (the easiest day of the Work Week)

Welcome to the Wakefield Doctrine (the theory of clarks, scotts and rogers)

(yeah…that little bastard in the left rear did, in fact, throw something at our hero, who is trying to take the proffered advice to 'just ignore them and they'll get bored and move on…')*

(yeah…that little bastard in the left rear did, in fact, throw something at our hero, who is trying to take the proffered advice to ‘just ignore them and they’ll get bored and move on…’)*

(If you are a clark*)…have you ever had a day when, just before the mid-point of the (weekday) morning, you come to the realization that you are, for all intents and purposes, invisible? Nothing cool, no walking into the Girls Locker Room or standing behind the Teacher at the front of the room, not even getting right next to that clot of rogers in the break room, close enough to be able to hear who said what, no none of that…just invisible, as in (socially) insubstantial, inter-personalistically transparent. A faint voice with no determinable origin.
(If you are a clark*)… while sometimes this state is fun, have you ever had the realization that, as little things go wrong in your day, (they are little things, if only for the fact that you accept that they happen to ‘everyone’), as you attempt to correct (these mistakes), mollify (their irritation), ameliorate (the bad feelings and reactions that begin to drift in, like an early morning fog), that (not only are you invisible and (semi)-insubstantial), it is this state-of-being, that is creating the conditions in your day and (despite your efforts to find this all amusing and interesting and so clarklike), the negativity shows no signs of letting up?
(If you are a clark*)… there is a feeling within, a sense of contributing and creating your own dis: -location/-satisfaction/-ease/-approval, that seems to grow with each half-hearted and doomed-from-the-start effort to get the day back on the right track. It is very akin to the saying, ‘they just can’t seem to get out of their own way’… only with the added element of your knowing that it is you who can’t seem to stop mumbling and stumbling because you are not picking up your feet when you walk.
(If you are a clark*)…there is an element of emotion underlying all of this. It is truly difficult to get your head around/put in words. And yet, there is a sense of ownership and with that comes a certain defiance that you realize, if it were not trapped within, held in check by your outsider-nature, you would be raising some 6 kinds of hell. but, you don’t. You endure, waiting for the more limiting (and damaging) parts of this feeling-state to pass, resolved to make it different next time.
(If you are a scott*) … thank you, but the appearance of disability and discomfort, while real, is nowhere near as you might imagine. Having no ‘fight-flight’ instinct, we tend to endure and bounce back…without accepting the rewards of surviving the battle.
(If you are a roger*)… no, nothing like that. Unless heir to a secondary clarklike aspect, there is not a chance in the world of your identifying with this, although the perspective that prevents your identification is of limitless value to us. thanks

You, the Reader, are in possession of the potential to experience the world in all three ways: the Outsider way, the Predator style and manner of the Herd Member. However, you are in only one of these three, (your predominate worldview), and it is the nature and character of your predominate worldview that is what stands between you and identifying with the other two.


* a person who grows up in the personal reality referred to as that of the Outsider, forever seeing the world around them as being, ‘…out there’. (hell, I just gave myself away with that ‘seeing the world around them’, didn’t I? lol)
* a person who grows up and develops their social skills and coping strategies in a context where the world is one of predator and prey, the here and now is pretty much all that matters, the day involves waking and eating providing for the pack and surviving
* those who find themselves in a connected world at a very early age. not ‘connected’ in the sense of ‘joined’, ‘connected’ in the sense of a part of larger group, governed by abstract Rules and Values that give purpose to the associations that their everyday world is comprised of.

* yeah, you’re totally correct…that was and will always be bad advice… however,  how our little clark (in the photo) best deals with the person has everything to do with whether or not they (the throwing boy) is a roger or a scott  (yeah, right…. who said that?!? who said, ‘well, he might be a clark, you never know‘  For the record we do (always) know and no, that would not be a clark. you, (the person making this statement), is obviously a roger.

(quick basics: clarks think, scotts act and rogers feel.  the clark lives as if  scotts live what is and rogers live as it should be (but is not necessarily the case).



TToh!100!! -the Wakefield Doctrine-

Welcome to the Wakefield Doctrine (the theory of clarks, scotts and rogers)


…and welcome to the Inaugural Edition of the ‘Ten Things of Thankful’ blog hop.

