Month: January 2015 | the Wakefield Doctrine - Part 3 Month: January 2015 | the Wakefield Doctrine - Part 3

www -the Wakefield Doctrine- ‘of scotts and clarks and the the fear of discovery’

Welcome to the Wakefield Doctrine (the theory of clarks, scotts and rogers)


Fun Post today. Will try to keep it simple, while, (for) one half (of the themes) that’s pretty likely, the second half… no way.  Unless… To my constant, yet grateful chagrin, I find myself underestimating my Readers.

Following are two short clips from TV shows. One stars a clark and the other a scott. (Sometimes New Readers say, ‘but clark, they’re playing a character, why would you think that you’re seeing their personality type?’ to which I respond,  the Wakefield Doctrine maintains that what you might observe of an actor or actress, politician or clergy, teacher or self-help guru in any context will be an accurate reflection of their personality type because, one of the few tasks that the Doctrine charges us with is, to ‘observe the other person and infer how they are relating themselves to the world around them‘*.

So watch our two ‘reality’ TV show stars. (and… yes, I will make a predict the reaction of some of our readers, but I’ll put it down at the bottom of the Post ** , so as not to spoil the fun)


damn! I need to limit my word count for mid-week Posts, we’re at 507 words,  and I really don’t think I can properly address the second half of the today’s  Post theme.  Hey, what the hell! it’s Wednesday and, rumour has it, the average Reader understands the Wakefield Doctrine way better than I appreciate so lets try this:

clarks, are Outsiders…we all know that. But what we might not appreciate is that (most) clarks don’t realize that everyone around them know that they’re Outsiders. The biggest problem with clarks begins with the notion that we have to keep people from ‘knowing too much about us’. As a result, many clarks will spend way too, too much time, ‘trying to pass’  …as a real person.  And the reason underlying that… that’s the core issue. Most clarks, on one level or another, suspect that we are Outsiders because there is something bad/wrong/off/not-acceptable-to-real-people about us. And the real, this-time-I-mean-it-real problem underlying that is that we leave it …un-determined. Maybe we are ‘wrong’, not qualified as people to be included in the pack or in the Herd… but we’d rather keep hiding, (in very plain sight), rather than deal with this core issue. Unfortunately or not, for many of us clarks, the decision is made (way, way early in the game) that it’s better to not know for certain, because, for a clark, un-certainty allows for possibility. Certainty locks the door.

That’s all the time we have today!

* we have fun with words and language around here, but this phrase is one of the few examples of where the exact wording is essential to what we are trying to convey. We are not saying ‘…how a person is relating to the world around’… that has an entirely different connotation.  The ‘extra’ word ‘themselves’    ‘how they relate themselves‘ tells us that, if we are open-minded and imaginative, we can ‘see’ the context from which the behavior is springing… i.e. the person’s worldview


** scotts, like Christine and Dyanne will laugh, look around (either literally or figuratively) try to find someone to punch on the shoulder while saying, “am not!”… and yet, if we were an invisible 3rd party watching this reaction interaction, we would be paying very close attention to the eyes of the scott… they would reflect a very close paying of attention… the better to see if the other person is taking the fun in the right way…. ya know?   clarks, on the other hand, (people like Lizzi or Cynthia, Denise or zoe,) their first response will be to smile…. and immediately pay even more attention to the person in the vid… ‘holding their breath’ until they assure themselves that the character is aware of the possible reactions of the viewers and does not care (about the reaction), in other words…’are people in ‘the audience’ laughing with her or at her   rogers… not so sure about how they might respond…. Kristi?  Michelle?  any help?



mmm Day -the Wakefield Doctrine- “of hand puppet friends*, embracing the now and letting go”

Welcome to the Wakefield Doctrine (the theory of clarks, scotts and rogers)


This Wakefield Doctrine is not just a fun thing to do while you are:  at work/and are supposed to be working, at school/and really should be paying attention, waiting in the checkout line at the grocery store/ and really need to be thinking how to better provide for the family, making love/and how can you possibly be thinking about that problem at work, apologizing to your boss/when you know that were it not your family you would be telling him to stick the job in an inappropriate spot, sitting in traffic/and unable to let go of the past… nope! absolutely not the only thing that our little personality theory is good for!

The Wakefield Doctrine is a very useful tool to aid in that increasingly difficult and frustrating task of ‘being a better you’. Sure, you have a great track record working on the obvious things, the ‘lose that Holiday weight’, the ‘get into  better physical shape’, getting better grades, earning more money by working overtime, etc…etc and etracetra. But, what about the things in your head, in your heart… you know the kinds of thing (about yourself) that you barely speak of to anyone else (and if and when you do, it always comes with a laugh line). What about those?

