Month: September 2014 | the Wakefield Doctrine - Part 3 Month: September 2014 | the Wakefield Doctrine - Part 3

TToT #20 (in the 30 Day Challenge) the Wakefield Doctrine “a day through the passenger’s side window”

Welcome to the Wakefield Doctrine (the theory of clarks, scotts and rogers)


The week we will start both with the first Item (of thankful) and the ‘raison d’être’ for this weekend’s TToT Post. (Well, I’ll explain just what the hell I mean by that, and no, I cannot simply say ‘here’s 10 things and a buncha pitchas’)

1) I’m grateful for the symmetry of the worldviews, (for those of us aware of such things).  I’m referring to zoe’s Pictorial Post of last week that. It came to mind as I was, not-quite-consciously-trying-to-figure-out-what-the-hell-I-was-going-to-do-for-a-TT0T-Post-this-weekend.  I thought, ‘well here I am, driving around for the entire afternoon, maybe I can do something clever with photos’. ..and I was all, ‘hell yeah!’


2) the subtitle to this TToT Post refers to the various bodies of water you would have been able to see out your window if you were with me yesterday afternoon.


 3) I’m not certain that this Post is going to work quite the way I envisioned it. If it does… I’ll be rather grateful to z (and the others in this ‘hop who regularly employ photos to enhance and support their TToT posts)

4) Nope! ain’t gonna work!  I’ll be out of gratitude items way before I run out of pictures of the view through the passenger side window of my car.


5) Might as well get ten items down, then I figure out what to ^*^# do with this forma…. oh, damn! yeah!  …I am very grateful for the technology, both hardware and software, that allows me to take interesting photos as I drive around in the course of my work day.

6) I am actually quite grateful for either a) hardcopy maps or, 2) my brain that did not let itself be pulled down a frustrating path. (Yesterday, my travels took me to East Overshoe, CT. A town I last visited about 5 years ago. Before I set out for the day, I looked at google maps online…(right down to street level, cool in a creepy way). I thought I knew where the house was. It wasn’t. I drove around a bit (which in a rural area can surely use up the time), no luck. I thought, ‘that’s why I have a phone (and a tablet) ! lets just pull up the map’. No Signal.  So I drove in search of a signal. No Luck. Feeling chagrined (and a bit pissed off), I resigned myself to having to make the trip again the next day.  As I was looking over my shoulder out the back window, in the only driveway for miles around,  my eye caught sight of a large-format, plastic-spiral-bound book on the backseat floor.  My old map book! A once indispensable tool-of-the-trade in the real estate business, there it was, looking a bit tattered and frayed…. I had a way to find the house and I didn’t have to drive 35 minutes back to cell range.


7) I am also grateful for the quality in my brain, personality, or clarklike worldview that resulted in;  my taking the book (from the back seat), opening  it to the appropriate Town, and before I started squinting to read the tiny street names,   doing that odd 2 finger spreading thing that enlarges the print. At least 5 times. I started swearing at the book (while laughing…there in my car, alone, by the side of the road, on the outskirts of East Overshoe, CT) god, I crack myself up, sometimes.

8) The Home front yard landscape project is complete. At least the part where someone else does the work. Now we have to keep the dirt watered so that the grass, hidden underneath will grow and turn the front yard all green and such.

9) Very grateful for the discussions that have been popping up around the Doctrine (in the Comment threads). It is both challenging, gratifying and enjoyable.  Often surprising, (to me), how well-grounded in the principles of this here Wakefield Doctrine many Readers are.

