Month: September 2014 | the Wakefield Doctrine Month: September 2014 | the Wakefield Doctrine

30 the Wakefield Doctrine “…Thought there might be a follow up to my comment, seeing as how you are nearing the end.”

Welcome to the Wakefield Doctrine (the theory of clarks, scotts and rogers)


You know those ‘warnings’ that I thrown into Posts, almost as an aside, ‘hey! …thought you might want to know’? The most frequent is  ‘…once you get to the point of knowing the Wakefield Doctrine well enough to recognize,  the clarks, scotts and rogers in your life, you will not be able to not recognize them’? Let me add a new warning:

‘at the point that you understand the Wakefield Doctrine well enough to correctly infer your own predominate worldview, you will realize that being aware, (of your predominate worldview),  diminishes some of the un-self-conscious spontaneity and fun, the simple joy and certain solace, the confidence and effectiveness that you once possessed, in how you related yourself to the world (and the people) around you.’

Take heart! The advantage of knowing the Wakefield Doctrine and being able to employ its perspective as an additional tool for life, far outweighs the disadvantage represented in the Comment from scottian FOTD, Christine,  “I need to think like a clark. Do you know how hard it is for me to think like a clark? Ugh.”
Ugh indeed! This, a scott seeing the world as a clark would experience it, is the most difficult thing in the world, (for a scott). It is as difficult a task as it is for a clark to feel like a roger  or a roger to act like a scott. But, for as difficult as it is, it is possible and the resulting perspective will allow you to know ‘the other person’ better than you have any right to know them. 

As we know (or we should know), while everyone is born with the capacity to experience the world as any of the three types and, although, everyone grows up and develops ‘their personality type’ in just one worldview (aka predominate worldview), we retain the potential to experience the world as do ‘the other two’. But! it is not a math thing, there is no requirement that anyone have a significant secondary or tertiary aspect. I can simply be a clark. I can be all roger. I might be a scott.  The thing of it is, if you’re of one worldview, in other words, a predominate with no secondary or tertiary aspects, there is little likelihood you’d still be reading (and understanding) (and enjoying) this here Doctrine here. You, my Readers,  have that quality, a certain combination of curiosity and self-confidence that makes a thing like the Wakefield Doctrine: attractive (in a quirky way), interesting (in a way that some of your friends surely would not agree with), and useful (in ways that you are only beginning to suspect will be difficult).

None of you who are still reading this, are simply a clark or scott or roger, with no secondary or tertiary aspects.
Hey! want to hear something that will make the clarks say, ‘no! don’t! you’ve made such progress’! and get the scotts to laugh and look around  and cause some of the rogers to get mad?

‘every Reader of this blog has a significant secondary clarklike aspect, provided that they are not already a predominate worldview clark’

So enough with the Warning(s)!!!!!  lets do something useful.

Here in blockquotes is a common life-situation of a type that the Doctrine was meant to be helpful with:

“Habits being hard to break… (a)  a mid-teen “clark” to change some … bad habits.”

“He honestly thinks the choices he is making are the best ones at the time, even though they are completely counter to solving the actual problem. They solve the immediate one… but not the long-term one”

So…. lets imagine what it’s like to be a young clark…. (to be continued,  in yesterday’s Comment thread)


29th Post the Wakefield Doctrine ‘tick tock….tick tock…..tick’

Welcome to the Wakefield Doctrine (the theory of clarks, scotts and rogers)

...wire money?....please?!

Fairly anticlimactic ending to the Wakefield Doctrine’s Great 30-Posts-in-30 Days 30 Day Challenge. One more day.

….you know, as a young clarklike child, I used to deal with approaching bad things ( trips to the dentist, asking a girl out the first time, trying for a job that I believed I should really want), grammatically. No, I’m serious! I would think about what was coming in a day or a two weeks or at the end of high school and try to figure it out.  …and when that didn’t change anything ( ha ha… a bit of Doctrine humour) I would finally think, “well, no matter what, there will come a time when this thing will have had happened.”   (To the scotts out there reading this, ‘yes we do put a tremendous amount of energy and effort into things that we should not be putting our energy into‘.)  But!  …it helped.  That game of words helped me get through the difficult time. It was, in fact, the best possible strategy that I could come up with, given the reality that I faced.