The Wakefield Doctrine is very useful with these …issues. Starting with the fact that ….issues (like these) are shared by others, even when, by all appearances, they. (these other people who you know… your friend, your spouse, that woman who seems to have it so together, what with 5 kids and a job, your relative… even your kids and spouse!) What the Wakefield Doctrine offers us is this:

  1. we all start life with the potential to experience it in one of three ways: as an Outsider (clarks), as a Predator (scotts) and as a Herd Member (rogers)
  2. that at a rather early point in our lives, we settle into one (of these three) and it becomes our reality (personal reality, nevertheless real…reality)
  3. our ‘personality type’ is simply a reflection of the coping strategy that is best suited to the reality that we are experiencing as we grow up
  4. …we never lose the capacity to experience the world of ‘the other two worldviews’

…so when you look around and wonder how on earth does that other person act like they don’t have a care in the world, cheerful and enthusiastic each day, …despite their dead-end job, or that women with the sick parent and the ill children, looking peaceful as she waits patiently in line or that young man who sits 3 cubicles away quietly working, always with a kind thought…when he thinks no one is looking. They are all experiencing life in one of three personal realities… as clarks or scotts or rogers and you have that same capacity.

….coolest thing about the Wakefield Doctrine as an aid to self improvement and ‘jeez! I got to stop doing this to myself!’ ?  You don’t have to learn anything new. All you need do is ‘see the world as the other person is experiencing it‘. Know that what they seem to find simple, is also available to you.

* (this was what started me thinking, yesterday, that I totally could write a Post a day ahead… I was wrong! lol  however, I still like the sound of the subtitle with this expression in it, so in keeping with the Truth in Blogging Law, here is a (preliminary definition of the term): handpuppet friend, (n) you’ve been friends for as long as you can remember, but increasingly over recent years, it takes you to ‘make the call’, (once the conversation starts, it’s just as it’s always been…like no time has passed.) You wonder if it’s worth the effort, sometimes you berate yourself for continuing the charade, but there was so much history and still, even when you know that it’s only because you insist on holding onto the past, you enjoy the interaction…. letting go is an option, not a requirement.)


TToT Stand-in Edition (yes, I am invoking a very rarely utilized (Secret) Rule….SR 8.7 [special app.3])



Susan isn’t feeling well this weekend… so, I thought… maybe if I put a Post up into the TToT, then she could simply Comment! (Comments on un-authorized TToT Posts’ motto: ‘what are you insane? who said you could do that??! …the BoSR? oh, never mind then.‘)

clarks are very good at working behind the scenes (translation: avoid outright blame) so what I thought I would do is Stick up some Items and publish the Post… what harm can come of that?   (lol)

Item 1. Photos of Nova Scotia…  crustaceans, who doesn’t love those little carapace’d creatures?

(from Everything Susan: Sunday, September 21, 2014)… the title is 'lobster magnet'… you worked on that title all night, didn't you?

(from Everything Susan: Sunday, September 21, 2014)… the title is ‘lobster magnet’… you worked on that title all night, didn’t you?

Item 2.  (damn!  forgot to to put in the title of the blog! yeah, minor detail…clark!)  the proper Name here is ‘Everything Susan‘…. but, I knew that! because otherwise how could I assume to write a ‘standin Post’…

Item 3. Photos of…. (see Item 1)

Item 4. Susan is, at this point, no doubt, sitting back and thinking, ‘countless ages of Wisdom inherent in the Book of Secret Rules (aka the Secret Book of Rules) and… and we have Antonio Banderas as my Grateful Item #4? …hmmm’

Item 5.  NO GUILT hop

Item 6. Community who support in spite of not being able to join in, 

Item 7. Online Scrabble to distract

Item 8.  Having the Facebook (to allow for additional Items thank you L)

Item 9.

Item 10.

Ten Things of Thankful


 Your hosts

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TToFreeze -the Wakefield Doctrine- (ok! ok!!! here’s number 8…don’t tempt me into re-posting this on the theme of 8s!)

Welcome to the Wakefield Doctrine (the theory of clarks, scotts and rogers)


you might have to click on the photo to enlarge it enough to see the temperature on the dashboard…14F

…you want to hear something weird? As I sat down and started writing this Post, I had a flashback to when I was a kid in the 1960s when the Catholic Church introduced Saturday evening Mass. There was a movement in the Roman Catholic church to liberalize the faith, (perhaps better to say, ‘liberalize the practice of the faith’,  and please now don’t hold me to the chronology …it was the 1960s), but I think the progression was: changing from all Latin Mass, removing the prohibition against eating meat on Fridays, and then having a Mass on Saturday evening that ‘counted as going to Sunday Mass’. Now, I’m not saying that Posting on Friday evening is the same as going to Saturday Mass, instead of Sunday morning Mass, but….   you know I was very much a clark, even back then, at age…say 5 or 6… I seem to recall reacting to (these) changes with thoughts along the lines of concern.  It’s interesting, this sensitivity to change in a clark, something you would associate with rogers.  (I recall taking piano lesson when I was about 12. Being a clark, naturally, I was semi-precocious, and I took to the lessons pretty easily. The drawback was that even then, as a clark, I thought of learning to play the piano as a ticket (or at very least, a socially-negotiable skill) to acceptance. I would daydream about playing and impressing people. (clarks reading this will recognize the poignantly incorrect use of the term ‘impress people’… that it was not to make them feel envious of my skill, rather it was to trade my efforts (to acquire it) for their acceptance of me as a real person.)