10) I thought to end today’s list with a hypo-grateful item. Specifically, my disappointment in not being able to format my ‘passenger side window’ photos, the way that I had originally imagined it. This is a rather clarklike form of disappointment. No! wait! This week’s video post tried to explain the concept of ‘manifesting’ as an integral part of the Doctrine, lets use this disappointment as an example to illustrate this concept.
So I had plans (for the future) and I was disappointed. Happens to everyone, right?  Of course it does! The importance of ‘manifesting’ in the use of the Doctrine is predicated on accepting that this ubiquitous emotional-circumstance  is a different thing for each of the 3 personality types. Not simply: a clark reacts to differently or a scott responds to the let down one way or even the roger feels such-and-so about it. It is the same, but different for each of the three by virtue of ‘how the three personality types relate themselves to the world around them. Here:

  1. a clark is said to ‘eat their futures’, this is meant to imply that anticipation is so very highly accentuated, that when the (future) realty finally occurs, a clark feels like they’ve been cheated or deprived of something that we’ve worked for and, even earned!
  2. a scott on the other hand, does not spend all that much time in the future anticipation phase of our illustration here. They, by and large,  will ‘roll with the punches’…”hey! lets have fun with this anyway!! Hey!” ( Try this: she drags the antelope that she brought down, across the savannah about 4 miles in the noonday sun, back to her pride.  No sooner does she throw it down in front of the hungry pack, that the possum playing gazelle jumps up and bounds away. The lion(ess) doesn’t sit and bemoan the unfairness of it all. hell no! she looks around, (if anyone is even beginning to smirk, there is a paw-across-the-muzzle in their immediate future) otherwise, it’s ‘oh well back to the hunt’.
  3. a roger…well, one word: ‘Miss Haversham’

That’s it for today.


Ten Things of Thankful


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Friday the 19th!! the Wakefield Doctrine ( “yeah, I’ll fall on my knees, raise up my right hand…” B.B. King)

Welcome to the Wakefield Doctrine (the theory of clarks, scotts and rogers)


We get a little technical and theoristic in today’s video Post, so, while you’re still reading this Post (like your grandfathers would have read to your grandmothers, “...Abigail, I have long meant to express my feelings.“)

Lets get all Socratic and FAQ-y on this here personality theory here.

Q: Are you serious with this whole ‘personal reality’ thing?
A: As serious as a clark before a First Date.

Q: Your personality theory has only three different personality types to account for the billions of people on Earth, isn’t that rather simplistic?
A: No. No it is not. And besides, we don’t say that there are only three personality types.

Q: You don’t?
A: No, we don’t.

Q: I’m sorry, but I’m fairly certain that I’ve read, on countless occasions, the statement: “…of the three personality types, the three personality types.” Are you sure you did not make that statement?
A: I did not make that statement. You weren’t listening. We talk about three worldviews...

Q: …oh, yeah,  your realities that everyone has a different one of
A: I think we can stop with the attempt at clever FAQs now.

Q: Wait!  Wait!…. one more, I’ll be serious I promise!
A: …..

Q: What is the point of this all?
A: …all?  What all?  the blog, this 30 Day Challenge, the Wakefield Doctrine….. ?

Q: yeah, all of that.
A: what makes you think there needs to be a reason or a point or anything….

Q: wait a minute! you almost had me going with that last…. wheres clark?!  what did you do with the clark behind all this!?!
A:  ….precisely

…that’s it for today. Hey!  New Readers?  the following is a video post, which if this was a cooler, more rogerian blog, I would be presenting it as a podcast. (which designates a video as more than ‘driving-my-car-why-not-get-a-Doctrine-Post-done?’) In any event, this might not be the best place to start.


Post# 18 (“…ah to be 19 again!”) the Wakefield Doctrine (rogers invent time machines but try to get a scott to go, clarks want to go but are just the lab assistant)

Welcome to the Wakefield Doctrine (the theory of clarks, scotts and rogers)


I was going to write about how much the Wakefield Doctrine has changed me and altered the path of my life, for today’s Post.  However, seeing how I’m actually writing this yesterday, ( ‘right now’ in the parlance of Time), it’s only natural that we should discuss ‘Time Travel and the Wakefield Doctrine’.

