-the Wakefield Doctrine- ‘I almost cut and pasted a post…*’ | the Wakefield Doctrine -the Wakefield Doctrine- ‘I almost cut and pasted a post…*’ | the Wakefield Doctrine

-the Wakefield Doctrine- ‘I almost cut and pasted a post…*’

Welcome to the Wakefield Doctrine (the theory of clarks, scotts and rogers)


(* whats the word for, when you take some famous saying and change it slightly, not paraphrase…  parody…nah, not quite that    anyone?)  Well, now that I’m walking out on stage, suppose I better start with something more enticing than this!!  I will resist the urge to go full-on stream of consciousness, though it seems almost unavoidable these days when writing Posts. I should not be so surprised. It’s not just that our (collective) understanding of the Doctrine is constantly evolving and developing, but my personal perspective on this ‘writing of a blog’ changes as well.

change   there it is! The Word of the Day.  ( “I know you want to make a statement and you’re creative, but if you want to get that job today, don’t you think you should change…maybe a little less metal on the face and head?”  “No, I understand but why is it me that has to change?”  “I’ll change somehow, I’ve got to, this can’t go on like this forever….can it?”   “no, don’t leave, I’ll change!  but you have to tell me what it is you want that’s different.”  “no, keep the change”   “The results are in and there’s been a disturbing change…”   “the tests are back and there is no change’ I’m sorry”   )

(whew!!  while that last was fun, for a second I was staring at the screen and thinking…. ‘these people know so much about the three personality types, what can I tell them that is new and therefore will further enhance their understanding and use of the Wakefield Doctrine (lol  thank you Kristi for not spitting your coffee out at the screen at that last statement!  rogers and clarks are a little bit apart when it comes to the inherent value of the novel)

I’m feeling the tugging (and, paradoxically a ‘pushing from behind’) of my workday demands, so I better hurry up and complete this Post. The Doctrine maintains that ‘everyone does everything at one time or another’, which simply means that there are no (or very few) things in life that are of the exclusive domain of one of the three characteristic worldviews. Put more directly: anyone can be a Teacher (or a Plumber or a Prostitute or a Politician, for that matter)… it’s just that ‘how these occupations manifest’ in each of the worldviews is where we should direct our attention. a clarklike Teacher will clearly perform his or her job differently than would a scottian or rogerian Teacher.  And that’s simply because in the world of the Outsider, the role of Teacher represents something entirely different than it does in the world of the Predator  or Herd Member.  (now, before someone can say, ‘well sure! everyone is different and these worldviews are interchangeable’  lets keep in mind while anyone can do anything, some worldviews result in a manifesting of the occupation/interest/avocation/whatever…. better than others!  So, to use our original examples:

Teacher  a clarklike teacher will tend to be be suited/resonate best/bring their fullest self to the job if they are teaching elementary grades (that is, if they’re clarklike females… clarklike males will tend to gravitate to the older end of the student demographic)…. rogerian Teachers:  middle and high school;  scottian Teachers …wherever their appetite takes them**
‘Successful’ Plumbers are often rogers, because the worldview of the Herd Member includes the fact that things fitting together in a consistent and reliable way is the Highest Good
Politician: here you want to bet on the roger…. not that scotts don’t make good leaders (they don’t, but for a different set of reasons than apply here), but scotts lead by their individual attractiveness/charisma, while rogers lead by causing other people to believe that they (the Politician) is the best representative of their most valued…. er  Values.
…. we don’t have to tell you who the ‘best’ Prostitutes are, do we?  lol

What’ all this got to do with ‘change’?  Simple:

  • clarks see change as hope and they fear it as being proof that whatever they have acquired or earned (through their efforts to become like the people they believe they are not) is not deserved
  • scotts view change with suspicion…  living on instincts and understanding (of their world and the prey and other predators that make it up), they will adapt when necessary… because it is part of the simple life of surviving and thriving
  • rogers… the only good change is the predicted change  a change that has no precedent is anathema and will be shunned or ignored… maybe attacked (if it affects enough of the local herd)  change that is predicted… that will be embraced and honored and offered (by example) to anyone who interacts with the herd

Hey!!!  before I go!!  Friday the 13th Vidchat!!! (yeah, I know!!!)   I personally invite you, the Reader, to join us for a fun and informative evening of stimulating….something   7:00 pm EDST   Write us a Comment and ask us, if you do not know how to join us. Lizzi will be there and Ivy (tbfkaz) and Denise and Michelle and a bunch of others….