Anyway….here we are Friday night. Not that there’s anything wrong with writing a TToT Post on a Friday Night!! It just so happens that I have amore (no!! no!!! a more than busy day…. a more! that’s what I meant!!)  so it’s good that I can get this post out of the way early.

1) the photo up at the top? that is, I believe, Monday morning in my car, on my way back from Hell Hollow Rd (Voluntown CT). It was very cold. But there was no snow on the ground and so my opening Grat Item is: no snow….at least up until today.

2) hey! Una and I went for a walk today!  (I managed to get home before dark and thought, well, why the hell not?) Here is the vid:

3) as I mentioned in the video, I feel like doing some video Items, so lets start out with one of the first TToT video Posts…last Summer (or maybe that was the Summer before)

4) I am grateful for ‘the youtube’ for the car videos… now just so Christine doesn’t feel that it’s just me …what with the driving and filming and such, following is a video from a couple of years ago, on a Saturday Night Drive… there were two real people in the car with me and 2 people, ‘in the dashboard’…

5) [This place reserved for a photo taken while on the road tomorrow…. requests are being accepted….only requirements: unlikely place, found in New England, interesting, but not too girlish…]

6) Working with a young, new agent at the office. (By ‘new’ I mean, in ‘the business’ about a year or so… by ‘young’ I mean 24 years old…by ‘working with’ I mean the kid’s a clark… aiyee! I’m learning (against my will and otherwise) a lot about myself…lol  but, that’s what this personality theory of ours is for, right?

7) Some might call this too inconsequential to be on a grat list, but:  I’m grateful for knowing people like Lizzi, (though any number of you out there might have come up with something as fun as the expression), ‘Thursday’s kind of the Tuesday of the end of the week.’  (…from ‘the Facebook’ this week).


imagejpeg_alex   20150110_113454_resized

9) (Hey! that second video? In it, I believe I stated that #9 was ‘sense of direction’ as in being grateful for the clark’s natural sense of direction…

10) Got to say I’m so grateful for the Book of Secret Rules (aka the Secret Book of Rules)… as the old saying goes,  “If it’s not in ‘the Book’ then you must be mistaken!!”   lol… yeah, getting kind of late, will have to get up early tomorrow and finish this here Post here.


Ten Things of Thankful


 Your hosts

Join the Ten Things of Thankful Facebook Group


F. -the Wakefield Doctrine- (yeah, it’s a re-print but…but! it’s from, like 3 years ago! my how things have changed/not-changed)

Welcome to the Wakefield Doctrine (the theory of clarks, scotts and rogers)


I really wanted to participate in the Finish the Sentence Friday that our friend Kristi ( motto: ‘no, I’m the clarklike one!’) who is one of the co-hostinae at that bloghop. FtSF is the first bloghop I participated in and remains to this day, the second best bloghop in the whole damn ‘sphere! Unfortunately,  I could not come up with a decent post and, even though I might otherwise write something about the Doctrine, not having participated, (in FtSF), for a while, I wasn’t comfortable writing my normal…. ‘yeah, but it does relate to the Wakefield Doctrine because….’ Post.

So, since I’m obviously up for a Post, following is a reprint Post from way the hell back in 2011.

Hey!  Cyndito!!  Remember last Saturday, we were talking about rogers having a writing style that makes them identifiable on the basis of a writing sample?  Well, this reprint has 2 block quote sections, one is written by a roger (in fact, the progenitor roger) and the other by me. Can you see the stylistic differences??  rogers do that ‘well-rounded words’ thing so well.


‘Bill before Congress to Mandate Liposuction for Over-weight Teens’

Welcome to the Wakefield Doctrine (the theory of clarks, scotts and rogers)

Day of Rest.
Quick and Easy Post.

it said 'scale the image' heh, heh

To keep all our little reddit friends from getting too disappointed that this Post is not as outrageous as the title might imply, and thereby running the risk of having a bunch of rogers wearing the finest clothes from the Virgin-Geek Fashion Line ( from the renowned House of Atari Couturiers).  Hey, this is not a true story! This is a ‘made-up’ story. As in not true. Does anyone out there read complete stories anymore?