The idea-child (to organize a blog hop with ‘Ten Things of Thankful’ as the central theme), of ‘the Considerer’. Her idea of a Saturday blog hop offers to demonstrate an aspect of the internet that is truly remarkable. To have a community created by the thoughts and ideas (shared by) people from all over the planet… coming into existence for a day…spreading outwards through the blogosphere, passed along, modified enhanced then to fading from view…only to return again, different yet the same. How cool is that?

and…and!! there are 9 co-hosts! (the afore-mentioned Considerer), and

A Fly on our (Chicken Coop) Wall
A Woman’s Place
Bringing the Sunshine
Finding Ninee
Shoved to Them
Steps into Parenthood
the Wakefield Doctrine
Each week…

That’s about it for me, for this Post. While familiar of with use and value of compiling a gratitude list, creating a list is an interestingly arduous task! Not that I am ungrateful, ( non-grateful?? anti-grateful?? hypo-grateful??? lol), for the things in my life, I have not engaged in a formal exercise before this…I will, without a doubt, be sharing my thoughts and impressions as the weeks progress.
And I am also a big advocate of bloghops… especially for those of us who spend a lot of time writing a blog. The hop (like this one right here) is an opportunity to ‘get out… meet new people, read blogs that you might not otherwise come into contact with… so add your blog to the place below that says sign up here… it’ll be fun.

List of 10 things about/within/comprising my life today 06/08/2013 that I feel grateful for:

coming to know interesting people such as Considerer, simply because there is no way I would have met her, were it not for her blog
having the time available to write this post
seeing examples of Posts as written by the other co-hosts
having a family (wife and dog*)
having known the perfect dog…Ola
living in a climate that is only bi-annually of intolerable climate (lol)
the 3 or 4 years spent on fishing boats
the friends that I have
the enemies that I do not have (at least not in large numbers)
the invitation from Considerer to co-host this here bloghop here
Now the hard part! There’s supposed to appear some code for a button and an invitation to join us… all I need to do is get it right…. hold on….

Number 1:

Number 2-9

    •  the Book of Secret Rules (aka Secret Book of Rules)…
    • 9 co-hostinae,
    • Work that allows/requires driving through fairly interesting geographies and explore old, odd and (sometimes) semi-dangerous houses
    • Phyllis and home….
    • living near enough the ocean to go there whenever the mood strikes me/requires/tempts
    • Seven Guard Virgins (yeah, all of the them…even if there is a certain favorite)
    • SBoR/BoSR Rule 1.3
    • …. hey!  you want to hear about Christine when I first met Lizzi?  (yeah, that story again!)  In any event… I was Commenting at Considerings the odd way that I do when I recognize a clark and immediately write like I’ve known the person my whole life (which, if you understand the Wakefield Doctrine, you’ll realize that I sorta did)….anyway, not long after I started hanging out at considerings, I received the following Comment, like, totally out of left field from some kind of farming site! the name did not ring a bell, but I recognized a scottian friend being protective, instantly:

      Submitted on 2013/05/24 at 11:41 pm

      I have been seeing your comments on Considerer’s posts, and was a bit curious as to what the clark/roger/scotts you mention means. Now that I’m here, I thought I had it figured out. I think. I do believe I’m a scott. But then I read this post, and got confused all over again. I’ll keep trying. :)

      ( lol…. I liked her immediately, of course)



Number 10: Lizzi for this here bloghop here. Yes, there are 9 co-hostinae (and a number of hostinae emerita …as can be seen in the first TToT post above), however, as my Latin friends (¿Alguien por favor decirle a Clark que si bien estamos de América Latina, no hablamos América … Aye Carumba! mi amigo !!)  would say,  ‘sine qua non, binyons‘.

Sure, now it’s easy enough to participate in a grat bloghop like this now, however, allow me to share my memory of  reading ‘considerings’  when it first showed up in the ‘sphere. I first met Lizzi at the FTSF bloghop, she wrote….er  interesting FTSF posts and, naturally, I liked her. I saw a fellow clark, of course. It seems like, maybe a few weeks after I started reading considerings,  Lizzi started doing a gratitude exercise (can’t recall at who’s suggestion). A series of daily Posts, listing the things for which she was grateful. Ha! Lizzi didn’t make up the idea for the TToT herself!!

What she did do herself that is fairly mind-boggling, is, she stuck with it. By herself.
(For newer Readers: hard as it might be to believe, but at the time I’m referencing, ‘considerings’ got maybe 2…3 comments per Post.)
And, as some of us who were there may recall, things were not going that well in her life at that time, yet Lizzi stuck with her commitment. That’s why this bloghop is as successful as it is. The internet is chock full ‘o people who will write 1000 words telling you what you should in order to improve your life. Our host/founderette, as the old saying goes, ‘walks the walk’.