(Before we get any further into today’s Post, (be sure to Comment and tell your friends to read this here Post here), allow me to review two concepts that are part of the underlying principles necessary to a full enjoyment of our favorite personality theory. They are:

  1. everyone does everything at one time or another‘  often I will hear people say, ‘oh man! that’s something only a scott would do’ or,  ‘my cousin is a firefighter, isn’t that a rogerian job, he doesn’t strike me as being a roger!’  The ‘everything Rule’ is there to remind us that, though the Doctrine tells us that there are three distinct personal realities (aka worldviews), we are all still living in a common world. In this world,  there are Firefighters and Fisherman, Surgeons and Gardeners, Prostitutes and Politicians, Teachers and Children…. clarks and scotts and rogers are all of these things and everything else. The (observed) effect of having a particular worldview  is not simply that a scott will approach a job or a hobby or a romantic date differently than would a clark or a roger,  but the thing that she experiences, the dang an sich, is manifested in accordance to her worldview. It is this ‘manifesting’ that is what allows for the different worldviews to interact with the common worldview and still permit the individual differences to be expressed. Not only can we know how a certain thing might manifest for a person, given their worldview, but we can also predict how the person will experience and you know that means!
  2. ‘manifesting’ is what accounts for how we will experience (any part of life) and therefore, to an extent, the range of choices available to us…. ( you want an example in real life? well, do you?…then go to our friend Christine’s blog and read this Post  and keep in mind (like we need to tell you…lol) she is a scottian woman. And just in case you are tempted to think,  ‘but that’s obvious! she’s a scott! Go and see how a certain situation manifests to a roger. Kristi has a Post that could have been titled, ‘A Brief Insight into the Thoughts and Feelings of a Well-Balanced roger on a Typical Day’  here…. read this Post.
    ( I would cite a Post written by a clark but…. talk about your ‘coals to Newcastle‘ !  lol…. check these out: Lizzi (pick a post…any post) or zoe, (interesting for reasons beyond the scope of this Post) or…Denise or Cyndi.  G’wan with ye now.

As today’s Post’s subtitle implies, the adventure of traveling in time, where it possible, would be a different experience for each of the three worldviews. rogers, being the technically gifted (they are the reason that we have computers and reliable airliners (yeah, so I’m like 87 years old with that expression) and the natural engineers. Their time machine would look something like:  time-machines-through-er-time-20100325065957774

a clark, well while clarks know an awful lot of things and, are the genuinely creative (of the three personality types), will attempt to forestall criticism (and laughter) by fashioning a machine that will simply look cool and thereby obviate the probing questions, such as: ‘how does it actually work?’ and, ‘does it actually work?’. Their time machine would tend to look something like: article-0-15B29EB6000005DC-602_634x430

While scott (though not inclined to take the time to build an actual time machine), would simply find one and hot-wired it to take his/her friends on a joyride in: 1000_Time-Machine

That being said,  this Post is about the Wakefield Doctrine, not time machines.  Then again, if the Wakefield Doctrine is all that it’s cracked up to be, surely it could predict how a concept (and common) day dream such as ‘If I could travel back in time and retain my experience and knowledge, yet inhabit my younger body, with no one around me being any the wiser, I would…..

…out of time. So, tell us how you would use Time Travel. (You don’t even have to tell us your predominant worldview… your Comment will tell us that, thank you.  lol)


#17 the Wakefield Doctrine (“…17!??! you sure that’s not 27? jeez… what? no! hell! I can keep this up forever”)

Welcome to the Wakefield Doctrine (the theory of clarks, scotts and rogers)


the Wakefield Doctrine is a way to look at the behavior of the people in our lives and appreciate the world as they are experiencing it.

(nope! while this opening sentence may sound like we’re still in serious discussion mode, we are not.)