Lets go old school and stick in a music video in this scrabbled eggs of a Post:

** a little Doctrine humor…best ask



clarkscottroger About clarkscottroger
Well, what exactly do you want to know? Whether I am a clark or a scott or roger? If you have to ask, then you need to keep reading the Posts for two reasons: a)to get a clear enough understanding to be able to make the determination of which type I am and 2) to realize that by definition I am all three.* *which is true for you as well, all three...but mostly one


  1. Michelle says:

    As always….fascinating. Change. Wow. I kind of want to go back to bed now.

    • clarkscottroger clarkscottroger says:

      lol… wait wait I just meant… (er honey? I know you have invested a lot of money and time in this self-development program of yours… no!! the kids are better off learning to cook their own meals…. it’s time those 2 year olds started pulling their weight around here…but are you sure the to a better you is by sleeping all day and typing comments under the covers?)

  2. Well. I was a high school teacher and would rather have done ANYthing than teach small children. I liked the subject matter in the upper level much better than basic reading and math skills. However. Now that I’m no longer in the classroom and volunteering, I find I don’t dislike the little ones quite as much as I thought. Still wouldn’t want to teach that all day, mind you, but I find I enjoy them for small stretches. So immediately I think to myself, “great, so that means all the time I spent working on that career meant nothing.” You know, is any success or enjoyment i did have actually undeserved, to use your word. And I find myself most comfortable when advocating for a young student and their parents just finding their way through the muck of education, accommodations, etc. Do I want to get back in the classroom? NO. Administration? No. I’ve changed to a life where I make the rules and the hours, etc. It has been a slow go and so I’m hoping that will turn out the way I imagined when I made the leap. And that little nagging voice inside says that if it doesn’t, then I wasted all that time before.
    And this is the argument in my head that I have to work to quash otherwise the downward spiral of self-doubt begins.
    How’s that for pre-coffee?

    • clarkscottroger clarkscottroger says:

      …I can only say, ‘welcome… you should feel right at home with those of us what read and try to use the Wakefield Doctrine!’

  3. Kristi says:

    Oh, Clark, you forget I’m a Mormon–no coffee at all for me! :-)

    • clarkscottroger clarkscottroger says:

      ah! however, as Danny Thomas* might say, ‘the beverage may be as varied as the people who partake, the spit-take is universal!’ lol

      * Father of the Spit-take

  4. valj2750 says:

    Change is a loaded concept, for sure. Thanks for the invite to the Vidchat. Another day maybe. Will be (hopefully) celebrating my own birthday with my family. What changes aging brings!

    • clarkscottroger clarkscottroger says:

      HB Val!! that’s great news…. you can take us with you!!! no, seriously! hear me out… the vidchat can be done on a phone, so…

      (hey clark! stop making faces!! am not zoe! am not…it’s Lizzi, she’s making me do it…. I’m telling Christine!!!)


    • ivywalker says:

      Happy birthday Val!

  5. ivywalker says:

    Yeah ok that was it. I got nuthin else.

  6. It is a challenge. To recognize/understand how a thing manifests in their world – the world of a clark, scott or roger. To me, as a clark, it’s totally fascinating.(no really lol)

    To clarify, it’s fascinating/frustrating/totally enlightening when I figure out what a thing represents in the world of a roger. Of the 3, rogers are my challenge as clarks and rogers are such opposites! They trade in a currency totally foreign to clarks but not totally unattainable.

  7. Aha! I see that I’m commenting as GirlieOnTheEdge today. Do I have to choose? Denise or Girlie? Can’t I be both? LOL