This bears repeating. In fact, my Reply to Christine’s Comment in yesterday’s Post, was a variation of this very concept, i.e. when we attempt to help a person who is living in a different predominate worldview, the best/first thing we can do is appreciate the world as they are experiencing it.  (note! not:  understand what they are going through, not figure out where they went wrong, not evenknow how they feel…. appreciate1)  The reason being that, as a clark, I don’t make my decisions, (and form my opinions and develop my strategies), just because I feel like acting the odd one, I do it because that is the nature/character of the reality I am living in. (no, that is not a giant, universal excuse for doing …whatever),  worldviews are not separate realities2, we all live in ‘the world’ and we all have essentially the same situations and choices and demands and requirement (yes, you do hear Tesla warming up in the distance).  But our personal realities are still there, so close that only we can see them.

as to the end of the 30 Day Challenge?

The Wakefield Doctrine is not ‘the Answer’, it is a tool,  a viewpoint, a perspective. The Wakefield Doctrine does not tell you what to do, it tells you that there is more to the world than you might be aware of. The Wakefield Doctrine will not change the nature of the problems that you face today, but it might let you see a another way to see the world today. However, the Wakefield Doctrine does help you (if you are so inclined) to see the world as your husband or your Teacher, your 16 year old child or Shift Manager, your physician or that girl you really like, are experiencing it. ….and you know, that’s not such a bad thing.

…and it’s fun.


1) as in the second definition listed in most dictionaries:  “…To be fully aware of or sensitive to; realize:  (

2) thanks, Carlos!





28 TToT and thee…. the Wakefield Doctrine (the real question is, what happens after September?)

Welcome to the Wakefield Doctrine (the theory of clarks, scotts and rogers)

with this for a start, how can we go wrong?

with this for a start, how can we go wrong?

1) I’m grateful that:  a) the world has so many little things that can cause excitement and amusement  and 2) it’s so easy to spot the clark in public, (the photo of the 2 pennies?) I was the one in line at the Dunkin Donuts yesterday, looking at my change as I waited for my coffee and saying ‘what the hell! when did they change this?!!?’  and laughing (at the thought of how I must appear to the customers and the people behind the counter)

2) I am grateful to the Wakefield Doctrine and the company I keep here, in the ‘sphere.  …and not just for the clarks (who help me modify my own worldview), but also to the scotts and rogers for their assent and encouragement.

3) Freely admitting to a certain… ceremonial indulgence in what can only be called superstitious thinking. I will not, however, speak too directly about the approaching end of the Great Wakefield Doctrine 30 Day Challenge, other than to say, ‘what next for everyone’s favorite personality types blog? Any thoughts or suggestion will be appreciated.’

4) Speaking of hypo-peer pressure*, I went over to Achieving Clarity’s post a few minutes ago, and she did that ‘things that made me the person I am‘ exercise. What a lot of fun it was to read… Though not exclusively the domain of a clark, there is something about, (being permitted), to get a glimpse into another’s life that is quite enriching.  (Remember growing up and the first friend that wasn’t a relative? And how, when you went to his/her house for the very first time and showed you her/his toys and stuff, it was like, ‘wow, look at all these…. (different/more than/odd-but-way-interesting) things!’  That’s sort of the kick I got out of reading her Post. A look at some cool/interesting things, without the need to understand, but still allowed the fun to imagine what it means.  ya know?)

5) I normally go for one of the gratitude standbys, on the 2nd Post (for the TToT), in this case, my work. It is true that I’m grateful for having the work that I do, even though it is often a lot of work to get myself to give myself a break long enough to appreciate what I have….  (and if that last does not require a re-read, allow me to say, ‘hello, clark‘  )  I am aware of my own tendency to make things difficult on myself, and, for that awareness, I am grateful.

6) Hey! speaking of work and the Wakefield Doctrine…. Wednesday after leaving the office, I stopped at a small convenience store to buy some ginger ale. ( We don’t drink soda at home, however,  ginger ale is essential to recovering from a cold). As I was getting in my car, a broker from another real estate company drove up, so we chatted a bit. (yeah, I know!  this is something to be grateful for? ) well, the thing of it is, she’s a scott of the first order and even as we talked shop, I  couldn’t help smiling (inwardly) as I noted her scottian characteristics (i.e. eyes… intensity, short declarative sentences).