Ten Things of Thankful


 Your hosts

Join the Ten Things of Thankful Facebook Group


-the Wakefield Doctrine- ‘what to do this weekend? 2 words: ‘Ten Things of Thankful bloghop’

Welcome to the Wakefield Doctrine (the theory of clarks, scotts and rogers)

lol….no!! nothing like that!! (the gender ratio is completely the opposite!)

lol….no!! nothing like that!! (the gender ratio is completely the opposite!)

Two things:

A) thank you to Lisa and Val for the correct identificationing of our Ms. Mitchell (yesterday’s Post) as a clark. they both correctly inferred that Joni relates herself to the world around her as would an Outsider (clark).  The second video was terribly helpful, but I would submit that a photograph would have you thinking, ‘ok gonna go with clark until I get something that offsets that look to her eyes.

2) you need to join us at the TToT 100th BlogPost Extravaganza tomorrow… for 2 reasons*

    1. it (the TToT) is simply the best of the bloghops
    2. you’ll get mad readship by linking to the ‘hop  plus there’ll be Prizes!
    3. my 9co-hostinae will all be there!
      1. Christine
      2. Sarah
      3. Kristi(K2)
      4. Michelle
      5. Lisa
      6. Kristi
      7. Dyanne
      8. Ivy (tbfka zoe)
      9. the one, the only, the progenitoress of this bloghop….Lizzi

Need more convincing? Think that gratitude bloghops are for girls (no, I don’t think that 90% is overly suggestive of the demographic of the hosts and therefore a leading indicator of the makeup, genderistically-speaking of the readerhood of this blog! hell no! Y Chromia is well represented here!  we got Rich and Jak and… Twin Father and … and a bunch of guys!  they’re just a little shy, is all.)

Anyway…. get on over to the TToT tomorrow link ya damnselfs up to the best bloghop in the whole fricken ‘sphere.  Anyone ask for an ID or credentials, tell ’em the Doctrine sent ya.



* why, yes, there seems to be a slightly anaphoric cast to this post**

** please forgive me for that, way contrived, totally unnecessarily obscure reference… I’m usually not prone to the posturing, thesaurusistically-speaking, that is**

*** must be the pressure of the lead up to the TToh!100th! celebration…


-the Wakefield Doctrine- “…and we’ll talk in present tenses”*

Welcome to the Wakefield Doctrine (the theory of clarks, scotts and rogers)


(*from ‘Chelsea Morning’, Joni Mitchell)

surely, of the workdays of the week, Thursday mornings are, somehow and in some way, the most tolerate of flashbacks (musical and otherwise).

Of course, you’re right. Of the three, you would think that it would be the rogers who would be most prone to getting transported back in time by those amazingly comprehensive memories, elicited by chancing on a song that was a part of the time past. But no, if you were to find yourself a roger right this moment* and said, “hey, listen to this song! remember? back in college… dormitory… smell of sandalwood incense?….magic markers …bath towels drying on the back of the door?” there is a good chance that their response would be along the lines of, “yeah, sure. You hated that song back then…we used to make fun of the kids who listened to that music. remember?”

It would seem to be clarks who are more likely to embrace…no, make that: deliberately encourage and enhance the effect of a music-memory, with it’s astonishingly powerful emotional affect. Odd. Or is it? rogers may appear to live in the past. …on closer examination, rogers definitely hold ‘tradition’ as a transcendent value, a reference for finding their own way to live life ‘the Right Way’. But, they don’t believe in it, at least not in as personal terms as would a clark.
What !?!
Wait. That can’t be right! It does strike me as decidedly odd that we seem to be arguing that clarks are more personal than rogers!  But, fortunately, the Wakefield Doctrine can deal with such seeming paradoxeses  I’m talking about ‘the Everything Rule’. To use this rule, we need only ask, “How does a song-keyed memory flashback manifest in the worldview of Herd Members? How does it manifest in the reality of the Outsider?”

for a clark, the full-sense memory that is risen by, as today, my stumbling across today’s song, is a connection to a place…a reality that is real.  Well, as real as anything else in the day of an average clark.

for a roger, the full-sense memory is validation  it (manifests) as a reminder, a proof that the past is only a segment of the stream of events (in the life of the roger in question, and therefore all rogers), that represent the essential rightness of life

…ok off to work


* better not, rogers are not known for their relaxed embrace of challenging conversations at early morning hours


jeez… if anyone out there is saying, ‘this Joni Mitchell, is she a clark?’  lol…try this:     (no, really, the thing here is her introduction to the song. Remember what we say about determining worldview, ‘how does the person seem to be relating themselves to the world around them’…)