But lets have a quick Wakefield DoctrineLesson of the Day: Today’s Post was submitted to one of those referrer sites (rhymes with ‘geddit’) today. Got lots of hits and actually got Comments…angry and shocked Comments from Readers who felt hurt and injured by the attack on over-weight people. Of the three which is/are most likely to be offended:

  • clark:  nah, not paying enough attention, unless the clark in question has decided that the problem is mean people who need to be taught to be nice, then perhaps (the clark) might formulate a plan of action…nah…never get out of the formulating stage;
  • scott: nah, too short an attention and the inability to focus on abstract concept of people submitting opinions via email on a thought expressed on a blog Post about personality theory…unless they was naked pitchas;
  • roger: bingo!! we have ourselves a Winner, the most likely to be offended by…by…well, truth be told by nearly everything is the rogerian Reader of tabloid blog Post titles.

Well, that certainly was informative and might throw them off our trail, if the Niceness Police show up, tell ’em to go to Mel’s house.

(I know, lets do a ‘re-print’ from within this here Doctrine blog here).

Once upon a time, in a land not very far from Clark’s house… there were three atypical college friends who engaged in many of the atypical activities of their day. They went to school; they played guitars at ear-splitting volumes in dorm rooms, and sneered derisively at those who objected; one drank too, too much; one not at all, but subsisted on Oreos and Coke. One became a Baptist with a capital ” B”. They played in rock bands, worked all sorts of jobs, one got married way too soon. They all wrestled with the Issues Of Their Day, with varying degrees of resolve and/or success.  And in spite of all the atypical ups and downs, they managed to form a very unique bond. And , to their surprise, the bond has lasted much longer than any one of them might have thought. Longer than some marriages, jobs, bands, or Baptist dogma. And after many hours of conversation about just about everything turned into years and decades of same, there came to be what was, and is now, referred to as … the Wakefield Doctrine.

Psychology and psychiatry texts  make constant reference to type A/B/C personalities and their interactions. We are somewhat along those same lines. For us, those references have evolved into our Wakefield Doctrine, which we have found to be much more palatable. To err may be human, but to create a categorization system that explains all of human behavior in a somewhat cryptic nutshell is absolutely divine. And, we have noticed along the way, a heck of a lot of fun. In an “improvisational academia” sort of way, we gleefully invent terms as we go along to describe conditions and situations that may not have existed previously. And yet, our system also works perfectly well when taken perfectly and totally seriously.

The basic premise is that there are three fundamental personality types; and much can be known and discovered about oneself ( and any other aspect of life ) by learning to identify your own basic type; how to identify the types of others; and then consider all the ramifications of the interactions. In short…this explains everything, but only from a point of view that holds human dynamics as the prime component.

The Wakefield Doctrine is predicated upon the idea that everyone experiences the world/reality differently, from one of three overlapping but distinctive perspectives. It also proposes that our personalities are but  a result of our perception, of our habitual responses to the world. The Wakefield Doctrine maintains that this characteristic perception of reality can be grouped into three distinct types, called for reasons stated elsewhere, clarksscotts and rogers.

Born with the potential to view the world in one of these three ways, all people possess the characteristics of all (three) but soon (by age 7 or so) ‘become one of the three.  Put another way: we also possess the potential to see the world as aclark or a scott or a roger. It is only the predominance of qualities from one (over the other two) that makes us what we are. No one is only clarklike or scottian or rogerian.

The value of the Wakefield Doctrine is that once you can see the world ‘through the eyes’ of another, behavior becomes understandable. If a scott sees the world as a predator (would) then all action is predicated on interacting with the world as a predator. This is distinctly different from a roger, who seeing the world as a social being, predicates action and reaction on the basis of a world in which the intereactions of the herd is the dominant theme.

The above notwithstanding, following is the ‘eureka moment’ for the theory of clarksscotts and rogers (the Wakefield Doctrine):

At one time in the past, Scott (the progenitor scott) worked at a music store doing, among other things, repair on equipment. Visiting him one day I witnessed an interaction with a customer that was to be my eureka moment.

A customer came into the store and presented to Scott a ‘double cassette recorder’  This machine had dual volume tone controls (for each cassette) and it had one master volume control.   The customer said to  Scott, “this thing is brand new, it worked for a couple of days, then it stopped working entirely, I can’t figure out what is wrong”.

Scott looked at the recorder briefly, took some electrical tape from under the counter, carefully put the tape over the master control volume (which he turned back up), slid the recorder over the counter and said to the customer, “there its all right now”.

The customer  tried the recorder, ran it through it’s paces, saw that it worked like new and walked out of the store without another word; totally satisfied that his cassette recorded had been fixed.

From this point to the present day, I have been watching the behavior of others with the thought in mind, “What kind of world does that person live in?”

Mr. B? We are all a little tired from last night’s call in…a little la musique des dinosaures?