7) we were talking last night, (on the Saturday Night Call-in), about how well versed so many Readers of this blog are in the principles of the Wakefield Doctrine and how adept at identifying the three personality types many Readers are these days.  As often happens, the conversation focused on rogers, how they can more difficult to spot (purely on the basis of physical appearance) and it brought to mind one of the more remarkable video clips that I’ve found that illustrates the personality types.  Below is an interaction between a scott and a roger. I know I don’t have to tell anyone who is which. I do want to add to your enjoyment of this vid by saying, ‘we all know that rogers are ‘of the Herd’… this is the defining characteristic of their worldview. But this ‘Herd thing’ is, of course, a metaphor‘.
Being a metaphor allows us to gain a greater insight, from the perspective of the Doctrine. Watch how the rogerian character seems to be referring/relating/referencing something around him (not actually there), clearly he is relating to the Herd. Remember what we said last week about how rogers like to leave the TV on, even though they’re not actually watching it?  that is referencing the Herd.

8)  While I not a fan of this time of year, I will admit to not totally hating it when the temperatures get into the 70s and the sky is clear.

9) Despite my natural and understandable impatience with the rate of growth of the new grass in the front yard, it is fun to see the change and  watch it take form (as a real lawn) each day… sorta like the special effects they used to use to introduce to a flashback scene in an old TV show?  wavy…wavier….waviest…. less wavy… least wavy….

10)  the BoSR… without fail, I find a way to reference it each and time I  complete a TToT Post, even when I don’t ‘need’ an item!


Ten Things of Thankful


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* well, not precisely a ‘real’ word… it is used to describe the state of feeling good about someone that you suspect would be a member of the peer group that you might aspire to, but do not have the nerve (or the rogerian emotional confidence) to openly acknowledge the compliment


27th (of 30) the Wakefield Doctrine (it’s the weekend, so this is also a TToT Post)

Welcome to the Wakefield Doctrine (the theory of clarks, scotts and rogers)



1) grateful for ‘the google’. Just last night, zoe and I were on the early bird vidchat* and the topic of conversation was, (at one point), the variety of pitfalls encountered when attempting to self-improve oneself. I mentioned that sometimes the effort to change/improve can devolve into a repetitious and exhausting rehashing of old traits, beliefs and habits. The thought of ‘a struggle with oneself’ triggered a reference in my head, something relating to Greek Mythology. Barely a vague image, this memory trace was to something in one of the Greek myths (that I enjoyed as a pre-adolescent) that felt perfect as an illustration of the point I was trying to make. All I could remember of it was that it had something to do with the 7 Labors of  Hercules. So I goggled: ‘the guy that Hercules held up in the air in order to kill’   cha…ching!  Now, that 10 second search of the google may not have the romance of spending hours in a semi-dark library, climbing ladders to reach the books on the top shelf or trying to keep my eyes off the décolletage of the primly-dressed, but totally hot, Miss Carruthters (in-charge of the Private Collections Room), but it was pretty cool.

2) did I mention that I have a cold this weekend? I’ll take a chance with the Seven Guard Virgins and claim that as two separate items on today’s Grat List. (no, for this, Item #2, I’m grateful to Cyndi for introducing us to that daunting septet. While she was kind enough to point out that the Seven are charged with enforcing the terms of the implied contract, inherent in participation in ‘the bloghop that Lizzi built‘, our Mrs. Calhoun neglected to tell us much more about them. Other than, ‘ya don’t want to get on their bad side‘). Fortunately, zoe has stepped up and taken on the responsibility of interceding for us in matters of uncertainty in the use and application of said, BoSR. (Sort of like Judi Dench as M.)

3) I am hypo-grateful for the cold that I have, in that it is distracting. clarks, as ‘sick people’ probably have the greater capacity, (of the three), to continue with a normal routine. This is mostly due to the open-endedness of our definition of the word ‘normal’. But still, it’s not that much fun, interesting, but not really fun.

4) I am grateful for my  head cold in that, as a clark, we find some of the symptoms to be interesting. You know, that odd sense that the room you just walked into is, in fact, a stage set? You know everything is real, but you would swear that you saw someone push one of the walls into place, just a split second before you could turn and look directly at it. Reality, never the giant-Rock-of-Gibralter symbol of permanence and stability that is is for scotts and rogers, becomes just a little bit more…. obviously fake, when clarks have a fever.