Since I’m stumbling around (rhetorically, of course)  this morning for today’s ‘hook’  lets get out everyone’s favorite, the  dileto of the wannabe-good-writer, the blog Post’s best friend… bullet points (bulletpoint motto: ‘hey! you have incomplete thoughts that seem like, in skilled hands might be intriguing to the Reader? bring ’em on!’):

  • clarks think, scotts act and rogers feel
  • the Wakefield Doctrine is for you, not them
  • the Wakefield Doctrine will allow you to infer how the other person is ‘relating themselves to the world around them’.
  • the Wakefield Doctrine will put you in a position to know more about the other person than they know about themselves ( variation 1.3: ‘with the Wakefield Doctrine you will know more about the other person than you have any right to know’.)
  • clarks are the people that you know you really like, but sometimes get busy with and forget
  • scotts are the friend that you know will do something to embarrass you, but you also are really fond of them, so you pre-excuse them before each new social gathering
  • rogers make up the majority of any group of people you might encounter, their solidarity is such (and secret) that there is no concern with having too many of them… the herd is horizontal (not vertical as with a pack of scotts) and clarks?… hell! you could have one (maybe two, never more than three) working alongside you the whole day today and not notice them, unless one of two things happen: a) the clark gets upset (no, it will not be with you! if they were upset with you, you would not only not know, you would not notice them…at all) or 2) need something that the others of your kind simply are not capable of providing (i.e. acceptance without reciprocity)
  •  scotts will make you laugh, rogers will encourage you to laugh, clarks will let you laugh
  • when you were growing up and in elementary school…  in trouble a lot? a scott  …one of two sent to the Principles’ Office? a clark  …afraid to get in trouble with the Teacher yet still have it happen …scott (female)
  • oh yeah… haven’t mentioned this in a while,  the Wakefield Doctrine is gender neutral and culture neutral
  • we have all three types in potential, however we live in one personal reality, i.e. our predominant worldview
  • last item…. and this is a hint as to why yesterday’s discussion was so intriguing and difficult…. ready?  these personal realities?  they are real.  We talk about how clarks are the ‘Outsider’ personality type, right?  and we can recognize a clark (or a scott or a roger) because of characteristic ways of behaving (of course, what we really mean by this is ‘relating themselves to the world around them’)…but the basic fact is that for me (for example), I am (an) Outsider.  and scotts?  the world they live in is the reality of the Predator and Prey, they are not choosing to act as they do, they are acting the way that they do simply because, given the nature of the world, ‘as they experience it’,  it is the only way to act and live and thrive successfully.  rogers? same thing  the world (when a roger wakes up this morning), is, in fact, a quantifiable place…2 + 2 not only equals 4 it cannot equal anything else….ever. and the relationship rogers have with the traditions they experience and discover and learn about?…all real and all very full of value ….to them.  not a choice, a fact. reality.    we’re all used to/been brought up knowing that the world is the world as it appears to us… ‘you can’t fight city hall’, ‘measure twice cut once’, ‘haste makes waste’, ‘to the victor goes the spoils’,  ‘waste not want not’…. all those things are of the world we all live in,  but we all live in our own personal reality and that’s the gift of and fun of the Wakefield Doctrine
  • ya know?



Sweet 16 the Wakefield Doctrine ‘lets talk to the rogers out there… my credentials? one word: ‘Ken Burns’!’ now may I pass?

Welcome to the Wakefield Doctrine (the theory of clarks, scotts and rogers)


…I know that zoe is looking forward to the crazy(er) Posts that are inevitable when one embarks on a everyday-a-new-Post Challenge, however, the blog gods have smiled and yesterday’s Post saw  a couple of Comments that caused me to say, ” Readers who are expressing a slight (though endearing) confusion on the matter of figuring their worldview, how cool is that?”
(visual: zoe’s frown of disappoint begins to waver and soften, eyebrows reversing their downward aspect, “hey skip! come here! Clark’s going to try to charm rogers!”)

from Sandy Ramsey:  “You know, I don’t know why I have to keep coming back to decide where I fall. Can I be a clark with a side of roger? That seems to be where I find myself every time I look. 

from Pattie: “I am still very confused about scotts, rogers, and clarks. Does it help that I know that I am an ENFJ?”

from Lisa: “Somehow managed to read through post and comments and not be totally confused…that’s a step!”