5) (are you sure?  did I skip some subtle math-trick that everyone else knows between Item number 3 and 4?  I’d swear that I’ve been typing like, 3 or 4 hours already! It can’t be only #5!!) Thank god for the Book of Secret Rules (aka Secret Book of Rules)

6) Since we’re seeing an increasing number of new people here, at the TToT, of late, this might be a good time talk about the Book. I was about to describe the BoSR as being sort of like… you know when you take a Mulitple Choice Test? (not a regular classroom one, more the SAT, GRE or even the MAT… the one that despite (or because of) the fact that it happens only once, the pressure to do well is all the greater?) …and how there are always a bunch of questions that you know you know, but you can’t think of the correct answer so you leave them blank? But time is running out. (Here’s an interesting insight into Testing, courtesy of the Wakefield Doctrine: clarks finish the test before anyone, but don’t want to be the first to hand in their test books, so for a clark, ‘time is running out’ at, say, 2 hours and 5 minutes into a 3 hour-allotted-time Test; rogers (whose handwriting/pencilmarks get increasingly erratic and sloppy as the time runs out, as if the more graphite they lay on the Answer Sheet, the better the odds their Answer will be judged Correct) …for rogers, time is running out from the First Minute right to the 179th minute. If you’re in the Testing Room and hear the sound of breaking pencil lead, you will know who the roger in the room is… the girl who looks panic-stricken but then smiles as she remembers that she brought 4 Number 2 lead pencils;    the scotts?  lol…. (you may think to yourself: this is a national Test, it is a measure of qualification to enter higher education, the Proctors are skilled and trained  professionals)… how, in the name of god, is that scott flirting with that Proctor in the middle of the Test!?!  and, and!! the Proctor is smiling?  scotts? the time is never ‘running out’.) The BoSR is for when ‘time is running out’.

7) oh shit! I meant to explain the Book of Secret Rules for the New participants (I hate that cutsey, sells-a-million-more-books-than-I-ever-will,  “(fill-in-the-blank)….for Dummies). We will not ever have a BoSR for Dummies. If anything, the SBoR is the antithesis of every ‘…for Dummies’, ‘Cliff Notes’ or “Learn-to-Seduce-Anyone-in-30-Minutes’ book out there! I am totally grateful that there is a Book of Secret Rules (aka the Secret Book of Rules) that is available to anyone with the imagination, seriousness (about the underlying intent of this bloghop) and nerve to pick it up and use it.

8) I did go for a walk with Una last evening. Here:

9) I would be grateful to anyone out there who might find me a citation in the BoSR that would allow me an alternative to SBoR 1.3 (aka 3.1) in order to finish today’s post and get out to work.

10) Landscaping update!  the grass is beginning to grow in, unfortunately it’s growing like the beard on a 13 year old blond boy…. (look! 5 hairs next to each other!)



Ten Things of Thankful


 Your hosts

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* older bloggers can come and chat and still be off in time to watch Matlock at 9:00 or they stay around when the youngsters ‘dial-up’  people like that Joy girl  (hubba hubba! there’s a scottian life form!)


26th the Wakefield Doctrine lets do a week’s end wrap up

Welcome to the Wakefield Doctrine (the theory of clarks, scotts and rogers)


Holy Smokes! the Post-a-Day Challenge is down to the final week! Well, not your traditional 7 Days Week… but still! How time flies when you’re engaged in something being done before an audience/spectators.

“I think I finally understand now.  I am a thinking feeling actor.  Thank you for the lesson.” Pattie

“…your post-a-day this month has given me opportunity to understand this WD much better.”  Lisa

“Shake it down now!”

“Of course now I’m thinkin’ I wish I knew then what I know now, Doctrinistically speaking. How life would have been different!” Comment to yesterday’s Post

I *was* a 12 year old girl last friday. Yelled it down the netball court and everything (when questioned on my energy levels “how old ARE you?”)

“…oh wait… you are THE clark … right?”

ok! lets have a little fun! (“…no, seriously! “..I’m fun, I can do silly things!”)

Give us your opinion of the predominant worldview of the people who wrote the Comments above. I’ll give you a little start…. we would appear to have all three predominant worldviews represented… (but if that is incorrect* then somebody’s got a pretty strong secondary aspect! lol)

So tell us what you think…or feel or need to do about it.


* yes, it is possible for me to be wrong….when identifying a person’s worldview (predominant and secondary/tertiary). Not overly likely, of course…lol  but, in all seriousness ask anyone who has been on a Friday Night vidchat or a Saturday Night Drive…. challenges and proofs, evidence and indications are all part of the process that goes into the process and that’s how we learn the Doctrine  (ex: “…she is such a scott”  “she is not!!”, “now, I believe you may have overlooked a couple of suggestive reactions to a situation.” “Your ass is on fire! No frickin way she’s a scott…clearly that girl is a scott!”)