To paraphrase Gordon Gecko, ‘…confusion is good’. Why do I make such a bold (and annoying) statement? Because the one thing we have found to be necessary, on the part of new Readers of the Wakefield Doctrine is what we used to refer to as mental flexibility, i.e. the enjoyment of preposterous notions, intriguing puzzles and plain old ‘hey! imagine this!’.  I take heart from the Comments of Readers who say, “I understand this thing but it doesn’t seem to want to work for me” or “…I know what the three worldviews are but I am equally all three” or “what do you mean I’m just a member of the Herd!” and “…did you just call me a &*#&(^ Predator?!?!”

The Wakefield Doctrine maintains that, at a very early age, we all find ourselves in one of the three worldviews, (that of the Outsider-clarks, the Predator-scotts or the Herd Member-rogers) and that it is the coping strategies and skills we develop dealing with this personal reality that makes us clarks, scotts or rogers. Another way to put this: how do we (or the person we are trying to understand) ‘relate ourselves to the world around us’?  We would ask ourselves the question: ‘Am I/are they relating to the world as would:

  1. an Outsider  who lacks the assumption of belonging, finding solace in the intellect as the path to what they believe they lack, while enjoying a freedom of options and the truly genuine creativity that can only come from being outside of the normal expectations and requirements of the common-sense world
  2. a Predator  who lives to thrive and thrives on life, moving through a world/day alert to certain danger and focused on providing the basics and subsistence for the pack, taking what is found for what it must be (as opposed to: what it might be/what it may hope to be) decisive in action, limited in reflection always passionate
  3. a Herd Member who knows that they belong, the underlying relationship to everything is so fundamental as to be nearly imperceivable the relationship of this person (to the world around them) is one of certainty and the relationship of this person with the others in world around them is knowable, that this knowing is simple and direct (a) ‘Right Way’ and…other ways. Tradition is a value, in and of itself, and to demonstrate evidence of tradition is the greatest good

ya know what I mean? so try out the rogerian worldview, why doncha?

the really cool thing about this here Wakefield Doctrine here is that you …can’t….get…it…wrong.  You have a predominate worldview. One. Not all three. Not none of the those three. One of the three.

the real challenge for those-who-might-be-rogers is not what you’d think!  (I know… you clarks and (some) scotts are thinking, “…hey rogers live in a world of certainty, exactness….like engineers they have a problem when there is not a 100% clearly perfect match!!! that’s why rogers have a tough time finding their predominate worldview…they’re looking for exactihood!”)
While that is very close and nearly the answer I was going for, what I was thinking was that rogers, upon seeing something where people seem to be sharing a common idea,  expect to immediately identify with the thing that those people are sharing. …. but upon closer examining, there are lumps and inconsistency and outrageous statements. Something must be wrong.

Thanks to Kristi for her comment regarding the use of the designation ‘Herd Member’   it is kind of   ….inciteful?  lol  but then, a few years ago we heard from a few scotts about the use of the term Predator  …’hey! what the hell! that’s kinda  mean and suggestive of one of the Great Cats or wolves what with the attack first, rip apart the foes and seduce…. oh yeah,  never mind.’

Two things about the inciteful and provocative language: a) it actually, when you get down to what we originally referred to as ‘Original Behavioral Metaphor’  all three of these are kind of accurate and 2) this Doctrine is not a stolid, op.cit., academic-worthy personality theory… it’s fun  it’s exciting and, even without the inspired insights into human nature…. it’s meant to make you yell, and laugh and cry. So…lighten up and enjoy whichever parts of this thing that you want.

